Bridge Builders Parent Information Session | 4:30pm – 5:30pm​​​​​​​, Tuesday 14 March @ Junior School Library

Dear Parents and Carers,

What: Bridge Builders Parent Information Session.

When: 4:30pm – 5:30pm, Tuesday 14 March 2023.

Where: Junior School Library – Canterbury College.
– Parking via Junior School Gate, High Road, Waterford.

Who: For ALL Parents & Carers Of ELC – Year 6 Students.

Hosts: Bridge Builders Program Coordinators & Junior School Administration.

Cost: FREE.

RSVPs: Booking Weblink HERE.

Dress Code: Smart Casual.

Contact: Junior School Administration – T: 07 3299 0847 | 

Event Information

Bridge Builders is the whole-school wellbeing and mental health conflict resolution and anti-bullying program, that the Junior School implements with students from the ELC to Year 6.

This externally developed program equips children to be resilient, effective communicators and empowered to deal with everyday conflict and reduce bullying.

On Tuesday 14 March, representatives from Bridge Builders will be on campus to deliver an information session for parents and carers.

A key focus of the Bridge Builders program is working collaboratively with parents and carers, so that the school and home have the same understandings, skills and language.

The program reinforces skills of respect, empathy, and the importance of trust in relationships in a practical way.

These skills have both short-term and long-term benefits for your child/ren.

Since parents and carers have the biggest influence over a child’s emotional and social skills, we believe in the importance of encouraging and equipping them.

Every child is different and their social and emotional challenges are unique.

The old African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child”, reinforces that as parents and schools work together, your child has the best environment to succeed and grow.

To RSVP for this parent information session, please use this link: BOOKING WEBLINK

If you have any questions regarding the program or information session, please contact us through the Junior School Administration Office.

Yours faithfully

Brittany Sinclair                                Andrew Powell
Assistant Head of Junior School         Assistant Head of Junior School
(Wellbeing)                                          (Wellbeing)