Annual Canterbury College St John's Cathedral City Service: THIS Wednesday 27 July
Annual Canterbury College St John's Cathedral City Service: THIS Wednesday 27 July
Dear Students, Staff, Parents and Carers,
What: Annual Canterbury College St John's Cathedral City Service.
When: THIS Wednesday Morning 27 July 2022.
Where: St John's Anglican Cathedral - 373 Ann Street, Brisbane CBD.
Who: ALL Years 5 – 12 Students and Staff.
Dress Code: Formal School Uniform.
Students and staff will travel by bus from Canterbury College at approximately 8:50am and return to the campus by 12:15pm, with the actual service starting at 10:00am.
Students will be required to wear their full formal winter uniform, including blazers and formal hats for Secondary School students and formal hats for Junior School students.
Students are to be presented at a high standard.
Students will receive guidance on etiquette when attending a Cathedral service, as in some instances, this will be a unique and first-time experience.
We understand the service is being held away from Canterbury College, however, should parents or carers wish to attend, you are most welcome!
Please be seated by 9:55am and allow ample time for parking beforehand.
We look forward to sharing this special service at the spiritual home of the Anglican Church in Southern Queensland, with our Canterbury community.
Yours faithfully,
Rebecca Adamson Michelle Leftwich
Head of Secondary School Head of Junior School
Spark Learning Expo | Photo Gallery
Spark Learning Expo | Photo Gallery
On Friday 22 July. our Year 5 and Year 6 students showcased all the interesting classes they have been learning recently. Including CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Kidpreneur, Sustainable Town Planning, Think Global, Act Local, Industrial Technology, Critical And Creative Thinking, Virtual Science Museum, Sport Psychology and 3D Modelling And Animation. With crowds consisting of other Prep to Year 6 students, parents, teachers and lunchtime Secondary School students, the expo was a great success.
Check out our gallery below:
Saturday's Dance Life Unite Eisteddfod Results @ St John's Anglican College
Saturday's Dance Life Unite Eisteddfod Results @ St John's Anglican College - Forest Lake
Secondary dancers from the Canterbury Dance Company, Hip-Hop Squad and Show Team put on stunning performances at Saturday's Dance Life Unite Eisteddfod at St John's Anglican College over at Forest Lake.
They were awarded two highly commendeds and a 4th place for their Contemporary and Jazz routines.
Congratulations to all our dancers!
Mrs Cathy Brown
Canterbury College
Impacts To Park Ridge Transit Bus Services - THIS WEEK: Monday 18 - Friday 22 July
Impacts To Park Ridge Transit Bus Services - THIS WEEK: Monday 18 - Friday 22 July
Dear Parents and Carers,
Park Ridge Transit Bus Services is currently experiencing higher than normal levels of driver absences, due to the current COVID wave and winter flu.
Therefore, some mainstream public Translink routes are being cancelled this week, to reallocate drivers to dedicated school services instead.
These planned cancellations are listed below for this week, but please visit the Translink Website for further information.
Park Ridge Transit Bus Services sincerely apologises for any inconvenience these cancellations may cause.
06:32, 545 to Garden City
06:24, 542 to Grand Plaza
06:50, 540 to Beaudesert
07:01, 535 to Grand Plaza
07:24, 542 to Grand Plaza
07:36, 545 to Grand Plaza
07:45, 540 to Grand Plaza
07:47, 535 to Trailblazer Drive
07:55, 545 to Garden City
14:07, 545 to Grand Plaza
14:30, 545 to Garden City
14:33, 534 to Grand Plaza
14:34, 542 to Grand Plaza
15:11, 541 to Kallioota Street
15:33, 541 to Grand Plaza
15:34, 547 to Woodridge
15:36, 545 to Grand Plaza
15:58, 547 to Grand Plaza
Bus Queensland Customer Service Team
Our Yalburru Community Cafe Brekkie Buskers Start 7:40am Tuesdays From Week 4!
Our Yalburru Community Cafe Brekkie Buskers Start 7:40am Tuesdays From Week 4!
With a busy start to Term 3, and major preparations underway for Canterbury's BIG 35th Anniversary QPAC Concert - happening Monday evening next week, our Brekkie Buskers will start their LIVE performances from Week 4, and keep running every Tuesday morning until the end of term.
We look forward to seeing you all there for the first performance on Tuesday 2 August 2022 from 7:40am.
So Parents, Carers, Locals and Secondary Students - grab a tea or coffee, and some cake or a muffin, and enjoy some LIVE morning music with us!
Senior Subject Selection Information Evening For 2023: 6pm – 8pm, THIS Wednesday 20 July @ CEC
Senior Subject Selection Information Evening For 2023: 6pm – 8pm, THIS Wednesday 20 July @ Canterbury Events Centre
What: Senior Subject Selection Information Evening For 2023 – Your Invitation!
When: 6:00pm – 8:00pm, THIS Wednesday 20 July 2022.
Where: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) – Canterbury College.
- Use Junior School Gate via High Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of onsite parking.
Who: For ALL Year 10 Students and their Parents or Carers.
RSVPs: NOT required now that campus COVID restrictions have been lifted.
However, this is an important academic information session to attend, for all Year 10 students moving into senior schooling next year.
Dress Code: Students – School Uniform | Parents and Carers – Smart Casual.
More Information:
Our Senior Subject Selection Information Evening provides an opportunity for Year 10 students, and their parents or carers, to talk directly with Canterbury's Heads of Faculty, various Universities and TAFE colleges, as well as the Australian Defence Forces.
Firstly, our Director of Academic Achievement Mr Mitchell Staples, will provide information about the senior years of schooling and Canterbury's Subject Selection process.
Following this key presentation, students and their parents or carers, can chat with our Heads of Faculty about particular subjects offered in 2023 and their suitability for each student, along with various tertiary institutions and external course and career providers.
If you have any questions, please contact our Secondary School Administration: Tel - 07 3299 0843 |
Kind regards
Mr Mitchell Staples
Director of Academic Achievement
Canterbury College
NEW Canterbury Co-Curricular Club: Sumo Robot League!
NEW Canterbury Co-Curricular Club: Sumo Robot League!
What: NEW Sumo Robot League!
A new co-curricular Upper Junior School activity club before school to explore robotics and coding...
When: 7:15am - 8:15am, Tuesday Mornings | Starting Week 3: Tuesday 26 July 2022.
Where: Digital Hub, Secondary Library.
Who: For Years 4, 5 and 6.
More information can be found at MyCC - Sumo Robot League OR please email Mrs Jess Traurig -
You can CLICK HERE to fill in the online registration form.
Hurry - places are limited!
Canterbury 35th Anniversary QPAC Concert: ONE WEEK TO GO!
Canterbury 35th Anniversary QPAC Concert: ONE WEEK TO GO! - 325 Tickets SOLD | 390 Tickets AVAILABLE
What: Canterbury College 35th Anniversary QPAC Concert!
1987 – 2022: Celebrating 35 years of wonderful education and memories...
When: 6:30pm - 8:30pm, Monday 25 July 2022.
Where: QPAC: Queensland Performing Arts Centre – Concert Hall.
South Bank, Brisbane CBD.
Who: For ALL past and present Canterbury students, families and staff over the last 35 years.
Dress Code: Formal / Business Attire.
Performers: Enjoy an evening of fine performances from our extremely talented alumni, alongside current student music and dance ensembles.
Ticket Costs*:
ADULT: Aged 17 Years & Over - $24 (inc GST)
CONCESSION: Pension & Senior Cardholders - $14 (inc GST)
CHILD: Aged 3 To 16 Years - $14 (inc GST)
NB: Children aged 2 years and under are FREE on the knee.
*QPAC's ticketing transaction fee of $7.20 also applies per transaction.
Selected ticket delivery methods may incur an additional charge.
325 Tickets SOLD | 390 Tickets AVAILABLE as at 9am Monday 18 July 2022.
Please get your tickets today with plenty of great seats available!
CURRENT CANTERBURY STAFF: Please email: Annie O'Gorman - Executive Assistant to the Principal, to receive a FREE reserved seat ticket for yourself and your partner/plus one (if required) -
Canterbury began teaching on Monday 2 February 1987 with 8 staff and 73 students across Years 6, 7 and 8.
Today, Canterbury’s 238 staff service over 1,500 students across Kindergarten to Year 12, with 3,351 alumni behind them and counting.
So share this proud milestone event with us, as we look back over three decades of growth and evolution, while looking forward to the exciting journey ahead.
For any enquiries or alumni performance nominations, please contact our Director of Music Dr Katrina Peddell: Email - | Tel - 07 3299 0877.
2021 Canterbury College Yearbook Available Early August
2021 Canterbury College Yearbook Available Early August
After numerous and lengthy delays caused by winter flu and COVID staff absences, our 2021 Canterbury College Yearbook was finally sent to the printers early this week – HOORAY!
Printing the required 1,200 copies of this extensive 220-page publication will take around 3-4 weeks on the ink presses and factory binder, before being shipped to our campus in early August.
When it arrives, plenty of FREE copies will be available for collection at ALL three of our College Administration Offices – Junior School, Secondary School and Corporate Services.
We will also be offering copies of the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Canterbury Yearbooks at these same locations, just in case you missed collecting any of these editions over the past four years.
Also, please feel free to collect ANY copies of ANY editions on behalf of past students or staff who missed out, and who you know would love a copy!
Past students or staff living outside the Greater Logan or Brisbane areas, can email us requesting a hardcopy be mailed out to them via –
Please include your full name and all correct postage details in your email.
We sincerely apologise for the later than normal publication and delivery of the 2021 Yearbook.
Thank you for your patience!
Spark Learning Expo – Your Open Invitation: 11:25am – 3:15pm, Friday 22 July @ Canterbury Events Centre
Spark Learning Expo – Your Open Invitation: 11:25am – 3:15pm, Friday 22 July @ Canterbury Events Centre
What: Spark Learning Expo – Your Open Invitation!
Upper Junior School’s learning exhibition where all students have something to showcase based on their Semester 1, 2022 Spark sessions.
When: 11:25am – 3:15pm, Friday 22 July 2022.
Where: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) – Canterbury College.
- Use Junior School Gate via High Road, Waterford.
- Plenty of onsite parking.
Your Hosts: Canterbury’s Years 5 and 6 Classes.
Who: For ALL Prep – Year 6 Students and their Families!
RSVPs: NOT required now that campus COVID restrictions have been lifted.
So please come along and check out all our wonderful student displays…
Cost: FREE!
Please Note: There will be various student-made expo items on sale – so please bring your cash.
What is SPARK?
SPARK is an elective-based ‘hands-on’ curriculum for Years 5 and 6 students that is unique to Canterbury.
Each semester these students choose a special subject to study.
Then students from both year levels are combined into the same classroom for each session.
SPARK is about building curiosity, encouraging students to try something new, and providing a perfect opportunity for them to embark on their own learning journey, as part of their ‘World Ready’ Canterbury education.
If you have any questions, please contact our Junior School Administration: Tel - 07 3299 0847 |
Kind Regards
Mrs Joelene Anderson
Coordinator of Academic Care: Years 5-6
Canterbury College
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation – Miss Rhiannon Ottrey
Do you love detective stories, watching Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) shows, or dream of being a forensic scientist? Then this Spark unit is for you! Using crime scene activities and investigations, students can learn skills in data collection, observation, analysis and problem-solving. They will work collaboratively to find suspects and culprits through fingerprinting, fibre analysis, chromatography and other investigative strategies. Students will lead themselves through research and apply knowledge of investigation techniques using critical thinking, analysis and communication through clear documentation. The big question is: Who did it?
Kidpreneur – Mrs Joelene Anderson
Kidpreneur will introduce students to the exciting world of entrepreneurs, inspiring them to become innovators, creative problem solvers, critical thinkers and confident leaders. They will work in teams to identify problems they are passionate about, then use their imagination to create a new product solution, and turn this into a real business. Students will learn skills needed to thrive in today’s rapidly changing world and be equipped for careers that don’t yet exist. Teaching children to use the power of business for good, will help them grow up to be global citizens. At the Spark Learning Expo, students will have the opportunity to promote and sell their products to the community.
Sustainable Town Planning – Mr Jonathon Wheatley
Sustainable Town Planning looks at ways houses, industries, cities, farms and nature can be managed to feed, house, power and resource communities, in ways which can last forever. Students will design models to demonstrate sustainable town planning principles, which meet the needs of people, while respecting development limits. Collaborating in teams to think creatively and critically, their models will aim to maintain biodiversity and sustainable practices in four key scenarios: New suburbs in urban growth corridors; Growing regional towns; Reclaiming industrial land and redeveloping existing cities; and farming for the future with permaculture, forestry management, food and water security, and biodiversity conservation.
Think Global, Act Local – Mrs Michelle Leftwich
Should my town grow, stay the same, or shrink? What is my responsibility to my town, country and world? In this subject, students will make connections with students from another country, to investigate the impact and issues of possible future community development at the local and global level. Together, they will focus on one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, which make up the United Nations’ (2016) shared vision of humanity and a social contract. Students will investigate and present their findings via their chosen approach. They will develop an understanding around the responsibilities that come with being an interconnected ‘global citizen’ facing world problems at a local level with different perspectives – and that Logan, QLD is not the centre of the universe.
Industrial Technology – Mr Matthew Beiers
Industrial Technology allows students to explore their creative side while designing and building. In this course they will learn about cams and motion by making an Automata toy. Students will design and make characters or items for the top of the box and a background or foreground image. They will also learn about product packaging using Tangram puzzles. Students will learn how to program a laser cutter, use it to cut puzzle pieces, then paint them, and create and draw as many puzzle shape solutions as possible. The class will then visit younger classes to challenge students to see how many solutions they can get.
Critical And Creative Thinking – Mrs Juanita Purvis
Thinking that is productive, purposeful and intentional is at the centre of effective learning. By practising critical and creative thinking, students can solve problems and find new innovative ideas to do so. In this subject, students will follow the design process as they identify a problem and investigate and research the issues. They will develop their ideas, then plan and create solutions. Ideas will be evaluated and changed based on testing. Their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills will be applied to real world issues that concern them, which may include freshwater access, environmental pollution and sustainable energy.
Virtual Science Museum – Mr James Jenkins
Students will draw on their interest in science to create digital artefacts to be displayed in a Virtual Science Museum. This museum will be an immersive online experience, accessible to members of our College community. Students will begin this project by researching a scientific discovery, then collaborate with other group members to decide how best to communicate the concepts involved to museum visitors. They will master a range of digital skills that will enable them to create and present their scientific concept or phenomenon in cool virtual reality.
Sport Psychology – Mr Arnie Marraiya
This Sport Psychology course is designed for students to learn about the social, physical and emotional aspects that athletes face in sport. They will be immersed in activities relating to nutrition, performance, as well as mental and social wellbeing. The hope is that students can apply these strategies in their own sporting career, plus develop a toolkit they can draw upon for time management and motivational purposes. Students will cover practical and theoretical elements, while meeting guest speakers who are professionals in their fields. They do not need to be ‘elite’ athletes, but rather have an interest in or love for sport, and want to improve themselves.
3D Modelling And Animation – Mrs Juri Sinclair
In this course, students will learn how to use 3D modelling software to create characters. They will decide what their character will look like and what elements it will need. Students will then learn how to apply basic animations to these characters, allowing them to make short GIFS or movies.