Taipan Roboneers: Week One High Tech Happiness

Taipan Roboneers: Week One High Tech Happiness

Our newly formed Taipan Roboneers for Years 5-9 have rolled straight into an exciting Term One.

Students examined the LEGO Education EV3 Hub and how it functions to create a robot.

They investigated the software used to code this robot and were challenged to make their robot move precisely 50cm.

This involved students measuring distance against rotations and understanding how to instruct the robot to complete this operation.

Next week, the students will study up and down movements as their robot waves its leaver to collect and deliver cargo.

High Tech Happiness all round... 🤩🤖

Mrs Jess Traurig
Canterbury College

Interested In The Game 'Magic: The Gathering'?

Interested In The Game 'Magic: The Gathering'?

If you've ever heard of Magic: The Gathering and been curious, or never heard of it and want to learn something new, or have played it in the past and enjoyed it, or play it now and then - Taipans Gaming is the co-curricular for you.

Players build their own card deck from a multitude of card choices then battle it out - but this doesn't use a standard deck of cards...

It's SUPER easy to learn, but there are lots of nuances and SO MANY options to keep it engaging.

And thanks to some generous benefactors, Taipans Gaming has its own card collection, so you don't have to go out and buy some to have a game and see if you like it!

That white box pictured holds ~5,000 cards and you normally use only 60-100 in a deck.

I'm not even halfway through sorting! One box isn't going to be enough!

Remember to join our MyCC Group to find out what's going on with the Taipans Gaming Club.

Our first meeting is THIS THURSDAY 17 February 2022 from 3:30pm - 5:30pm in H Block.

We've got heaps of other games as well... Or bring your own favourites...

See you there!

Mr Nick Gillin
Canterbury College


Years 5-6 Homework Club Returns For 2022

Years 5-6 Homework Club Returns For 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are once again offering Homework Club to our Years 5 and 6 students after a successful start in 2021.

This program is designed to support our older Junior School students as they develop their independent study skills.

The Taipan Tutors, a group of Secondary School students, will run the Homework Club under the supervision of teaching staff.

The Years 5 and 6 students will be supported to work on their set homework tasks, practice their Learner’s Toolkit skills, or undertake some quiet reading.

Program Details

What: Years 5-6 Junior School Homework Club

When: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons 3:30pm – 5:00pm

Where: Secondary School Library.

Students will be collected from The Green at 3:20pm and walked to the Secondary School Library by a staff member.

Students can be collected from the Junior School Carpark after 5:00pm OR from the Secondary School Library between 3:30pm and 5:00pm.

Further Details: Supported homework, study or quiet reading time with afternoon tea (fruit) provided.

Registration: Please register your child/ren through the Parent Lounge accessible via MyCC.

Cost: FREE!

If you have any questions regarding our Homework Club, please contact Mr Jonathon Wheatley - 

Yours faithfully

Mr Jonathon Wheatley
Assistant Head of Junior School (Learning)

Spark Years 5-6 Learning: Semester 1, 2022

Spark Years 5-6 Learning: Semester 1, 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today (Friday 11 February) our Years 5 and 6 students were introduced to the great new Spark choices for Semester 1, 2022.

Spark is a curriculum pathway unique to Canterbury, which encourages students to direct their own learning, with teachers facilitating and supporting their chosen journey.

Spark is designed to build curiosity, encourage inter-cultural understanding and raise personal and social capabilities.

Each semester, students in Years 5 and 6 will choose an elective subject from the wide list provided.

Shown above is a flyer which outlines the subjects on offer in Semester 1, 2022 - which are repeated below for easier reading...

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation – Miss Rhiannon Ottrey

Do you love detective stories, watching Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) shows, or dream of being a forensic scientist? Then this Spark unit is for you! Using crime scene activities and investigations, students can learn skills in data collection, observation, analysis and problem-solving. They will work collaboratively to find suspects and culprits through fingerprinting, fibre analysis, chromatography and other investigative strategies. Students will lead themselves through research and apply knowledge of investigation techniques using critical thinking, analysis and communication through clear documentation. The big question is: Who did it?


Kidpreneur – Mrs Joelene Anderson

Kidpreneur will introduce students to the exciting world of entrepreneurs, inspiring them to become innovators, creative problem solvers, critical thinkers and confident leaders. They will work in teams to identify problems they are passionate about, then use their imagination to create a new product solution, and turn this into a real business. Students will learn skills needed to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world and be equipped for careers that don’t yet exist. Teaching children to use the power of business for good, will help them grow up to be global citizens. At the Spark Learning Expo, students will have the opportunity to promote and sell their products to the community.


Sustainable Town Planning – Mr Jonathon Wheatley

Sustainable Town Planning looks at ways houses, industries, cities, farms and nature can be managed to feed, house, power and resource communities, in ways which can last forever. Students will design models to demonstrate sustainable town planning principles, which meet the needs of people, while respecting development limits. Collaborating in teams to think creatively and critically, their models will aim to maintain biodiversity and sustainable practices in four key scenarios: New suburbs in urban growth corridors; Growing regional towns; Reclaiming industrial land and redeveloping existing cities; and farming for the future with permaculture, forestry management, food and water security, and biodiversity conservation.


Think Global, Act Local – Mrs Michelle Leftwich

Should my town grow, stay the same, or shrink? What is my responsibility to my town, country and world? In this subject, students will make connections with students from another country, to investigate the impact and issues of possible future community development at the local and global level. Together, they will focus on one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which make up the United Nations’ (2016) shared vision of humanity and a social contract. Students will investigate and present their findings via their chosen approach. They will develop an understanding around the responsibilities that come with being an interconnected ‘global citizen’ facing world problems at a local level with different perspectives – and that Logan, QLD is not the centre of the universe.


Industrial Technology – Mr Matthew Beiers

Industrial Technology allows students to explore their creative side while designing and building. In this course they will learn about cams and motion by making an Automata toy. Students will design and make characters or items for the top of the box and a background or foreground image. They will also learn about product packaging using tangram puzzles. Students will learn how to program a laser cutter, use it to cut puzzle pieces, then paint them, and create and draw as many puzzle shape solutions as possible. The class will then visit younger classes to challenge students to see how many solutions they can get.


Critical And Creative Thinking – Mrs Juanita Purvis

Thinking that is productive, purposeful and intentional is at the centre of effective learning. By practicing critical and creative thinking, students can solve problems and find new innovative ideas to do so. In this subject, students will follow the design process as they identify a problem and investigate and research the issues. They will develop their ideas, then plan and create solutions. Ideas will be evaluated and changed based on testing. Their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills will be applied to real world issues that concern them, which may include freshwater access, environmental pollution and sustainable energy.


Virtual Science Museum – Mr James Jenkins

Students will draw on their interest in science to create digital artefacts to be displayed in a Virtual Science Museum. This museum will be an immersive online experience, accessible to members of our College community. Students will begin this project by researching a scientific discovery, then collaborate with other group members to decide how best to communicate the concepts involved to museum visitors. They will master a range of digital skills that will enable them to create and present their scientific concept or phenomenon in cool virtual reality.


Sport Psychology – Mr Arnie Marraiya

This Sport Psychology course is designed for students to learn about the social, physical and emotional aspects that athletes face in sport. They will be immersed in activities relating to nutrition, performance, as well as mental and social wellbeing. The hope is that students can apply these strategies in their own sporting career, plus develop a toolkit they can draw upon for time management and motivational purposes. Students will cover practical and theoretical elements, while meeting guest speakers who are professionals in their fields. They do not need to be ‘elite’ athletes, but rather have an interest in or love for sport, and want to improve themselves.


3D Modelling And Animation – Mrs Juri Sinclair

In this course, students will learn how to use 3D modelling software to create characters. They will decide what their character will look like and what elements it will need. Students will then learn how to apply basic animations to these characters, allowing them to make short GIFS or movies.

Please discuss these with your child over the weekend.

THIS Monday 14 February during Form Time, each student will fill in a Microsoft Form with their class teacher.

This form will require them to choose their top three subject preferences.

Students will then be informed of their final subject selection by Thursday 17 February and the related lessons will commence on Friday 18 February.

At the end of Semester 1, the Junior School will be hosting a Spark Learning Expo where families will be able to share in their learning journeys first-hand.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Joelene Anderson via email - 

Yours faithfully

Mrs Joelene Anderson                                                                     Mrs Michelle Leftwich
Academic Care Coordinator 5/6                                                        Head of Junior School

Taipan Tenors: Boys Singing Group - Come Join Us!

Taipan Tenors: Boys Singing Group - Come Join Us!

Are you a boy?

Do you like to sing?

Do you think you'd like to have a sing?

Then you may like to check out joining the Taipan Tenors!

We meet every Thursday afternoon in M01 from 3:30pm - 4:30pm.

With a student-chosen repertoire, you can be sure to enjoy singing along to some great tunes.

No prior experience needed!

Please contact Mr Baber or Ms Sutton for further information.

Mr Baber - 

Ms Sutton - 

Get To Know Our New Campus Gate Names

Get To Know Our New Campus Gate Names

High Road Gate - Previously Entrance A. Best for our Junior School, the Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) and Yalburru Cafe.

Easterly Street Gate - Previously Entrance B. Best for Care Central, our Early Learning Centre, Performing Arts and Camp Australia (OSHC).

Entrance C - Soon to be signed as the Staff Parking Gate. Self explanatory really!

Old Logan Village Road Gate - Previously Entrance D. Best for our Secondary School, the Corporate Services Admin Office and the Uniform Shop.

Sports Precinct Gate - Previously Entrance E. Best for the Aquatic, Tennis & Athletics Centre, Sports Hall and Playing Fields.

Property and Works Gate - Previously Entrance F. For all our deliveries and visiting campus contractors.


COVID-Safe: Important College Update

COVID-Safe: Important College Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are writing to advise that Canterbury has a few active cases of COVID-19 across the College.

We ask that you please carefully monitor the health of your children daily and keep them at home if they show ANY symptoms.

COVID-19 Symptoms: fever, sore throat, heavy coughing, runny nose, shortness of breath, bad headache, heavy fatigue, vomiting or nausea, loss of smell and/or taste, muscle or joint pains, loss of appetite or diarrhoea.

Students who present to the College with symptoms will be referred to Care Central immediately to be collected, and will be provided with a Rapid Antigen Test.

Please see below the official advice from Queensland Health regarding a student’s return to school:

Ending Isolation

If you have COVID-19, most people can end isolation 7 full days after testing positive.

You must not have a fever, sore throat, runny nose, or a cough that is bad or getting worse, on Day 7 of your isolation.

If you do have a fever, sore throat, runny nose, or a cough that is bad or getting worse, on Day 7 of your isolation, you will need to remain in isolation until those symptoms have gone.

You do not need another COVID-19 test to end your isolation period.

Some people still have a mild dry cough, mild fatigue or loss of taste or smell after being sick with COVID-19.

You do not need to stay in isolation if you still have these mild symptoms.

If you are being treated by a Queensland Hospital and Health Service, you will be able to end your isolation when a nurse or medical practitioner from the service tells you to.

The Queensland Government published this information about ending isolation after illness - https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/stay-informed/i-have-covid/isolation/ending-isolation

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either our:

Junior School Administration: Email -  OR Tel - 07 3299 0847

Secondary School Administration: Email -  OR Tel - 07 3299 0843

Yours faithfully

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Mrs Michelle Leftwich                            Mrs Rebecca Adamson
Head of Junior School                            Head of Secondary School

From Our 2022 College Captains: Welcome To Canterbury

From Our 2022 College Captains: Welcome To Canterbury

Welcome back to the start of a new school year on campus!

The start to 2022 has been a bit unusual with an extended two-week break and the Year 11 and 12 students who commenced their first week of Term 1 online.

While it has been a bit of a rocky start, we wanted to reassure you all - that just like last year’s lockdowns, we will bounce back more robust and more resilient.

We are now back on campus and in full swing. We are back in our classes learning new content and challenging ourselves to improve.

But don’t worry, the College hasn’t forgotten about all the exciting events and excursions that have been postponed due to the current restrictions.

We’re sure you will be eagerly awaiting these events to come around later in the year.

A warm welcome to the newest members of our Canterbury family - we hope you’ve settled in and are enjoying the beginning of your journey with us thus far.

We want you to have the best experience possible, learning and trying new things, while meeting and making new friends.

Our extra and co-curricular activities are a great way to do this, so we encourage everyone to try something new and sign up for some of the fantastic clubs, sports and ensembles available here.

Our sports and music programs are now back up and running.

And we can’t wait to see our TAS girls and boys basketball, tennis, cricket, football and volleyball teams representing Canterbury for our first round against West MAC on Saturday and our Junior TAS teams training at home in preparation for their first round of competition next weekend.

It’s great to see so many of you getting involved, trying new activities and wearing the Taipans sport uniform with such pride.

Get behind one another, get involved and get ready for another fantastic year.

Remember, being better prepared makes us stronger!

Whether this is your first year at the College or you’re thirteenth, we hope you know of your value as a member of our Canterbury family.

Please don’t hesitate to make it known when you need help!

Please reach out to one of our amazing Canterbury staff or your fellow Cantabrians, as there will always be a helping hand close by.

We hear you; we see you and hope the best for you as we start Term 1 for 2022.

Madisen-Jade Iva and Kristina Mrsic

2022 Canterbury College School Captains

Canterbury Cardio Tennis – Six Week Fitness Challenge!

Canterbury Cardio Tennis – Six Week Fitness Challenge!

WHAT: Canterbury Cardio Tennis – Six Week Fitness Challenge!

Each Weekly One-Hour Session Features: Tennis Skills & Drills | Fun & Fitness Games | Speed Ladders | Skipping Ropes | Mini Weights & More.

STARTS: 6:30pm – 7:30pm THIS Tuesday 15 February 2022.

THEN: 6:30pm – 7:30pm EVERY Tuesday Night.

ENDS: 6:30pm – 7:30pm Tuesday 22 March 2022.


WHERE: Canterbury Tennis Centre – Canterbury College: 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.

- Use the Sport Precinct Gate E via Old Logan Village Road.

- Plenty of onsite parking available right beside the eight tennis courts.

WHO: Open to ALL Canterbury students, families and staff AND the entire Waterford / Logan Community AGED 16 YEARS & OVER.

COST: $70.00 per person - Covers Full Six Week Cardio Tennis Skills & Fitness Program.

RSVP: Please email -  OR call – 07 3299 0900.


You MUST have a step tracker and calorie tracker on your wristwatch.

Don’t forget your water bottle and exercise towel.

PRIZES: 1st, 2nd & 3rd – FOR Most Steps Taken AND Most Calories Burned during the 6 x one-hour Cardio Tennis sessions ONLY.

Exercise activity conducted outside these sessions do not count – only the six totals added up at the end of each Tuesday night session, for the grand total steps and calories achieved by the close of the Tuesday 22 March big finale.

Please spread the word and join up to challenge your family members, friends, staff or colleagues in the local Waterford / Logan Community.

And let’s all get fitter!

Woolworths Cricket Blast Program: Sign Up Now!

Woolworths Cricket Blast Program: Sign Up Now!

Dear Parents and Carers,

In 2022 Canterbury is offering the Woolworths Cricket Blast program!

This program will occur on our Junior School Oval on Tuesday afternoons from 3:30pm - 4:30pm commencing THIS Tuesday 15 February 2022.

Woolworths Cricket Blast will run for six weeks, with the last session falling on Tuesday 22 March 2022.

Junior School students in Years 1- 3 are invited to participate in this great activity.

Woolworths Cricket Blast will be coordinated under the guidance of Queensland Cricket, with a special emphasis on FUN skills acquisition and game awareness.

All participating students are to meet at the artificial grass area between the Years 4 and 5 classrooms to have their name marked off by a Canterbury staff member.

From there, students will be taken down to Oval 3.

Students are to be picked up promptly at the conclusion of the session.

The program cost is $99.00 which is sundry billed, and includes six weeks of coaching by accredited coaches and a bonus participant pack.

Students need to be registered for the program online by following these steps:
• Visit play.cricket.com.au
• Click on ‘Search for club or centre’ in the top right hand corner of the webpage, and then search for Canterbury College and follow the prompts from there.

This is a very exciting opportunity for our younger students to gain valuable knowledge and skills in the game of cricket, while having a great time with their friends after school.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email - 

Yours faithfully

Mr Ben Maxfield                                           Mrs Michelle Leftwich
Head of HPE and Sport (Junior School)         Head of Junior School