Executive Leadership

Mr Daniel Walker
B.A. B.Ed. (UQ), M.Ed. (Monash University), MACEL
Mr Daniel Walker is Canterbury’s fifth Principal, having joined the College in 2019.
As our Principal, Dan is committed to Canterbury College being known as a school which inspires all-round ‘World Ready’ success in every student.
Although he sees academic achievement as our number one priority, student engagement across a wide range of sports, music, the arts, business, technology, ‘thought sports’, community service and leadership opportunities is our overarching goal.
Deputy Principal
Mrs Meagan King
B.Ed. (USYD), M.Ed. (UNE)
Mrs King oversees the quality and development of our holistic, all-round educational offerings here at Canterbury, leading forward-thinking teaching and learning, alongside co-curricular, service and leadership strategy.
She is the College’s Chief of Staff, closely monitoring the operations of Canterbury’s ELC to Year 12 teaching and learning, and co-curricular programs.
Meagan joins Canterbury College from the Methodist Ladies’ College in Perth, where she held the senior leadership position of Director of Innovation.
Prior to this, she was the Director of Teaching, Learning and Academic Performance at A.B. Paterson College on the Gold Coast.
Mrs King has vast teaching experience from ELC to Year 12, including in the area of Mathematics, which she currently teaches at Canterbury.

Director of Business and Finance
Mr Johan Louw
B.Comm.(Acc.), B.Acc.Sc. (Hons.), Fin.Mgt., Corp.Law and Acc.Theory (USQ)
Mr Louw joined Canterbury as the Financial Controller after serving as College Accountant at Calvary Christian College for 11 years.
Prior to this, he gained over 15 years’ experience across a range of private sector industries – from small businesses to large international corporates, in various financial and business management positions.
Johan is also a member of the prestigious Australian Institute of Public Accountants.
In his senior role, Mr Louw drives strategy and operational management of all aspects of the College’s financial modelling and performance.
Importantly, he oversees all budget processes and the execution of each business unit’s annual plans, alongside the campus’ many large and small capital works projects.
Head of Junior School
Ms Karen Roman
B.Ed. Learning Technology (Griffith University), M.Ed. Literacy (QUT)
Ms Roman has most recently served as the Manager of Student Services at Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ), the peak body which represents and coordinates the efforts of the independent school sector across the state.
In this role, Karen worked with hundreds of schools in the areas of learning support and inclusion, as well as curriculum planning, and has conducted dozens of reviews for school Principals into all areas of their operations.
Karen is an experienced school leader, previously serving as Head of Junior School at a large independent school on the Gold Coast for many years.
She is focused on the primacy of the classroom and ensuring there is a disciplined, caring and high-energy approach by all teachers in the Junior School.
Ms Roman achieves this through a wise use of talent and enthusiasm with staff, and a clear vision for how to maximise the achievement of every single student.
Importantly, Karen is aligned with our current direction and brings new insight to our existing programs and processes in student wellbeing, behaviour and academic achievement.

Head of Senior School
Mr Nicholas Stansbie
B.Sc. Chemistry (University of Southampton), Post. Grad. Cert. Education (University of Cambridge), M.Ed. Management (University of Melbourne), Grad. Cert. Theological Studies (St Francis Theological College)
Mr Stansbie was previously the Dean of Students at The Southport School on the Gold Coast, an Anglican ELC – Year 12 boys’ school, holding this position since 2017.
As an experienced Chemistry teacher, choralist, pianist and trumpeter, plus a rugby, football, cricket and sailing coach, boarding master, Chemistry textbook author, service expedition leader and board member of a not-for-profit organisation, Nick lives and breathes the notion of all-roundedness in the Anglican school tradition.
After commencing his career in the United Kingdom, Nick emigrated to Australia to serve as Head of Science, Head of Middle School and Director of Operations at Ballarat Clarendon College in Victoria between 2003-2015.
Mr Stansbie brings his clear understanding of school leadership to enhance Canterbury’s ‘World Ready’ education mantra, with a focus on resilience, character development and pastoral care in all our Senior School students from Years 7–12.
He works closely with our six Heads of House and entire Senior School leadership team to achieve these holistic wellbeing and academic goals.
Head of Teaching and Learning
Mrs Rebecca Adamson
M.Ed L. (Griffith University), B.Ed. (Griffith University), Grad. Cert. Career Development Practice, Cert. III in Systematic Theology, MACEL
Mrs Adamson oversees the academic curriculum, teaching and learning pedagogy, subject choices and academic development and performance of all our students in Years 7-12.
She works with the Senior School leadership team, including the Head of Senior School, Heads of Faculty and Heads of House, prioritising the academic progress of all Senior School students in pursuit of the College’s ‘World Ready’ mantra.
Rebecca joined Canterbury as the Dean of Studies in 2020 from Brisbane’s Iona College, where she served as a teacher, Service Coordinator, Head of English, and then Head of Pedagogy and Senior Years Teaching and Learning across 17 years, as well as their Tennis Coordinator.
At Canterbury, she was soon promoted to Head of Secondary School – now Head of Senior School in 2021, until becoming our Head of Teaching and Learning in 2025.
Mrs Adamson is extremely dedicated to supporting students in both their academic success and overall holistic achievement, while overseeing a high-expectations culture in the Senior School.
In her demanding roles, she has built confidence in Canterbury’s core product, as well as executed strategy and led change with courage and heart.
Rebecca remains committed to the QCAA senior assessment system through her work as a confirmer for English and Geography.
Mrs Adamson was a driving force in 2020 and 2021 for Canterbury’s respected partnership with the University of Queensland, as we refined our Learner’s Toolkit model.
Rebecca oversees our revised Community of Practice (COP) teaching model, manages and enhances our The Canterbury Way – Teaching Learning Framework, and she is devising a program of student academic tracking and observing teacher practice within the classroom.