‘Canterbury Health’ Room & Courses: MONDAY DEADLINE!

‘Canterbury Health’ Room & Courses: MONDAY DEADLINE!

Dear Year 10 Students & Parents,

Construction of our dedicated Health Room for the new Canterbury Health program is now well underway (see photos below)!

This mini-hospital ‘re-creation’ is located inside P Block and will be ready for use during the upcoming Term 3.

And with it, the Canterbury Health education program also launches next term for our Year 10 students interested in pursuing a career in nursing, medicine, allied health, medical research, or many other related health fields – a hugely expanding industry in the wake of the global pandemic and our ageing population.

Official course qualifications – containing both theoretical and practical components - will be conducted at Canterbury by Axiom College.

Axiom College will also support students to find external on-site practical experience at hospitals and medical centres etc, as well as conduct mock work interviews.

At the completion of this course, students will be qualified as Assisting In Nursing (AIN), meaning they can gain real-life employment in aged care, hospitals and doctors’ surgeries.

The Certificate II and III courses are completed as a package. Students will attend the Canterbury Health course one day a week (Wednesday) in Terms 3 and 4 of 2021 and in Term 1 of 2022.

They will be required to catch up on any missed schoolwork as students will undertake this course above their regular subject load.

VETis funding from the Federal Government funds one Certificate II course for each student in Australia.

There is an additional cost to complete the full qualification including the Certificate III course.

The cost will be $700 paid across three terms: $250 in Terms 3 and 4 this year and $200 in Term 1 next year.

Expressions Of Interest MUST be submitted to Ms Bre Ramsay-Orr by 4:00pm THIS Monday 12 July 2021 by completing this form - Expression Of Interest - SBAT External Course Form - Canterbury Health.

IMPORTANT: The Subject 'Results' column on this form can remain blank while Semester 1 Reports are still being finalised.

More information about the qualifications can be found below:

https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/HLT23215 - Certificate II in Health Support Services

https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance

Should you have any questions, please contact either:

Ms Bre Ramsay-Orr
Director of Student Futures
Canterbury College


Mrs Rebecca Adamson
Head of Secondary School
Canterbury College

Public Canterbury App Guest Logins Are Here

Public Canterbury App Guest Logins Are Here

Are you a grandparent, uncle, aunt or close family friend who wants access to Canterbury News – which includes weekend sport schedules, plus College Groups Information & Events, College Forms & Weblinks, the School’s Main Contacts List and the College Website, BUT DON’T want or need access to your related Canterbury student’s private academic results or study information?

GOOD NEWS! A limited number of MyCC Guest Logins have been developed and released by our IT Department.

As we announced back in early June, the public Canterbury App available from the App Store (for Apple devices) and Google Play (for Android devices) is now fully synced with MyCC, so ALL features are now fully accessible from both platforms – as requested by many parents.

However, this meant adding account login password security to the Canterbury App to protect students’ private academic results and study information from the outside world – imperative for parents, carers and the students themselves – not so great for the other people listed above.

So we have now developed a limited number of MyCC Guest Logins which give you access to the useful public information on the app - without any of the sensitive stuff…

If you wish to access one of these logins – please call the Canterbury College Director of Communications & Engagement Stephen Buckley to run through the process over the phone step-by-step.

Work Landline: 07 3299 0932
Work Mobile: 0401 086 387

Thank you for your patience over the last month while we resolved this issue, which was actually much more complex than it seems on the surface!

Queensland Youth Symphony Wins Gold (with our help)

Two of our Canterbury students are in this Queensland Youth Symphony:

Lucia Hughes (Year 12)

Emma Masterman (Year 11)

How cool is this?

And read those stats down in the post too!

Queensland Youth Symphony Wins Gold 👏🤩🥇

A couple of months ago, Queensland Youth Orchestras submitted a video of the Queensland Youth Symphony (QYS) performance in March of the Dvorak Cello Concerto to be part of the Online World Orchestra Festival.

We are delighted to announce that QYS won a Gold Award for this performance, one of only two Gold awards given to youth orchestra performances.

Watch the QYS performance here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txwM0nqm4SM (time code 1:31:26)

Watch the World Orchestra Festival Closing Award Ceremony here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XV0CV_OKdDo&t=318s (time code 57:15)

A few statistics from the World Orchestra Festival Facebook page:

*Over 140 orchestras from 33 countries around the world submitted videos for this event.

*There were 7 global live streaming platforms, 20 million votes and 60 million site visits.

RSVPs CLOSE WED!: Canterbury e-Sports Scholarship Trials Day

WHAT: Canterbury e-Sports Scholarship Trials Day

WHEN: 2:15pm Arrival For 2:30pm Start – 5:00pm Finish, THIS Friday 9 July 2021
Welcome & Overview - Mr Kenta Shimizu: 2:15pm – 2:30pm
Video Gaming Trials: 2:30pm – 5:00pm

WHERE: Canterbury College, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford QLD 4133

‘Home Base’ Location – Arts Auditorium (M Block)
- For official welcome & short overview presentation.
- Viewing space for parents, carers, families & other spectators.
- Plenty of onsite parking: Use Entrance B via Easterly Street, then park down the left side.

Gaming Trials Location – M02 & M01 Upstairs Level Lab & Classroom
- Rotations or staggered starts may be required depending on total participants playing each game.

WHO: For talented video gamers looking to enter Years 9-11 at Canterbury College on an e-Sports Scholarship.
NB: Maximum 20 x e-Sports Trials Day participants so please register ASAP (see below).

- Gaming peripherals: your best / favourite mouse, keyboard & headset with microphone.
- Snacks & drinks for a break (particularly if you have any special dietary requirements.
- Basic snacks, water station, tea & coffee provided for parents, carers, families & other spectators.

- Comfortable smart casual that lets you move easily for best game-play.
- PLUS needed for a short teamwork problem-solving activity.

e-Sports Program Coaches: Mr Kenta Shimizu | Mr Hayden Turner | Mr Chris Van ‘t Wout
Other: College Registrar – Ms Debbie Milne | IT Assistance – Mr Chris Hughson

To register for this Trials Day, you MUST complete the Canterbury Scholarship Application Form located here on our website.

Click here to read our brief Prospectus containing the full e-Sports Program information.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 11:59pm THIS Wednesday 7 July 2021!
Please email your completed Scholarship Application Form to: 


League of Legends: A multiplayer online battle arena video game, where two teams of five players battle in ‘player versus player’ combat, with each team occupying and defending their half of the map. Each of the ten players controls a character known as a ‘champion’, with unique abilities and differing styles of play.

Overwatch: A team-based multiplayer first-person ‘hero shooter’ video game, that assigns players into two teams of six, with each player selecting from a large roster of characters known as ‘heroes’, with unique abilities and differing styles of play. Teams work to complete map-specific objectives within a limited time period.

Rocket League: A vehicular soccer video game where players control a rocket-powered car and use it to hit a ball that is much larger than the cars, towards the other team's goal area to score goals, in a way that resembles indoor soccer, with elements of a ‘demolition derby’.

Canterbury's First Australian Rowing Representative

Canterbury's First Australian Rowing Representative

I would like to share with you some news that may be pertinent to sharing with our College Community about 2020 Canterbury Alumni Jarrod Lord.

Earlier this year, Jarrod was selected to be a member of the QLD Youth VIII to compete at the 2021 National Rowing Championships. This QLD crew placed 3rd in their race (see attached photos).

While at these Championships, he successfully competed and won a number of medals across a range of different boat classes for his Brisbane River club KAND.

In the pairs (two people each with one oar), his rowing partner and him are now ranked as the fastest duo in QLD and NSW - as they won both of the respective State Championships, and are second fastest in Australia.

Through these performances, Jarrod and rowing partner Mitch, gained selection into the U21 Australian Rowing Team, which under normal circumstances would have travelled internationally to contest the World Cup.

But due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Australian Rowing Teams (Olympic, U23, U21 and U19) partook in the World Cup Simulation Regattas at Lake Wyaralong (QLD) and at West Lakes (SA).

This was a very important regatta, as it was the last chance for our Olympic crews to race before the Tokyo Olympics later this year.

Jarrod will now have a few months of recovery, before he starts his preparation for the 2022 rowing season.

While at Canterbury College, Jarrod was our first rower to be selected into the QLD Pathway VIII (2019), and QLD U23 Youth VIII (2020, 2021) and he is our first Australian Rowing representative.

I have attached some photos of his most recent successes and crews.

Congratulations Jarrod from the whole Canterbury family – just reward for a LOT of hard work and training!


Mr Emmanuel Hatzioannou
Canterbury College

Education Music Videos For Early Learners During Lockdowns

Dear Parents & Carers,

Our Year 6 Junior School Teacher Mr Jonathon Wheatley is doing an online presentation during these winter school holidays.

He’s been invited to present at next week's Australian Literacy Educators’ Association National Conference: Wednesday 7 – Friday 9 July @ Brisbane – under this year’s theme: Challenge & Change.

Mr Wheatley will be presenting work done, while on a lockdown teaching break, where he created education music videos to teach early learners during a lockdown.

(A very topical subject considering the week we've just experienced in South-East Queensland!)

He will be representing Canterbury College as part of explaining his current teaching role and presenting his background information.

It will be a pre-recorded 15-minute presentation to an online conference, and you can register now by clicking here.

For full conference information & timetables, please click here.

Please contact the event organisers for the specific time and date for Mr Wheatley's presentation.

Hosted by:
ALEA - Australian Literacy Educators' Association - alea.edu.au
AATE - Australian Association for the Teaching of English - aate.org.au

Canterbury Cantabile: Memories Of Italy 2016

Canterbury Cantabile: Memories Of Italy 2016

This time, five years ago... Canterbury Cantabile – The Passion Of Italy Festival Tour.

Lots of fabulous music, food, friendship and the beautiful sights of historic Rome, Florence and Venice.

We sang in amazing venues: In Rome - Mass in Saint Peter’s Basilica, our own concert in Sant’ Agnese Church in Agone, our festival concert in Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli - and today marks that festival performance there which was repeated in Pisa.

Included in the performance and travel photos is even one of the posters advertising our actual concert in Venice - which we found while walking around.

Looking forward to one day touring again!

Hurry up and finish COVID-19...

Katrina Peddell
Director of Music
Canterbury College

Aren’t Video Games A Waste Of Time? Top 12 e-Sports Benefits

Aren’t Video Games A Waste Of Time? Top 12 e-Sports Benefits

For a long time, video gaming was regarded as a ‘waste of time’ or a nerdy teenage hobby.

Slowly though, the benefits of gaming started emerging and being properly researched and brought to the attention of the general public.

Today, e-Sports is a billion-dollar worldwide industry, reaching more than 450 million users, and offering huge prize-money, countless game development companies, genuine multi-faceted careers, and a surprising array of health benefits including: stress reduction, improved brain function and memory, enhanced problem-solving and critical thinking, faster hand-eye coordination, as well as better communication, social and teamwork skills - to name just a few.

Scientific research confirms there are major emotional, physical, social and mental benefits to being part of the e-Sports gaming community, which naturally attracts high-level and strategic-thinking academics.

This future-focused industry will only bring more (and more varied) career opportunities to graduates.

So what are the top 12 benefits of video gaming and e-Sports?

1. General Health: It lowers stress just like any other hobby such as reading, hiking or cooking.

2. Reduced Depression: As it forces you to ‘live in the moment’ and not overthink the past or future.

3. Brain Health: Researchers have found that gaming improves three major areas of the brain: the prefrontal cortex, the right hippocampus, and the cerebellum.

Prefrontal Cortex: Responsible for decision-making, personality, cognitive planning and social behaviour.

Right Hippocampus: Responsible for short and long-term memory, data processing and consolidation.

Cerebellum: Controls your fine motor skills and muscular activity - posture, balance, coordination & speech.

4. Improved Eyesight: Gaming enables better colour contrast and colour shading perception.

5. Better & Faster Hand-Eye Coordination: Pretty self-explanatory.

6. Critical Thinking: Gaming - especially competitive gaming and e-Sports, requires players to take in mass amounts of information, process and analyse it, then make split-second decisions, over and over again.

Competitive gaming is like speed chess on a timer on steroids, as it requires you to think about what your opponent is thinking, and even to consider what your opponent is thinking that you might be thinking!

Once you’ve taken in all the presented information, processed and analysed it, you need to react with what you think the most logical next step should be.

Often, this logical reaction needs to happen in a split second, and many of these decisions become instinctual for gamers.

7. Problem Solving: Problem-solving defines e-Sports and gaming, as all games start with a problem that needs to be solved, and this defines many things in life, even life itself…

Gaming improves your problem-solving abilities because you are constantly solving problems at an incredibly fast rate.

You could be going along with a plan, only to have an enemy champion get the drop on you.

You don’t get to sit back and think about your next steps for a few minutes, you need to problem-solve immediately.

Practising solving problems will make you a better problem-solver, and gaming is a great, fast-paced way to solve many problems and really encourage thinking ahead.

8. Increased Memory Capacity: Having to remember all the player movement controls, overall game instructions, enemy or treasure locations, map directions, the list goes on and on…

9. College Scholarships: From QUT and UQ at the tertiary level and now Canterbury College at the high school level, which could save you thousands in education fees for your children (please see below).

10. Industry Job Pathways: e-Sports has evolved into a complete industry, and industries require many workers behind the scenes.

Here’s a list of potential employment opportunities in e-Sports: professional player, player or team coach, player agent, event or team sponsor, caster or live-streamer, event host, e-Sports journalist, sales & marketing specialist, tournament referee, social media manager, tournament manager, game developer, game tester, visual artist, graphic designer etc.

Having the experience of competitive gaming under your belt, will also give you an edge when exploring other opportunities within the e-Sports industry.

11. Real Life Job Skills: Every single job requires you to think critically and solve problems.

The better and faster you can do this, the more you will stand out in the workplace as a valuable employee, and gaming is excellent practice for this.

Gaming also improves a player’s ability to engage in multiple tasks simultaneously.

In one study, it was found that 50 hours of action-based video gaming significantly improved test scores that measured each participants’ ability to multi-task.

12. Stronger Communication: Clear communication is imperative for competitive team-based games.

The ability to effectively communicate under high pressure, when things feel like they’re falling apart, is a skill that will carry forward into any job.

So if you’re the parent or carer for children who love their video games (after their regular school homework is done)… please don’t despair.

Science and research is telling a very different and much brighter story!

WHAT: Canterbury e-Sports Program Scholarship Trials Day

WHEN: 2:15pm Arrival For 2:30pm Start – 5:00pm Finish, Friday 9 July 2021
Welcome & Overview - Mr Kenta Shimizu: 2:15pm – 2:30pm
Video Gaming Trials: 2:30pm – 5:00pm

WHERE: Canterbury College, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford QLD 4133

‘Home Base’ Location – Arts Auditorium (M Block)
- For official welcome & short overview presentation.
- Viewing space for parents, carers, families & other spectators.
- Plenty of onsite parking: Use Entrance B via Easterly Street, then park down the left side.

Gaming Trials Location – M02 & M01 Upstairs Level Lab & Classroom
- Rotations or staggered starts may be required depending on total participants playing each game.

WHO: For talented video gamers looking to enter Years 9-11 at Canterbury College on an e-Sports Program Scholarship.
NB: Maximum 20 x e-Sports Trials Day participants so please register ASAP (see below).

- Gaming peripherals: your best / favourite mouse, keyboard & headset with microphone.
- Snacks & drinks for a break (particularly if you have any special dietary requirements.
- Basic snacks, water station, tea & coffee provided for parents, carers, families & other spectators.

- Comfortable smart casual that lets you move easily for best game-play.
- PLUS needed for a short teamwork problem-solving activity.

e-Sports Program Coaches: Mr Kenta Shimizu | Mr Hayden Turner | Mr Chris Van ‘t Wout
Other: College Registrar – Ms Debbie Milne | IT Assistance – Mr Chris Hughson

To register for this Trials Day, you MUST complete the Canterbury Scholarship Application Form located here on our website.

Click here to read our brief Prospectus containing the full e-Sports Program information.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 11:59pm Wednesday 7 July 2021!
Please email your completed Scholarship Application Form to: 


League of Legends: A multiplayer online battle arena video game, where two teams of five players battle in ‘player versus player’ combat, with each team occupying and defending their half of the map. Each of the ten players controls a character known as a ‘champion’, with unique abilities and differing styles of play.

Overwatch: A team-based multiplayer first-person ‘hero shooter’ video game, that assigns players into two teams of six, with each player selecting from a large roster of characters known as ‘heroes’, with unique abilities and differing styles of play. Teams work to complete map-specific objectives within a limited time period.

Rocket League: A vehicular soccer video game where players control a rocket-powered car and use it to hit a ball that is much larger than the cars, towards the other team's goal area to score goals, in a way that resembles indoor soccer, with elements of a ‘demolition derby’.

Canterbury's Australian Women's Rugby 7s Player

Congratulations to our very own Alysia Leafu-Fakaosilea!

Canterbury Year 12 Graduate - Class of 2018... Now Australian Rugby 7s Squad Player!

Is it #TokyoTime? We will find out early July...

Coach John Manenti confirmed his Australian Women's Rugby Sevens Squad back on Monday 21 June for the past weekend's PacificAus Sport Oceania Sevens Tournament up in Townsville, which included Alysia Leafu-Fakaosilea amongst other upcoming stars Demi Hayes, Cassie Staples, Madison Ashby, Sariah Paki and Faith Nathan.

They are all pushing for Tokyo Olympics selection, with that squad set to be confirmed in early July.

"Our squad for the Oceania Tournament has a real mix of experience and youth, and I'm excited to see them play as a team," Manenti said in a statement.

“We took a lot of learning out of our recent games against champions New Zealand, and we have been working to improve on these issues to play our own brand of Rugby.

“This tournament allows us to test some final combinations ahead of confirming our Olympic squad, while also giving other players a chance to make their claim for a spot on the plane to Tokyo.”

Australian Women's Rugby Sevens Squad - PacificAus Sport Oceania Sevens Tournament Results:

Round One:
Australia vs Fiji: WON 31-17
Australia vs Oceania*: WON 37-7
Australia vs New Zealand: LOST 5-34

Round Two:
Australia vs Fiji: LOST 12-19
Australia vs Oceania*: WON 32-7
Australia vs New Zealand: LOST 5-26

*Oceania Barbarians Side = Contracted Players & Standouts From AON Uni Sevens Competition.

All matches were played at Townsville's new Queensland Country Bank Stadium.


1. Chloe Dalton
2. Sariah Paki
3. Sharni Williams (c)
4. Charlotte Caslick​​​​​​​
5. Vani Pelite​​​​​​​
6. Emma Tonegato​​​​​​​
7. Ellia Green
8. Demi Hayes
9. Shannon Parry
10. Cassie Staples
11. Madison Ashby
12. Alysia Leafu-Fakaosilea
13. Faith Nathan

Angry About Cuts To Canterbury's Private School Funding?

Angry About Cuts To Canterbury's Private School Funding?

Dear Parents & Carers,

Here is a suggested template for anyone wishing to contact our local Forde Electorate Federal MP Mr Bert van Manen directly, about the current changes in private school government funding, but feel they don’t have the words to make their argument as well as they would like.

It was suggested to me by a loyal Canterbury parent to draft up and make available to you all to use or 'cut and paste' as you see fit.

Your support is most welcome!

Kind Regards

Dan Walker
Canterbury College

Dear Mr van Manen,

As a parent with Canterbury College, I am writing to express my profound disappointment that the changes to the Federal government’s funding model disproportionally disadvantage our school over many other wealthier schools across the country.

The government has suggested the Direct Median Income (DMI) model is a fairer and more equitable measure of parents’ capacity to pay school fees.

However, how could it be that the wealthiest schools in our country, mainly in the $35,000+ per year fees band are protected behind a funding ‘floor’, while a change in DMI at Canterbury of 6 points, results in nearly $3 million being lost over the next decade?

Furthermore, it seems curious that very few Catholic schools nationwide seem to have lost any funding or had their DMI adjusted.

The reality that most schools suffering funding losses are Anglican or independent schools located in outer metropolitan growth corridors or regional Australia seems particularly unjust.

Parents who choose Canterbury, do so because it is an independent school that represents and promotes our values of developing the ‘whole child’ in a nurturing and challenging environment.

If fees at Canterbury rise beyond our means, there will be a flood of students into state schools in the area and a loss of great programs at Canterbury for the remaining families.

If the Federal government’s mantra is to maximise school choices for ALL families, this funding change seems to actually limit the ability of working families to choose their local independent school as it could now be priced out of reach.

We urge you to lobby your cabinet colleagues in the Morrison government to reconsider the DMI model in its entirety, as well as provide interim support to the 30% of schools affected negatively by these changes.

None of us want to consider another school beyond Canterbury, and we know the College is working extremely hard to protect us from any major fee hikes, but your government’s funding model is simply unfair.

This issue is a major concern to me as a voter in Forde.


<Full Name>
Canterbury College Parent

Canterbury College Aerial Photo

In case you haven’t seen it yet, here is the weblink to the ABC's 7:30 Report program piece aired on Monday night and the full transcript - https://www.abc.net.au/7.30/private-school-funding-creating-a-political-brawl/13404616

Get the FULL ABC story clearly explained here, including a table showing the estimated funding impact caused by the new DMI funding model on all regional and metropolitan independent Australian schools - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-22/independent-schools-group-opposes-private-funding-model/100233032