Academic Achievement
A snapshot of our
Year 12 results

OP1/99 ATAR students

OP/ATAR eligibility percentage

Percentage receiving tertiary offers each year

Percentage of students achieving above 90 ATAR

Percentage of A and B results across Year 12 subjects

Our Student Futures Summary:
32% of our graduates are responding to the growing call for community care post-pandemic, and with a steadily aging population, via further studies in health.
19% of our graduates are progressing their ‘real world’ entrepreneurial mindsets and business ventures by embarking on further studies in business and commerce.
13% of our graduates who excelled in the school sciences like biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics, are advancing their academic knowledge with further studies in science, mathematics and engineering.
NB: Some of these tertiary, university and private college educational fields overlap so the overall percentage exceeds 100% when totalled up.
Chosen Industry
Class of 2023

Jack Henry
In 2018 a miniature version of me entered Canterbury College for his first day of Year 7, nervous but excited.
Filled with energy, I didn’t realise the impact this school would have on the rest of my life.
Sometimes, battered and bruised from playing rugby on the weekend, I still walked into school on my final days full of excitement for the day ahead.
Now, still growing – but a lot bigger version of Jack Henry, I leave the school proud, loud and confident, with big ambitions for the future.
The guidance and support I’ve received from staff and fellow students, has directed me to become the young man I am today.
Always involved with extra-curricular activities, given my love of sport, I have played volleyball, basketball, rugby, touch football, athletics and even soccer.
But the classroom support has helped me grow into more than just a sportsman, but a student with a love for learning, and a leader full of passion.
Creating friends across the College, that I will now have lifelong connections with, is one thing I am so grateful for.
Every day there are challenges, and every day you learn something new, with these experiences readying me for the real world.
Speaking at School Assemblies and running meetings, while keeping up with academic and sporting workloads, has taught me to balance life, while being more prepared and making efficient use of my day.
In 2023, I made the Australian Schoolboys team for rugby, while gearing up to step into university to study physiotherapy.
These opportunities would never have presented themselves if it wasn’t for this school moulding me into the person I am – a passionate, excited young man ready to ‘take the bull by the horns’ in the real world.

Ava-Grace Sellan
I started my Canterbury College journey in 2021 in Semester 2 of Year 10.
I came ready to make the most of this opportunity, and I can say without any doubt, that my goal was accomplished.
In the short time I’ve been at Canterbury, I have done my absolute best to take advantage of every opportunity thrown at me.
Canterbury not only encouraged me to enjoy the things I already loved, and to try new sports and extra-curriculars, but also to support other students’ interests and passions.
Going to music nights and alumni games helped me to grow a strong connection to the Canterbury community, allowing me to see firsthand the abundance of talent our school enjoys.
My experiences included volleyball (playing and coaching), athletics, debating, swimming and even small appearances at netball and the cross country track.
These extra-curricular programs helped me build friendships with people across the whole campus, and forge relationships with teachers and coaches that I will never forget.
I valued and embraced any chance to connect with my community.
Being part of the Rosies: Friends on the Street team, was something I found thoroughly rewarding, and I plan on continuing my work with them for years to come.
Canterbury allowed me to see my potential and set amazing goals I would never have thought possible.
They made me feel like family and showed me that anything is possible, while the school community enabled me to feel as though I truly belong.
My time as a student leader has also let me dive into people’s potential and passion, showing them that they too, can achieve whatever they put their minds to, and that they belong at Canterbury too.
I am so grateful to have been a part of such a welcoming and kind community.

Kai Yi Keh
My 14-year Canterbury journey which began in 2010, has been filled with love, laughter, friendship and a strong sense of community.
Canterbury has always been a place that I considered ‘home’, as the people and atmosphere have always been comforting to me.
During my time here I participated in strings groups, choirs, rock school, musicals, the STEM Robocup, STEM Cup, swimming, cross country, athletics, basketball and netball.
Music and sport gave me valuable friendships that I still have today, as well as important lessons on how to work together in a team.
The school gave me opportunities I will never forget, including performing in the QPAC Concert Hall for the 35th Anniversary Concert, and in the Australian Honours Ensemble Program.
The Arts is where I’ve always felt at home, with both parents having worked in the department for many years, and I’ve been heavily involved since I picked up a violin in Prep.
To this day, I play my violin with pride in many groups, making special memories along the way.
Canterbury’s studio lessons assisted me greatly as a musician, enabling me to complete many AMEB exams, QYO auditions, and studio recitals, boosting my confidence as a performer.
From the moment I saw my name on a Pre-Prep poster, I’ve felt a strong pride for Temple House.
Whether running or swimming in carnivals or singing House Choir, I’ve always tried my best for Temple.
So I was very honoured to be the 2023 Temple House Captain and strived to create a community where people felt comfortable and included.
Temple may not win everything, but their strong family dynamic and willingness to participate makes me proud to belong.
My 14 years haven’t been completely smooth, but the teachers I’ve had made it so much easier.
Their support and commitment kept me constantly encouraged and ready to complete any challenge.
Special mention goes to Mrs O’Keefe’s Year 7 Advanced Maths class, with her love for the subject and passion for teaching, inspiring me to become a better academic student over the following six years.
I’m now looking to pursue a Bachelor of Science Degree, focussing on Chemistry at QUT Gardens Point.
I am honestly very thankful and grateful for Canterbury for everything the College has given me.
I would not be the person I am today without the experiences I have gone through, and I have made memories that I will treasure for life.

Sophie Peddell
My 14-year Canterbury journey which began in 2010, has been filled with love, laughter, friendship and a strong sense of community.
Canterbury has always been a place that I considered ‘home’, as the people and atmosphere have always been comforting to me.
During my time here I participated in strings groups, choirs, rock school, musicals, the STEM Robocup, STEM Cup, swimming, cross country, athletics, basketball and netball.
Music and sport gave me valuable friendships that I still have today, as well as important lessons on how to work together in a team.
The school gave me opportunities I will never forget, including performing in the QPAC Concert Hall for the 35th Anniversary Concert, and in the Australian Honours Ensemble Program.
The Arts is where I’ve always felt at home, with both parents having worked in the department for many years, and I’ve been heavily involved since I picked up a violin in Prep.
To this day, I play my violin with pride in many groups, making special memories along the way.
Canterbury’s studio lessons assisted me greatly as a musician, enabling me to complete many AMEB exams, QYO auditions, and studio recitals, boosting my confidence as a performer.
From the moment I saw my name on a Pre-Prep poster, I’ve felt a strong pride for Temple House.
Whether running or swimming in carnivals or singing House Choir, I’ve always tried my best for Temple.
So I was very honoured to be the 2023 Temple House Captain and strived to create a community where people felt comfortable and included.
Temple may not win everything, but their strong family dynamic and willingness to participate makes me proud to belong.
My 14 years haven’t been completely smooth, but the teachers I’ve had made it so much easier.
Their support and commitment kept me constantly encouraged and ready to complete any challenge.
Special mention goes to Mrs O’Keefe’s Year 7 Advanced Maths class, with her love for the subject and passion for teaching, inspiring me to become a better academic student over the following six years.
I’m now looking to pursue a Bachelor of Science Degree, focussing on Chemistry at QUT Gardens Point.
I am honestly very thankful and grateful for Canterbury for everything the College has given me.
I would not be the person I am today without the experiences I have gone through, and I have made memories that I will treasure for life.

Marwa Kamali
My Canterbury journey began in 2018 as a Year 7 student and has given me memories I will forever cherish – including the enduring friendships, opportunities and support systems that I’ve cultivated throughout my high school experience.
Canterbury’s vast opportunities introduced me to a wide range of subjects, from the sciences to humanities, nurturing my interests and inspiring my curiosity.
I was able to discover my passion for co-curricular activities – particularly debating, which enriched my school life, and helped me cultivate leadership skills, when I served as the 2023 Debating Captain.
Debating has not only allowed me to improve my public speaking, but enabled me to acquire networking skills with students in other grades, sharing debating tips and experiences that I’ve gained over time.
The teachers who guided me through high school were more than educators; they were mentors who instilled in me a love for learning, and the importance of perseverance.
Their dedication and encouragement left an indelible mark on my educational journey.
High school prepared me for the future, imparting academic knowledge and life skills for the transition into adulthood.
Diversity was another hallmark of my Canterbury high school experience.
Interacting with peers from various backgrounds broadened my knowledge, and it was wonderful to see our College community coming together to celebrate our multicultural United Nations Day festival.
Canterbury is a supportive environment where teachers, friends and mentors provide solace.
High school was a time of self-discovery, where I was able to unravel my strengths, weaknesses and passions, building a strong foundation for the future.
I now carry with me these lessons and experiences, grateful for the profound impact it’s had on shaping the person I’ve become.
I intend to study for a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) so I’m excited to see where this opportunity takes me.

Kevina Nishimwe
My Canterbury journey began in 2014 in Year 3, where I was greeted with opportunity, knowledge and lots of smiling faces.
Although moving schools proved to be a challenge, an even bigger challenge was being a second-generation refugee, learning English and new Australian customs.
But I committed myself to every prospect the College could offer, from academics, to sport and the arts.
J-Dance was probably one of the best extra-curriculars I participated in.
During my time at Canterbury, I was over the moon finding out I made four Firsts teams, participating in a sport each term to represent the College, wearing the uniform with pride.
I had the honour and pleasure of being an Athletics Captain in 2017 and Girls Football Captain in 2023.
It was truly a wonderful experience that shaped my leadership and public speaking skills.
It required me to step out of my comfort zone and become more confident, while developing my communication skills.
I was grateful when a new VET Certificate was introduced to the College that would broaden my opportunities beyond Canterbury’s walls.
I was among the first group of students to enrol in Certificates II and III in Health Services Assistance.
This two-year course had its ups and downs, really challenging our knowledge of biology and anatomy.
But I achieved an Assistant In Nursing (AIN) which was quite a big milestone for 16-year-old me.
This enrolment opened the doors to a multitude of opportunities after my schooling.
I’ve decided to continue into Health Services and use my course knowledge and experience for an Occupational Therapy placement.

Taj Nason
My Canterbury journey began in 2017, halfway through Year 6.
The College has allowed me to explore and develop in so many different programs, whether that’s been in sporting teams or in the classroom.
I switched to Canterbury in Year 6, in the hope of seeking a better education, more sporting opportunities, the chance to meet new friends, and allow myself to learn and grow in a positive environment.
Throughout my Senior School journey, I have loved my sport.
The extra-curriculars that Canterbury provides are endless, and the support you receive from all the coaches is second to none.
I enjoyed playing football, cross country, athletics and rugby.
Looking over my time at the College, is a constant refresher of so many amazing memories shared with friends and staff.
Some of these memories are not only at school, but at our Outdoor Education Camps, where one time we had to all crawl through big slippery mudpits and ended up covered head to toe in mud.
We had the best time, looking at each other and laughing.
Joining the very active Cranmer House from day one was a little daunting.
I never really had such a strong, tight-knit House group at my old school, but I quickly learned that there is much to enjoy within your House once you get involved.
There were Mrs Lee’s Wellbeing Lessons, where we would sit and reflect while enjoying a cup of tea, or the sporting days, where we would all rally together and dress up in yellow.
It’s only now that I look back and see all the time and effort Mr Lyle puts into his House, not because he had to, but because he cares for each and every student.
The House Assemblies where he would share valuable life lessons and advice with us all, not knowing that these tips would shape who we became, and prepared us for the real world.
I am so grateful to Mr Lyle and Mrs Lee for all their support over the years!
To all the staff for their constant support and great lessons, thank you!
In 2024, I aim to begin an apprenticeship, where I will continue learning new things.

Bailey Murphy
My journey at Canterbury started in 2018 as a Year 7 student, keen to see what lay ahead.
This was a new beginning for me, not knowing anyone from the Junior School.
However, I was quickly welcomed and now graduating in 2023, with many lifelong friendships.
As a keen sports enthusiast, I embraced the TAS Sport program, willing to participate in a sport every term during my first year.
This continued throughout my entire time at Canterbury, only being held back by injuries.
Playing sport at Canterbury has taught me the value of teamwork, and how important it is to improve skills – not only at school, but preparing me for the rest of my life.
I am forever grateful to the teachers, coaches and my parents, who provided me with numerous opportunities, and gave me the confidence to succeed in the future.
I leave Canterbury with a Certificate lll in Fitness, allowing me to follow my passion in this field.
Although I may never see or speak to some of the people within my cohort again, I will cherish my time that I shared with them at the College.
I have many fond memories at Canterbury and I’m sure I will reflect on these in the years to come.

Alexander Arbuthnot
I started at Canterbury as a Year 7 student in 2018, having chosen the school for its dual academic and athletics opportunities.
So fittingly, I am writing this on my way to Perth for my last All Schools Track and Field Championships.
Canterbury has always offered a vast array of co-curricular activities, which I quickly jumped into – athletics, cross country, basketball, volleyball and rugby.
These sports have enabled me to grow as an athlete and as a person.
With the help of committed coaches and staff, I advanced in my athletic achievements, and was able to become a better listener, team player and create lifelong friends.
Canterbury also continually provided chances for me to develop academically, which I will value and cherish forever.
I entered high school striving to succeed academically, and with the support of my teachers and peers, I can happily say that I feel I did just that.
The tremendous support and encouragement from my various teachers throughout the years led me to develop relationships and role models that I value deeply.
Overall, Canterbury provided so many pathways for me to better myself athletically, academically and personally, for which I am extremely grateful.
I leave with great options, well prepared to chase further success as an academic through further studies.
I plan to do just this, with equal focus placed on making track and field teams, and starting a university degree across the next two years.
Although I have not determined the exact field I want to pursue, I feel ready and equipped to accomplish whatever I choose.
Class of 2022

Madisen-Jade Iva
Term 2 of 2017 saw a young, nervous and timid 12-year-old Madisen walk through the gates of Canterbury College, unbeknownst of what lay ahead.
Five and a half years later, 2022 saw an overly loud, extra proud and confident young woman leave those gates for the last time as a student, with forever growing ambitions and goals, and a lifetime of knowledge to fuel them.
Throughout my schooling at Canterbury College, I was abundantly blessed with opportunities to grow and prosper – not just in the classroom, but also in the sporting arena and the social side of school life.
My schooling saw participation in yearly sports, thriving in the games I loved, and trying and learning new things – Netball, Basketball, Touch Football, Rugby 7s, Athletics and even Swimming.
I was also blessed with time in the Girls’ Choral, Cantabile and a few guest appearances for musical performances at the Brekkie Buskers and even Assemblies!
Through these extra-curricular programs, I created life-long friends – people I consider as family.
During my entire schooling, I was blessed with teachers who had my best interests at heart, and it was effortless to consider these people as a family too.
With the help of this family-like community, I saw myself as the leader they knew I could be.
I’ve been so blessed attending Canterbury, with knowledge and opportunities to lead a community I can now call my second family.

Kristina Mrsic
ATAR 99.95
I started at Canterbury as a Year 7 student in 2017, eager to make the most of every opportunity.
Since then, I have developed many skills and gained broad experiences to help me in my future.
One of the first things I loved about Canterbury, was the wide range of extra-curricular activities.
From the first day, I came in with a love of tennis, which expanded to actively engaging in the Hockey and Volleyball programs.
I had numerous opportunities to represent the College at State and National levels in Volleyball.
As a student leader, I gained valuable skills and was able to engage in wider aspects of College life.
I enjoyed communicating with younger students and helping others however I could.
I have always strived to succeed academically, and with support from staff and peers, I could continuously push myself to improve my results.
Overall, Canterbury has provided so many avenues for me to grow academically, socially and personally, and I will forever cherish my high school memories.
Now I want to pursue a medical career and am so grateful to have received the Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarship at the 2022 Year 12 Valedictory Dinner – which will help me reach my goals.
In 2023, I intend to study for the Bachelor of Medical Science at Griffith University, with provisional entry to the Doctor of Medicine.
While I’m still determining where I’ll end up in the medical field, I am excited to see where the future will take me.

Kate Neill
My Canterbury journey began in 2017.
I have always been a sports enthusiast, so I quickly jumped into the TAS Sporting programs.
Being introduced to team sports has widened my horizons, as someone who has predominantly only played individual sports.
This enabled me to become a better listener, team player and better person overall.
Furthermore, this newfound leadership and sport, pushed me to work with others of all abilities and ages.
In fact, throughout my journey, I found so much joy in working with younger year levels, that I was offered the opportunity to work as a Tennis Coach at Canterbury – working side-by-side with amazing athletes of all ages.
I am so grateful for making such close connections and friendships with many people throughout the school.
My favourite part of my schooling journey would have to be my last day of Year 12.
During the Guard Of Honour, I passed by so many unique and kind students from Prep to Year 11, whom I had built such strong and passionate friendships with.
It made me realise how much of an impact a single person can make on someone’s life.
Alongside sports, I have a knack for languages.
During my time at Canterbury, I studied French from 2017 to 2022, and in my final year, received a highly commended award in the MLTAQ speech contest in Brisbane.
I was privileged enough to hold the title of Sports Captain during my final year in 2022.
My plan for 2023 is to attend university to study for a Bachelor of Arts while continuing my tennis coaching.

Nathaniel Harris
My Canterbury experience was 14 years, from Pre-Prep (Kindy) to Year 12, and my time spent at the College is one I will never forget.
Throughout my years at Canterbury, I was always a strong ambassador for the Performing Arts, in my chosen elective curriculum, extra-curricular activities, and outside the school community.
I involved myself in Dance, Drama, Musical Theatre, Choir and Studio Lessons for Voice and Guitar.
The Arts are where I thrive, and in Year 12, my time as Performing Arts Captain gave me insights into learning a crucial lesson about the creative industry field.
It is about being an all-rounder and breaking out of your comfort zone.
I learned only some of my skills from just The Arts.
In my 14 years, I also participated in many sports: Netball, Basketball, Touch Football, Swimming and Volleyball.
I developed a love for Swimming and Volleyball after getting out of my comfort zone.
Personal growth and development are only achieved when your ‘comfortable personal bubble’ is expanded, and the Performing Arts is an inspiring way to do such a thing.
In Year 10, I jumped out of my comfort zone by joining Canterbury’s Rock School Program as a guitarist / leading male vocalist.
By the end of my time at Canterbury, I had achieved a Principal Cast Role in the 2017 College Musical, and the Best Rock Musician Award from a school-entered competition – Battle of the Rock Bands in 2021.
I also received the title of 2022 Performing Arts Captain, performed with Second Wave (School Rock Band), and sang on the QPAC Stage at the school’s 35th Anniversary Gala, before earning the overall shield for Rock School in 2022.
My many years at Canterbury have supported my growth and readiness for the future.
I’m excited to be leaping out of secondary education and into a new environment for my tertiary studies in 2023.
I have received an early entry offer to SAE: Creative Media Institute for the Bachelor of Song Writing and Music Production Course at their Brisbane Campus.
This course is in a field I am passionate about and feel very in tune with, learning both production and writing skills for my music.
I’m so grateful for all my teachers, carers, friends – and of course my parents, who made Canterbury a place where I could thrive within The Arts.
I can’t wait to see where the coming years will take the Performing Arts program within Canterbury.
But of course, only bigger and brighter things are to come.

Lachlan Donnelly
ATAR 93.90
I began my Canterbury schooling life in 2009 as a Pre-Prep student, unaware that the next 14 years of my life would be spent at the same campus, right through to my last day of Year 12.
I saw the school go through many changes – from new classrooms being built, to changes in Principals, and I changed too, for the better.
Canterbury allowed me to develop and hone my skills in academic and extra-curricular pursuits.
I was involved with The Arts, where I participated in many different groups – including the Rock School program with my band Ashen Phoenix, guitar ensemble, percussion ensemble, and big band, as well as some string ensembles earlier in my schooling life, such as Sinfonia.
The chance to play in these environments, with great teachers and mentors guiding us, made me glad to be a part of it all.
Especially when the opportunity arose to play in front of large audiences, such as the Battle of the Rock Bands, or the Canterbury Arts, Food and Wine Festival.
However, in the classroom, I often found it very hard and confusing.
I didn’t do well on my first few exams and assignments in high school, and I was highly disappointed.
But my teachers and peers supported me, encouraging me to improve.
After long nights of tedious study-filled hours, I picked up my grades significantly, eventually achieving a 93.90 ATAR score, and receiving The Archbishop Aspinall Award, which I was incredibly proud of.
My next step is aimed towards the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA), where I hope to study Literature and possibly Aeronautical Engineering to graduate as an Officer, and enlist in the Air Force as a fighter pilot.
I also plan to continue playing music in whatever band or ensemble I come across at the ADFA.
I am fond of my time at Canterbury, which has prepared me well for my future endeavours.

James Carter
I arrived at Canterbury in Year 3, transferring across from St John’s.
My first years at the College were enjoyable, and I felt welcomed and settled in quickly, making many close friends.
The school has given me numerous sporting opportunities – in Rugby, Soccer and Cricket to name a few.
I’ve been very grateful for each option, and I would like to thank the coaches that perfected my skills, or at least tried to. It was a privilege to be coached by you.
Playing team sports has also allowed me to form great friendships.
It has shown me how essential teamwork is for achieving results and improving skills, and we even enjoyed some success along the way.
My post-school future is yet to be decided, although I currently work as a concreter while playing competitive golf.
I will be applying for the Police Force in March, and it will be interesting to see where these opportunities take me.
I look forward to returning to the campus to coach or assist coaching a team, or running the water for Saturday sport.

Tsz Chun (Isaac) Li
ATAR 93.80
My journey at Canterbury College began in 2020 when I was in Year 10.
This is a short period in other people’s eyes.
However, these three years have been an unforgettable time in my schooling journey.
Before commencing at Canterbury, I lived and studied in Melbourne.
Moving places was difficult, primarily when I could not easily communicate with my Melbourne friends.
And Queensland was a completely new place I had never visited before.
However, studying at Canterbury has helped me smoothly adapt to a ‘new life’ in the Sunshine State.
During my time there, I experienced many ‘firsts’, including playing Volleyball, Rugby and Football (Soccer).
These opportunities Canterbury provides, have allowed me to create a social connection with different people, and motivated me to engage in various school events.
Academically, Canterbury also allowed me to try various subjects back in Year 10.
Through this I found my passion for the sciences, which led me to choosing Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology for Years 11 and 12.
In Year 12, I received the GPA Big Improver and The Archbishop Aspinall Award.
These awards represent me and indicate the effort and generosity that all the outstanding Canterbury teachers have contributed to my learning journey.
They always put themselves in the students’ shoes and help us get the most out of every lesson.
So a huge ‘thank you’ to every teacher who has taught me for the past three years!
In 2023, I aim to attend university to pursue my dream of becoming a Sports Physiotherapist.

Leon Eyears
ATAR 94.80
As a shy and introverted kid, I started my journey at Canterbury College in 2017.
With my last steps on the college campus, I left as a slightly less shy and introverted adult.
There were many things that I didn’t want to participate in, but was forced to by certain circumstances – whether it was by obligation as a Canterbury student, or extremely insistent friends.
However, I found that after every one of these experiences, I developed as a person, as a friend, as a student, and as part of a team.
Although I may not speak to some of the people in my cohort again, these experiences unite us as the Class of 2022.
I could have been better at many of the extra-curricular activities I participated in and was far from the best at them.
Yet, those are where my most cherished memories as a Canterbury student stem from.
Ultimately, as part of the Canterbury alums, there are many experiences and learning opportunities that actively contributed to my everyday life.
I will not use calculus in my daily life, but I will use the perseverance it took me to learn it.
I probably will not be playing organised sports after school, but I will cherish the memories and friends I made while participating in them at Canterbury.
I will take these lessons into 2023 when I will study for a Bachelor of Music (Honours) degree at the University of Queensland composition.
Canterbury is where I discovered, nurtured and refined my passion for music, and I’m excited to further my abilities as I take the following steps into university life.

Rebecca Hood
I graduated from Canterbury in 2022 after six years at the College.
I always knew I wanted a career in the construction industry with a vital trade pathway, and Canterbury allowed me to explore the different options outside the traditional academic framework.
A key highlight was the opportunity to participate in the TAFE SkillsTech program at Acacia Ridge Trade TAFE.
Headed by their Director of Student Futures, Canterbury helped me secure two different work experience placements, delivering a total of 180 hours.
It is here that I found my love for plumbing and a sense of what it could mean to have a career in the construction industry as a female. I also achieved a Certificate II in Plumbing via TAFE.
Over the years at Canterbury’s senior school, I have been given endless opportunities and support from the teachers and staff to ensure I got where I am today.
I have created firm foundations, made long-term friendships, and built skill sets that will ensure I can succeed in the future from a career perspective, and be an active and positive member of the community.
I leave Canterbury with a broad spectrum of qualifications, including that Certificate II in Plumbing, a Certificate II in Sport & Recreation, a Certificate III in Fitness and Business, and a Certificate I in Construction.
I am now seeking a Plumbing apprenticeship with a local company to start my trade career.

Lauren Hergenhan
ATAR 93.05
Reflecting on my 14 years at Canterbury brings up many beautiful memories.
For myself, Canterbury was a place of tremendous growth, accomplishment, and a feeling of great enjoyment.
It gave me countless opportunities to connect and bond with so many people, and develop a love for sports, the arts and academia.
Throughout my time at Canterbury, I was involved in many extra-curricular groups, including Netball, Basketball, Volleyball, Cantabile Choir, the Robotics Club, and the Griffith University STEM team challenge.
Through these activities, I learnt how to work as a team to succeed.
Canterbury strives to encourage students to pursue new challenges; and for me, this included leadership.
I was honoured to be offered leadership roles, such as Middle School Captain in 2019 and then Cranmer House Captain in 2022.
Being awarded the position of House Captain (to the best house Cranmer!) was an incredible learning experience.
It allowed me to improve my public speaking and organisational skills, while building new confidence levels.
I was acquiring networking skills with students across various grades, and through these activities, I found a love for helping people, growing strong relationships, and forming a family.
When considering what I wanted to pursue as my chosen career path, the answer became apparent when I was lucky enough to be a member of Mr Mills’ Year 8 Science Class.
It was his passion for science and learning that made the difference.
The senior years were challenging, but all my teachers’ tremendous support and ongoing encouragement were exceptional.
I cannot thank them enough for always making themselves available and helping with whatever was needed.
I am delighted to announce that I have been offered a placement at the University of Queensland to study a double degree of Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science.
This is an inspiring pathway for me, as it allows me to explore my passions, and work towards my aspirations of becoming a Medical Engineer.
Canterbury enjoys a proud record of outstanding academic results.
Unlike some schools that reduce their percentage of ATAR-eligible students each year to artificially inflate their results, an average of 83% of Canterbury students are ATAR-eligible each year.
Of these students, we are proud that around 34% achieve an ATAR of 90 or higher.
While we pride ourselves on providing valuable vocational pathways, the vast majority of our students each year are university-bound, with high numbers of Canterbury graduates each year studying:
- Medicine and Allied Health – Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Nursing and Midwifery.
- Engineering, Mathematics and Sciences.
- Business, Commerce and Law.
- Creative Industries and Fine Arts – Music, Design, Film and Media Studies.