URGENT REMINDER: Sign Up NOW For Australia’s Big Science Competition!
URGENT REMINDER: Sign Up NOW For Australia’s Big Science Competition!
What: Australia’s Big Science Competition!
The Big Science Competition is a nationwide 50-minute, multiple-choice questions contest, that tests students’ science knowledge, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
Questions are set in real-life contemporary contexts, making them relatable… and interesting!
Participating in Australia’s Big Science Competition could lead to selection in Science extension programs like the Australian Science Olympiads and Curious Minds - Girls In STEM.
When: 1:30pm - 2:20pm, Thursday 12 May 2022 (Assembly Time Period).
Where: Venue TBC.
Who: ALL Canterbury Years 7 - 10 Students are invited to enter the competition.
ONLY the first 10 students in each year level will be chosen to enter - so please be quick to register!
Cost: FREE!
NB: The official marketing images display an entry cost, but the College will cover this fee for all its participating students.
RSVP: Students wishing to enter this competition should please email Mr Emmanuel Hatzioannou - with Big Science Competition in the subject line before 11:59pm THIS Friday 22 April 2022.
Your email should include your: Full Name, Year Level, Form Class and Science Teacher.
Important Information:
Students MUST bring their own laptops/devices as the test is conducted online.
For more information on Australia’s Big Science Competition please visit THIS WEBLINK HERE.
Term 2 College Canteen Menus
Term 2 College Canteen Menus

2022 Canterbury ANZAC Day Commemoration Service - Friday 22 April, 8:45am - 9:50am @ CEC
2022 Canterbury ANZAC Day Commemoration Service - Friday 22 April, 8:45am - 9:50am @ CEC
Canterbury College will be observing the upcoming ANZAC Day with a Commemoration Service.
All Canterbury community members are invited.
Please use the weblink below to register your interest in attending.
What: 2022 ANZAC Day Canterbury College Commemoration Service.
When: 8:45am – 9:50am, Friday 22 April 2022.
Where: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) – Canterbury College.
- Use the High Road Gate (Gate A) via High Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of onsite parking.
Who: ALL Canterbury Families Invited | Compulsory Assembly For Years 3 - 12 Students.
RSVP: By 5:00pm Wednesday 20 April 2022.
Using the ‘Get Tickets’ button on this Humanitix WEBLINK HERE.
Dress Code: Students – Formal School Uniform | Guests – Business Attire.
Members of the Canterbury community are encouraged to wear Campaign Medals (if applicable).
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning;
We will remember them…
2022 Canterbury Major Stage Production: Disney's The Lion King Junior - Coming October!
2022 Canterbury Major Stage Production: Disney's The Lion King Junior - Coming October!
General Information
We are excited to announce that in Term 4, The Lion King Junior is being performed at Canterbury.
This is an amazing opportunity for students to be part of a large-scale production right here at the College.
There are numerous roles to be filled, including on-stage characters and back-stage support.
In preparation, we will begin early in Term 2 with auditions, followed by rehearsals.
Years 4 to 6 students are invited to audition to be part of this show and although beneficial, students DO NOT need to have previous experience or training in singing, dancing or acting – as these skills will be taught throughout the rehearsal process.
So we are seeking Junior School students who are genuinely dedicated and truly excited to be part of this fulfilling and fun educational and personal experience.
The many roles in the show, range from the animals of the Pridelands in an ensemble, to major character roles such as Simba, Scar and Mufasa.
Here is the dedicated MyCC Lion King Junior Homepage.
Register Your Interest NOW!
To register your interest in being part of this experience PLEASE CLICK HERE.
We are looking for the following:
• Character Roles – Audition Required: Please see below.
• Ensemble – Singer
• Ensemble – Dancer
• Ensemble – Actor: I just want to be in the show!
• Backstage Support
Preparing For Your Audition
Please Be Prepared…
You will perform both a speaking and singing audition…
1. Speaking will be a Monologue, which you get to choose from a set of four monologues.
2. Singing will be I Just Can't Wait To Be King and possibly Happy Birthday, so we can listen to the range of your voice.
Please Ensure You...
Research the character of your chosen monologue - understand what is happening to them in the story.
Please Remember…
It’s okay to be nervous. In fact, it’s a good thing. Just do your best at whatever you are asked to do. Smile and have fun!
NOTE: There are many roles in the show, so your teachers will decide what role suits you best.
It might be a different role than the one you read in your audition.
Audition Preparation Materials
2. Singing - I Just Can't Wait To Be King
3. Vocals - I Just Can't Wait To Be King
4. Instrumental Backing Track - I Just Can't Wait To Be King
Characters – Major Roles
Rafiki – a mysterious but wise mandrill
Mufasa – King of the Pridelands
Scar – Mufasa's jealous brother
Zazu – a hornbill and Mufasa's loyal yet fretful attendant
Simba (Young) – a curious eager lion
Simba – grows up to be King
Nala (Young) – an energetic and brave lioness
Nala – Simba's best friend
Timon – a sarcastic but outgoing meerkat
Pumbaa – a gentle and kind-hearted warthog
Characters – Minor Roles
Sarabi – lioness, Queen of the Pridelands, Simba's mother
Sarafina – lioness, Nala's mother
Banzai, Shenzi, Ed – scruffy, tough and dim-witted hyenas who serve Scar
Various Pridelands animals including wildebeest
Production Rehearsals
Rehearsals will be held on Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.
Venue: TBC.
Not every student in the production will be required at every rehearsal.
A detailed schedule will be posted early Term 2.
Some weekend rehearsals may be required as we get closer to the production date.
The Lion King Junior Show Synopsis
RAFIKI gathers the ANIMALS of the Pridelands to welcome the newborn cub of King MUFASA and Queen SARABI (Circle Of Life With Nants' Ingonyama).
The king's jealous brother, SCAR, no longer heir to the throne, skips the ceremony, upsetting Mufasa.
Time passes (Grasslands Chant) and YOUNG SIMBA grows into a curious young lion.
Mufasa explains the circle of life and that Young Simba will one day be king of the Pridelands.
Young Simba shares this news with Scar, who encourages his nephew to visit the forbidden Elephant Graveyard.
Young Simba finds his best friend, YOUNG NALA, hunting with SARAFINA and the LIONESSES (The Lioness Hunt) and invites her on his adventure.
Once they ditch their overbearing babysitter, ZAZU (I Just Can't Wait To Be King), the cubs encounter the ravenous hyenas SHENZI, BANZAI and ED in the graveyard.
Mufasa arrives and pummels the hyenas, then takes the cubs home safely.
Scar emerges from the darkness to recruit the HYENAS in his murderous plan to become king (Be Prepared).
Back in the Pridelands, Mufasa reprimands Young Simba, then shares the guidance of their ancestors, up among the stars (They Live In You).
Enacting his plan, Scar leaves Young Simba alone in the gorge and signals the hyenas to scare a herd of wildebeest (The Stampede).
Scar alerts Mufasa, who leaps into the stampede to save his son.
Mufasa rescues Young Simba, but Scar pushes his brother back into the gorge, where he is trampled.
Scar blames Young Simba for the king's death and tells him to run away and never return.
As Sarabi, Young Nala, Rafiki and the lionesses mourn the loss of Mufasa and Young Simba (The Mourning), Scar assumes the throne, uniting lions and hyenas under his dark reign.
Lost in the desert, Young Simba meets TIMON and PUMBAA, who take him to their ‘worry-free’ jungle home (Hakuna Matata).
Under Scar's reign, the Pridelands are nearly destroyed.
Now grown, NALA decides to leave and seek help (Shadowland).
To her delight, she finds SIMBA alive in the jungle (Can You Feel The Love Tonight).
Nala urges him to take his rightful place as king but, still ashamed, Simba refuses.
Rafiki appears and helps Simba remember his father (He Lives In You).
With newfound courage, Simba agrees to return to the Pridelands.
Timon and Pumbaa distract the hyenas (Luau Hawaiian Treat) while Nala rallies the lionesses.
Simba confronts his uncle, the truth of Mufasa's murder is revealed and Scar runs away, pursued by angry hyenas.
With peace restored in the Pridelands, Simba takes his place as king and the circle of life continues (Finale).
Special Indigenous Elders - Anglican Schools Commission - Canterbury Joint Lunch Event
Special Indigenous Elders - Anglican Schools Commission - Canterbury Joint Lunch Event
Last Friday 1 April, Canterbury organised a special school visit for Mr Paul Paulson – Director of Indigenous Education for the Anglican Schools Commission (ASC).
It was a chance for Mr Paulson to personally introduce himself to our Principal Mr Dan Walker and our Indigenous school contact Mr Chris Nield – Director of Student Development, and discuss his role with the ASC and offer support for any and all of Canterbury’s Indigenous-based education.
Things snowballed beautifully from there, presenting the perfect opportunity to invite a big group of our local Elders and Indigenous educators to the campus for a buffet lunch – including kangaroo steak and damper amongst the dishes – with Mr Paulson, senior and relevant College staff, and student leaders from both our Junior and Secondary Schools.
There was even a display of traditional Aboriginal artefacts from their many thousands of years of pre-European settlement life and culture.
We look forward to seeing where this new and very happy relationship grows over time, as we proudly acknowledge Canterbury’s location on Yugambeh Country, and use the traditional Aboriginal names for our Yalburru Café and Early Learning Centre classes.
Each of our Pre-Kindy and Kindy rooms have been given the Yugambeh names for birds found in our local Waterford district.
We have the Mibunns (eagles), Kagarus (kookaburras), Bilins (parrots), Geiras (cockatoos) and Booanguns (curlews).
Our campus kitchen garden also heavily features traditional ‘bush tucker’ education and we especially thank Aunty Julie for being such an integral part of this whole program with our ELC and Junior School.
2022 South-East Queensland Anglican Schools Student Leadership Symposium
2022 South-East Queensland Anglican Schools Student Leadership Symposium
Canterbury College was honoured to host the senior student leaders from various Anglican Schools around South-East Queensland, for the second annual Anglican Schools Student Leadership Symposium on Friday 18 March 2022.
This year’s very appropriate theme – set amongst the backdrop of the global pandemic, war in Ukraine, climate change, and the recent Logan floods – was that of Embracing Joy, or finding positives in any situation, and creating happy solutions as part of their student leadership opportunities.
This event brings various student leadership groups together, so they can compare their different college approaches, philosophies and leadership values, while also joining forces to ‘group think’ ways of better finding and appreciating the joys of school life and leadership, to be a better role model for others.
The symposium nurtures closer relationships between like-minded schools, staff and students, and supports these leaders to embrace the joy of difference and diversity, that helps strengthen our Anglican unity and identity.
It also served as a chance for the whole group to pray together in the Canterbury Chapel for a joyful year ahead for their respective colleges, led by Canterbury’s new College Chaplain Reverend Melusi Sibanda.
After chapel service, student leaders listened to keynote presentations from: Reverend Richard Browning – Director of Mission, Anglican Schools Commission Southern Queensland; Natalie Waters – Business and Leadership Coach and Mentor; and global speaker Duku Forè GAICD – Founder of the Rich Dreams Program and App.
The messages from these keynote speakers to the student leaders were both powerful and memorable.
And the post-event feedback from various student leaders about the day summed up the symposium eloquently:
“Growth is only possible outside your comfort zone, that saying yes opens a million opportunities, and that you just need to put yourself out there, because anything is possible.”
“Their stories were very engaging, and the topics they brought up were extremely applicable, especially for Year 12 students.”
“Leadership is about putting yourself out there, taking risks, and respecting the people you represent.”
“The diverse panel of speakers showed me that being a leader is a diverse experience.”
“Be the role model you needed when you were younger.”
Special thanks must go to the staff who escorted their students from: The Glennie School, St Andrew’s Anglican College, Toowoomba Anglican School, The Southport School and Coomera Anglican College.
Canterbury would also like to thank the Principals and Headmasters of the attending schools for their continued support of the symposium.
The 2023 symposium will be held at Canterbury College on Friday 24 February 2023.
Canterbury College welcomed the following Anglican schools and their student leaders in 2022: All Saints Anglican School, Cannon Hill Anglican College, Coomera Anglican College, St Andrew's Anglican College, St John's Anglican College, St Paul's School, Toowoomba Anglican School, The Glennie School, The Southport School and The Springfield Anglican College.
Canterbury Students Shine @ Sydney's 2022 Australian Track & Field Championships
Canterbury Students Shine @ Sydney's 2022 Australian Track & Field Championships
Congratulations to all our champion track and field athletes who travelled down to Sydney to compete in the 2022 Australian Athletics Championships (Saturday 26 March - Sunday 3 April 2022) - especially during such a disrupted last 12 months for training with COVID impacts, Logan's recent flooding and snap lockdown quarantining.
We have such dedicated athletes who train hard - whether they attend our Canterbury training sessions, external club sessions, or do their own private training around home.
Their personal commitment to their sport is obvious and the results on the track speak for themselves...
Canterbury Student Event Highlights
Year 7 Student Mia Chizzoniti with a brilliant 800m race effort.
Fellow Year 7 Student Calise Kypr at her first national athletics event appearance, who did an amazing job placing 12th in the Triple Jump and 17th in the Hurdles.
Year 8 Student Destinee Pickvance-Yee who performed an outstanding Personal Best in her Race Walk placing 5th.
Fellow Year 8 Student Sophie Webb who hit the track running in her 2,000m Steeplechase placing 4th with a 1-minute better Personal Best time.
Her older sister in Year 10 Student Emily Webb who also ran a strong race in her 2,000m Steeplechase placing 12th, after she landed on her knee at one point, then backed it up with a 6-second better Personal Best time in the 3,000m placing 10th.
Year 11 Student Eloise Stanley competed in the 2,000m Steeplechase too, and in one of her best performances to date, she placed an impressive 6th place, before going on to run a beautiful 3,000m race.
Year 11 Student Alexander Arbuthnot performed incredibly well in his pet event the Pole-Vault, placing 3rd in the U17s and getting a Personal Best in the U20s.
A massive shout-out to recent Canterbury graduate Jade Arbuthnot who has returned to national competition after major knee surgery 12 months ago.
And to Class of 2021's Connor Addley (feature photo) who has returned to the field by placing 3rd with a monster throw in a very close Javelin competition.
Both these inspiring athletes are now coaching, so you will still see them track side - even if they are a little camera shy...
Congratulations again - we are all very proud of you! 😊
Mrs Brooke King
Taipans Sporting Clubs Operations Administrator and Athletics Coordinator
Canterbury College: Official Microsoft Showcase School!
Canterbury College: Official Microsoft Showcase School!
Did you know only 11 schools in Australia have achieved the status of being a Microsoft Showcase School?
To be recognised, you must graduate up through the levels - starting as a Microsoft Lighthouse School, through to being a Microsoft Gold School, and finally reaching the peak with Microsoft Showcase School status.
The Microsoft Showcase School Program is an educational transformation program connected with an international community of innovative schools worldwide.
This program facilitates immersive experiences to encourage lifelong learning and streamline the evolution of fundamental future-ready skills, allowing students to accomplish more.
Canterbury College is now well into its third year as a 1-1 Student - Microsoft Surface Pro Laptop Device school from Year 4 upwards.
Once the program is fully rolled out, students will also receive a new device every three years, typically in Years 4, 7 and 10.
This will mean students are always working on a device capable of the demands of evolving digital learning opportunities.
There has been tremendous uptake and support by families and staff as our students use the Microsoft Surface Pro devices to 'power' their futures.
Of course, on simple levels, our students use their devices to research and record information predominantly using the top-end Microsoft Office package we deploy and rapid school-based data delivery.
Even in non-1-1 years, most classes leverage the 'instant and permanent' OneNote to teach and warehouse lessons.
In conjunction with MyCC, this takes teaching and learning to levels not imagined by generations past.
Many schools right across the world using Microsoft products aspire to become Microsoft Lighthouse Schools.
Schools must really use the technology and show genuine commitment to value-adding as an experience and an education to achieve this status.
Once becoming a Lighthouse or Showcase School, that school has access to worldwide networks for sharing insights and best-practices using the Microsoft Education Transformation Framework.
Each school is also allocated specific advisors and support from Microsoft to enable even more digital transformation, backed by exclusive access to offers and next-generation products.
There are numerous Lighthouse Schools around Australia, but in 2021/2022, only eight officially approved Microsoft Showcase Schools - including your very own Canterbury College.
Canterbury can take pride in knowing that Microsoft has acknowledged our dedication to exemplifying vision, innovation, and academic transformation, allowing students to prepare for their future beyond our campus - and truly be World Ready!
Mr James Jenkins, our Director of Innovation and Learning, is the staff member driving this initiative and deserves a massive thank you for his wonderful efforts in this area.
Becoming a Microsoft Showcase School isn't a destination, but rather the beginning of another exciting journey. There will be new skills to learn and new tools to embrace as we turn our ambitions in the digital learning space into reality... - Mr James Jenkins
#MicrosoftShowcaseSchool #Microsoftedu #ShowcaseSchool
2022 Canterbury ELC & Prep Easter Hat Parade
2022 Canterbury ELC & Prep Easter Hat Parade
One of our favourite events of the year - the ELC & Prep Easter Hat Parade! 🎩🧢👒
Happy Easter holidays everybody! 🐣🐇
PS: So good to have parents and carers back on campus again, now that Queensland Government COVID restrictions have eased. 🙏🥳
PPS: Here are just ten photos - the full 74-image photo gallery is on MyCC and our Facebook Page for sharing with your family. 📸📷
WEEK 2: Easter School Holidays: 4-Day ‘Learn To Swim’ Intensive Program - BOOK NOW!
WEEK 2: Easter School Holidays: 4-Day ‘Learn To Swim’ Intensive Program - BOOK NOW!
Experienced and fully qualified coaches.
Quality sport programs.
Heated 10-lane Olympic-sized 50-metre Lap pool.
Dedicated heated marquee-enclosed ‘Learn To Swim’ pool.
Large fully equipped changerooms with parent rooms plus indoor and outdoor showers.
NEW Splash & Smash Café.
THIS Monday 11 – Thursday 14 April 2022 - ONLY 4 DAYS DUE TO GOOD FRIDAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY (Friday 15 April).
• For ages 3 years & up.
• Five swimmers per 30-minute class.
• Levels: Cuttlefish, Crayfish, Lobsters, Swordfish, Marlins, Dolphins, Sharks.
Morning Class Lessons - Start Times (Half Hour Sessions): 8:00am, 8:30am, 9:00am, 9:30am.
Class Option A: 4-Day Week Cost: $65 per swimmer for 4 x Half Hour morning class lessons plus 1 x FREE Term 2 lesson.
NEW Private Option B: 4-Day Week Cost: $80 per swimmer for 4 x 20 Minute private lessons from 10am onwards.
BOOK NOW - Tel: 07 3299 0900 | Email: | ONLINE BOOKING WEBLINK HERE
LOCATION: Canterbury College - Aquatic, Tennis & Athletics Centre.
- Please use the Sports Precinct Gate via 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.
- Then follow the signs with plenty of onsite parking.
YOUR HOSTS: Canterbury College and Canterbury Taipans Swimming.
Canterbury College - Sports Facilities Virtual Tour
Canterbury Tiny Taipans Swim School Webpage