2022 Gold Coast Green Ball Elite Junior Tennis Tournament
2022 Gold Coast Green Ball Elite Junior Tennis Tournament
What: 2022 Gold Coast Green Ball Elite Junior Tennis Tournament.
Our Canterbury Taipans Tennis Centre’s First Professional Tournament For 2022.
Junior Community Series Grading - Hardcourt.
When: 8:00am – 4:00pm THIS Sunday 20 March 2022.
Where: Canterbury Taipans Tennis Centre - Canterbury College.
- Access via the Sports Precinct Gate, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of onsite venue parking.
Who: Approximately 40 - 50 Registered Gold Coast Region Elite Junior Tennis Players.
Our Splash & Smash Café will be open for food and beverages on the day.
Tennis Queensland Official Website Event Listing.
Happy St Patrick’s Day From Our Greenest College House - Temple!
Happy St Patrick’s Day From Our Greenest College House - Temple!
Dear Colleagues,
TODAY - Thursday 17 March - is Saint Patrick’s Day! To be sure... To be sure...
So in the spirit of the day, and with an overwhelming sense of green pride, our Temple House Year 10s hosted some celebrations in the 'College Meadow' at lunchtime.
We served green pancakes and green slushies, there was Irish music thanks to U2, green costume photo props, and I had my beard (and business shirt, and tie, and neck, and whole face it seems) dyed green.
Our Temple students invited friends from the other houses to come and share this experience with us - the ‘greenest’ day in the ecumenical calendar!
Please enjoy our video and photo gallery.
And... Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Kind regards
Mr Tory Mills
Head Of Temple House
TAS & JTAS Sport Fixtures: THIS Saturday 19 March – CC vs CHAC Away 

TAS & JTAS Sport Fixtures: THIS Saturday 19 March – CC vs CHAC Away 

Below are your sport fixtures for THIS Saturday’s TAS (Round 8) and Junior TAS (Round 5) Trimester 1 matches.
We will be competing Away again this weekend - this time against Cannon Hill Anglican College (CHAC), with one Ormiston College clash mixed in, and some cricket clashes on Canterbury home turf.
GO TAIPANS! Go you good things...
2022 Trimester 1 Sport - TAS Round 8 & Junior TAS Round 5 CC vs CHAC - Saturday 19 March Fixture PDF
Year 2 Excursion - Beenleigh Historical Village
Year 2 Excursion - Beenleigh Historical Village
Meanwhile our Year 2s were taking a step back in time at the nearby Beenleigh Historical Village & Museum today...
Slates With Chalk vs Laptops... And who needs some laundry done?
Year 6 Outdoor Education Update! Goats, Archery And Survival Skills...
Year 6 Outdoor Education Update! Goats, Archery And Survival Skills...
The Year 6 Outdoor Education Program is up and running, with alliances being formed and lines drawn.
The Red Badgers have thrown down the gauntlet, challenging any other teams to surpass their archery skills, while the Bridesmaids (Pink Team) are crowing about their superior crate stacking skills.
Surprisingly, the Green Ninja Nuggies have been silent in the face of this, preferring the company of the property's miniature goats.
Stay tuned, there is much more to come...
2022 Year 12 Seniors Soiree: THIS Friday Evening 18 March - BOOK NOW!
2022 Year 12 Seniors Soiree: THIS Friday Evening 18 March - BOOK NOW!
All Year 12 students, and their parents or carers, are warmly invited to our evening Seniors Soiree to hear about the big year ahead, as well as meet key leadership staff and teachers.
Beverages and delicious canapes will be served around our speeches / presentations.
What: 2022 Year 12 Seniors Soiree
When: 5:30pm - 6:45pm, THIS Friday 18 March 2022
Where: Canterbury College - Secondary Library / P Block: Outside Courtyard Pergola Overlooking Ovals
Best Carparking: Via both Easterly Street Gates
Who: For our Year 12 students and their parents or carers plus College staff
Cost: FREE
Dress Code:
Students - Formal Uniform
Parents & Carers - Cocktail Attire
RSVP: ASAP using the 'Get Tickets' button at this weblink HERE for catering numbers.
REMINDER: Canterbury ‘Laps For Life’ Swimming Fundraiser – THIS SATURDAY!
REMINDER: Canterbury ‘Laps For Life’ Swimming Fundraiser – THIS SATURDAY!
What: Canterbury ‘Laps For Life’ Swimming Fundraiser – How Far Can We Go???
Swim laps, have fun and donate money to support our great cause helping youth mental health through Official Charity Laps For Life!
Laps For Life: Dedicated Canterbury Taipans Webpage
When: 11:00am – Until All Laps Are Done! THIS Saturday 19 March 2022.
Where: Canterbury College Aquatic Centre.
- Use Sports Precinct Gate, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.
- Plenty Of On-Site Parking.
Who: Open to ALL Canterbury Taipans Members, College Students, Families & Staff.
Open to ALL Waterford & Logan City Residents.
ALL ages and abilities welcome with professional swim instructors on-hand to assist any lap swimmers.
Cost: $5 Entry Per Person - To cover costs and goes towards the final donation with our thanks.
RSVP: Please book in with the Canterbury Taipans Swim Staff:
Tel – 07 3299 0900 | Email - swim@canterburytaipans.com.au
- Lap Swimming: Everyone’s laps will be tallied into kilometres to see how far we can get as a team!
Waterford Coles = 3.3km, Brisbane’s Queen Street Mall = 30km, Australia Zoo = 109km, Byron Bay = 138km, Sydney = 888km, Melbourne = 1,724km, Perth = 4,318km, Hollywood = 11,556km, Buckingham Palace = 16,546km!
- Games & Dancing
- Bouncing Castle
- Sausage Sizzle and Splash & Smash Café Foods
- PLUS lots more…
So come along on the day and be part of the ‘feelgood’ fun!
Donations: Please click this weblink to donate directly with our BIG THANK YOU! - Laps For Life: Dedicated Canterbury Taipans Webpage
Our Fundraising Goal - $2,000
Raised So Far (10am 15/03/22) - $106
Junior School Vice Captains: Finn Watt & Arabella Carr - Term One Wrap
Junior School Vice Captains: Finn Watt & Arabella Carr - Term One Wrap
Wow, what a hectic Term One this has been!
A COVID-19 delayed start to the term, followed by gigantic amounts of rain, separated some of us from our teachers, classmates and school, and forced us into online learning.
It has been challenging, but in true Canterbury style, we fought through…
Term One Wrap
Term One has provided our students with many sporting opportunities, such as Junior TAS hockey and cricket, Woolworths Cricket Blast, and of course our Running Club, which has been very popular - especially for the younger students.
It is great to see everyone getting involved and showing their College pride.
The new Junior School playground has been a hive of excitement and has been an asset to our break times.
It is exciting to have the slides and so many activities to do on the ovals now.
Whether you prefer to hang out with your friends in the shaded undercover areas, challenge yourself with the climbing nets, or just slide down the fire brigade poles, there is something for everyone.
The new afternoon student pick-up zones have been a huge success, easing car park congestion and making collection times much quicker.
The new drop-off and pick-up area for Years 5 and 6 students over near the pool, has significantly helped with smooth runnings in the mornings and afternoons for our parents and carers.
Our wonderful Year 6 leaders have received fabulous feedback from parents and students, for their amazing assistance at the P-2 drop-off zone, with our younger students each morning.
Well done Captains and please keep up the great work!
While the Year 6 students are away on Camp, some of our eager Year 5 students will fill in these roles.
Some of our Year 5 and 6 students recently took part in the International ‘Just Dance’ eSports Competition.
They did amazingly well!
Congratulations to our Queensland Primary Scenic Rim/Ipswich District Fuse Cup ‘Just Dance’ Champions Isabella Heath, Lyla Ries, Hannah Kelmanson and Ruby Fay.
All the best for the Queensland State Titles in November.
Our new Taipan Roboneers Club has been busy learning coding fundamentals and programming their robots.
These students have been working hard to identify a problem, move their robot from a set location for a specific distance measurement, then collect an item, and finally return to its starting point.
Students have been designing a series of actions through coding, which programs their robots, then testing and improving its functionality - it has been lots of fun!
Now it is that time of year again… celebrating our 35th birthday Foundation Day with morning Chapel service lead by our new College Chaplain Reverend Melusi Sibanda, then our successful past student awards, then the running of our annual Cursus Magnus eight-leg relay race.
With eight representatives from each of the six Houses from Years 5 – 12, plus a staff team and past students team, they all ran the race of their lives doing two laps each (800 metres) in front of the entire school cheering them on.
And no… Becket House finally had their years long strangehold on the Cursus Magnus Shield broken by… Ramsey House! Congratulations to the Raptors in blue and their eight runners!
There are only three weeks left in this term, and moving into Term Two, we are hoping for less disruptions.
We look forward to seeing Canterbury back in full swing, with a busy calendar of sporting choices, learning opportunities and plenty of Canterbury spirit.
We wish you all a wonderful time over the upcoming Easter Holidays.
This time will allow everyone to spend time with friends and family doing the things they love.
Whether it be days at the beach, movies or vacations, it is the perfect time to refresh and get ready to tackle Term Two.
Stay safe and well!
Finn and Arabella
Talking Taipans - Episode 3, 2022
With Special Guests!
Talking Taipans - Episode 3, 2022
With Catherine Krzensk & Ben Maxfield + Special Guests!
Finally! We have a Home Round fixture right here at Canterbury College to finish up Week 7 of Term One!
So talking all things Taipans are our indomitable hosts Mrs Catherine Krzensk (Mrs K) - Director of Sport and Activities, and Mr Ben Maxfield - Head of HPE and Sports (P-Year 6).
This episode they are joined by our special guests: Girls Basketball Captain - Madisen-Jade Iva, Girls Football Captain - Olivia Brown and Girls Tennis Captain - Kate Neill, to discuss International Women's Day, their own female sporting heroes and the sports themselves.
Enjoy - and GO TAIPANS!
Our full TAS and Junior TAS Sport Fixtures attached below...
Canterbury's 35th Foundation Day Celebrations: Monday Morning 14 March
Canterbury's 35th Foundation Day Celebrations: Monday Morning 14 March
What: Canterbury College 35th Foundation Day Celebrations
When: THIS Monday Morning 14 March 2022
Starts: 8:45am Seating For
- 8:50am: Foundation Day Morning Chapel
- 9:30am: 2022 Canterbury Alumni Network Awards
Finishes 9:50am | Then Walk Across Campus For
- 10:00am: Cursus Magnus 'Our Great College Race'
Ends: 10:50am
Where: Foundation Day Morning Chapel AND 2022 Canterbury Alumni Network Awards - Canterbury Events Centre (CEC).
Where: Cursus Magnus 'Our Great College Race' - Oval 1, Athletics Track - Canterbury College.
Who: Foundation Day Morning Chapel AND 2022 Canterbury Alumni Network Awards - Junior & Secondary School Students | Award Winners | College Staff.
Who: Cursus Magnus 'Our Great College Race':
Spectators: All Junior & Secondary School Students | All Parents & Past Students Welcome | College Staff.
Runners (Teams of 8): Years 5 – 12 Students | Canterbury Alumni Members | College Staff.
Canterbury celebrates its 35th Anniversary Foundation Day, by reflecting on how far we’ve come, and looking forward to the ‘milestones and magic’ over the next 35 years, with Morning Chapel in the CEC.
Then we recognise three leading past students with our 2022 Canterbury Alumni Network Awards, with trophies presented in the following three categories: Young Alumnus of the Year, Entrepreneur Alumnus of the Year and Trailblazer Alumnus of the Year.
Finally, Cursus Magnus will see representative teams of eight from all six Houses, the Canterbury Alumni Network and College Staff racing each other in our great relay race on the Taipans Athletics Track.
Each runner must complete two laps (800 metres) before passing the baton onto the next runner, until all eight runners have completed their laps to find the overall winning team.
Best performing House WINS. Who will come out on top?
Will 2021 Cursus Magnus Champions Becket House retain their title?
Come and show your House and College spirit as we compete in one of our big Inter-House events for the 2022 School Year.
Happy Canterbury Foundation Day!