Year 3 Strings | End Of Year Letter: 2023 Studio Tuition Program Lessons Offer & Instrument Selection & EOI Online Enrolments Form
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
Please find attached information regarding Year 3 Strings and important information for 2023.
You will find our...
- Studio Tuition Program Lessons Invitation
- Lesson Types (Individual, Paired, Small Groups)
- Instrument Selection Range
- Expressions Of Interest Online Enrolments Form
- Instruments Costs & Recommended Music Stores.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Arts Administration - E: | T: 07 3299 0812.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Mieken Augustin
Senior Administrator - Junior School
Dear Parents, Carers and Students,
RE: Year 3 Strings - 2023 Next Steps | Studio Tuition Program Lessons Invitation & Instrument Selection & EOI Online Enrolments Form…
Congratulations on your child’s performance in the recent Spring Music Festival Kaleidoscope Concert.
We are very pleased with how far the students have progressed on their instruments in such a short time.
As this performance also marked the official end of the Year 3 Strings Immersion Program, we now invite your child to continue their string playing in our Studio Tuition Program, further developing on the skills they have learned this year…
Selecting Your Lesson Type:
Individual, paired, or small group lessons are available.
Individualised lessons are tailored to your child, and they enhance progress.
Small group lessons allow for an engaging transition from the full class lessons to the studio program, and many students find this a great way to start.
Costs and all other information is available from the College Website Performing Arts Section HERE.
Selecting An Instrument:
Students continuing violin, viola and cello are required to purchase their own instruments.
Where this is not possible, our school endeavours to make rental instruments available to parents/carers.
There are several new instrument packages available from our recommended music stores (please see attached images).
It is very important to purchase the correct sized instruments, and we can provide this information, individualised to each student.
Allegro Strings:
Allegro Strings is the ensemble for continuing strings students and involvement is free of charge.
Rehearsals are scheduled on Monday mornings from 7:15am – 8:15am in Classroom M05, beginning Term 1, Week 2 (Monday 30 January 2023).
Expressions Of Interest:
If you wish to enrol your child in Studio Tuition Program lessons for 2023, please CLICK HERE.
If you have any questions regarding enrolments, please contact our Arts Administration - E: | T: 07 3299 0812.
Please Note: The Arts Administration Office will be closed over the Christmas break from Monday 5 December 2022 - Thursday 19 January 2023.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Katrina Peddell
Director of Music – Canterbury College
🙏 2022 Canterbury Christmas Appeal Fundraiser Major Event | Lucky Door Raffle Grand Prize: Christmas Hamper - Donations Request 🙏
🙏 2022 Canterbury Christmas Appeal Fundraiser Major Event | Lucky Door Raffle Grand Prize: Christmas Hamper - Donations Request 🙏
Dear Parents and Carers,
Our 2023 Student Prefects are planning Canterbury’s big Christmas Appeal Fundraiser Major Event detailed below.
One part of this evening will be a lucky door raffle prize of a large Christmas Hamper.
So we are asking any Canterbury parents, or parents who own businesses, if they would like to make any donations towards this grand prize?
We could possibly make runners-up prizes based on the amount of donations we receive.
For business owners making donations, please provide your company logo with a short blurb about your business, so we can acknowledge you as event sponsors on the Canterbury Events Centre big screen video loop, which will play during the evening.
The event is on 5:00pm – 8:00pm, Monday Night 28 November 2022, so please follow this timeline below, so we can prepare the hamper and create the advertising in time:
- Please nominate your donation item/s ASAP, and supply your company logo as a jpg or png file, with a short business blurb (where appropriate), before 11:59pm Wednesday 23 November 2022 to with ‘Christmas Fundraiser Donation’ in the subject line.
- Please drop your donation/s off at the Secondary School Admin Building beside the Old Logan Village Road Gate Roundabout before 4:00pm Friday 25 November 2022.
All donations are very gratefully accepted on behalf of our supported charities: Rosies: Friends On The Street and Orange Sky Australia.
Thanks in advance for your generosity!
Kind regards,
Mr Tory Mills
Acting Head of Secondary School
Canterbury College
What: 2022 Canterbury Christmas Appeal Fundraiser Major Event.
Christmas Carols Karaoke | Family Christmas Movie: Elf | BBQ Sausage Sizzle & Hamburger Dinner | Soft Drinks | Popcorn | Lolly Bags | Christmas Hamper Raffle | Rosies Charity Goods Donations.
When: 5:00pm – 8:00pm, Monday 28 November 2022.
Where: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) – Canterbury College.
- Entry via Junior School Gate, High Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of onsite parking.
Who: For ALL Years 5 – 11 Canterbury Students | Parents & Carers | Families.
Hosts: Our 2023 Student Leadership Group.
Cost: Gold Coin Entry Donation – which automatically includes your ticket into the Christmas Hamper Raffle drawn on the night | Food & Drink Purchases | Rosies Charity Goods Donations (please see table and information below).
Please RSVP by 11:59pm Tuesday 22 November 2022 so we know how much food & drink to order.
Dress Code: Happy Christmas Style Clothes OR Pyjamas - get into the festive spirit with us…
What To Bring?
- We will have plenty of plastic chairs available, but you might prefer to bring your own comfy camp chair or bean bag to watch the movie in.
- Gold coin entry donation, money to purchase food and drinks.
- Any Rosies charity goods donations (please see table and information below).
Supported Charities: Rosies: Friends On The Street and Orange Sky Australia.
Dear Canterbury Community,
Our 2023 Student Leadership Group would like to invite all students in Years 5-11 and their families, to our Canterbury Christmas Appeal Fundraiser.
Come and celebrate the end of the school year, and get into the Christmas spirit with us, as we enjoy some Christmas Carols Karaoke, a Christmas Movie, and donating resources to the less fortunate members of our wider Logan community.
This year, we are supporting two separate local charities, who we’ve worked with already throughout 2022.
Both Rosies: Friends On The Street and Orange Sky Australia support marginalised people in our community.
Rosies: Friends On The Street is a charity organisation which aims to offer friendship and unconditional acceptance to those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or are experiencing social isolation.
Canterbury is hosting this fun family night to encourage our school community to build their awareness around the issue of homelessness.
And more importantly, to gather donated items (described in the table below), which Rosies can distribute directly to those in need as care packs.
Each College House will be tasked with bringing different items to donate to the Rosies Appeal.
These will be placed under the relevant Christmas Tree inside the Canterbury Events Centre (CEC).
The items required from each House are:
House | Item |
Becket | Christmas gifts: playing cards, puzzles, board games, small card games e.g. Uno etc. |
Cranmer | Small backpacks, drink bottles, toothbrush containers etc. |
Goldsworthy | Personal hygiene items: body wash, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, sanitiser etc. |
Kime | Personal hygiene items: body wash, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, sanitiser etc. |
Temple | Christmas socks, boxers, beanies, undergarments etc. |
Ramsey | Non-perishable Christmas treats: Christmas cakes, sweets, puddings, biscuits, snacks etc. (NB: Avoid chocolate as it melts). |
Orange Sky Australia provides a positive and supportive environment for people who are too often ignored or feel disconnected from the community.
They provide regular laundry and shower services for homeless people.
The Canterbury Community has supported this organisation throughout the year, and funds raised at this event - via the gold coin entry donations, and food and drink sales, will further support this worthy cause.
This is sure to be a wonderful community event, where students of all ages and their families, can get together in the Christmas spirit of giving and community.
Parents & Carers – If you have any questions about this event, please get in touch with your child’s Head of House.
Students – Please approach any of our College Student Leaders who can support you with more information.
Kind regards,
Mr Tory Mills
Acting Head of Secondary School
Canterbury College
JOB VACANCY: Creative Industries Assistant - Canterbury College | Part-Time Permanent, In-Term Weekdays | Applications CLOSE SOON - APPLY NOW!
JOB VACANCY: Creative Industries Assistant - Canterbury College | Part-Time Permanent, In-Term Weekdays | Applications CLOSE SOON - APPLY NOW!
Are you a creative and innovative person?
Do you enjoy the world of digital design and solutions?
How about building and construction skills, or industrial technology?
Love getting involved in film, TV, new media and the visual and performing arts?
And do you want to support students in their creative, building and artistic pursuits?
Well, we have the job for you...
JOB VACANCY: Creative Industries Assistant - Canterbury College, Waterford.
Part-Time Permanent Position | In-Term Weekdays | Around 30 Hours Per Week.
Would suit Canterbury Parent/Carer seeking permanent part-time work here at the College, during each school term, with our dynamic and friendly Creative Arts Faculty team.
Opportunity Summary: The Creative Industries Assistant ensures the subject specific classrooms, resources and equipment are safely maintained and presented to a high standard for our teachers and students.
Please apply via the SEEK website here ASAP - Creative Industries Assistant Job in Waterford, Brisbane QLD - SEEK
Position COMMENCES: Monday 16 January 2023.
2022 Canterbury Year 12 Guard Of Honour & Graduation Ceremony | 8:30am - 10:20am, Friday Morning 18 November @ Canterbury Campus & CEC
2022 Canterbury Year 12 Guard Of Honour & Graduation Ceremony | 8:30am - 10:20am, Friday Morning 18 November @ Canterbury Campus & CEC
What: 2022 Canterbury College Year 12 Guard Of Honour & Graduation Ceremony.
When: Friday Morning 18 November 2022.
8:30am – 8:50am: Form – Students Uniform Check & Get Into Guard Of Honour Position.
8:30am – 8:55am: Year 12s’ Parents, Carers & Families Arrive & Seated For Guard Of Honour Livestream @ CEC.
8:55am – 9:10am: Whole College Year 12 Guard Of Honour.
9:15am – 10:20am: Year 12 Graduation Ceremony.
10:20am: Non-Year 12 Students Return To Class For Lesson 2.
Where: Canterbury College Campus.
Whole College Year 12 Guard Of Honour: From Secondary Administration’s Jacaranda Tree, along the main thoroughfare between the school buildings and the ovals, and into the Canterbury Events Centre (CEC).
Year 12 Graduation Ceremony: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC).
Dear Year 12s’ Parents, Carers & Families:
- Please arrive via the Junior School Gate, High Road OR Easterly Street Gate, Easterly Street, Waterford.
- Plenty of onsite parking at both locations, but some areas of the CEC carpark will be kept vacant for the Guard Of Honour crowds.
Whole College Year 12 Guard Of Honour: Kindy – Year 11 Students & Staff: Sidelines | Year 12 Students: Marchers.
Year 12 Graduation Ceremony: Year 12 Students & Their Parents, Carers & Families | Years 5-11 Students & Staff | Executive Leadership Group.
RSVPs: Not required with campus COVID restrictions lifted.
Dress Code:
Junior School Students: Full School Uniform.
Secondary School Students: Formal School Uniform - including blazers, with boys to wear long formal pants.
Parents, Carers & Families: Smart Casual / Business Casual.
Contact: Secondary School Administration - Tel: 07 3299 0843 | Email: OR please talk to your Head of House.
Experience the emotional ‘whole College farewell’ to our wonderful Year 12 ‘Class Of 2022’, as they depart the Canterbury campus as students for the very last time, with all our best wishes for their ‘World Ready’ future…
IMPORTANT UPDATE: 2023 Canterbury Japan Tour | $500 Deposit Due THIS Friday 18 November!
IMPORTANT UPDATE: 2023 Canterbury Japan Tour | $500 Deposit Due THIS Friday 18 November!
Dear Parents and Carers,
Canterbury families with eligible students, have been invited to register for the 2023 Canterbury Japan Tour, taking place in June next year.
An important letter PDF was emailed out last Friday, with information on the destinations, activities and the cost, to eligible students’ parents and carers.
A TASS Event has been created for those families to make their deposit payment, via the MyCC Parent Lounge’s Events & Payments online section.
Students who will be studying the following subjects in 2023 have been invited to attend:
- Japanese
- Senior Geography
- Senior Economics
- Senior Business
To secure your son’s or daughter’s place on the tour, a $500 non-refundable deposit is required by 11:59pm THIS Friday 18 November 2022.
Please contact Mrs Helen Tani, Head of Faculty – Global Studies, if you have any queries – E: | T: 07 3299 0843.
Domo Arigato!
URGENT: 2022 Canterbury Year 12 Valedictory Dinner | 6pm - 9pm, Wednesday 16 November @ Cbus Super Stadium (Robina Stadium) - BOOK NOW!
URGENT: 2022 Canterbury Year 12 Valedictory Dinner | 6pm - 9pm, Wednesday 16 November @ Cbus Super Stadium (Robina Stadium) - BOOK NOW!
What: 2022 Canterbury College Year 12 Valedictory Dinner.
When: 6:00pm - 9:00pm, Wednesday 16 November 2022.
Where: Cbus Super Stadium (Robina Stadium).
- Centreline Place, Robina, Gold Coast.
- This venue is only a short distance from the Robina Town Shopping Centre (approx. 1.4km).
Hinterland Room – Pre-Dinner Drinks and Hors D’Oeuvres.
Coast Room – Main Banquet Style Dinner and Drinks, Formal Speeches and Awards.
Parking: FREE in-stadium parking adjacent to the function space – directions coming shortly.
Who: For ALL Canterbury ‘Class Of 2022’ Year 12 Students and their Parents/Carers.
For invited Canterbury College Executive, Leadership, House and Year 12 Teaching Staff.
Cost: Year 12 Students – FREE.
Parents & Carers – $120 Per Adult Ticket – TWO Adult Tickets available per family.
If you require more Adult Tickets, please contact the Secondary School:
E: | T: 07 3299 0843.
URGENT RSVP: Please book your tickets by 11:59pm THIS Wednesday 9 November 2022.
Dress Code: Year 12 Students – Full Formal Uniform including blazers, with boys to wear long formal pants.
Parents, Carers & Staff – Evening Attire. | Gentlemen - Jackets Optional.
We look forward to celebrating our wonderful ‘Class Of 2022’ together with you, at this fully catered and dynamic event venue.
Event Features:
- Stunning field and night-lit stadium views from the large function room windows.
- Giant stadium screen showing our ‘Class Of 2022’ student highlights throughout the years.
- Entertaining speeches, student awards and presentations.
- Tasty hors d’oeuvres, delicious gourmet main course, then take-home themed dessert cupcakes.
2022 Canterbury Soloists Evening | 6:00pm - 7:30pm, Friday 11 November @ Performing Arts Theatre - Canterbury College | ALL WELCOME!
2022 Canterbury Soloists Evening | 6:00pm - 7:30pm, Friday 11 November @ Performing Arts Theatre - Canterbury College | ALL WELCOME!
What: 2022 Canterbury Soloists Evening.
When: 6:00pm - 7:30pm, Friday 11 November 2022.
Where: Performing Arts Theatre (Arts Centre Auditorium) – Canterbury College.
Best Parking: Via the Easterly Street Gate using the left-hand carpark off the roundabout.
- Plenty of on-site parking.
Who: For ALL Canterbury Students, Parents, Carers & Families.
Hosts: Canterbury Performing Arts Music Faculty – Dr Katrina Peddell & Mr Tim Li.
Cost: FREE Concert!
Dress Code: Students - School Uniform. | Parents & Carers & Families - Smart Casual.
Come and enjoy our best violin, viola, cello, double bass, clarinet, flute and piano playing students LIVE in concert.
For more information:
E: | T: 07 3299 0812
2022 Semester 2: Canterbury Junior School Spark Learning Expo! | 11:25am – 1:30pm, Tuesday 15 November @ CEC | ALL WELCOME!
2022 Semester 2: Canterbury Junior School Spark Learning Expo! | 11:25am – 1:30pm, Tuesday 15 November @ CEC | ALL WELCOME!
What: 2022 Semester 2 – Canterbury Junior School Spark Learning Expo!
When: 11:25am – 1:30pm, Tuesday 15 November 2022.
Where: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) – Canterbury College.
- Entry via Junior School Gate, High Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of onsite parking.
Who: For ALL Junior School Students and Staff, Parents and Carers, Community Members and Secondary School Staff.
Dress Code: Students – Full School Uniform. | Parents & Carers – Smart Casual.
RSVPs: Not Required – Please simply attend to see our excited Years 5-6 students’ wonderful Semester 2 Spark project presentations, spanning the following subject areas:
Kidpreneur – Mrs Joelene Anderson
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation – Miss Rhiannon Ottrey
Sustainable Town Planning – Mr Jonathon Wheatley
Critical And Creative Thinking – Mrs Juanita Purvis
Mission To Mars – Mr Jack Mercer
OzHarvest: FEAST – Mrs Michelle Leftwich
Aquatic Biology – Mr Ben Woolacott
Recycle, Repurpose And Reinvigorate – Mr Justin Craane
Eat For Health – Mrs Holly Westphal
Canterbury Capabilities: Kitchen Garden – Mr Paul Penny
Sport Psychology – Mr Ben Maxfield
Contact: For more information, please contact Mrs Joelene Anderson, Coordinator of Academic Care: Years 5-6 -
What is SPARK?
SPARK is an elective-based ‘hands-on’ curriculum for Years 5 and 6 students that is unique to Canterbury.
Each semester our students choose a special subject to study.
Then students from both year levels are combined into the same classroom and taught by relevant staff.
SPARK is about building curiosity, encouraging students to try something new, and providing an exceptional opportunity for them to embark on their own learning journey, as part of their ‘World Ready’ Canterbury education.
When does SPARK occur?
SPARK happens once per week, with students encouraged to continue their learning beyond the classroom.
How does SPARK link to the curriculum?
SPARK focuses on the Australian Curriculum’s general capabilities, looking at critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding and intercultural understanding.
How can I see my child’s learning?
The Junior School hosts a learning exhibition at the end of each semester, where all students will have something to exhibit based on their SPARK sessions.
LAST CONCERT: 2022 Spring Music Festival - Panorama | 6pm - 7:30pm, Tuesday 15 November @ Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) | ALL WELCOME!
LAST CONCERT: 2022 Spring Music Festival - Panorama | 6pm - 7:30pm, Tuesday 15 November @ Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) | ALL WELCOME!
The talented students of the Canterbury College Performing Arts Faculty will entertain you and your family with these FIVE FREE concerts.
All Canterbury Junior School & Secondary School families & guests MOST welcome!
Best Parking:
Performing Arts Theatre (Auditorium) - Via the Easterly Street Gate using the left-hand carpark off the roundabout.
Arts Centre Amphitheatre - Via the Easterly Street Gate using the left-hand carpark off the roundabout.
Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) - Via the Junior School Gate, High Road.
No RSVPs required with COVID campus restrictions lifted.
Dress Code: Students - School Uniform OR Smart Casual for the Friday Night Rocks Concert | Parents & Carers & Families - Smart Casual.
For more information:
07 3299 0812
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming Year 5 Band Immersion Program performance as part of our Panorama Concert for the 2022 Spring Music Festival on Tuesday Night 15 November 2022.
This concert will feature ALL our students in the Year 5 Band Immersion Program.
Event Details:
Date: Tuesday 15 November 2022
Arrival Time: 5:30pm
Concert Begins: 6:00pm
Concert Concludes: Between 7:00pm - 7:30pm
Venue: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) - Canterbury College.
- Entry via Junior School Gate, High Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of on-site parking.
Dress Code: Students - Formal School Uniform (no hats) | Parents & Carers - Smart Casual.
Cost: FREE!
The students have been eagerly preparing for this event, and so we look forward to sharing with you the results of their hard work.
If you require any further information, please contact the Performing Arts Department via email - or by phone - 07 3299 0812.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs Michelle Leftwich Dr Katrina Peddell
Head of Junior School Director of Music
2022 Annual Canterbury Alumni Network Year 12 Graduation Breakfast & Final Chapel Service | Wednesday Morning 16 November @ Canterbury Functions Centre & Bush Chapel
2022 Annual Canterbury Alumni Network Year 12 Graduation Breakfast & Final Chapel Service | Wednesday Morning 16 November @ Canterbury Functions Centre & Bush Chapel
What: 2022 Annual CAN: Canterbury Alumni Network Year 12 Graduation Breakfast & Final Chapel Service.
When: Wednesday Morning 16 November 2022.
Canterbury Alumni Network Year 12 Graduation Breakfast: 7:30am – 8:30am.
Year 12 Final Chapel Service: 8:45am – 9:30am.
Where: Canterbury College Campus.
Canterbury Alumni Network Year 12 Graduation Breakfast: Canterbury Functions Centre.
Year 12 Final Chapel Service: Canterbury Bush Chapel.
Best Parking: Entry via Sports Precinct Gate, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of onsite parking along the Old Logan Village Road carparks.
Who: For ALL Our Graduating Year 12 ‘Class Of 2022’ Students | Canterbury Year 12 Teaching Staff | Canterbury Executive Leadership Team | Secondary School Executive Group | CAN: Canterbury Alumni Network Committee Members.
Hosts: Canterbury College Principal, Deputy Principal & Secondary School Executive Group.
Special Guest Speaker: Canterbury Alumni Network President & 2017 School Captain Will Glass.
*Includes FREE native seedling gift as a living, growing reminder of your time here at Canterbury College.*
Cost: FREE Breakfast Event!
RSVPs: Not Required.
Dress Code: Year 12 Students – Full Formal Uniform including blazers, with boys to wear long formal pants.
Staff – Professional Work Attire. | Canterbury Alumni Network Committee Members – Smart Casual.
Enjoy a fresh and delicious hot and cold breakfast, then some valuable outdoor chapel reflection time, here on campus as the graduating Year 12 cohort’s final school days rapidly draw to a close.
It’s also your chance to hear from our Canterbury Alumni Network President and 2017 School Captain Will Glass, about the benefits of joining the school’s past students alumni network, and staying in touch via their Private Facebook Group HERE - (20+) Canterbury College Official Alumni Network | Facebook.
Contact For More Information: Secondary School Administration: Tel - 07 3299 0843 | Email - OR please talk to your Head of House.