Getting The Numbers Right: Ways You Can Help Your Child Develop Their Maths Skills!
Getting The Numbers Right: Ways You Can Help Your Child Develop Their Maths Skills!
We all use Mathematics every day, and mathematical skills help children understand and experience the world around them.
In early childhood, children develop mathematical skills by manipulating and playing with objects, and become acquainted with shapes, numbers and descriptions of objects.
There are a number of ways you can help your child develop their mathematics skills...
Using Mathematics Every Day
We use Mathematics every day... We need to know how much things cost and how much we have to spend...
We need to know how things fit together and the weight, shape, size and area of objects, especially when packing things like school lunch boxes and bags.
And we all need to know the direction to take to get to school, work or the shops, and to estimate how long it will take us to get there.
Just like learning to read, your child will have already started to develop the mathematical skills needed as they experience the world around them.
These skills will be further developed at school by manipulating and playing with objects that develop links between their immediate environment and everyday language.
And also by participation in explicit teaching and activities that help them work on their counting skills, manipulate numbers, identify and name different shapes, create and continue patterns, describe and groups things using mathematical language and the list goes on…
What Can Parents Do?
Some of the things you can do at home to encourage young children to think about and explore Mathematics include:
- Asking your child to talk about or name the number of things in their picture story books.
- Going on a number hunt with your child: For example, get them to look for and identify cars with a number plate that has a number 2, or to look for and identify house or unit numbers with a 4.
- Collecting a selection of different coloured everyday objects and have your child sort them into groups of the same colour.
Alternatively, start a repeated pattern (blue, red and orange, blue, red and orange) and get them to continue the pattern. - Encouraging your child to count while they play – like how many times can they jump, bounce a ball or hear a particular sound.
- Talking with your child about the size and shape of things they see.
Get them to look for particular shapes and count how many times they see them: How many times can we see a circle, the number of windows in houses along your street, or the shape of your roof. - Collect food and grocery items and label them with prices written on sticky notes or prices cut out of shopping catalogues.
- Talk about how we pay for items using notes and coins.
- Make paper money or use play money to buy and sell goods from the shop.
- Order the food items by height (tallest to the shortest) or by cost (least expensive to the most expensive).
- Introduce kitchen scales to the shop to weigh some foods, such as a box of tea bags or a bag of rice and order items by weight. - Play 'I Spy' or other games to identify shapes, numbers and patterns.
- Dice are a great addition to any toy collection.
- Roll the dice and say, make or write the numbers identified.
- Roll the dice and add the numbers together to find the total. - Identify and explain visual patterns on clothing, wrapping paper, crockery, cards and furniture.
- Use coloured pegs, blocks, beads or cutlery to begin a pattern for your child to continue: For example, red, blue, white, red, blue, white.
- Encourage your child to draw, create and describe their own patterns.
Use them for borders or greeting cards or on materials. - Use a wall measuring chart to measure the height of people in your family.
- Cut a piece of string for your child - any length will do.
- Use this string to measure the objects in your house to find out what is longer or shorter than your ‘string measuring tape’.
- Ask your child to identify anything that is the same length. - Explore other ways of measuring using a cup, jug, teaspoon, icy pole sticks, foot prints or hand lengths.
- Build a tower of blocks that is taller than a favourite toy, then ask your child to count the total blocks to measure the height of the tower.
Related Links
- 201 Literacy And Maths Tips To Help Your Child – This webpage provides handy hints and activities you can do with your child at home.
- FUSE: Primary Students – Educational resources and activities for primary school children.
- Count Us In – Online games designed to help children understand basic number concepts.
- Mathletics – Switches kids onto maths: It’s fun and is suitable for all ages and abilities.
Canterbury College: Positions Vacant | Early Learning & OSHC Educators
Canterbury College: Positions Vacant | Early Learning & OSHC Educators
We are currently seeking Early Learning and OSHC: Outside School Hours Care Educators.
Come join our happy, bustling school right here in Waterford, Logan City - PLEASE CLICK HERE TO APPLY.
All Job Vacancies currently at Canterbury College - PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Canterbury Outside School Hours Care | Opening Earlier From 6:30am: From Monday 20 February!
Canterbury Outside School Hours Care | Opening Earlier From 6:30am: From Monday 20 February!
Dear Parents and Carers,
Following feedback from our community, I am happy to announce that as of Monday 20 February, Canterbury's Outside School Hours Care service will be open for Before School Care from 6:30am.
Information regarding this service, as well as links to register and book, can be found here on the OSHC MyCC Page: WEBLINK.
Yours faithfully
Michelle Leftwich
Head of Junior School
Canterbury Tennis Centre: Adult & Family Casual Options & Prices - Cardio Tennis Sessions | Family Social Tennis Nights | Adult Social Tennis Mornings | Tennis Logan Fixtures
Canterbury Tennis Centre: Adult & Family Casual Options & Prices - Cardio Tennis Sessions | Family Social Tennis Nights | Adult Social Tennis Mornings | Tennis Logan Fixtures
Cardio Tennis Sessions: Tuesday Evenings 6:30pm - 7:30pm* | Thursday Mornings 8:30am - 9:30am.
Cost: $15 Per Person Per Session | Casual Bookings - ALL General Public Welcome!
*Leading into our Canterbury Cardio Tennis: 6-Week Summer Challenge! | 6:30pm - 7:30pm, TUESDAYS From 14 February - 21 March: FULL INFO & REGISTRATION WEBLINK HERE!
Family Social Tennis Nights: Wednesday Evenings 7:00pm - 9:00pm.
Cost: $12 Per Adult Per Session | $5 Per Child Per Session | Casual Bookings - ALL General Public Welcome!
Adult Social Tennis Mornings: Friday Mornings 8:30am - 10:30am.
Cost: $12 Per Adult Per Session | Includes FREE Hot Tea OR Coffee @ Our Splash & Smash Cafe | Loan Rackets Available | Casual Bookings - ALL General Public Welcome!
Tennis Logan Fixtures: Thursday Evenings (Various Times).
3 Divisions Available | 2 Players Per Team | 2 Sets Singles Matches | 1 Set Doubles Matches.
Play for the mighty Canterbury Taipans in this Home & Away Tennis Logan League.
Membership Cost: $80 Per Year - Adult Competitive Membership.
Game-Day Cost: $20 Per Player Per Game-Day.
Includes End-Of-Season Trophy Presentation & BBQ.
Canterbury College Taipans Tennis Centre
- Use the Sports Precinct Gate via 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford - Logan City.
- Plenty of onsite parking available beside the tennis courts.
- Eight ITF international standard and Tennis Queensland tournament approved acrylic hardcourt tennis courts.
- Experienced and fully qualified coaches providing professional sport and training programs.
- Private one-on-one or group tennis paid lessons.
- Large fully equipped changerooms with parent rooms, plus indoor and outdoor showers.
- Tennis Pro Shop.
- Splash & Smash Cafe.
ALL Enquiries – Mr James Rapkins, Canterbury Tennis Program Manager: T: 07 3299 0900 | E: | ONLINE BOOKING WEBLINK.

Canterbury Cardio Tennis: 6-Week Summer Challenge! | 6:30pm - 7:30pm, TUESDAYS From 14 February - 21 March @ Canterbury Tennis Centre: REGISTER NOW!
Canterbury Cardio Tennis: 6-Week Summer Challenge! | 6:30pm - 7:30pm, TUESDAYS From 14 February - 21 March @ Canterbury Tennis Centre: REGISTER NOW!
What: 2023 Canterbury Cardio Tennis | 6-Week Summer Challenge!
Each Weekly One-Hour Session Features: Tennis Skills Drills | Fun & Fitness Games | Speed Ladders | Skipping Ropes | Mini Weights & More…
When: 6:30pm – 7:30pm, Tuesdays x 6.
TUE 14 FEB | TUE 21 FEB | TUE 28 FEB | TUE 7 MAR | TUE 14 MAR | TUE 21 MAR - FINALE.
Where: Canterbury Tennis Centre – Canterbury College: 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.
- Fine Days: Court One | Rainy Days: Squash Courts.
- Use Sports Precinct Gate via Old Logan Village Road.
- Plenty of onsite parking beside the tennis courts.
Hosts: Canterbury College Taipans Tennis Centre.
Cost: $70.00 Per Person - Covers Full 6-Week Cardio Tennis Skills & Fitness Program.
More Details:
- You MUST have a step tracker and calorie burn tracker on your Smart Watch.
- Please bring your water bottle and exercise towel.
PRIZES: FOR Most Steps Taken AND Most Calories Burned during the 6 x one-hour Cardio Tennis sessions.
Exercise activity conducted outside these sessions do not count – only the six totals added up at the end of each Tuesday night session, for the grand total steps and calories burned, by the close of the Tuesday 21 March Finale.
Prizes include Canterbury Taipans Aquatic & Tennis Centre credit vouchers and special merchandise.
Please spread the word and join up to challenge your family, friends, staff or colleagues in the local Waterford / Logan Community.
And let’s all get super fit during Summer!
Junior School | Term One, Week 2: Weekly Wrap Up
Junior School | Term One, Week 2: Weekly Wrap Up
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have enjoyed a full five-day week this week, which has certainly helped students settle into the routines of the school.
I am so proud that so many students are working on their independence with packing and carrying their own school bags, walking in on their own, unpacking their materials and getting ready for the day ahead. Well done!
This week I began lunchtime meetings with our new students, getting to know some of our Year 2 students.
Over the next two weeks, I will spend some time with each of the students who are new to Canterbury this year, listening to their experience as newcomers.
Parents On Campus
A reminder that if you are entering the campus after 8:45am, or before 3:00pm, you are required to check-in at the Junior School Administration Office before making your way to your child's classroom.
For the safety of our students, any non-staff seen on campus during the day can expect to be questioned by staff regarding their visitor status.
Parents who have signed in at Administration will receive a Visitor Pass that is to be displayed clearly.
Therefore, I kindly ask that parents remain in their cars if they arrive on campus before 3:00pm for pick-up.
Classes are run up until 3:15pm each day and parents waiting outside the classroom before 3:00pm can be very distracting for our young learners.
Next week, staff will be respectfully asking any parents waiting outside classrooms before 3:00pm to return to their cars or wait in the pick-up zones.
A reminder that staff operate efficient pick-up processes in both the Easterly Street and High Road carparks.
So to foster student independence, we encourage all parents to utilise these services and allow students to make their own way to the pick-up zones.
If you are arriving late or requiring your child to leave early, you must visit the Junior School Administration and sign your child in or out.
Please do not go directly to the classroom, or wait for your child to come to you in the carpark during the school day.
Parent Information Session
Thank you for attending our 2023 Parent Information Evening on Tuesday night.
It was wonderful to have parents and carers onsite receiving information to assist with planning and preparing for the 2023 school year, and to provide an opportunity to meet staff and other Canterbury families.
Some key messages addressed include:
- Importance of your child’s village working in a mutually trusting partnership for the best outcomes for students
- Communication methods
- Open communication (even if tricky)
- Uniforms
- Nightly reading
- Arrival on time
- Healthy lunchboxes
- Minimal student absences
- Open mornings
- Independence
- And of course... Class work
Information presented during the evening in the form of Year Level Handbooks, Year Level Presentations and my own presentation can be found on the Junior School and Year Level MyCC pages.
‘It Takes a Village’ Partnership Program
We are excited to start our ‘It Takes a Village’ Partnership Program for 2023.
The evenings scheduled for this term are below:
- Supporting My Child With Reading (Prep – Year 2) - Tuesday 7 February 8:45am or Thursday 9 February 2:15pm
- Volunteer Induction - Thursday 9 February 2:45pm or Friday 24 February 8:45am
- ThinkUKnow - Wednesday 8 March 5:30pm
- Bridge Builders - Tuesday 14 March 4pm
You can RSVP to attend any of these sessions via the links found on the Partnership Program MyCC Page.
I encourage you to attend these most valuable sessions to learn about aspects of your child's education at the College and to connect with the College community.
Partnership Article
Starting a new school year or semester can contain anxiety-ridden unknowns for children - including a new teacher, harder lessons, different clothes and where they'll sit in class.
But perhaps the most unsettling challenge for your child may be around making new friends while keeping those they already have.
Friends are people that your child can sit with, play with, talk to, share things with, confide in and sometimes argue with.
Children’s friendships are often very fluid and it is the quality of friends that your child has that is important, not the number.
Whether your child has one special friend or many friends isn’t really the issue.
As long as they are happy and content you can be assured that they will be fine.
Conflicts between children are a normal part of growing up and are to be expected.
These conflicts are not considered bullying, even though they may be upsetting and need to be resolved.
Please find some useful tips in this week's article: WEBLINK
Upcoming Events
Saturday 4 February | Junior TAS Sport Round 1 |
Monday 6 - Wednesday 8 February | Prep Vision Screening |
Monday 6 February | Beenleigh Zones Swimming Carnival |
Tuesday 7 February | Supporting My Child With Reading (P - Year 2) Parent Information Session |
Thursday 9 February | Supporting My Child With Reading (P - Year 2) Parent Information Session |
Thursday 9 February | Volunteer Induction |
Saturday 11 February | Junior TAS Sport Round 2 |
I hope you and your family enjoy a restful and slightly cooler weekend.
Yours faithfully
Michelle Leftwich
Head of Junior School
Principal's Welcome Week 2
Principal's Welcome Week 2
I think the closest comparison I can think of to the start-up of a new school year is a jumbo jet getting ready for take-off.
There is so much pre-planning, checking, quality assurance, communications and engineering that goes into both the jumbo jet's take-off and the readiness for the school year.
There have been classrooms coming on line for the first time, many new students and families, sport seasons, Performing Arts ensembles, clubs and activities all getting organised, within a short space of time.
Not to mention the work by teachers into the classroom operations - new year levels, subjects, curriculum etc.
As the Principal, it's quite astonishing to sit back and watch the two weeks before school starts and the first two weeks of school.
The way our staff join together to do the little things and the big things well to maximise learning and wellbeing from day one is something to behold.
Hopefully our new families are feeling settled after two weeks and there have been plenty of positives for your sons and daughters in Weeks 1 and 2.
I was so pleased to meet dozens of new and existing Canterbury families at our meet and greet activity on Thursday morning in our Yalburru Community Cafe.
Thanks to everyone who made the time to attend. It was a great way to kick off the school year.
I am happy to report that Canterbury College has started the year in great shape.
Some wonderful new staff have joined us and have hit the ground running.
I hope many families have managed to meet our tremendous new Deputy Principal, Meagan King.
There is such a lot to be thankful for, being part of this dynamic and diverse community.
And I hope the Canterbury "jumbo jet's" strong start to the school year continues for all of our students, parents and staff in 2023.
Dan Walker
College Principal
2023 International Women’s Day Canterbury Breakfast | 7:45am – 9:30am, Wednesday 8 March @ Canterbury Functions Centre | TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
What: 2023 International Women’s Day Canterbury Breakfast.
Official International Women's Day Website | 2023 Campaign Theme: #EmbraceEquity
Canterbury’s Focus: DigitALL - Using Innovation & Technology For Gender Equity.
When: 7:45am – 9:30am, Wednesday 8 March 2023.
Where: Canterbury Functions Centre - Canterbury College.
- Enter via Sports Precinct Gate, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of on-site parking available.
Who: For ALL Canterbury Community Parents, Carers & Friends.
Hosts: Canterbury College Executive Leadership Team | Years 11 & 12 Hospitality Students.
Event Charity: Proceeds will go to The Centre For Women & Co. – A not-for-profit organisation that exists to educate, support and empower women and their families across the Redlands and Logan region.
- Inspirational Guest Speaker: Jen Buchanan – Future Anything, Melbourne (VIC).
- Developing Educational Leaders | Coach | Keynote Speaker.
- Professional educator across three decades in 12 countries, having lived and travelled to a further 50 countries, exploring the issues of culture and community.
- “I believe life is defined by burning questions… the questions that are going to get you up and drive you each and every day.” – Jen Buchanan. - Delicious plated breakfast.
- Hot barista coffee, wide tea selection and cold juices.
- Live classical music.
- Major raffle prizes and gift bags.
Ticket Cost: $40.00 Per Head + Humanitix Booking Fee | 8 x Guests Per Table.
RSVPs: Bookings Close 11:59pm Sunday 5 March 2023.
NB: Book early to avoid disappointment!
Dress Code: Smart Or Business Casual.
Contact: Secondary School Admin – T: 07 3299 0843 | E:
REMINDER: 2023 Canterbury Dance Ensemble Opportunities!
REMINDER: 2023 Canterbury Dance Ensemble Opportunities!
We are very excited to re-commence all dance lessons here in Week 2.
If you missed out on the sign-up for our dance ensembles at the end of last year, you will be pleased to know that we still have spaces available in most of our non-auditioned teams for all year levels (Prep to Year 12).
Details and registration weblinks below.
Little Groovers with Mrs Barraclough: Prep (Currently ELC Waitlist)
- Fridays 3:30pm – 4:00pm @ Room B05
- Information - Little Groovers MyCC Homepage
If you want to join Little Groovers in 2023, please sign up via this Microsoft Forms link HERE.
Rise Dance with Mrs Barraclough: Years 1-2 (Limited Spaces Remaining)
- Thursdays 7:00am - 8:00am @ The Dance Studio (M12)
- Information - Rise Dance MyCC Homepage
If you want to join Rise Dance in 2023, please sign up via this Microsoft Forms link HERE.
Flame Dance with Mrs Barraclough: Years 3-6
- Fridays 7:00am - 8.00am @ The Dance Studio (M12)
- Information - Flame Dance MyCC Homepage
If you want to join Flame Dance in 2023, please sign up via this Microsoft Forms link HERE.
BoyZone with Mr Brown: Male Dancers Years 1-6
- Mondays 3:30pm - 4:30pm @ Canterbury Events Centre
- Information - BoyZone MyCC Homepage
If you want to join BoyZone in 2023, please sign up via this Microsoft Forms link HERE.
Canterbury Dance Troupe with Miss Dipasquale: Years 7-12 (All Styles)
- Mondays 3:30pm - 5:00pm @ The Dance Studio (M12)
- Information - Canterbury Dance Troupe MyCC Homepage
If you want to join our Canterbury Dance Troupe in 2023, please sign up via this Microsoft Forms link HERE.
Yours in dance,
Mrs Cathy Brown
Junior School: Week One, Term One 2023 | Weekly Wrap Up
Junior School: Week One, Term One 2023 | Weekly Wrap Up
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a wonderful feel around campus we have experienced this week and it has been a delight welcoming all students back to school.
Most students were so happy to be back with their new teachers and friends and all classrooms were so settled on the first morning.
In just a few days this week it is obvious students are mastering their new routines.
Year 6 Leadership Investiture Ceremony
On Tuesday we had the privilege of presenting our 2023 Year 6 leaders with their badges.
Importantly, it is not just the ‘badged’ leaders who our Junior School students look up to.
Year 6 students are all leaders at Canterbury College as the oldest and most experienced students here in the Junior School.
They set an example for the Junior School students to follow, and I am sure they will embrace that responsibility with genuine vigour.
I am excited for the year ahead, to work with our leaders, observe them in their roles and support them to fulfil their roles.
I know they will do a fantastic job.
Parent Information Evening - Tuesday 31 January
This coming Tuesday 31 January we are holding a Prep - Year 6 Parent Information Evening.
Information regarding this event is available in this news item: WEBLINK.
If you are planning to attend, it is important that you RSVP via the link provided.
Medical Plans/Medication
Care Central supports a range of student needs including sick bay and counselling services.
Parents are encouraged to make direct contact with the school paramedic, Kasie Calvert, for student medication requirements and health management plans, who will work closely with Junior School staff.
All medication must be taken by a parent/carer directly to Care Central where it will be signed in and stored appropriately.
In the event a student requires collection due to ill health or injury, parents and carers will be contacted to collect their son/daughter from Care Central at the Easterly Street Gate.
School Uniforms
We have high expectations for the wearing of the Canterbury uniforms.
This year we are in the final year of transitioning to the updated uniform.
Therefore, we expect all students will be wearing the College uniform correctly, including the full College swimming uniform.
Staff will be enforcing that students meet our conservative and long-standing expectations regarding haircut/colour, jewellery, and nail polish.
A reminder that student watches must not have cellular connected capabilities, including those with ‘SchoolTime Schedule’.
If they do, these devices are to be handed in at the Junior School office each morning and collected each afternoon, like any mobile phone device.
The Uniform Policy is available on the College website (WEBLINK) and images have been provided on MyCC (WEBLINK) to support families.
Thank you to parents and carers who are actively supporting students to ensure that they are complying with our Uniform Policy.
Any breeches to the uniform code will be addressed with warnings via students diaries initially.
Following this period, breeches will be communicated via email.
Before And After School Arrangements
Students are supervised before school in Prep - Year 2 in the Meadow and in Years 3–6 on the oval from 8:00am.
For safety reasons, any students dropped to school prior to 8:00am are required to attend OSHC.
To register with Canterbury OSHC, please refer to the MyCC Page: WEBLINK
Although there may be some staff working in classrooms, they are often at meetings and unable to supervise students.
Any Junior School students on campus prior to 8:00am will be directed to the Junior School Admin Office.
Morning Drop-Off Prep – Year 2:
The process is that students in Prep - Year 2 will be supervised in the Meadow between 8:00am - 8:30am.
During this time, parents are welcome to walk their children on campus and assist with their bags.
While classrooms will not be open at this time, as teachers will be preparing for the busy day ahead, you are more than welcome to contact your child’s teacher at any time via email and arrange a time to meet them, if there is anything you would like to discuss.
Duty teachers will also be on hand if there are any queries you may have.
The play equipment in the Meadow will be completely accessible to students in the morning.
Morning Drop-Off Years 3–6:
The process is that Years 3–6 students will be supervised on the oval between 8:00am - 8:30am.
Again, parents are welcome to walk their children on campus and assist them with their lockers.
Then students can walk to the oval where they will be supervised by staff.
If you need to speak with a teacher, please email them to organise a suitable time.
Afternoon Pick-Up:
Prep – Year 1 students and their older siblings can be collected after 3:15pm from the Easterly Street Carpark Pick-Up Zone where they will be supervised until 3:45pm.
Years 2–6 students who do not have younger siblings can be collected from the High Road Carpark Pick-Up Zone where they will be supervised until 3:45pm.
The Aquatic Centre Carpark, accessed via Old Logan Village Road's clearly signed gate, is also a great and easy option for parents to park cars and walk to meet their children.
This area is located across the ovals, accessed via the Sports Gate, and along the internal road towards our Aquatic & Tennis Centre.
Surname posters have been issued to students.
To streamline the pick-up process, please display these posters behind your sun visor as you approach the Pick-Up Zone and please remain in your vehicle.
Your child/ren will be delivered to you by the staff on duty.
To keep students safe, it is important that all users follow this process, stay in your cars, display your surnames, follow the directions of staff, be patient and follow the speed limit.
If we all follow this process together it will work.
Week Two is the time to start stepping back from waiting outside classrooms and encouraging children to develop their independence.
Please refrain from waiting directly outside classrooms in the afternoons before 3:15pm as this is disruptive to students in their final lesson of the day.
Using the drive-through Pick-Up Zones is the most efficient method of collection and helps to build your child/ren's independence.
Please see this week’s Partnership article about the first few weeks of school: WEBLINK
MyCC Communications
Most communication from the school to parents and carers is delivered via MyCC - our official core communication and learning portal.
Classroom teachers, coaches, program coordinators, sub schools, middle managers and the leadership team will all post news to MyCC in the first instance.
News is filtered so that you will only receive news relevant to your family in most circumstances and you can also adjust your personal notification settings.
So please take the time to read all news items on your filtered feed.
There are four main pages that will contain pertinent information:
- MyCC Home Page
- Junior School Page
- Year Level Page
- Class Page
We recommend that parents access MyCC at least twice per week to keep up with news, events and results.
A MyCC 'How To Guide' is available on the Junior School MyCC page: WEBLINK
Student Diaries
This year we have reintroduced student diaries to support communication between home and school.
The diary contains critical information about College contacts, uniforms, behaviour, child safety etc.
All key information will still be disseminated via MyCC electronically.
However, teachers will also utilise student diaries to share general information and reminders to parents and carers.
In Prep - Year 2 this information will be teacher written, but as students move through the Junior School, they will appropriately become more responsible for recording their own information.
Teachers will check diaries daily and sign them weekly.
We ask that parents utilise student diaries to share general messages e.g. lost property, after school arrangements etc.
There are tick boxes provided for parents and carers to provide information to teachers about after school arrangements.
We ask that parents check diaries daily and sign them weekly too.
College Contact
A reminder that your first point of contact at any time is your child’s classroom teacher.
All Canterbury staff have direct email addresses made up of the first initial of their first name, then a dot, followed by their surname in the following format: Mr John Smith:
While teachers cannot always check their emails during the school day, they do set aside time for this task, and will respond by email or phone as soon as they are able.
For any urgent messages (Example: an early student pick-up or forgotten lunch box), please contact the Junior School Administration on 07 3299 0847 or and our administration staff will be able to help you.
IT Support
If students require support with their device, classroom teachers will help students access the IT Helpdesk Office and students will travel in pairs as required.
For students in Year 4, or for large group issues, our IT Helpdesk staff will visit classrooms to work through issues directly.
A reminder also that parents and students can log an IT Helpdesk request at any time by logging an Incident Ticket through MyCC.
From the MyCC Homepage, click on IT under Services, then choose Incident Ticket under the Quick Links on the right-hand side of the screen.
Upcoming Events
THIS Tuesday 31 January | 5:30pm - 6:30pm | Prep - Year 6 Parent Information Session - CEC |
THIS Thursday 2 February | 7:30am - 8:45am | Parents 'Meet & Greet' - Yalburru Community Cafe |
THIS Saturday 4 February | Morning | Junior TAS Round 1 Sport |
I wish all families a successful Week 2 of the 2023 school year.
Yours faithfully
Michelle Leftwich
Head of Junior School