Mon 16 – Fri 20 Aug: QLD Road Safety Week 2021
THIS Monday 16 – Friday 20 August: QLD ROAD SAFETY WEEK 2021
THIS WEEK: Monday 16 – Friday 20 August is Queensland’s ROAD SAFETY WEEK 2021 - StreetSmarts (
The school environment, especially during peak times, plays a significant role in keeping our kids safe on our roads while on their journey to and from school.
Educating our communities on the importance of Road Safety is just one way we can help guide our young people, families, friends and ALL drivers to be ‘Street Smart’ on Queensland roads, not just during peak times, but EVERY time they get behind the wheel. So...
SLOW DOWN to 40km/hr during the peak weekday school times in our School Zones: 7-9AM & 2-4PM.
DON’T PARK along the yellow lines marked on our school streets.
STAY ALERT and keep a close eye on our students and our Road Crossing Supervisors.
Thank you Canterbury Parents & Carers!
#QRSW2021 #StreetSmartsQLD
COVID CANCELLED: Canterbury Father’s Day Breakfast
COVID CANCELLED: Canterbury Father’s Day Breakfast
Dear All (especially the Dads),
Unfortunately, due to ongoing strict COVID campus visitor restrictions, strong crowd limits and mandatory mask-wearing protocols, our Canterbury Father’s Day Breakfast scheduled for Thursday morning 2 September 2021 has been cancelled for this year.
With current COVID State Government Health Directives possibly being extended beyond next week, to send mass invitations, then host this major event with full breakfast food and beverage catering - for an expected 300-400 guests, is simply proving too perilous and prone to be cancelled closer to the event date.
So it’s better to be decisive and cancel now, so we can properly plan other ‘real world’ industry experience and assessment for our Canterbury Hospitality students, and avoid the impossible situation of deciding which 20 or 50 fathers could actually come on campus and who couldn’t, when we really want all our dedicated fathers to enjoy this event with us and their children.
Let’s hope for better COVID-free luck next year, and at least we got through our big Canterbury Mother’s Day Breakfast back on Friday 7 May...
Chalk one up for the mums!
POSTPONED: Annual Logan 7s Inter-Schools Rugby Tournament
POSTPONED: Annual Logan 7s Inter-Schools Rugby Tournament @ Canterbury College
After discussions with Queensland Rugby Union (QRU), it was decided last week that the Annual Logan 7s Inter-Schools Rugby Tournament, due to be held at Canterbury College THIS Friday 13 August 2021, would be postponed.
Due to the nature of the current COVID lockdowns and now ongoing community restrictions, it would be too high a risk to move forward with the event as planned.
This decision was reinforced over the weekend with Queensland’s Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young advising NO community-wide sport could be hosted for the next two weeks at least.
This includes any sport that brings different groups of children together from different schools, or from different parts of Logan or Brisbane.
Canterbury Sport will be working with the QRU to determine if there is a possibility of having the tournament at a later date when restrictions ease, or whether it will be postponed until 2022 instead.
Kind Regards
Mr Joshua Afu
Sports Events & Development Officer
Canterbury College
WHAT: Annual Logan Sevens Inter-Schools Rugby Tournament
WHEN: 8:30am – 3:00pm, Friday 13 August 2021 - NOW POSTPONED
WHERE: Canterbury College: Playing Fields 2–6
182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford (Logan City)
WHO: Up to 20 schools supplying well over 40 separate U13, U15 & U18 boys & girls Rugby 7s teams including:
Canterbury College (of course!), Ipswich State High School, Kedron State High School, Keebra Park State High School, Kelvin Grove Secondary College, Mabel Park State High School, Marsden State High School, Mount Maria College, Pimpama State Secondary College, Rochedale State High School, St James College and the Varsity College Vikings.
The Schools To Beat?
In the girls competition, Keebra Park SHS, Mabel Park SHS and Marsden SHS will be very tough.
In the boys competition, Kelvin Grove SC has been heavily involved in 7s in the past.
Pimpama SSC and Rochedale SHS are new additions to the competition, but both will be tough being strong, traditional Rugby League schools.
NB: The Annual Logan 7’s Tournament is usually hosted by the Logan City Rugby Union Club, but has been moved to our bigger venue in 2021 to cater for the high number of school teams involved.
FUN FACT: New Tokyo Olympian Alysia Lefau-Fakaosilea competed in the Logan 7’s for Canterbury in both Year 11 and Year 12!
*Final Playing Draw To Come*
Please support our Canterbury Taipans Rugby 7s teams on the day and GO TAIPANS!!
MUST READ: Canterbury College Full COVID Update - MON 9 AUG
MUST READ: Canterbury College Full COVID Update - MON 9 AUG 2021
Dear Canterbury Parents & Carers,
I’m certainly pleased today to be writing to you in the knowledge that things will be somewhat back to normal when school returns tomorrow Tuesday 10 August.
I have observed that our home learning programs have been successful again, but nothing is ever as good as face-to-face contact between a teacher and their students.
To parents and carers of our youngest students, thank you again for the time you would have spent sitting alongside your sons or daughters last week guiding them through their learning resources.
Here are some updates based on the most recent communications from the Public Health Directive and clarifying material from Independent Schools Queensland that I have received.
Mode Of Instruction
When classes resume tomorrow Tuesday 10 August, we will not be offering dual learning modes.
All classes will be on campus, involving face-to-face instruction.
Some exceptions may apply if the teacher has been ordered to stay in home quarantine if they were potentially exposed to COVID-19.
In these situations, either another teacher will be allocated or the teacher will direct learning through online lessons, with students supervised in a classroom by a relief teacher.
Face Masks
All college staff and all secondary students from Year 7 upwards must wear face masks at school.
This is not a school-based stipulation - it is a specific requirement of the most recent Public Health Order from the Queensland Government to schools.
Younger Junior School students are of course welcome to wear masks, but this is not yet a Chief Health Officer stipulation.
Masks can only be removed to eat or drink, or when exercising or playing sport.
Masks are not for sale at the school – students will have to bring their own each day.
If parents wish to seek an exemption from their child wearing a mask at school, medical documentation from a GP or specialist is the easiest way of dealing with this.
Parents who do not agree with the Public Health Directive should not take issue with the College’s stance.
My suggestion is that you contact Queensland Health directly to express your views.
Co-Curricular Activities
Music ensembles cannot gather and rehearse during the upcoming period, although studio lessons will resume from Monday.
TAS and JTAS weekend sport has been cancelled for the next two rounds, but training will continue during the week.
Planned sport activities in the Junior School will continue, with instructors wearing masks and also social distancing. All PE lessons will continue as normal.
Queensland’s Chief Health Officer advised she is happy for sport to be undertaken within schools, because children have already been together in class at school.
However, there is no community-wide sport for the next two weeks - including any sport that brings different groups of children together from different schools, or different parts of Logan or Brisbane etc.
Excursions And Outdoor Education
Any excursions or outdoor education trips planned for the next fortnight have been cancelled.
In some cases, staff are looking at re-booking for later in the year if possible.
School Assemblies, Concerts And Mass Gatherings
We have cancelled all school assemblies, concerts and mass gatherings that were programmed for the next three weeks – including our major Saturday 21 August College Festival.
I am pessimistic about the prospects of mass gatherings being reinstituted before the end of term.
We will keep Year 12 students and parents informed about whether some changes will need to be made to the Formal at City Hall on Tuesday 14 September 2021.
At time of writing, we are unsure whether the United Nations Day celebration planned for Thursday 26 August 2021 can continue in any form. A decision will be made in the next few days.
School Canteen And Yalburru Café
Our Canteen and Yalburru Café will open as normal from tomorrow, with regular menus.
We will ensure social distancing is employed where possible in the queues for these services.
Canterbury Taipans Athletics, Swimming And Tennis
Programmed lessons for most participants in Taipans tennis, swimming or athletics will re-start from tomorrow.
Tiny Taipans ‘Learn To Swim’ classes will also resume tomorrow, with some expectations that parents will be required to wear masks and socially distance when waiting to pick up their children.
At this stage, only Canterbury families (i.e. current students and their siblings in the same household) can take part in Taipans Club sport or 'Learn To Swim' lessons.
Tennis lessons and court hire can only be undertaken - in line with Tennis Queensland directions - with members of the same household, which will severely limit the amount of tennis that can continue over the next fortnight.
COVID Vaccinations
A healthy percentage of Canterbury staff have already been fully or partially vaccinated for COVID-19.
The College is investigating ways of increasing the vaccination rate of those staff who have not yet been eligible.
I welcome the State Government’s commitment to fast-tracking school staff through the vaccination waitlist process.
Once vaccinations for 16-18 year-olds have been sourced, we will look at ways of offering a service to students onsite here at Canterbury.
But it may be that this will be facilitated at a central mass venue by the State Government, in a similar fashion to New South Wales, but we will keep families abreast of this issue.
ELC Playgroup
ELC Playgroup is cancelled until we have received an ‘all clear’ message from Playgroup Queensland.
They will provide their official update this Friday 13 August 2021 at the latest.
Drop-Offs And Pick-Ups
Parents and carers are asked to please drop-off and pick-up all Junior School students, and not come on campus, and not congregate around college exits or entrances.
This is as per the Chief Health Officer’s Public Health Directive.
Student Diary Holidays Listing Error
Finally, I hope all our students enjoyed today’s Logan Local Government Area Show Holiday, despite the actual Brisbane EKKA Show being postponed until later in the year.
Whichever new public holiday date the Brisbane Local Government Area now chooses for its own region, will not apply to Logan or Canterbury College, with today’s public holiday in place – as we advised last week on all channels.
Any student diary entry showing a public holiday or student-free day listed for tomorrow Tuesday 10 August or this Wednesday 11 August should be ignored as printing errors.
Let’s continue to be safe and strong and make these lockdowns a thing of the past…
Mr Dan Walker
Canterbury College
Playgroup Queensland: COVID Statement – MON 9 AUG
Playgroup Queensland: COVID Statement – Monday 9 August 2021
Dear Canterbury College,
At Playgroup Queensland, we are committed to ensuring the health and safety of all our members, volunteers, staff and partners.
So we are requesting that ALL playgroups operating in the Local Government Areas (LGAs) that have just emerged from lockdown REFRAIN from meeting this week – including the Logan City Council, Brisbane City Council and Gold Coast City Council.
We will provide further updates over the coming days.
Playgroup Queensland will be working hard to ensure that groups can safely meet again soon.
Please join us on social media to share play at home ideas and ways to support and stay connected with each other via our online community.
Playgroup Queensland will make a statement about returning to playgroup by Friday 13 August 2021.
Stay safe and take care,
The Playgroup Queensland Team.
Message From Canterbury ELC Director Ms Thalia McDonald: Hello All, Due to the information above, our Playgroup is not to proceed this week as per their request.
NB: Full Canterbury College COVID Update coming shortly from the Principal.
2021 Canterbury Fine Tunes, Moves & Foods Festival COVID CANCELLATION
2021 Canterbury Fine Tunes, Moves & Foods Festival COVID CANCELLATION
Dear Canterbury Families & Students,
After meeting with our College Executive Group online, it is with much disappointment that I must announce the official COVID cancellation of our Saturday 21 August Arts, Food and Wine Festival for this year.
We will try again next year in 2022, as Term 4 is simply too busy with existing assessments, events and graduations, to squeeze in a major event of this scale, when this possibility was discussed.
Our decision was not taken lightly, but ongoing COVID lockdown length uncertainty only makes this conversation harder and more stressful, as late cancellation penalty fees rise with the many event suppliers, and our students and their families need certainty around school scheduling.
Our final cancellation reasons are:
- Ongoing lockdown uncertainty causes people to lose interest in major events.
- Even if the current lockdown finishes before Saturday 21 August, strict crowd limits below 50, 100 or 200 people will almost certainly remain - effectively killing any sized festival event.
- Many of our Canterbury parents may well be experiencing serious job and financial security issues privately at home, caused by this current lockdown, so cannot really afford a family night out.
- Our main concert's student dance, song and music group performers are unable to rehearse together during this entire lead-up lockdown, making delivery of a professional performance onstage impossible.
- Our amusement providers, food truck operators, beverage suppliers, performance stage staff, caterers, cleaners, security staff etc all need certainty and cancellation fees only grow as the event date draws nearer, so better to be decisive now rather than lose tens of thousands of dollars later.
- And finally, it will be growingly difficult – if not plainly negligent, to actively encourage over 3,000 people to all amass at one location together, with genuine COVID delta strain ‘super spreader’ event fears in our Logan and Brisbane communities.
Therefore, all attractions access wristbands purchased via Humanitix will be fully refunded in due course and our Facebook event post will be cancelled.
Let’s hope for much better luck next year and a permanent end to this ongoing COVID pandemic soon.
And as always - stay safe and stay strong… Canterbury is providing all the education and student support we can to keep school life as ‘normal’ as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Dan Walker
TAS Community Update: THIS Weekend's Sport Round Postponed
TAS Community Update: THIS Weekend's Sport Round Postponed
Public Facebook Post Message From The Associated Schools
We hope our TAS community is faring well so far during this lockdown.
Due to the recent extension of the lockdown, TAS Sport for THIS Saturday 7 August 2021 has been postponed at this stage.
The TAS Management Committee will determine whether replaying the round at a later time is viable, depending on the outcome of the State Government’s further deliberations on our current lockdown status.
Stay safe and well everyone, and we hope to welcome you back to sport as soon as possible.
Monday 9 August Logan City Show Holiday Remains
Monday 9 August Logan City Show Holiday Remains
Public Facebook Post Message From Cr Laurie Koranski - Division 4 Logan City Council
The City of Logan’s annual Ekka holiday will go ahead as planned on Monday 9 August 2021.
The Queensland Government today announced the annual Brisbane Ekka holiday scheduled for Wednesday 11 August 2021, has been postponed to a date to be confirmed.
Logan City Council decided to keep its planned public holiday given the late notice to postpone would have created uncertainty for our community and disrupted long-held plans by schools and public transport, residents and business owners.
NB: Canterbury is observing Logan's Public Holiday THIS Monday. Please spread the word everybody!
Years 7-9 Student Subject Selection Evening For 2022 COVID Cancellation
Years 7-9 Student Subject Selection Evening For 2022 COVID Cancellation
Dear Years 7-9 Parents, Carers & Students,
Due to the ongoing strict COVID lockdown, Thursday night’s planned Years 7-9 Student Subject Selection Evening For 2022 at our Canterbury Events Centre has been CANCELLED.
Instead, you will be provided with a recording, handbook and email information shortly, to help you navigate through this important process at home and in your own time.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Rebecca Adamson
Head Of Secondary School
Canterbury Junior School Lockdown Full Update: TUE 3 AUG
Canterbury Junior School Lockdown Full Update: TUE 3 AUG
Dear Parents & Carers,
Thank you for your flexibility over the last few days as we have transitioned to online learning.
With the lockdown now being extended to 4:00pm Sunday 8 August, I would like to outline some of the logistics for the coming days.
Our staff have been working hard to prepare online learning resources.
Our Prep-Year 2 teams have prepared some learning booklets which can be accessed via MyCC.
However, we know this may be difficult for some families to access, so we will be printing off some of these booklets and giving parents an option of picking them up from the College between the hours of 10:00am - 12:00pm midday THIS Wednesday 4 August.
These can be collected from the undercover area outside the Junior School Discovery Centre Library.
Years 3-6 students will access their home learning via MyCC.
I would also like to provide an opportunity for parents of Year 3 children to come in and collect a device, so your child can access their online learning.
Mr David Peckham will be overseeing this process and these devices can be picked up from Mr Peckham’s classroom, also between the hours of 10:00am - 12:00pm midday THIS Wednesday 4 August.
Year 3 families will receive further communications around this, as there will be some additional paperwork that needs to be signed.
Thank you to those families who have completed the form letting us know that your child will be on campus over the next three days.
All Prep-Year 6 children of essential workers, or from vulnerable families, attending our school, will need to be signed in at the front of the Junior School Discovery Centre Library from 8:00am.
Children will be walked down to the Carpark A entrance at 3:15pm for collection.
If there are any children remaining after 3:45pm, they will be walked to Camp Australia and signed in there.
We are also comfortable for families to pick their children up earlier than usual, as this may help alleviate congestion.
If you do this, please head up to the Discovery Centre and we can sign your child out from there.
If you require supervision for your child outside the school hours of 8:00am - 3:45pm, please book into Camp Australia for Before School Care (6:45am - 8:00am) and/or After School Care (3:45pm - 6:00pm) as per the normal process.
Please note that usual costs apply to the Camp Australia service, and students attending Camp Australia should wear their PE uniform.
The College is committed to following official health advice and have organised for our cleaners to do a thorough clean of the premises at the end of each day.
Please ensure you do not send your child, or attend the campus yourself, if you or someone from your household is exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is anything further I can assist you with via email -
Yours faithfully
Mr Bill Garland
Head Of Junior School