Junior TAS Sport – Term 1, 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,
Re: Junior TAS Sport – Term 1, 2022 Information The Junior TAS Sport season commences in Term 1 with Cricket and Hockey being offered to students in Years 3 – 6. Please carefully check the training timetable below which lists the start dates for each activity.
Junior TAS Cricket and Hockey The Term 1, 2022 Junior TAS team sports are Hockey and Cricket. These sports will be played on a Saturday with the first fixture to be played on Saturday 12 February 2022. Both Cricket and Hockey are played over a seven-week season. Fixtures for both sports are currently being finalised and will be made available to parents via MyCC and email. Junior TAS Hockey will have a central venue each week with all games played at Rasey Park, 95 Butterfield Street, Herston. Junior TAS Cricket will play home games on the Canterbury College ovals or at the Logan Village Cricket Club, Weaber Road, Buccan. Away games will be played at the ovals stipulated by opposing schools. Training sessions for both Cricket and Hockey will take place on: Students are to meet outside the Year 4 and 5 classrooms (artificial grass area) before being accompanied to their session by a Canterbury staff member. Pre-season training has been scheduled for: These three sessions are optional for all students. Students who wish to attend the pre-season training sessions need to meet Mr Maxfield outside the Year 4 and 5 classrooms. Sessions will be undertaken by Canterbury staff and coaches. Students will need to either be picked up promptly at the conclusion of these sessions, or parents will need to inform the school that their child has to be supervised at school for the day by completing this survey form here. Please follow the rule: If you feel unwell, have COVID symptoms, or have tested COVID positive – please stay isolated at home until you have fully recovered and/or have tested negative (where and when testing and timely results are possible). When participating in Junior TAS activities, it is necessary for students to attend ALL training sessions and fixtures. In situations where College activities clash and/or a student is unable to attend, please contact Mr Maxfield via email at – If your child would like to participate in any of these sports, you will need to complete this nomination weblink here by 9:00am THIS Monday 31 January 2022. Failure to do this by the deadline may result in your child missing out on selection. A reminder that if students require supervision before or after these training sessions, please complete this survey form here. Yours faithfully, Mr Ben Maxfield Head of HPE and Sport Prep Junior TAS Uniform Requirements