Junior School Uniform & Personal Presentation Guide
Senior School Uniform & Personal Presentation Guide
Personal Presentation
Canterbury College expects all Senior School students to meet our conservative and long-standing expectations regarding their personal presentation while on campus.
If a Senior School student attends the College in breach of these policy conditions, their parent or carer will be contacted for the situation to be rectified, before the student is welcome to return.
No jewellery is to be worn with any College uniform, or during any College event, apart from these exceptions:
Only female students can have ear piercings which are to be in the earlobe only.
Senior School female students are permitted to wear:
- One pair of gold or silver sleeper earrings (maximum 14mm diameter and no thicker than 2mm).
- Round stud earrings (maximum 4mm), with one earring in each ear.
- Small pearl earrings (maximum 4mm).
Senior School girls are not permitted to wear studs and sleepers with any embellishments, with all earrings to be of a plain style with no stones.
Students are permitted to wear religious symbols that are not visible around the neck while wearing a College uniform.
Other religious jewellery requires a ‘Uniform Exemption’ application to be submitted.
Wristbands are not permitted, excluding medical bracelets.
Students may wear one wristwatch and the watchband must have a conservative colour complementary to the Canterbury uniform such as blue, black, grey or tan.
It must be a conservative style, so no over-sized or toy-based watches.
Students are not permitted body piercings such as in the eyebrows, nostrils, lips or tongues.
Plastic studs for piercings are not permitted.
Hair & Grooming
Hair is to be neatly brushed and always groomed.
The acceptability of hairstyles is based on neatness, cleanliness and general appearance when wearing all formal and sporting College uniforms.
Girls with hair longer than the top of their College blouse collar must have their hair tied up, brushed neatly in single or double ponytails, plaits, braids or a bun, as half up is not permitted.
Hair that is styled on top of the head should not prevent girls from wearing College hats.
Small elastic hairbands for ponytails must be a natural colour, black or clear.
Hair accessories like ribbons or scrunchies may be navy, red, white or clear, while hair ties and pins should be a natural colour.
Hair claws are not permitted and oversized accessories e.g. JoJo bows are not permitted either.
Boys are expected to be always clean shaven without any beards, goatees, moustaches or stubble, and sideburns may not be any lower than the bottom of the ears.
Boys’ hair is to be regularly cut, styled and blended conservatively and always neatly groomed.
Radical and exaggerated hairstyles for all students – including those with excessive length, bulk or extreme height, are not permitted.
Such hairstyles include, but are not limited to: stepped haircuts, wedges, comb-overs, tracks, mohawks, undercuts, mullets, shaved lines and styles of an uncombed appearance.
Hair length must be off the ears and face, and not interfere with the eyes.
Boys’ hair is to be cut so it is above the buttoned collar of the formal College uniform.
The hair is not to interfere with the correct wearing of College hats or issued protective equipment.
Students are to avoid the use of hair products when styling their hair.
A student may not attend the College with hair that is not of a natural colour or consistent in its appearance, including streaks, ombre, balayage and tips.
Decisions about appropriate hair colour are at the discretion of the relevant Head of School.
Cosmetic & Make-Up Enhancements
Students are not permitted to wear cosmetic or make-up enhancements.
This includes, but is not limited to: fake eyelashes or eyelash extensions, eye make-up, enamel nails inclusive of tips, French manicures, nail polish and any make-up including lipstick or coloured lip gloss.
Senior School girls are allowed light coverage with a foundation.
Tattoos – either visible or not – are not permitted, so students with tattoos will have their College enrolment reviewed.
Over the Summer Holidays our Uniform Shop has been relocated to a larger and much more central campus location, for our Junior School, Senior School and Early Learning Centre families.
It is now situated beside Care Central, with convenient carparking straight out front along Easterly Street via the Easterly Street Roundabout Gate entrance.
- Same wide and well-stocked high quality school uniforms product range.
- Same trading hours and personalised in-store advice, fittings and service.
- Same The School Locker supplier partnership.
- BUT in a more centralised and roomier location.

Tel: 07 3299 0925
NEW Campus Location: Access Via Easterly Street Roundabout Gate, Easterly Street, Waterford.
In-Term Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:30am – 11:30am, Wednesday: Closed, Weekends: Closed.
Payment Methods
IN-STORE: EFTPOS, Credit Card or Cash.
ONLINE: Credit Card or BPAY.
Please Note: The Campus Uniform Shop does not accept Credit Card payments over the telephone.
And please remember to keep the tags and packaging from your new items, just in case an exchange is required.
Uniform Shop Returns Policy PDF
Dry Cleaning
The Uniform Shop offers a Dry Cleaning service for your convenience.
Dry Cleaning can be paid for in person at the Uniform Shop.
Dry Cleaning collection and drop-off days are Mondays and Thursdays during Term time.
Online Orders
Online uniform ordering and purchasing is available 24/7.
Online Ordering Canterbury College QuickLink HERE.
You can pick up your items at either the campus or Loganholme store in person during opening hours OR have them delivered at an additional cost.
Please advise your preferred pick-up store, plus pick-up date and approximate time, via email –
And please remember to keep the tags and packaging from your new items, just in case an exchange is required.
Second-hand uniforms are not for sale online as there is no refund or exchange on these items.
Happy Shopping!

Canterbury Blazer Pockets | FREE Updates @ Campus Uniform Shop
Dear Parents, Carers & Students,
Canterbury updated its blazer pocket during 2023, so is offering ALL students in Years 7-12, FREE replacement of their existing blazer pockets if required.
There were three different types of blazer pocket designs in circulation over the last 5-10 years, and we are hoping to gradually standardise them all down to just one.
So we ask any remaining students in Years 7-12 to bring their ‘older style’ blazers into the campus Uniform Shop to take advantage of this FREE offer.
This will also include any blazers that are brought in for secondhand sales, or blazer pockets with line awards.
Naturally, please ensure ALL blazers are clearly named for easy return to their rightful owners.
For any enquiries, please contact our campus Uniform Shop – T: 07 3299 0925 | E:
Thank you!
Lost + Found Property Rooms
Junior School Lost Property Room
Location: Behind the Junior School Administration Office at the High Road carpark.
Opening Hours: Open for student and/or parent and carer access before school, after school, and during school hours on weekdays in-term.
Contact: Junior School Administration Office – E: | T: 07 3299 0847
Canterbury remains acutely aware that parents and carers spend hard-earned money on school uniforms each year, and hopes this dedicated room will help reunite all lost items with their rightful owners, especially during these tougher economic times.
Senior School Lost Property Room
Location: P Block – Room P3, Senior Campus.
Opening Hours: Every Tuesday and Thursday mornings in-term from 8:00am – 8:20am, OR students can visit Senior Admin during break times, OR see their Head Of House for room access.
Students can only access the room with staff supervision.
Parents and carers can also contact Ms Rina Leapai – our Student Welfare Officer, at the Senior Administration Office to arrange a visit – E: | T: 07 3299 0843
Canterbury remains acutely aware that parents and carers spend hard-earned money on school uniforms each year, and hopes this dedicated room will help reunite all lost items with their rightful owners, especially during these tougher economic times.