Anglican Values
Canterbury College is proud to be an Anglican School operating in cooperation with the Anglican Schools Commission.
We specifically belong to the Anglican Church Southern Queensland (ACSQ) Branch.
The vocation of Anglican Schools is education driven, by a vision of humanity shaped by the image of God, made visible in Jesus, present in every human being.
Each year the Archbishop of Brisbane, The Most Reverend Jeremy Greaves, delivers a message to Anglican Schools with a specific theme for the year.
In 2024, this theme is: Community Connection and Engagement.
Because we are an Anglican School…
- We value diversity in faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and ability, and welcome everyone with generous hospitality.
- We live out the gospel values of kindness, generosity, love, justice, fairness, truth, hospitality, service, compassion, forgiveness and redemption.
- We seek truth via intellectual endeavour and embrace science and philosophy to answer the ‘big questions’.
- We know and care for the development of the whole person – mind, body and spirit.
- We seek to serve our community, seek justice and a voice for the voiceless.
- We observe spiritual and liturgical traditions and seek to make sense of them in a modern way.

Anglican worship at Canterbury includes an annual program of chapels and worship opportunities where every member of the College community is encouraged to attend and participate.
These include Junior School and Senior School Chapels, End Of Term Chapel Services, Foundation Day Chapel, Ash Wednesday Chapel for the Season of Lent, Easter Whole College Chapel, ANZAC Day College Chapel, Year Level Eucharists, plus the annual Family House Chapels.
The major school calendar highlight is the Annual Canterbury College St John’s Anglican City Cathedral Service held at 373 Ann Street in Brisbane’s CBD for all Years 5-12 students and staff.
Service and Mission
A key aspect of spiritual life at Canterbury is that of service to those in need, whether in the local community, wider Queensland and Australian community or overseas.
The Canterbury College community is one of great compassion and generosity, and supports the ministry of many causes, including the Anglican Board of Mission, annual Archbishop’s Appeals, local parishes, retirement villages and many welfare and community organisations across Logan.
Our students and staff have regularly travelled overseas to developing countries to assist local communities with building, sanitation, tree planting, education and other important initiatives.
Our Places of Worship
The senior students of 2011 built a Bush Chapel, continuing the Canterbury tradition of each Year 12 cohort giving a graduation gift.
Set among the trees and built from natural resources, the much-loved Bush Chapel’s purpose is a place for students to be united, connected and comforted.
A second Bush Chapel was built in 2019, overlooking the athletics track and with a beautiful view back towards the rest of the campus, giving the College another outdoor space for taking classroom teaching outdoors, special events or a just quiet space for individual or group reflection.
The Chapel of the Good Shepherd was donated by The Anglican Church Grammar School shortly after Canterbury was founded.
The gorgeous stained glass windows were installed by staff and students.
Year level Chapels, class Eucharists, Baptisms, Communions and Confirmations have all been held here.
Many past students return to the chapel for special occasions.
Religious Education Curriculum
Our Anglican faith is reinforced through Religious and Values Education (RAVE) lessons from Prep to Year 10 and regular lectures and tutorials in Years 11 and 12.