Make It Medicine! – Medical Careers & Tertiary Entrance Information Evening: 6pm – 8pm, Tue 24 May
If you have ANY interest in a medical or dental career – YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS FREE EVENT!
Canterbury College is hosting an invaluable information evening for Years 10-12 students who are considering post-secondary pathways into Medicine or Dentistry.
Parents are also warmly invited and encouraged to attend.
What: Make It Medicine!: Medical Careers & Tertiary Entrance Information Evening.
When: 6:00pm – 8:00pm, Tuesday 24 May 2022.
Where: Canterbury Functions Centre (formerly the Trade Training Centre Restaurant).
– Entry & parking via the Sports Precinct Gate, 182 Old Logan Village Road, Waterford.
Who: Years 10-12 Canterbury students & their parents.
Cost: FREE! (Value = $300 Per Head)
Guest Speakers:
- Dr Arjun Nagpal – Director of UCAT Program, Fraser’s Medical (bio below).
- Dr William Chelepy – Resident Doctor, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital & Canterbury Alumnus.
- Dr Matthew Paltridge – Cairns Doctor, North Queensland & James Cook University Graduate.
University Partners:
- University of Queensland
- Griffith University
- Bond University
- James Cook University
This exclusive Canterbury College Make It Medicine!: Medical Careers & Tertiary Entrance Information Evening enables students and parents to engage with the various medical pathways offered by universities, get first-hand University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) information, and participate in Q&A sessions with professional medical faculty representatives from the Queensland universities that provide courses in Medicine and Dentistry.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Ms Bre Ramsay-Orr – Director of Student Futures, with any questions.
Kind regards,
Ms Bre Ramsay-Orr
Director of Student Futures – Canterbury College
Dr Arjun Nagpal graduated with an MD from the University of Melbourne in 2021 and is currently a first year doctor based in Victoria.
With a strong passion for teaching, he has spent the last seven years also working in the pre-medical space.
During this time, he has tutored hundreds of students on UCAT, GAMSAT, medical portfolios and medical interviews.
Having sat and scored above the 90th percentile in UCAT and GAMSAT, he has extensive firsthand experience with both entrance tests.
Additionally, he has also previously been an official medical interviewer for the University of Melbourne and is quite familiar with the style and type of questions used.