REMINDER: 2022 Canterbury Business Network Breakfast THIS Friday!
REMINDER: 2022 Canterbury Business Network Breakfast THIS Friday!
Dear Valued Business Partners,
You are warmly invited to join us at our popular…
What: 2022 Canterbury Business Network Breakfast.
When: 6:45am For 7:00am Start – 8:30am, THIS Friday 11 March 2022.
Where: Canterbury Functions Centre (Trade Training Centre Restaurant) - Canterbury College.
- Use Sports Precinct Gate, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.
- Plenty Of On-Site Parking.
Who: Canterbury Business Network Members & Guests.
If you wish to join our Canterbury Business Network to access our school community and student employment opportunities, please contact Mr Greg Wacker:
Tel - 0437 699 840 | Email -
Canterbury Business Network Webpage
Dress Code: Business OR Smart Casual.
Breakfast Event Cost: $15 per person.
• Full Breakfast Buffet & Barista Coffee Van.
• Guest Speaker: Peter Maddock: Director - Advocacy, Engagement & Operations at the Office of the Queensland Small Business Commissioner.
With Jeni Walters: Marketing & Communications Team Member.
There are also representatives from the: Logan Office of Economic Development, Australian Retailers Association and the Beenleigh Yatala Chamber of Commerce.
Please RSVP via the 'Get Tickets' button on this Humanitix weblink.
College Information Session Videos: Welcome (And Welcome Back) To Canterbury!
College Information Session Videos: Welcome (And Welcome Back) To Canterbury!
Despite pandemic school start delays and campus visitor restrictions, extreme weather events and flooding, and ever-changing government directives, we are charging on with Term One – reaching Week 7 already!
However, three event ‘casualties’ of this rollercoaster start to 2022 have been the:
- New Families Welcome BBQ Night And Principal’s Briefing
- Junior School Parents Information Evening
- Year 12 Seniors Soiree Information Evening
Not to be deterred, we have captured all the essential content from these events in the below video presentations.
So here is your chance to see WHO does WHAT at our College, HOW and WHY…
Enjoy – and welcome (or welcome back) to Canterbury!
New Canterbury Families Welcome: Principal’s Briefing (4:09)
Junior School Parents Information Briefing (21:34)
Year 12 Seniors And Parents Information Briefing (7:54)
Logan Coaches: Wednesday Bus Update
Logan Coaches: Wednesday Bus Update
We wish to advise that Logan Coaches will be running ALL bus services tomorrow - Thursday 3 March 2022.
This will be your contracted services and all other routes that service Canterbury College.
Obviously routes will not be serviced on Thursday if unforeseen road flooding or road closures occur overnight after this message.
Kind regards
Assistant General Manager
Cavbus Group / Logan Coaches
Please Note: Clarks Logan City Bus Service and Bus Queensland: Park Ridge Transit are separate bus companies that service Canterbury College -
Canterbury College Principal's Update: For Wednesday 2 March 2022
Canterbury College Principal's Update: For Wednesday 2 March 2022
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
Our best wishes and prayers continue to flow for those families who’ve experienced or are currently enduring flood inundation, isolation and electricity outages.
While we have opened the campus today for students who are able to get here, the option to continue learning by logging in remotely through Teams has been well-received, with high take-up rates.
There is no doubt the road network into Canterbury through Beenleigh has been stretched beyond capacity and there have been delays this morning, and no doubt again this evening too, when commuters are utilising this route.
We are told that some roads around us are opening up, but for some, the high-water mark has only just been reached, and it may be days until access is available to Canterbury from some directions.
We have been very fortunate to avoid seriously water-damaged classrooms, and to be located on High Road which has Beenleigh area road access, unlike many other Logan area schools.
For Secondary students who are anxious about assessment dates, please be assured that we will push due dates and checkpoints for assignments, and reschedule in class tests for all students.
We know there are some students who either cannot attend in person or remotely and this is quite okay!
No student will be disadvantaged academically as a result of these floods.
We will be liaising with the QCAA to ensure our Year 12s in particular – who are experiencing hardships as a result of the floods, receive all the special consideration that is available to them.
If families wish to take advantage of the option to learn remotely tomorrow or Friday, this continues to be a viable choice.
Teachers are preparing work at the moment that is suitable for face-to-face AND remote learning.
One of the very few benefits of this terrible COVID pandemic, is that it has given us the ability to move our education online very quickly.
At times like this, we realise what a huge community footprint we have, with Canterbury families stretching out in a wide 20-25 kilometre radius right around our campus.
That means each of our families will have experienced very different flooding conditions, from the least to the worst, and this is why we are openly offering whichever option suits your situation best.
Finally, as always – please stay safe!
Kind regards
Dan Walker
College Principal
If you cannot get here or access Remote Learning, please advise our Student Absentee channels, so we can be best prepared for daily classes – thank you!
Absentee Line: 07 3299 0858
Coming Off M1 Flood Avoidance Route To Canterbury College
Coming Off M1 Flood Avoidance Route To Canterbury College
Dear Colleagues,
I have put together a map of the route to take to Canterbury College that avoids any flooding.
It is a two-page map (and I do apologise for my ink work - I left my stylus at work).
Please allow additional travel time when planning your journey.
If coming off the M1, please take Exit 35.
At the roundabout where the 7/11 Service Station is, turn right onto Main Road, and this will then turn into Milne Street.
Follow this all the way to the roundabout where the Mt Warren Sports Centre will be on your left.
At this roundabout turn onto Hammel Street and follow this all the way up to the roundabout (the bridge for the train line will be above you).
If that roundabout is closed, there will be a little side street with a bakery that you can take 50m beforehand.
This will take you out onto Logan River Road too.
At this roundabout, turn left onto Logan River Road and follow this road up the hill and then down.
Once you come down the hill, Bunnings will be on your left, and turn left at the lights (Fletcher Road).
This will take you onto Fletcher Road.
At the next sets of lights, turn right onto Glasson Drive.
Follow Glasson Drive to High Road.
Once at High Road, turn left and follow this until you can see the school!
Kind regards
Arnie Marraiya
Director of Administration
Canterbury College
Please be advised Logan Coaches are unable to service Canterbury College tomorrow Wednesday 2 March 2022.
We have suspended all services in our area due to flooded access roads and student and driver safety.
Thanks for your understanding.
Assistant General Manager
Cavbus Group / Logan Coaches
Canterbury College REOPENS Wednesday 2 March 2022
Canterbury College REOPENS Wednesday 2 March 2022
Canterbury College will reopen on Wednesday 2 March 2022 to resume important Term One face-to-face education on campus.
In the Secondary School, concurrent online Teams sessions may be delivered alongside face-to-face classes, to cater for those students forced to remain at home.
In the Junior School, a list of activities to complete for absent students on MyCC or in OneNote is planned to be available, and we are working on this today.
Onsite power appears secure and the rain-affected classrooms have been successfully dried out.
Although Waterford-Tamborine Road and that bottom end of Easterly Street’s dip still look like inland seas, there are no issues with College access via High Road.
So please come to school tomorrow if you are able.
And just to be perfectly clear, we are NOT asking any parents or students to risk floodwaters or flooded roads or to ignore any road closure signs, based on where they are coming from.
Different homes will have different floodwater scenarios spanning from very safe to high risk.
If you cannot get here, please advise our Student Absentee channels ASAP, so we can be best prepared for Wednesday classes.
Absentee Line: 07 3299 0858
Now the only way into Canterbury for those who use the M1, is via the Beenleigh South Exit through Beenleigh / Mount Warren Park and through Holmview and Bethania.
I know those who live to the south and west of the College are still likely to be cut off for some time yet.
At the time of writing, we are unsure how many, if any, of the Logan bus routes will be running on Wednesday.
It may be best to presume they are not available at this stage, and to plan around this, by leaving for school earlier than normal.
Loganlea Road - especially through Meadowbrook, if you haven’t seen the images, is deep underwater at the moment.
Sports and club activities that run indoors (and maybe some outdoor activities) will I’m sure be able to train this week.
Mrs Krzensk will issue a single communication on MyCC this afternoon, which confirms training schedules for sports and activities.
Finally, as always – please stay safe!
Kind regards
Dan Walker
College Principal
Please be advised Logan Coaches are unable to service Canterbury College on Wednesday 2 March 2022.
We have suspended all services in our area due to flooded access roads and student and driver safety.
Thanks for your understanding.
Assistant General Manager
Cavbus Group / Logan Coaches
Logan City Council Emergency Services Website: Regular Updates / LIVE Flood Watch / LIVE Road Traffic Cameras - Home Disaster Dashboard (
MyCC Message From Our Junior School - Return To Campus / Online Learning: Wednesday 2 March
MyCC Message From Our Secondary School - Classes Resume Wednesday 2 March
MyCC Message From Our Performing Arts Faculty - Performing Arts Rehearsals Cancelled: Wednesday 2 March
Canterbury College REMAINS CLOSED Tuesday 1 March 2022
Canterbury College REMAINS CLOSED Tuesday 1 March 2022
Canterbury College will remain CLOSED on Tuesday 1 March 2022, in the ongoing interests of family and staff safety, amid the flooding Albert and Logan Rivers surrounding our campus.
The Logan River at Waterford will not peak until tomorrow afternoon while the Albert River is rising faster than anyone predicted.
Our school has sustained some minor flood damage to classrooms and the electricity grid is still volatile and unreliable.
This means all year level classes, Camp Australia (OSHC) and our Early Learning Centre are again completely cancelled and not available throughout Tuesday.
Remote Learning will also not be offered, with power and internet services cut to many areas around Logan, disadvantaging numerous Canterbury families.
Some key arterial roads heading to and from Canterbury remain flooded, with road closure signs still in place.
In addition, many train and bus services – including Logan Coaches, remain suspended until further notice.
A growing number of private and state government Logan schools have announced, or will soon be announcing their closures too, in line with Emergency Services safety guidelines.
A decision will be made on Tuesday afternoon regarding campus operations for Wednesday, based on flooding and road conditions which cannot be predicted at this point.
So please stay safe wherever you are, and again my prayers to those families who are still battling rising waters, or whose homes went underwater over the weekend.
When these waters finally recede and the damage unmasks itself, I’m sure there will be many of us in this community ready to step up to assist those who need the help.
This Logan City Council Emergency Services Website offers regular updates and LIVE flood watch and road traffic cameras - Home - Disaster Dashboard (
Dan Walker
College Principal
Canterbury College CLOSED Monday 28 February 2022
Canterbury College CLOSED Monday 28 February 2022
The Canterbury College campus will be CLOSED THIS Monday 28 February 2022, in the interests of all family and staff safety, during this emergency wet weather flooding event.
This means all year level classes, Camp Australia (OSHC) and our Early Learning Centre are completely cancelled and not available throughout Monday.
Remote Learning will not be offered in its place, with power and internet services cut to many areas around Logan already, that house numerous Canterbury families.
There is also the strong potential for our campus to have its power and internet services cut overnight, making Remote Learning and providing any form of class supervision impossible – even for children of workers in essential services.
Electricity is obviously needed for classroom lighting and laptops, but it also powers the College’s sewage pumps, which would put all toilets out of action – ruling out having any staff or students on-site under these conditions.
Not to mention the possibility of leaking roofs or flooding classrooms, which cannot be repaired or even properly assessed during this ongoing deluge.
Another very important consideration is that some families are actually battling to protect their properties.
Many key arterial roads heading to and from Canterbury are already flooded over with road closure signs in place, including Loganlea Road (pictured) and especially Easterly Street (pictured) – while the Logan and Albert Rivers have both reached flood warning levels.
In addition, many train and bus services have been suspended until further notice, compounding access problems even more.
We note the vast majority of private and state government schools in our Logan district have announced or will soon be announcing their full closures as well, in line with safety guidelines.
A decision will be made on Monday afternoon regarding campus operations for Tuesday and Wednesday 1-2 March 2022, based on weather and road conditions which simply cannot be predicted at this point.
Canterbury College has a unique geographic distribution servicing families to the north, south, east and west.
So we have to make hard decisions in the best interests of ALL families – both neighbouring our campus and up to 20-25kms away – which we hope you will understand.
Those who were with the College back in 2017 might remember the equivalent severe tropical cyclone Debbie-related conditions we experienced back then – as well as 2011 and in 2013!
So please stay home and stay safe wherever you are, and offer a prayer for those families whose homes are going underwater as I write.
This Logan City Council Emergency Services Website offers regular updates and LIVE flood watch and road traffic cameras - Home - Disaster Dashboard (
Dan Walker
College Principal
TAS & JTAS Sport Fixtures: THIS Sat 26 Feb – CC vs St John's Anglican College Away
TAS & JTAS Sport Fixtures: THIS Saturday 26 February – CC vs St John's Anglican College Away 🏀⚽️🎾🏏🏐🏑
Below and attached HERE are your sport fixtures for THIS Saturday’s TAS (Round 5) and JTAS (Round 2) Trimester 1 matches.
We will be competing Away for the third weekend straight - this time against St John's Anglican College over at Forest Lake, with a few CHAC and Ormiston College fixtures mixed in, and some cricket clashes on Canterbury home turf.
This heavy rain could finish up Friday lunchtime - so train hard, support one another and other Taipans teams - and let's keep this red and navy momentum going!
Please check the MyCC Sport Pages for any Wet Weather updates on Friday night or early Saturday morning, and the contact details for our two Heads of Sport are on the fixture sheets.
NB: Our Secondary Boys Cricket Teams still need more players urgently!
To sign up and join the fun with your school mates, please visit our MyCC Secondary Sport Page OR contact:
FOR CRICKET: Mr Glen Walker –
Good luck to all our athletes and teams competing this weekend.
Let’s go Taipans!
Smoother Junior School Drop-Offs & Pick-Ups Procedure
Smoother Junior School Drop-Offs & Pick-Ups Procedure
Dear Parents and Carers,
After the first few weeks of Junior School student drop-offs and pick-ups, and after lengthy discussions with staff, we are implementing some additional procedures to support smoother mornings and afternoons in the carparks.
In summary:
- Parents approaching a pick-up zone are asked to display a poster of their family and children's names on the passenger side of their dashboard.
These posters have been provided to the oldest child in each family today. - Waiting students will be asked to sit and will be instructed to move to the waiting vehicles by staff.
- Parents are to remain in their vehicles and their child/ren will be delivered to the car by a teacher on duty.
- Parents are asked to park in an available parking space if they need to get out of their car.
- Year 2 students who do not have younger siblings will be collected from the High Road Pick-Up Zone.
Please find attached a detailed procedure for each drop-off and pick-up process.
A copy of this document has been sent home with the eldest child in each family today.
For these procedures to work, it is important that all parents and carers adhere to the attached guidelines, and follow the instructions of the on-duty staff.
Our staff are working very hard to make pick-ups and drop-offs as smooth as possible for all our parents.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Michelle Leftwich
Head of Junior School