2023 Canterbury Mother's Day Breakfast | Photo Gallery Now Available

2023 Canterbury Mother's Day Breakfast | Photo Gallery Now Available

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍This morning's 2023 Canterbury Mother's Day Breakfast was a great success.

There was free coffee, Boost Juice, breakfast, live entertainment and a floral photo backdrop for our Canterbury families to enjoy together.

Thank you to all the wonderful mums who came along.

We hope you enjoyed your morning with us.

The full photo gallery from this event is now available on our Facebook Page HERE.

Secondary School Ethics Olympiad

Secondary School Ethics Olympiad


Selected students in the Secondary School sat comfortably around a table in our Pedagogy Room today, where they participated in the Ethics Olympiad via Zoom. ️

This Olympiad is a collaborative competition where students analyse and discuss real-life, timely issues online.

Unlike a debate, students are not assigned opposing views; instead, they support the position they feel is most authentic and win by exhibiting a more honest and thoughtful perception of the cases.

2023 Canterbury College Junior School Public Speaking Competition | Photos

2023 Canterbury College Junior School Public Speaking Competition | Photos

Today, we held our 2023 Canterbury College Junior School Public Speaking Competition, where selected students from Years 3-6 aspired to entertain, persuade or inform their audience with a particular topic.

This practical approach gave our students hands-on experience to demonstrate the impact and influence of language on their audience.

Our judges awarded them points based on the structure of their speech, whether it was well-paced, had consistent volume, was clear and audible, and if it utilised technical or emotive vocabulary alongside their original context.

The student's body language was also critical in garnering points and enhancing delivery effectiveness.

Well done to these brave students for stepping up and participating in something most people fear!

Photos from this event can be found on our Facebook Page HERE.

The Resilience Project Webinar: Parent & Carer Authentic Connection Presentation | Video Link

The Resilience Project Webinar: Parent & Carer Authentic Connection Presentation | Video Link

We hope our Canterbury staff, parents and carers enjoyed last night's The Resilience Project Webinar – Parent & Carer Authentic Connection Presentation.

We were delighted that so many could join us!

Here is the link to the recording for those who couldn't make the live session or would like to watch the presentation again.

Please note that this link will expire on 24 May 2023.

Canterbury Rock School's Eid Celebration Loud Lunch | Photos & Concert Livestream

Canterbury Rock School's Eid Celebration Loud Lunch | Photos & Concert Livestream

Soundcheck 1, 2, 3... ️️

Our Canterbury Rock School's Loud Lunch was a great way to listen to our talented student musicians performing cover songs from artists such as Nirvana, Hole and A-ha - talk about a sound blast from the past!

Our entertained onlookers also celebrated Eid al-Fitr together with a tasty halal sausage sizzle and free baclava.

The FULL Facebook Gallery can be viewed HERE.

The Concert Livestream can be found on our Facebook Page too HERE!

Year 5 Character Builders Incursion | Photos

Year 5 Character Builders Incursion | Photos

In preparation for moving into Year 6 in 2024, our Year 5 students have undertaken a Character Builders Incursion today, which provided strategies for effective team-building and hands-on leadership. ✅

With a significant focus on working outside one's comfort zone, connecting and creating positive peer culture, and learning social techniques for effective teamwork, our Year 5 students are well on their way to becoming outstanding leaders for their younger peers in Junior School.

The FULL Facebook Photo Gallery can be found HERE.

2023 Years 10-12 World Ready Futures Expo | Photos

2023 Years 10-12 World Ready Futures Expo | Photos

The future is created by what we do today, and that's precisely what our Years 10-12 students were up to, when they attended our immersive World Ready Futures Expo.

We can't wait to see what study and career pathways our student graduates will take.

Check out the FULL Facebook Photo Gallery HERE. 

2023 International Girls In Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Day | Photos & NEW VIDEO!

2023 International Girls In Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Day | Photos & NEW VIDEO!

Alongside BOP Industries, we hosted the ‍ International Girls In Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Day, an inspiring interschool initiative highlighting emerging and innovative career pathways within the IT industry. ️⌨️️

Students collaborated in teams, exercised their creativity and problem-solving skills, and tackled real-world challenges facing communities by developing forward-thinking technological solutions. 

Participants also heard from accomplished women who work in ICT, sharing insights about their career journeys since leaving school and details of their roles. ‍

Thank you to all our event sponsors: Compnow | Computer Alliance | Data#3 Limited | Microsoft.

You are certainly helping us to empower the next generation!

The full photo gallery from this event can be found on our Facebook Page HERE.


Year 7 Students Wellbeing Day | Unleashing Personal Potential Incursion - Photos

Year 7 Students Wellbeing Day | Unleashing Personal Potential Incursion - Photos

Today our Year 7 students have a jam-packed Wellbeing Day in our CEC.

This event is being run by Unleashing Personal Potential and includes many fun activities designed to help students communicate with each other, and demonstrate initiative in challenging circumstances. ️✅

The Facebook gallery of this morning's activities can be found HERE along with a short video from the Connection session.

Beenleigh ANZAC Day March Photos

Beenleigh ANZAC Day March Photos

Our Canterbury College Student Leadership Teams, Firsts Sporting Teams, College Staff and plenty of proud Junior and Secondary School students participated in the Beenleigh ANZAC Day March, with friends and families watching from the sidelines.

The ANZAC Day Service followed, paying tribute to those who have served, and our School Leadership Teams placed wreaths in respect.

The full photo gallery from this event can be found on our Facebook Page HERE.


Here is a photo of our Canterbury College Captains at this morning's Beenleigh ANZAC Day Dawn Service.

Lest we forget.