Anglican Bishop Cam Venables’ 2023 School Year Video Messages | For Schools And Education & Care Services

Anglican Bishop Cam Venables’ 2023 School Year Video Messages | For Schools And Education & Care Services

Dear All,

Please find below YouTube links to Bishop Cam Venables’ video messages for Schools and Education & Care Services, as we all head into the new 2023 School Year.

Bishop Cam is the Anglican Archbishop’s Commisary speaking on the Anglican Schools Commission Channel.





Canterbury Taipans - Swimming Squads Development Program

Canterbury Taipans - Swimming Squads Development Program

For the short-term future, the aim of our Canterbury Taipans Swimming Squad, is to be recognised as a leading junior development program, and for the quality of swimmers that we produce – not just in terms of results, but in technique, training and racing ability.

For our Canterbury Taipans to achieve this, we need a sound structure that begins at the Learn-To-Swim level, and progresses up through to our highest performance squads.

Our training program mantra will be: It’s best to be fast for ten years, not just at ten years old.

With this philosophy, our goal of having a recognised high-performance program is achievable.

Our aim at the Canterbury Taipans will not be about winning… It will be ACHIEVING.

We want our swimmers to achieve the goals they set for themselves, and we as a club, are going to encourage them to dream as high as possible.

So if we have an 11-year-old who says: I want to go to the Olympics, we can be sure in saying that you have come to the right program.

For our club will have a system focussed on the long-term development of each swimmer.

Our club will be the first steppingstone in a long journey for a younger swimmer, that we hopefully can nurture into great aspirations.

It takes 8 – 12 years of training for talented swimmers to reach the elite level, and we are the first stage in that long process.

With this in mind, if we don’t manage and nurture the young swimmers who come to our pool through these early growth and development years, then their dreams may not eventuate.

So we’ve implemented a program dedicated to long-term swimmer development.

Currently our Senior Squad has a mixture of ages from 11 – 17 years old. This has somewhat been based on their lap times, rather than their developmental needs.

Our program will follow the Long-Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model framework, which is about applying the correct training and competition throughout a young swimmer’s career, with a strong focus on their growth and development.

As we mature, we all go through the same developmental stages from childhood to adulthood.

But each stage can be at different times, and stages can vary in length. Of course, there are also gender differences, as development in girls is usually earlier than boys.

The make-up of each of our squads will be based predominately on age, so most of our swimmers will be training with their peer group.

Of course, there are those swimmers who develop earlier and attain skill levels above their age development, and these youth will be assessed on their needs as required.

Now this structure will take time to implement fully. Monitoring and fine tuning will be ongoing, and any necessary changes will be made.

Patience will be necessary over the coming months, but I’m sure in the coming years, we will see the positive results of these changes.

Mr Simon Smith
Head Swimming Coach
Canterbury Swimming – College & Taipans Club

TINY TAIPANS SQUAD: Basic Movement Literacy

This squad’s focus will be on the development of all four strokes – freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly, and developing basic movement patterns and motor skills. There will be an emphasis on learning through fun and games.


  • Agility, balance, coordination and speed.
  • Technique: all four strokes – freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly.
  • Racing skills: starts, turns and finishes.
  • Movement coordination.
  • Speed, power and endurance.
  • Introduction to basic rules and simple training sets.

Growth & Development Considerations

  • Emphasis on skills development.
  • First speed development window.

Ages: Males 6 – 9 Years | Females 5 – 8 Years.

Sessions: Recommend 1 – 3 times per week, plus general participation in other activities.

Session Duration: 30 mins.

DEVELOPMENT SQUAD: Building Technique

This squad will be for competent new young swimmers, with training still heavily technique-focused. Training will be one-hour plus duration, with the introduction of dryland activities.

This stage is vital, because if this stage is missed, participants will never reach their full potential. It is one of the main reasons why swimmers plateaux during the later stages of their careers.


  • Fundamental level skills become more technical.
  • Peak motor skill development: shoulders, elbows, core, spine and ankle stability.
  • Learn how to train.
  • Develop swim specific skills.
  • Develop excellent technique in all four strokes and learn racing skills.
  • Refine starts, turns and finishing skills.
  • Dryland exercises.
  • Aerobic endurance.
  • Greater mix of training methods.
  • Hydration and nutrition.

Swimming Specific Skills

  • Improvement of all four strokes, sculling and the ‘feel of water’.
  • Improve conditioning components of endurance and speed.

Growth & Development Considerations

  • Peak motor coordination emphasis on skill development before age 11 for girls and 12 for boys.

Ages: Males 9 – 12 Years | Females 8 – 11 Years.

Sessions: Recommend 2 – 4 times per week, plus general participation in other sports.

Session Duration: 60 – 75 mins.

TALENT SQUAD: Building The Engine

During this development stage, the emphasis will be on aerobic conditioning. The training will be predominately high volume, low intensity workloads, which cannot be achieved in a limited period.

Therefore, the time commitment to training should increase significantly. If insufficient time is devoted to this stage, or it is missed, then the swimmer will never reach their full potential.


  • Emphasis on aerobic conditioning.
  • Second speed development window.
  • Individualisation of fitness and technical training.
  • Shoulders, elbows, core, spine and ankle stability.
  • Refinement of specific technical skills.
  • FUNdamentals of tactical preparation.
  • Introduction to mental preparation.
  • Moral learning.

Swimming Specific Skills

  • Development of aerobic base and all four strokes (200 IM: Individual Medley).

Growth & Development Considerations

  • Growth spurt emphasis on aerobic development.
  • Second speed development window.
  • First strength development window for females.

Ages: Males 12 – 14 Years | Females 11 – 13 Years.

Sessions: Recommend 4 – 7 times per week.

Session Duration: 90 mins.

TARGET SQUAD: Training To Compete

This training will have a continued emphasis on physical conditioning, with the focus on maintaining high volume workloads, but with increasing intensity.

There will be more specific development of individual strengths and weaknesses through modelling, and nurturing of individual needs and tactical skills, based around specific strokes or distances – but not both. During this stage, introduction to strength training should occur.


  • Sport and individual specific physical conditioning.
  • Increased volume and training intensity.
  • Beginning to specialise.
  • Cross-training activities.
  • Individualisation of technical skills.

Swimming Specific Skills

  • Start to compete across a wider range of events, based on strokes or distance.

Growth & Development Considerations

  • Peak strength development emphasis.
  • Second strength development window for females.

Ages: Males 14 – 18 Years | Females 13 – 18 Years.

Sessions: Recommend 6 – 9 times per week.

Session Duration: 2 hours.

Training Volume: Beginning at 18,000 metres working towards 52,000 metres per week.

Canterbury Taipans (Tennis) NOW Registered Activity Provider For Queensland Government’s FairPlay Sport & Recreation Vouchers

Canterbury Taipans (Tennis) NOW Registered Activity Provider For Queensland Government’s FairPlay Sport & Recreation Vouchers

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Canterbury Taipans (Tennis) has been approved as a registered activity provider for the Queensland Government’s FairPlay Sport & Recreation vouchers.

And our organisation now appears on the official FairPlay Activity Provider Directory.

The new FairPlay system program portal - Enquire, is now open and accessible for existing and new users to register.

Via this portal, parents and carers can apply for a voucher valued up to $150 for their child, which can be used towards sport and active recreation memberships, registrations, or participation fees with registered activity providers like us.

This could include our School Holidays Fun & Fitness Tennis Camps, Taipans Tennis Tournaments, Tennis Group Lessons and more…

There is a limit of one voucher per child per calendar year, for youth aged 5-17 years old, who are Queensland residents.

Unfortunately, voucher applications have closed for 2022 but will restart in the new year.

For full information about registration, and claiming and redeeming these FairPlay vouchers PLEASE CLICK HERE.

If you have any further questions, please contact the team – E:  | T: 13 QGOV (13 74 68)

2022/23 Summer School Holidays | Canterbury Fun & Fitness Camps – BOOK NOW! 🎾🏃‍♀️🏊‍♀️

2022/23 Summer School Holidays | Canterbury Fun & Fitness Camps – BOOK NOW! 🎾🏃‍♀️🏊‍♀️

*OPEN TO ALL: College Families AND General Public*

*Perfect to package up with Canterbury OSHC Vacation Care children*

image.php?hash=2eef94765139a3b4cf59cbee44cf080fa422eacb Experienced and fully qualified coaches.
image.php?hash=2eef94765139a3b4cf59cbee44cf080fa422eacb Quality sport programs.
image.php?hash=2eef94765139a3b4cf59cbee44cf080fa422eacb 8 International tournament standard hardcourt tennis courts.
image.php?hash=2eef94765139a3b4cf59cbee44cf080fa422eacb Professional standard ex-Gold Coast Commonwealth Games running track and athletics facility.
image.php?hash=2eef94765139a3b4cf59cbee44cf080fa422eacb Heated 10-lane Olympic-sized 50-metre lap pool.
image.php?hash=2eef94765139a3b4cf59cbee44cf080fa422eacb Heated marquee-enclosed dedicated Learn-To-Swim pool.
image.php?hash=2eef94765139a3b4cf59cbee44cf080fa422eacb Large fully equipped changerooms with parent rooms, plus indoor and outdoor showers.
image.php?hash=2eef94765139a3b4cf59cbee44cf080fa422eacb Splash & Smash Café.


E:   |    |  

LOCATION: Canterbury College – Aquatic, Tennis & Athletics Centre.
– Entry via Sports Precinct Gate, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford, with plenty of onsite parking.


WEEK ONE | 3-DAY OPTION: Tuesday 6 – Thursday 8 December 2022

WEEK TWO | 2-DAY OPTION: Thursday 15 – Friday 16 December 2022

NB: Just pay per session as per below – no '3 session package' pricing for this Week Two option.

WEEK THREE | 3-DAY OPTION: Tuesday 10 – Thursday 12 January 2023

WEEK FOUR | 3-DAY OPTION: Tuesday 17 – Thursday 19 January 2023

• Players need to bring their tennis racket, hat, sunscreen and water bottle.
• All players receive a certificate.
• Half AND Full Day 3-Day Tennis Camps include Day 3 Pizza Party.


*Tiny Taipans Red Ball Hot Shots Tennis Camp*

• Three fun-filled mornings of Hot Shots classes for little champions aged 4-7 years.
• Perfect for young players looking to start their tennis pathway while making new friends.
• Loads of skills, games & prizes.
• New Hot Shots players get a FREE t-shirt with their registration.
• Morning tea fruit break provided.

Time: 8:30am – 10:00am each day.
Cost: $100 for ALL 3 sessions OR $40 per session.  |  Canterbury Family Member: $38 per session.

*Half Day Tennis Camp*

• Three intensive half-day clinics for beginner to mid-range players aged 8-12 years.
• Greatly improves playing technique in a Learn Through Play environment.
• New Hot Shots players get a FREE t-shirt with their registration.
• Morning tea fruit break provided.

Time: 8:45am – 12:00pm Midday each day.
Cost: $130 for ALL 3 sessions OR $60 per session.  |  Canterbury Family Member: $57 per session.

*Full Day Tennis Camp*

• Awesome three-day challenge for players keen to improve their match-play & fitness.
• Includes a morning of technique, athlete education, plus fun & games.
• Swimming 12:30pm - 1:00pm then Match-Play 1:15pm - 3:00pm.
• Morning tea fruit break & lunch provided.

Time: 8:45am – 3:00pm each day.
Cost: $160 for ALL 3 sessions OR $75 per session.  |  Canterbury Family Member: $71.25 per session.



  • Seniors 12-17 Years  | Track & Pool/Cross Training Sessions: Monday 12 – Wednesday 14 December 2022.
  • Development Squad 8-11 Years  | Varied Training Sessions: Monday 12 – Thursday 15 December 2022.
  • Tiny Taipans 4-7 Years  | Varied Training Sessions: Monday 12 – Thursday 15 December 2022.


  • Seniors 12-17 Years  | Track & Pool/Cross Training Sessions: Monday 9 – Wednesday 11 January 2023.
  • Development Squad 8-11 Years  | Varied Training Sessions: Monday 9 – Thursday 12 January 2023.
  • Tiny Taipans 4-7 Years  | Varied Training Sessions: Monday 9 – Thursday 12 January 2023.


  • Seniors 12-17 Years  | Track & Pool/Cross Training Sessions: Monday 16 – Wednesday 18 January 2023.
  • Development Squad 8-11 Years  | Varied Training Sessions: Monday 16 – Thursday 19 January 2023.
  • Tiny Taipans 4-7 Years  | Varied Training Sessions: Monday 16 – Thursday 19 January 2023.

• Includes: Running Technique, High Jump, Long Jump, Discus, Shotput, Javelin.
• All events are rotated through each 3-hour session to maximise engagement.
• Our program teaches basic skills & fitness for each event in a safe & fun environment.
• Participants need to bring a hat, sunscreen, water bottle and morning tea snack.
• Ice block provided each day after the session is finished.

Times: 8:00am – 11:00am From Monday – Wednesday | THEN 8:00am – 12:30pm Thursday @ Canterbury Athletics Track, which includes Pizza & Pool Party From 11:30am – 12:30pm @ Canterbury Aquatic Centre FOR Tiny Taipans & Development Squad.

Times: 8:00am – 10:00am Track & Field @ Canterbury Athletics Track | THEN 10:00am – 11:00am Swimming Cross-Training @ Canterbury Aquatic Centre From Monday – Wednesday FOR Seniors.

• Participants MUST bring their swimming gear.
• Please let us know if you are not a strong swimmer.
• Most activities are just kicking and jumping in and out of the water.
• Participants are not actually swimming laps, but still need to be good swimmers for these sessions.

Tiny Taipans & Development Squad Cost: $110 for ALL 4 sessions OR $35 per session.

Seniors Cost: $75 for ALL 3 sessions OR $30 per session.


  • For ages Aqua Babies & upwards!
  • 30-minute group classes.
  • Levels: Cuttlefish, Crayfish, Lobsters, Swordfish, Marlins, Dolphins, Sharks.
  • Classes on same time every day Monday – Friday or Saturday.
  • Can be booked as intensive 5/6-day swimming blocks.
  • Parents can bring their children in every day for a week OR book as many or as few times per week as they wish.

When: Morning AND/OR Afternoon Lesson Times Available.

Monday 12 – Friday 16 December 2022

Monday 9 – Saturday 14 January 2023

Monday 16 – Saturday 21 January 2023

Learn-To-Swim Group Classes Weekly Schedule (NB: Saturdays ONLY in January, NOT in December)


NB: Please get in touch with ANY of your Learn-To-Swim OR Lap Swimming enquiries year-round - not just during the school holidays!

Cost: $21 Per Session Per Child For Non-Canterbury Families.  |  $18.90 Per Session Per Child For Canterbury Families - simply present a student card.

2022/23 Summer School Holidays: Extended Canterbury Public Lap Swimming Times

2022/23 Summer School Holidays: Extended Canterbury Public Lap Swimming Times

What: 2022/23 Summer School Holidays - Extended Canterbury Public Lap Swimming Times.


From THIS Monday 5 December – Friday 16 December 2022 (Last Day For 2022)…

6:00am - 12:00pm Midday | 2:00pm - 6:00pm – Mondays to Fridays.

7:15am - 11:00am – Saturdays.

3 Week Christmas Holiday Break

From Monday 9 January 2023 Onwards…

6:00am - 12:00pm Midday | 2:00pm - 6:00pm – Mondays to Fridays.

7:15am - 11:00am – Saturdays.

Where: Canterbury College – Aquatic Centre.

  • Entry via Sports Precinct Gate, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford with plenty of onsite parking.
  • Fully heated 10-lane 50-metre Olympic-sized Lap Swimming Pool.
  • Large fully equipped changerooms with parent rooms, plus indoor and outdoor showers.
  • Our Splash & Smash Café (during regular hours).

Who: OPEN TO ALL – Canterbury Families AND General Public!

Venue Check-Ins: Via the Splash & Smash Cafe OR Tennis Centre Kiosk beside the entry gates.

Cost: $5.00 Per Visit.

Contact: Canterbury Taipans Swimming - T: 07 3299 0900 | E: 

See you there for some Summer swimming fitness!

2022 Canterbury Christmas Appeal Fundraiser Major Event | 5pm – 8pm, THIS Monday 28 November @ CEC

2022 Canterbury Christmas Appeal Fundraiser Major Event | 5pm – 8pm, THIS Monday 28 November @ CEC

What: 2022 Canterbury Christmas Appeal Fundraiser Major Event.

Christmas Carols Karaoke | Family Christmas Movie: Elf | BBQ Sausage Sizzle & Hamburger Dinner | Soft Drinks | Popcorn | Lolly Bags | Christmas Hamper Raffle | Rosies Charity Goods Donations.

When: 5:00pm – 8:00pm, THIS Monday 28 November 2022.

Where: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) – Canterbury College.
- Entry via Junior School Gate, High Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of onsite parking.

Who: For ALL Years 5 – 11 Canterbury Students | Parents & Carers | Families.

Hosts: Our 2023 Student Leadership Group.

Cost: Gold Coin Entry Donation – which automatically includes your ticket into the Christmas Hamper Raffle drawn on the night | Food & Drink Purchases | Rosies Charity Goods Donations (please see table and information below).


Please RSVP by 11:59pm Tuesday 22 November 2022 so we know how much food & drink to order.

Dress Code: Happy Christmas Style Clothes OR Pyjamas - get into the festive spirit with us…

What To Bring?

  • We will have plenty of plastic chairs available, but you might prefer to bring your own comfy camp chair or bean bag to watch the movie in.
  • Gold coin entry donation, money to purchase food and drinks.
  • Any Rosies charity goods donations (please see table and information below).

Supported Charities: Rosies: Friends On The Street and Orange Sky Australia.

Dear Canterbury Community,

Our 2023 Student Leadership Group would like to invite all students in Years 5-11 and their families, to our Canterbury Christmas Appeal Fundraiser.

Come and celebrate the end of the school year, and get into the Christmas spirit with us, as we enjoy some Christmas Carols Karaoke, a Christmas Movie, and donating resources to the less fortunate members of our wider Logan community.

This year, we are supporting two separate local charities, who we’ve worked with already throughout 2022.

Both Rosies: Friends On The Street and Orange Sky Australia support marginalised people in our community.

Rosies: Friends On The Street is a charity organisation which aims to offer friendship and unconditional acceptance to those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or are experiencing social isolation.

Canterbury is hosting this fun family night to encourage our school community to build their awareness around the issue of homelessness.

And more importantly, to gather donated items (described in the table below), which Rosies can distribute directly to those in need as care packs.

Each College House will be tasked with bringing different items to donate to the Rosies Appeal.

These will be placed under the relevant Christmas Tree inside the Canterbury Events Centre (CEC).

The items required from each House are:

 House  Item
 Becket  Christmas gifts: playing cards, puzzles, board games, small card games e.g. Uno etc.
 Cranmer  Small backpacks, drink bottles, toothbrush containers etc.
 Goldsworthy  Personal hygiene items: body wash, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, sanitiser etc.
 Kime  Personal hygiene items: body wash, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, sanitiser etc.
 Temple  Christmas socks, boxers, beanies, undergarments etc.
 Ramsey  Non-perishable Christmas treats: Christmas cakes, sweets, puddings, biscuits, snacks etc.
(NB: Avoid chocolate as it melts).

Orange Sky Australia provides a positive and supportive environment for people who are too often ignored or feel disconnected from the community.

They provide regular laundry and shower services for homeless people.

The Canterbury Community has supported this organisation throughout the year, and funds raised at this event - via the gold coin entry donations, and food and drink sales, will further support this worthy cause.

This is sure to be a wonderful community event, where students of all ages and their families, can get together in the Christmas spirit of giving and community.

Parents & Carers – If you have any questions about this event, please get in touch with your child’s Head of House.

Students – Please approach any of our College Student Leaders who can support you with more information.

Kind regards

Mr Tory Mills

Acting Head of Secondary School
Canterbury College

Year 9: Returning Your Device | THIS Tuesday 29 November @ IT Department

Year 9: Returning Your Device | THIS Tuesday 29 November @ IT Department

Dear Year 9 Students,

THIS Tuesday 29 November 2022, you will be returning your device to the IT Department at your allocated time:



When you hand back your device, please ensure you have everything on this list:

  • Tablet
  • Keyboard
  • Stylus
  • Power Cord
  • Laptop Carry Bag

You are expected to be at school until the last school day which is THIS Wednesday 30 November 2022.

If you have applied for holiday leave during term time, because you are finishing the school year earlier, you MUST return your device before you depart.

Failure to do so will incur a significant device replacement cost.

If you have any questions, please see the IT Department or Secondary School Administration.

Mrs Rebecca Adamson

Acting Deputy Principal

2022 Canterbury Year 6 Festival (In-School Event) | 8:10am – 3:15pm, THIS Friday 25 November @ Oval 3 – Canterbury College

2022 Canterbury Year 6 Festival (In-School Event) | 8:10am – 3:15pm, THIS Friday 25 November @ Oval 3 – Canterbury College

What: 2022 Canterbury Year 6 Festival.

When: 8:10am – 3:15pm, THIS Friday 25 November 2022.

Where: Oval 3 – Canterbury College.

Who: For Year 6 Canterbury Students & Teaching Staff Only (In-School Event).

Cost: There is NO cost for students to participate in this school-day event.

However, our Year 6 students are asked to bring in some items from home, for one of the activities, and we are also seeking some donations of small plants.

Please read the full event information below, then complete this REQUIRED ONLINE FORM by 11:59pm THIS Sunday 13 November 2022.

Year 6 Festival

The Year 6 Festival is an opportunity for students to participate in new and unusual experiences, giving them a chance to celebrate what they have achieved during the first part of their schooling life.

This event will be held on-campus, run by Canterbury staff during school hours.

We are seeking donations of small plants for this day.

Ideal plants would be succulents, non-prickly cacti, herbs or ‘potted colour’ flowers.

If you have plants you can donate, please indicate this on that REQUIRED ONLINE FORM.

Plants will not be required until mid-to-late-November.


  • 8:10am – Early arrival at school.
  • 3:15pm – Students to be collected at the usual time.

Activity Information


Hydro-dipping is a process of spraying paint onto the surface of water, then dipping an object into the water, allowing the paint on the water’s surface to coat the item.

All correct procedures will be followed to ensure the health and safety of students.

The risk of paint affecting the students’ clothing in this activity is low.

However, as a preventative measure, students must bring an old large shirt or smock to use over their school uniform.

Students will not be permitted to participate without this.

Students will also need to bring their own item to dip and we recommend light-coloured items for the best effect.

Some suggestions include: canvas shoes, phone cases, drink bottles, travel mugs, pot plants, pencil cases or canvas frames.

You may already have an item at home.

Water Activities

Students will have the opportunity to swim in Canterbury’s pool during the day.

Please see below for what to bring for this activity.


Students will be making their own sweet treat to eat.

All dietary requirements submitted on the online form will be catered for.


Students will be decorating their own pots and potting their own plant to take home as a keepsake.

We are seeking donations for this activity as mentioned above.

Chill Zone

Students will participate in calming activities, including the use of a photo booth.

Year 6 Festival - Checklist of items to bring/wear on the day:

Students MUST wear/bring:

o Canterbury sport uniform
o Canterbury sport hat
o Sport bag
o Drink bottle
o Lunch and food as per a usual school day (Canteen is not available for Year 6 students on this day)
o Bathers (can be optionally worn to school under sport uniform)
o Sun-safe swimming shirt (not school uniform)
o Towel
o Plastic bag for wet clothes
o Sunscreen
o Item for hydro-dipping
o Old large shirt or smock for paint protection
o Two additional bags for wet items

Students MUST NOT bring:

o Formal school bag
o Laptop
o Sport equipment
o Mobile phones or other electronic devices
o Formal hat
o Formal uniform
o Items or accessories not complying with uniform standards

2022 Canterbury Junior School Speech Day | 2:15pm – 3:45pm, THIS Tuesday 29 November @ Logan Entertainment Centre

2022 Canterbury Junior School Speech Day | 2:15pm – 3:45pm, THIS Tuesday 29 November @ Logan Entertainment Centre

Dear Parents, Carers & Students,

This letter outlines the procedures surrounding our annual Junior School Speech Day ceremony, where we recognise our students' achievements across Years 3-6.

What: 2022 Canterbury Junior School Speech Day - Canterbury College’s Annual Awards Ceremony.

When: 2:15pm – 3:45pm (approx), THIS Tuesday 29 November 2022.
- Please arrive 1:45pm for 2:15pm start.

Where: Logan Entertainment Centre.
- 170 Wembley Road, Logan Central.
- Plenty of FREE on-site parking.

Who: For ALL Years 3-6 Students | Their Parents, Carers & Families | ELC – Year 2 Parents, Carers & Siblings Most Welcome!

Students from ELC – Year 2 must be signed out using the usual process and transported to the venue by their parents or carers.

Transport To Venue: All Years 3-6 students will travel by bus to the venue, departing Canterbury from the Junior School Bus Bay at approximately 1:15pm.

Transport From Venue: Parents & Carers attending the event can collect their children at the conclusion around 3:45pm, signing them out via their classroom teacher.

All other students will travel by bus back to Canterbury, returning to the Junior School Bus Bay by 4:45pm (approx).

Parents & Carers can collect their children after 4:45pm from the High Road Pick-Up Zone.

RSVP: Event Tickets:

Years 3-6 students do not require tickets.

Parents, Carers and any Siblings from ELC – Year 2 must book tickets directly with the venue - BOOKING WEBLINK HERE.

NB: This weblink covers BOTH our Junior School Speech Day AND Secondary School Speech Night - BOTH on Tuesday 29 November.

Simply select the correct session time from the menu at the bottom of the webpage.

Parents & Carers of awardees will be offered tickets in the first round, followed by general admission - BOOKING WEBLINK HERE.

Dress Code:
Years 3-6 Students: Formal Summer Uniform - with polished shoes, and are welcome to bring a water bottle.
Parents & Carers: Smart Casual / Business Casual.

Lunch: Years 3-6 students will receive an early lunch break, including access to the School Canteen.

Once awardees are finalised, parents and students will be notified.

If you have any questions regarding the Junior School Speech Day, please contact your child’s Class Teacher.

Yours faithfully

Mrs Michelle Leftwich
Head of Junior School

2022 Canterbury Taipans Tennis Club Championships | 4pm – 6:45pm, Thursday 8 December & 8am – 4pm, Friday 9 December @ Canterbury Tennis Centre

2022 Canterbury Taipans Tennis Club Championships | 4pm – 6:45pm, Thursday 8 December & 8am – 4pm, Friday 9 December @ Canterbury Tennis Centre

What: 2022 Canterbury Taipans Tennis Club Championships.

When: 4:00pm - 6:45pm, Thursday 8 December AND 8:00am - 4:00pm (approx.), Friday 9 December 2022.

Where: Canterbury Taipans Tennis Centre - Canterbury College.
- Entry via Sports Precinct Gate, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford with plenty of on-site parking.

Who: For ALL Canterbury Taipans Tennis Club Playing Members Aged 18 Years Or Under (as at 31 December 2022).

Cost: $15 Entry Fee Per Player.

RSVP: Player Registrations OPEN NOW! | Player Registrations CLOSE 11:59pm THIS Sunday 27 November 2022.

PLEASE REGISTER HERE - Official Tennis Queensland Tournament Sign-Up Weblink

This two-day tournament will conclude with an awards presentation, held during the 2022 Canterbury Taipans End-Of-Year Christmas Awards Party, happening that Friday evening 9 December.

We will also be announcing our 2023 Canterbury Taipans Club Captains.

This tournament is a Yellow Ball only event which will count towards players’ UTR Ratings.

There are ONLY 16 SPOTS EACH in the Boys and Girls Divisions, so please sign up now!

We look forward to some great ‘home-grown’ tennis competition!

Contact: Mr James Rapkins, Tennis Program Manager – T: 07 3299 0900 | E: