Major Announcement: NEW Canterbury AND School Locker - Uniform Shopping Partnership

Major Announcement: NEW Canterbury College AND School Locker - Uniform Shopping Partnership




Canterbury's New Director Of Sport And Activities Announced!

Canterbury's New Director Of Sport And Activities Announced!

In 2022, Glen Walker, who has served as our Director of Sport at Canterbury since 2012, will take over as Head of Kime House - an exciting new chapter in Glen’s contribution to our College.

We therefore have advertised for, and appointed, a new Director of Sport and Activities.

As we might have expected, there were applications from interstate and overseas, as well as many from GPS, QGSSSA, AIC, TAS and APS schools across Queensland.

Our emerging reputation as a school ‘on the move’ saw an unprecedented level of interest for this position.

So we are proud to announce Catherine Krzensk will be our new Director of Sport and Activities, commencing in Term 1 of 2022.

Catherine is currently the Head of Year 7 at Somerville House.

In her ten years at Somerville, she has undertaken a range of leadership roles in their sport and pastoral programs.

She served as Director of Aquatics (Swimming, Water Polo and Sailing), Acting Director of Sport, and as a hockey, water polo and football coach.

Prior to Somerville, Catherine worked as a teacher at Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Mary MacKillop College, and also owned and operated a successful Learn To Swim School.

Catherine also coordinated the University of Queensland’s recreational activities program for eight years.

Catherine articulated not only a clear vision for the future of sports and activities at Canterbury, but showed enormous experience at the highest levels across multiple sports, which made her the stand-out candidate in an extraordinarily high-quality field.

Furthermore, she has extensive experience coordinating sport carnivals, events, trips and tours.

Catherine is a Science and HPE teacher and holds a Bachelor of Applied Science/Human Movement and Master of Educational Studies (Leadership) from the University of Queensland.

Importantly, Catherine understands the current strong position of Canterbury Sport, created by the current team led by Glen Walker, and appreciates the excellent quality of coordinators and head coaches that we already have on staff.

As we seek to expand our non-sport activity offerings, such as clubs and societies, ‘thought-sports’ and academic enrichment groups, Catherine’s vision for high-quality, co-curricular opportunities for every student in the school will align very well.

Her first step in 2022 will be charting out a strategic plan for Canterbury to be recognised as the best P-12 coeducational sporting school in Queensland by 2025.

We look forward to seeing Catherine around campus in the new school year!

2021 Canterbury Spring Music Festival: BOOK NOW!

2021 Canterbury Spring Music Festival: BOOK NOW!

Full information in the flyer image below.

Online booking weblinks in this flyer PDF.

OR simply click these direct weblinks:

Symphonic Splendour - 6pm Tuesday 12 October 2021 @ Arts Centre Auditorium - DONE (139 guests)

Heavenly Voices - 6pm Tuesday 19 October 2021 @ Arts Centre Auditorium - DONE (147 guests)

Mezzo Kaleidoscope - 6pm Tuesday 9 November 2021 @ Canterbury Events Centre - DONE (284 guests)

Friday Night Rocks - 6pm Friday 12 November 2021 @ Arts Centre Amphitheatre. - NEXT (186 FREE bookings already)

Poco Kaleidoscope - 6pm Tuesday 16 November 2021 @ Canterbury Events Centre. (231 FREE bookings already)


Year 8 BEE Christmas Gifts: Pop-Up Market Day Stall: THU 11 NOV - CASH ONLY! 🎄

Year 8 BEE Christmas Gifts: Pop-Up Market Day Stall: THU 11 NOV - CASH ONLY! 🎄

What: Year 8 Business Christmas Gifts: Pop-Up Market Day Stall.

When: Week 6 - THIS Thursday 11 November 2021.
- Morning Tea Break (10:25am – 10:50am)
- Lunch Break (12:45pm – 1:25pm)

Where: School Canteen Deck Outside The Yalburru Café.

Who: ALL Secondary School Students & Staff.

Cost: Various Christmas Gifts On Sale From $1 - $15.

**Payment: CASH ONLY so please bring your wallets & purses.**

More Details: The gift ideas, their actual production, and store set-up, have all been uniquely collaborated upon and planned, and will be delivered by our Year 8 Business class as part of their assessment task: Entrepreneurial Design.

There are fabulous handmade gifts, special Christmas gift cards, tote bags, scrunchies, food and gift baskets, candles and decorations – all on sale for one day only.

Raffles and cold drinks will add to the festivities.

So get in some early Christmas shopping while supporting this entrepreneurial venture by our Year 8 Business students.

NB: A similar stall was run back in Term 2, and our Year 8 students are pretty excited for Market Day on Thursday 11 November!

Please don't forget your cash...

Australian School Of Entrepreneurship: 3-Day Summer Holidays Business Camp

What: Australian School Of Entrepreneurship: 3-Day Summer Holidays Business Camp

When: 9:00am – 4:00pm Daily, Monday 10 – Wednesday 12 January 2022

Where: Trade Training Centre - Canterbury College, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.
- Use Entrance E via Old Logan Village Road with plenty of onsite parking.

Who: ANY Students Aged 10 - 17 Years.

Cost: $339.00 For Full 3-Day Course.

- Canterbury students get $20 OFF by using this promo code when registering online: CANTERBURY20

The Canterbury Centre for Entrepreneurship & Leadership (CCEL) will also be offering a 75% BURSARY to FOUR Canterbury students to attend this Business Camp!

- To express your interest in this scholarship, please email the Head of the CCEL Mr Greg Wacker BEFORE 5PM THIS FRIDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2021 - 

RSVP: Please register online by clicking this weblink HERE.

3-Day Summer Holidays Business Camp Course Details


This is our most popular Business Camp where every attendee starts their journey and builds a business or social change movement.

In 21 hours over three days, attendees will experience the highs, lows, loves and pressures that come with the ever-changing business world.

Students will meet and make amazing friends and mentors along the way, through a trusted, exciting, extremely educational and authentic entrepreneurial program.

Australian School of Entrepreneurship (ASE) Business Camps have been designed to expose students to genuine leadership, entrepreneurial and team-building experiences.

Activities over the three days include:

  • Ideation & Innovation
  • Networking
  • Market Research
  • Business Planning
  • Creating Graphics
  • Learning 'Soft Skills'
  • Meeting Young Entrepreneurs
  • Showcasing Your Final Ideas To Businesses & Parents.

So have you ever wanted to start a business? Be your own boss? Change the world?

Then this is for young Australians like yourself aged 10-17 years, who want to make a positive change in the world through business and entrepreneurship.

For more course information please visit – ASE Business Camp

If you have any questions about the Business Camp, please email Mr Greg Wacker – 

Canterbury’s ‘Campus Connections’ Water Battle Finale

Canterbury’s ‘Campus Connections’ Water Battle Finale

Canterbury’s Campus Connections program wrapped up today for 2021, with an all-in House vs House ‘Capture The Flag’ water battle on Oval 2 this morning.

The goal was for the Year 6 and Year 11 cohorts from each House to strategise together to capture the other House’s flag, by eliminating their opponents, while maintaining their own water supply line.

Students splashed by a water sponge or water gun were eliminated from the game, leaving the ‘survivors’ to refill buckets and water guns, remove more opponents, and try to snare the heavily guarded enemy flag.

The Year 11 leaders worked together to arrange these games, which descended into some form of ‘organised chaos’ once the water started flying on a warm Spring day and private ‘fun feuds’ were sorted. 😉

Ultimately, it was another great opportunity for next year’s Seniors and Year 7s to get to know each other and bond.

This way, the younger students will have some familiar and friendly faces at the top level of Secondary School when they cross over from Junior School in late January next year.

The Campus Connections program is fully detailed below if you wish to learn more about the fundamentals behind the fun.

In the meantime, enjoy the 'coordinated chaos' image gallery loaded onto our Facebook Page, with all our videos uploaded to our Instagram Account.

And thanks to Campus Connections Coordinator Mr Shannon Blackmore.

Campus Connections Program Summary

The Campus Connections program is intended to serve as a ‘bridge’ between members of each Canterbury House in Year 6, and their counterparts in Year 11, who will be the Senior Leaders upon their advancement to the Secondary campus.

It will initially be held on two occasions early in Term 3 during August (DONE), after which it will be assessed with a view to more frequent meetings in the future, such as Term 4 during November (TODAY).

Wellbeing Blueprint

This program is intended to primarily address the Social and Emotional dimensions of the Canterbury Wellbeing Blueprint, however it may include support for students in all other dimensions.

Canterbury Values

The program will primarily support the Canterbury Values of Community, Compassion and Respect.


The primary objectives of the Campus Connections program are as follows:

  • Build relationships between the Junior and Senior School campuses.
  • Allow rising Year 7 students to meet their future Student Leadership Group and develop personal relationships with rising Year 12 students which will remain after graduation.
  • Reduce concern and build excitement among Year 6 students for their future advancement to Secondary School.
  • Foster House identity and pride by developing a sense of belonging and understanding of House Values.
  • Provide Year 11 students with opportunities to demonstrate leadership, both for their own personal growth and to support their involvement in the student leadership application process.

Responsible Staff

The program will be supervised by the six Year 11 Wellbeing Teachers, however Year 11 students will be leading the program.

Year 6 Teachers, the Head and/or Deputy Head of Junior School will be responsible for preparing and, where necessary, debriefing the Year 6 students.


Meetings will take place during Year 11 Wellbeing lessons in Period 3 from 10:50am - 11:45am on Thursdays.

If the program progresses into 2022, a common time for Year 6 classes should be programmed to coincide with Year 11 Wellbeing classes.

Year 11 students will prepare their programs during the final few Wellbeing lessons of Term 2.

Program Details

  • It will connect Year 11 and Year 6 students to do activities together, organised by the Year 11 students.
  • Activity specifics are to be left deliberately open-ended, to allow maximum input from Year 11 students.
  • Houses should develop their own objectives in accordance with their own House Values and Culture.
  • Year 6 students will lead their classes to an agreed meeting point at 10:50am to meet their Year 11 counterparts.
  • The Year 11s, under the supervision of their Wellbeing teacher, will lead the Year 6s to their classroom or another appropriate location to run the activities.
  • Activities in the initial weeks are expected to include an element of ‘getting to know you’ type activities.
  • Year 11 students will plan their activities in the final weeks of Term 2, creating a document detailing the activities, responsible students, procedures and equipment needed, and present them to their teacher.
  • Year 11 students will conduct a debrief session during the week following the program, to determine which activities worked, opportunities for future meetings and to reflect on their performance.
  • Feedback will also be sought from Wellbeing Teachers, Heads of House, Year 6 Teachers and Admin, and Year 6 students on the effectiveness of the program and possibilities for future experiences.


When approval is received by Heads of House and Head of Secondary, an incursion pack will be completed.

Upon successful completion of the first two Campus Connections dates, further dates will be identified and arranged if agreed by Heads of House, Head of Secondary and Head of Junior School.

Two Tests In One - Year 9 & Year 3 Joint Ag Science Class: Seed Germination

Two Tests In One… Year 9 & Year 3 Joint Ag Science Class: Seed Germination

Canterbury’s Year 9 Agricultural Science Class ran two experiments simultaneously this week – a science experiment and a ‘social learning’ type experiment.

These Year 9 students played ‘teacher for a day’ by preparing a lesson plan, then hosting some Year 3 students ‘on loan’ from the Junior School.

Together they conducted simple tests on which conditions resulted in the best alfalfa seed germination – a soil or cotton wool base, and under sunlight or darkness.

While the Year 3s were learning about actual germination and placing their guesses on which seeds would grow best, the Year 9s were also learning how to teach and explain concepts simply and effectively.

The overall challenge or question being: How can you possibly teach a Year 3 student if you don’t understand the science and rationale behind the experiment in the first place?

What we saw were some Year 9 students keen to pass on their knowledge and scientific interest, and some Year 3 students eager to learn from their older compatriots.

Gotta love Science!

Full videos on our Facebook Page and Instagram Account.


QYO Finale & Canterbury Soloists Evening – Our Talented Musicians

QYO Finale & Canterbury Soloists Evening – Our Talented Musicians

Last Saturday night 30 October 2021, several of our talented Canterbury music students played in the Queensland Youth Orchestras (QYO) Finale concert, held at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) Concert Hall over in South Bank.

This was the FIRST live QYO Finale concert since 2019!

Here is the list of Canterbury College performers:

Junior String Ensemble

Violin 2 – Jessie Lei, Bella Oxenbridge*

Viola – Ernest Yuen, Travis Yuen

Wind Symphony

Clarinet – Dylan You*

Bass Trombone – Siwan Li (2018 Graduate)

Queensland Youth Orchestra 3

Violin 2 – Makayla Lin, Sophie Peddell

Queensland Youth Orchestra 2

Violin 1 – Haydn Li*

Viola – Susie Kim*

Cello – George Li*

Queensland Youth Symphony

First Violin – Lucia Hughes*

Second Violin – Emma Masterman*

Congratulations to all these talented musicians playing on esteemed public stages!

Many of these students (asterisked*) also performed with these same instruments at our very own 2021 Canterbury Soloists Evening for our leading College musicians, back on Friday 15 October, also pictured here in our gallery.

Please visit our Facebook photo gallery for all pictures.

Duke Of Edinburgh Bronze Award: Adventurous Journey

What: Duke Of Edinburgh Bronze Award: Adventurous Journey.

When: Two Weekend Options - Term 4, 2021.
From 8am Saturday – 5pm Sunday Both Weekends.
Saturday 27 – Sunday 28 November 2021
Saturday 4 – Sunday 5 December 2021

Where: Gold Coast Hinterland.

Who: For Year 9 Canterbury Students currently doing the Duke Of Ed Bronze Award Course.
In partnership with PCYC Gold Coast.

Attendance Capacity: 15 Students Only.

Cost: $40 Per Student.

RSVP: Please RSVP & pay here on Humanitix by 11:59pm Monday 22 November 2021 using the ‘Get Tickets’ button.

Dear Students,

Achieving your Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is an adventure from beginning to end, and can give you some of your most memorable youth experiences.

Duke of Ed Adventurous Journeys are designed to challenge you and provide you with a sense of achievement across various activities at outdoor locations.

The organisers from PCYC Gold Coast will mentor you and instruct ‘from the back’ as they assess you.

They do this to ensure that you and your group have the opportunity to work as a team and make sound judgments based on your training.

You will be required to take responsibility and make decisions for yourself, while under supervision from these experienced and qualified professionals.

Canterbury High Tea Fundraiser: Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Pink Lady Event Wrap

Canterbury High Tea Fundraiser: Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Pink Lady Event Wrap

This day last week, we hosted our very successful SOLD OUT Canterbury High Tea Fundraiser at our College’s Trade Training Centre Restaurant for Breast Cancer Awareness Month – an official ‘Pink Lady Event’ registered with the Breast Cancer Network Australia organisation.

A big ‘thank you’ to our 65 parents, community members, staffers and special guests who attended, and to our Year 11 Hospitality students who catered, with a wide range of delicious cakes and slices, scones with jam and cream, savouries, sandwiches and fruits, as well as summer mocktails, tea and coffee.

Our guest speaker was Canterbury’s very own Director of Student Futures Ms Bre Ramsay-Orr – herself a cancer survivor – who detailed her personal experiences with her family’s ongoing hereditary battle with breast cancer, surgery, recovery, a lifetime of medication, and how the love of her three children keeps her positive.

It was certainly a very powerful presentation and really brought home why everyone was attending the morning tea fundraiser which raised around $1,300.

Canterbury hosted one of these fundraisers with their Hospitality students a few years ago, and likewise it was very successful, so this may well become an annual event.

Breast Cancer Network Australia is an extremely worthwhile organisation and cause, which offers support to the 57 Australians diagnosed with breast cancer every single day!

Please see our Facebook photo gallery for all event pictures (30 images).