Canterbury Courses & Groups Registration Reminders!

Canterbury Courses & Groups Registration Reminders!

With school life returning to campus next week…

Our Canterbury Courses & Groups Registration Reminders with their MyCC links:

What: Canterbury Junior And Secondary eSports.
Who: All Years 5 – 12 students.
Years 10 – 12 Games: Overwatch, Rocket League, League of Legends.
Years 5 – 10 ‘The Fuse Cup’ Games: Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, Just Dance, Rocket League.
Info & Registration

What: Taipan Roboneers - The Robot Engineers Club.
Who: All Years 5 – 9 students.
Info & Registration

What: 'The Dark Side' Canterbury Astronomy Club.
Who: All Years 5 – 12 students.
Website  |  Facebook Group

What: NEW Canterbury Drone Academy - FREE Combo Certificate III In Aviation & Remote Pilot Licence Course.
Who: All Years 10 – 12 students.
Info & Registration

What: Junior School Running Club.
Who: All Years 1 – 6 students.
Info & Registration

What: Canterbury Taipans Gaming Club.
Who: All Years 7 – 12 students.
Info & Registration

What: Studio Lessons In Music, Dance & Drama.
Who: All Junior & Secondary students.
Info & Registration

What: Performing Arts Rehearsals Schedule
What: Music Ensemble Enrolments
Who: All Junior & Secondary students.

What: Canterbury Second-Hand School Uniforms: Buy Sell Swap Meet – TAKE 2!
When: 9:00am - 11:30am, THIS Saturday Morning 5 February 2022.
Where: Canterbury College: Trade Training Centre (TTC) Restaurant.
SELL your old uniforms OR BUY second-hand uniforms OR DONATE your old uniforms to us before Saturday.
Who: For ALL Canterbury Families!
More Information

Welcome To The 2022 Secondary School Year

Welcome To The 2022 Secondary School Year

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to the 2022 school year. I hope you and your family are well and that you were able to spend some time relaxing and connecting with family and friends over the break.

I want to take this opportunity to provide some information to assist you across this unusual start to the school year.

Secondary School Administration

You may have recently seen the social media posts of our new Secondary Administration building which was the old 'Q Block' last year.

Based at the Secondary School (Entrance D) drop-off and bus zones, this is an ideal location to welcome students to school, and to support any needs they may have.

The following staff are located in Secondary School Administration:

  • Mr Paul Diete - Deputy Principal
  • Mrs Rebecca Adamson - Head of Secondary School
  • Mr Arnie Marraiya - Director of Administration
  • Mr Mitchell Staples - Director of Academic Achievement
  • Ms Fiona Dixon - Director of Student Wellbeing

Students will be required to present themselves to Secondary School Administration if they are late to school or have an early departure.

Drop-Off Zone

Secondary School students are to be dropped off at the Old Logan Village Road Gate Roundabout (Entrance D).

Students who are late to school are to check-in at Secondary School Administration with a note from their parents.

Entrance B on Easterly Street is no longer a drop-off zone for students, as this area has been allocated as staff parking only.

Care Central

The new Care Central building (previously the Secondary Administration building), supports a range of student needs including: first aid, the sick bay, student medications, student counselling services, college chaplaincy services and post-schooling education and careers support.

In the event a student requires collection due to ill health or injury, parents and carers can collect their son or daughter from Care Central via the Easterly Street Entrance B gate.


It is very important that if your son or daughter is not feeling well or has COVID symptoms, that you keep them at home.

These symptoms include: fever, sore throat, heavy coughing, runny nose, shortness of breath, bad headache, heavy fatigue, vomiting or nausea, loss of smell and/or taste, muscle or joint pains, loss of appetite or diarrhoea.

In the event a student presents to a classroom or Care Central feeling unwell or with symptoms, they will be immediately sent home.

We need to protect all staff and students on-site, so we ask you to support us by monitoring your children’s health.

Masks are still mandatory for secondary students. At this stage, masks are mandated when moving between classes and into the classroom.

They can be removed if students can socially distance when sitting down in class, and when sitting down to eat lunch outdoors.

We will update students and families in the event this changes.

School Uniform Expectations

The recent supply and shipping issues has meant some students may not have every item of their school uniform.

We are fully aware of the situation and will make allowances for students.

However, we do expect that students will meet our very conservative and long-standing expectations regarding haircut and hair colour, shaving, make-up, jewellery, nails and lashes when they return to campus on Monday 7 February.

Q: "What is meant by a neat blended hairstyle for male students?"

A: A hairstyle that does not resemble, e.g: a step cut, mullet, have an undercut or shaved lines. Attached are some images for a visual explanation.

Q: "What earrings can female students wear?"

A: Females may wear one pair of small, plain, silver or gold sleepers or round studs in their earlobes. Attached are some images for a visual explanation.

Please contact Ms Fiona Dixon, the Director of Student Wellbeing with any queries or concerns.

Should a student not meet these expectations, they will be required to rectify it before returning to class, which parents should understand may involve students being sent home.

The Uniform Policy is available on the College website to support families.

Mobile Phones / SIM Enabled Devices

Late last year, we updated the Mobile Phone Policy to better support learning in the classroom and the development of quality relationships while at school.

Years 7 and 8 students will hand their device into Secondary School Administration when they arrive at school from 8:00am each day.

Parents of students in Years 7 and 8 are required to complete this FORM HERE to register your son or daughter’s phone.

If your son or daughter requires a phone at school later in the year, the Registration Form can be found on the Secondary School MyCC Page via the Forms tile.

Students in Years 9 – 12 are required to turn their phones to silent or off, and leave them in their locker upon arrival at school from 8:00am each day.

They are not permitted to access their phone throughout the day until 3:20pm.

Students who need to contact parents need to see their Head of House or Secondary School Administration who will support them.

Week 2 Learning Models (Monday 31 January - Friday 4 February)

Years 8 – 10 Learning Model

Students will be provided with three hours of activities per subject to be completed over the week.

This is a self-paced opportunity for students to engage in activities that will ensure learning has commenced, and to prepare them for their return to face-to-face classes on Monday 7 February.

The subjects providing activities include:

  • Year 8: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Health and Physical Education theory and LOTE.
  • Year 9: English, Mathematics, Science, History and Health and Physical Education theory.
  • Year 10: English, Mathematics, Science and History.

Mr Mitchell Staples, Director of Academic Achievement, has provided the following instructions in this VIDEO HERE for students, to support the organisation of their week and to locate the required resources.

Years 11 – 12 Learning Model

Students will engage in actual curriculum online learning from Monday 31 January - Friday 4 February.

This is the online learning model we used in previous years and lessons will be delivered based on the normal school timetable.

Mr Mitchell Staples - Director of Academic Achievement, Mrs Fiona Dixon - Director of Student Wellbeing, and I will address students in a Teams meeting in Lesson 1 on Monday to support them in understanding the timetable and expectations of online learning.

Although this is an online learning model, students will be commencing formal learning and it is expected every student attends every lesson, including Form time.

We are recording online class attendance, so if your son or daughter has an appointment, is unwell, or is having technical difficulties attending lessons - please ensure you advise us via email -  OR on the School Absentee Telephone Line - 07 3299 0858.

All students in Years 8 – 10 will be able to join their Head of House each morning (excluding Thursday) from 8:30am - 8:45am to check-in.

Years 11 and 12 students are required to attend these sessions to commence their school day.

We look forward to welcoming students back here on campus next Monday 7 February.

Should you have any concerns, please contact your son or daughter’s Head of House or Secondary School Administration via email -  OR call 07 3299 0843.

Yours faithfully


Mrs Rebecca Adamson
Head of Secondary School
Canterbury College

NEW Enrolments Open: Studio Lessons In Music, Dance & Drama

NEW Enrolments Open: Studio Lessons In Music, Dance & Drama

New enrolments are now being taken for students interested in Music, Dance and Drama Studio Lessons.

All Junior and Secondary School students are provided with the opportunity to have one-on-one individual or shared studio lessons in an area or areas of their choice.

These lessons are recognised as an important part of our Academic program, with lessons scheduled on rotating timetables throughout the College day.

This Studio Tuition Program is staffed by specialist instrument, voice, dance, speech, drama and communications teachers, who are committed to fully developing the abilities of their students.

For more information, including enrolment forms, please CLICK HERE.

Dr Katrina Peddell

Director of Music
Canterbury College

The Dark Side (Years 5-12) Canterbury Astronomy Club: Starts MON 21 FEB 3:30-5pm Secondary Library

The Dark Side (Years 5-12) Canterbury Astronomy Club: Starts MON 21 FEB 3:30-5:00pm Secondary Library

WHAT: Canterbury Astronomy Club - The Dark Side: FIRST MEETING!

WHEN: 3:30pm - 5:00pm, Monday 21 February 2022

WHERE: Secondary Library - Canterbury College

WHO: ALL Years 5-12 Students Most Welcome!


RSVP: Not Required - Please just attend on the day...

This club is a fusion of Astronomy and Star Wars themes.

We will explore the fascinating wonders of the universe and engage in lightsaber battles.

There will be Virtual Reality space travel, quiz competitions with chocolate prizes, star-gazing nights with telescopes, Star Wars movie marathons and planetarium visits.

And, as everyone knows, The Dark Side has cookies.

For more information, please visit our dedicated website by clicking HERE.

FREE Certificate III In Aviation & Remote Pilot Licence Course: Register NOW!

FREE Certificate III In Aviation & Remote Pilot Licence Course: Register NOW!

If you are interested in Drones and want to find a really diverse yet flexible career, then this is a great opportunity...

Students in Years 10-12 are invited to complete their DOUBLE qualification for their Certificate III in Aviation and their Remote Pilot Licence.

Students don't have any out-of-pocket expenses for the course and it will all be done on Canterbury College grounds.

You also have the opportunity to complete most course work online - giving you the flexibility to do your theory when it's convenient for you - and also have a teacher that can assist you with course work on Monday afternoons as part of the Drone Academy.

Students will also gain up to 7 QCE points.

This course is the only one of its kind being offered to schools in the Logan area, and once qualified, it provides students with a real qualification that opens up multiple options for careers as a Remote Pilot.

Sign up today below, so you don't miss out on this amazing opportunity!


Junior TAS Sport - Term 1, 2022

Junior TAS Sport - Term 1, 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Re: Junior TAS Sport - Term 1, 2022 Information

The Junior TAS Sport season commences in Term 1 with Cricket and Hockey being offered to students in Years 3 – 6.

Please carefully check the training timetable below which lists the start dates for each activity.

Sport  Pre-Season Skills Training  Regular Training Sessions  Year Levels
Cricket and Hockey  Friday 28 January

8:30am – 11:00am


Wednesday 2 February

2:30pm – 3:45pm


Friday 4 February

8:00am – 9:00am


3:30pm – 4:45pm



7:00am – 8:00am


(Starting From 9 February)

 Any Years 3-6 Students

Junior TAS Cricket and Hockey

The Term 1, 2022 Junior TAS team sports are Hockey and Cricket.

These sports will be played on a Saturday with the first fixture to be played on Saturday 12 February 2022.

Both Cricket and Hockey are played over a seven-week season.

Fixtures for both sports are currently being finalised and will be made available to parents via MyCC and email.

Junior TAS Hockey will have a central venue each week with all games played at Rasey Park, 95 Butterfield Street, Herston.

Junior TAS Cricket will play home games on the Canterbury College ovals or at the Logan Village Cricket Club, Weaber Road, Buccan.

Away games will be played at the ovals stipulated by opposing schools.

Training sessions for both Cricket and Hockey will take place on:
Wednesday afternoons from 3:30pm – 4:45pm and
Friday mornings from 7:00am – 8:00am.

Students are to meet outside the Year 4 and 5 classrooms (artificial grass area) before being accompanied to their session by a Canterbury staff member.

Pre-season training has been scheduled for:
THIS Friday 28 January from 8:30am – 11:00am and
Wednesday 2 February 2:30pm – 3:45pm and
Friday 4 February 8:00am – 9:00am.

These three sessions are optional for all students.

Students who wish to attend the pre-season training sessions need to meet Mr Maxfield outside the Year 4 and 5 classrooms.

Sessions will be undertaken by Canterbury staff and coaches.

Students will need to either be picked up promptly at the conclusion of these sessions, or parents will need to inform the school that their child has to be supervised at school for the day by completing this survey form here.

Please follow the rule: If you feel unwell, have COVID symptoms, or have tested COVID positive – please stay isolated at home until you have fully recovered and/or have tested negative (where and when testing and timely results are possible).

When participating in Junior TAS activities, it is necessary for students to attend ALL training sessions and fixtures.

In situations where College activities clash and/or a student is unable to attend, please contact Mr Maxfield via email at - 

If your child would like to participate in any of these sports, you will need to complete this nomination weblink here by 9:00am THIS Monday 31 January 2022.

Failure to do this by the deadline may result in your child missing out on selection.

A reminder that if students require supervision before or after these training sessions, please complete this survey form here.

Yours faithfully,

Mr Ben Maxfield

Head of HPE and Sport Prep
Year 6 Head of Junior School

Junior TAS Uniform Requirements




2022 Teams 





Year 3/4

Year 5/6 Div 2

Year 5/6 Div 1

  • Canterbury white TAS shirt
  • White cricket long pants or navy PE shorts and PE socks
  • Appropriate sports shoes and Canterbury PE cap or white broad brim cricket hat
  • Protective box
  • Water bottle needed for all training sessions and games
  • Cricket playing equipment supplied for all teams. Students can bring their own equipment however this remains the student’s responsibility


Year 3/4

Year 5/6


  • CC white TAS shirt
  • CC PE shorts
  • CC navy long socks
  • Shin pads and mouth guards are compulsory
  • Appropriate footwear
  • Water bottle needed for all training sessions and games

Canterbury Taipans Gaming - Coming In 2022!

Canterbury Taipans Gaming - Coming In 2022!

Sign up to the NEW Canterbury Taipans Gaming Group HERE on MyCC.

Open to ALL Canterbury Secondary Students in Years 7-12!

Your Game... Your Way!


Canterbury Second-Hand School Uniforms: Buy Sell Swap Meet - THIS Saturday Morning

Canterbury Second-Hand School Uniforms: Buy Sell Swap Meet - THIS Saturday Morning

What: Canterbury Second-Hand School Uniforms: Buy Sell Swap Meet!
A Parents Event Proudly Supported By Canterbury College.

When: 9:00am - 11:30am, THIS Saturday Morning 29 January 2022.

Where: Canterbury College: Trade Training Centre (TTC) Restaurant.
182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.

For New Parents - Location: Near the Athletics Track and Sports Hall.
Parking: Please enter via Gate E on Old Logan Village Road for the TTC carpark.

Who: For ALL Canterbury Families!

Mobile Coffee Van: Will be on-site for your morning caffeine or tea ‘wake up’ from 8am – 11am-ish.

Trestle Tables: Provided for parents and volunteers to buy, sell and swap school uniform items.

Walled Marquees: Provided for multiple separate boys and girls changerooms.

Have Second-Hand Canterbury School Uniforms?

Option One: Bring your second-hand Canterbury school uniform items to sell or swap yourself at the meet.

If so, please register for your trestle table by emailing your full name, mobile number and rough number of items to Lisa Foster – 

Option Two: Donate your second-hand Canterbury school uniform items to the College for volunteers to sell with our BIG THANK YOU!

If so, please deliver your clothing items either to:

(A): Canterbury College – Main Administration Office (not the Secondary or Junior School Admin Offices).
Attention: Lisa Foster during opening hours from 8am – 4pm.
Attention: Stephen Buckley after hours from 4pm – 8pm.
Please text or call Stephen when at the front doors for office entry after hours – Mob: 0401 086 387.
Please leave your bagged or boxed items by the front glass doors if outside both these timeframes.

OR to wonderful Canterbury event promoter:

(B): Mrs Yvette Peterson, President of the Canterbury Sport Supporters Group.
Please contact or DM Yvette via her CC Sports Supporters Group on Facebook to make your arrangements directly with her - CC Sports Supporters Group | Facebook.

She will then deliver her collection to Canterbury in time for Saturday’s Buy Sell Swap Meet.

Yvette lives nearby in Waterford and has generously offered to collect uniforms from those parents and past-students who wish to donate, but lack the transport to deliver items to the school. Legend!

Uniform Pricing

Parents selling uniforms themselves can naturally decide their own item prices on the day.

Donated uniforms will not be specifically ‘priced’ so that purchasing parents can pay whatever they can afford or feel is reasonable.

Our goal is NOT making money BUT getting these second-hand uniforms into the hands of parents who need them!

Please Note: ALL profits from donated school uniforms will be split 50/50 between the Canterbury College Sport Supporters Group and Performing Arts Supporters Group. THANK YOU!


Parents selling items themselves will need their own cash float or Square Card Reader.

College donated items can be purchased preferably by cash, but Canterbury will provide a portable EFTPOS machine.

Important COVID QLD Health Schools Directive

ALL parents, carers and students are most welcome to attend and shop at this meet here on campus, whether fully vaccinated or not.

Likewise, you are most welcome on campus to donate or deliver your school uniform items in person, whether fully vaccinated or not.

This is because you are classed as temporary visitors – the same as doing child drop-offs and pick-ups on school days on campus.

However, any parent or carer volunteering their time and labour to staff the trestle tables, must be fully vaccinated, as you are classed as service providers – the same as being a contractor or maintenance worker on campus (paid or unpaid makes no difference).

Call For Buy Sell Swap Meet Volunteers

Having said that, we will gratefully accept any fully vaccinated volunteers who can help with trestle table sales on Saturday morning.

If you are available and happy to help out, please email Lisa Foster with your full name and mobile number, plus proof of your full vaccination to – 

Please Note: Canterbury’s Saturday morning TAS Trimester One sport training and trials will be running at the same time on the various ovals, up at the Canterbury Taipans Tennis Centre, in the nearby Sports Hall, plus over at the CEC on High Road.

NB: The Technology Precinct toilets at the rear of the Trade Training Centre will be open for use – please follow the signs.

A Message From Mrs Yvette Peterson:

“Thanks to COVID wreaking havoc on factory production work and transport supply lines, high sick leave staff shortages and international customs hold-ups, the usual shipments of new Canterbury uniform items have been delayed.

That means there are lots of new students to the school, as well as those moving up from Junior to Secondary, that may not have all their required uniform items for the first day of Term One.

As a parent at the school, I wanted to make a call out to the Canterbury Community for anyone that may have old Canterbury uniforms gathering dust in your cupboards – from past student alumni or from kids who’ve outgrown them – that could help make another student feel comfortable on their first school day.

We will need uniforms, as well as volunteers who can help at this meet, to try and get uniforms into the hands of those kids that really need them.

So if you can help with any of this at all, please get in touch. I am happy to collect items from your home where possible.

And please spread the word about this event!"

Canterbury NEW Uniform Items: Quick Stock Update

Canterbury NEW Uniform Items: Quick Stock Update

Our great new retail partners The School Locker have provided the following Monday NEW Uniforms update:

- Boys Prep Shirts
- Boys Year 5-6 Shirts
- Knee High Socks

NOW in stock at both store locations (see below).

Boys Senior White Shirts have also arrived, however supply is limited.
Limit one per person until the full order arrives.

Canterbury College – Campus Uniform Shop:

Tel: 07 3299 0925
Address: Via Gate D or E, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.

Opening Hours: Monday 24 – Friday 28 January: 7:45am – 11:30am (Except Wednesday’s Australia Day Public Holiday).

The School Locker – Loganholme Superstore:

Tel: 07 3440 9777
Address: Shop 2, 3878 Pacific Highway, Loganholme.

Opening Hours: Mondays – Thursdays: 8:30am – 5:00pm, Fridays: 8:30am – 4:00pm, Saturdays: 9:00am – 3:00pm, Sundays (January): 10:00am – 2:00pm.

New Students Orientation Session: Years 8 – 11 THIS Friday 28 January

New Students Orientation Session: Years 8 – 11 THIS Friday 28 January

What: New Students Orientation Session: Years 8 – 11.

When: 8:15am For 8:30am Start – 10:30am Finish, THIS Friday 28 January 2022.

Where: Students are to meet at the outdoor Arts Centre Amphitheatre shown below.

- Please enter via Gates B or C along Easterly Street with plenty of car parking close to the Arts Centre.
- Please see our campus map signs when you arrive for the exact building location.
- The actual orientation session will be held inside the Arts Centre Auditorium (top photo).

Who: NEW Years 8 – 11 Canterbury Secondary Students.

What To Bring: Laptop and water bottle.

Dress Code: Canterbury Formal Uniform.

We are aware of the current new uniform shortages, but a complete Canterbury uniform (sport or formal uniform) should be worn where possible.

Further Details:

This orientation morning is aimed at supporting your son or daughter in joining Canterbury College.

We appreciate that families are hoping for as normal a start to the school year as possible, particularly as your son/daughter is starting a brand new school.

And the Queensland Government’s COVID Health Directives have delayed regular on-campus classes by two weeks, with remote learning commencing from this Monday 31 January.

Orientation Session Includes:

  • 1:1 Device Tutorial Session with Mr James Jenkins, our Director of Learning and Teaching Innovation, helping these new students navigate our online learning environment, so they can access resources and participate in remote learning.
  • IT Bootcamp
  • Textbooks Collection
  • ID Photos Taken

As you are aware, the Queensland schools situation is evolving, so we will communicate any event changes that may be required.

Thank you for your patience while we rescheduled the original orientation session.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Secondary School Administration on (07) 3299 0843 should you have any questions.