Canterbury At Its Best: College Principal Mr Dan Walker's Week 5 Reflection...

Canterbury At Its Best: College Principal Mr Dan Walker's Week 5 Reflection...

I recently attended a meeting of Queensland Anglican Principals.

One of the reflection workshops focused on the question: "When are you at your best?" and secondly, "When is your school at its best?"

For the purposes of my Principal's reflections this week, I thought I would share my thoughts regarding when Canterbury is "at its best."

My approach as Principal has always been to focus on the things that matter in the education of young people.

This means a deliberate focus on three things:

1. The quality of the curriculum, the quality of teaching and recruitment and retention of talented educators.

Canterbury continues to outperform many rival schools academically because our academic culture is so healthy.

2. Development of the co-curriculum which engages a full range of students and which ensures socialisation, leisure and recreation time.

As the old axiom goes - busy kids tend to be happier kids, and this is a mantra that Canterbury lives by, and I know it is also one of the reasons that attracts families to our school.

3. A high expectations culture in all we do, including student uniform and presentation, the standards of our learning areas, gardens and grounds, and finally the way we embrace diversity in our College.

These three elements are the things that matter.

We don't tend to focus on flashy and shiny programs that don't add value to the education of our students.

We keep our academic standards high but we also ensure that students who need support to access the curriculum or alternative pathways have that support.

Canterbury is at its best when our students and families "buy in" to these three core elements of our culture.

Our students thrive when they commit to their academic studies, access the co-curricular opportunities available and embrace the high expectations culture in all its forms.

We are an "all-rounder" school. It is in our DNA and I hope that it will remain long into the future.

This week, it has been our students planning our service and justice initiatives this year, participation in House Singing, a great round of TAS and JTAS sport, our students at the Anglican Schools Leaders Symposium, Kitchen Garden harvesting and cooking, Year 5 and 6 Spark electives in action, and the first week of Taipan Tutors kicking off.

And this is just one week out of 38!

As an educator, I am at my happiest when I see students develop a wider set of skills, repertoires and perspectives over their time at our College.

I am the most disappointed too, when I see opportunity squandered and promise unfulfilled.

Through our pastoral care system, we hope to track the development and engagement of our students in the important elements of our culture.

Ultimately, when things are not going so well, we always hope to work in partnership with parents to ensure we are getting the best out of every student in our school.

Dan Walker
College Principal

Beenleigh Yatala Junior Chamber Of Commerce Business Breakfast | Student Expressions Of Interest: CLOSE 11:59pm Wednesday 1 March

Beenleigh Yatala Junior Chamber Of Commerce Business Breakfast | Student Expressions Of Interest: CLOSE 11:59pm Wednesday 1 March

Dear Students,

Canterbury College has an opportunity for 19 Secondary Students to attend the upcoming Beenleigh Yatala Junior Chamber of Commerce Business Breakfast.

These regular networking events are for students to meet local community and business stakeholders, and hear from exciting or noted guest speakers.

This breakfast is aimed at students who are interested in student leadership, business and entrepreneurial ideas, and improving our local communities.

All Secondary Students are welcome to express their interest in attending.

If you would like to come to this breakfast, please complete the short survey below and explain why you are interested.

Expressions Of Interest close 11:59pm Wednesday 1 March 2023.

Please direct any questions to Mrs von Kanel in the Mathematics and Commerce Staff Room or via email - 


Bridge Builders: Junior School Parent Information Session | 4:30pm – 5:30pm​​​​​​​, Tuesday 14 March @ Junior School Library

Bridge Builders: Junior School Parent Information Session | 4:30pm – 5:30pm​​​​​​​, Tuesday 14 March @ Junior School Library

Dear Parents and Carers,

What: Bridge Builders: Junior School Parent Information Session.

When: 4:30pm – 5:30pm, Tuesday 14 March 2023.

Where: Junior School Library - Canterbury College.
- Parking via Junior School Gate, High Road, Waterford.

Who: For ALL Parents & Carers Of ELC – Year 6 Students.

Hosts: Bridge Builders Program Coordinators & Junior School Administration.

Cost: FREE!

RSVPs: Booking Weblink HERE.

Dress Code: Smart Casual.

Contact: Junior School Administration - T: 07 3299 0847 |

Bridge Builders is the whole-school wellbeing and mental health conflict resolution and anti-bullying program, that the Junior School implements with students from the ELC to Year 6.

This externally developed program equips children to be resilient, effective communicators and empowered to deal with everyday conflict and reduce bullying.

On Tuesday 14 March, representatives from Bridge Builders will be on campus to deliver an information session for parents and carers.

A key focus of the Bridge Builders program is working collaboratively with parents and carers, so that the school and home have the same understandings, skills and language.

The program reinforces skills of respect, empathy, and the importance of trust in relationships in a practical way.

These skills have both short-term and long-term benefits for your child/ren.

Since parents and carers have the biggest influence over a child’s emotional and social skills, we believe in the importance of encouraging and equipping them.

Every child is different and their social and emotional challenges are unique.

The old African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child", reinforces that as parents and schools work together, your child has the best environment to succeed and grow.

To RSVP for this parent information session, please use this link: BOOKING WEBLINK

If you have any questions regarding the program or information session, please contact us through the Junior School Administration Office.

Yours faithfully

Brittany Sinclair                                Andrew Powell
Assistant Head of Junior School         Assistant Head of Junior School
(Wellbeing)                                         (Wellbeing)

Shrove Tuesday FREE Pancakes | 8:00am - 8:25am @ School Canteen

Shrove Tuesday FREE Pancakes | 8:00am - 8:25am @ School Canteen

Dear Students,

Tomorrow (Tuesday 21 February) is Shrove Tuesday - it's the day we eat pancakes...

Why? Have a look here...

Shrove Tuesday is this week — which means tomorrow is pancake day and Lent is quickly approaching - ABC News

Yes really! We have pancakes at the School Canteen between 8:00am and 8:25am THIS Tuesday - and they're FREE!

If you want some, you may need to get in early...

REMINDER: Taipan Tutors Tuesday Club | 7:30am - 8:15am, THIS Tuesday 21 February (Every Tuesday Morning In-Term)

REMINDER: Taipan Tutors Tuesday Club | 7:30am - 8:15am, THIS Tuesday 21 February (Every Tuesday Morning In-Term)

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

What: Taipan Tutors Tuesday Club.

When: 7:30am - 8:15am, THIS Tuesday 21 February 2023 (Every Tuesday Morning In-Term).

Where: Secondary Library Digital Hub - Please enter through the lower library doors.

Who: Open invitation for ANY Years 7-12 Secondary Student to come and join us.

Hosts: Mr Tory Mills, Mr Jason Baber, some Taipan Tutors, and some Learning Support Staff.

Whether you want to allocate some time for doing homework, exploring extension opportunities, getting help with any subjects, or collaborating with your peers - ALL are welcome!

This will be a rich learning environment, where the focus is on extending our understanding - irrespective of if you are a high achieving student or a student who is finding something challenging.


Mr Mills, Mr Baber, some Taipan Tutors and some Learning Support Staff will all be there to offer their skills and assistance.

Looking forward to seeing more students there to share their love of learning, and to show compassion and respect for each other's learning journey!

Mr Tory Mills
Assistant Head of Secondary School (Years 10-12)

Term One Week 4 | Junior School Weekly Wrap Up

Term One Week 4 | Junior School Weekly Wrap Up

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have enjoyed another great week in the Junior School.

Our top swimmers participated in the Pacific District Swimming Carnival on Monday, and our Year 6 students from Becket, Goldsworthy, Cranmer and Kime enjoyed a catered breakfast in the Secondary School getting to know their Heads of House.

Temple and Ramsey will head up next Thursday.

Our classrooms were opened up one morning each this week, providing an opportunity for students to show their parents around the space and their learning.

Who Is Who In The Junior School

I hope that parents have had an opportunity to see our new Junior School Leadership Team around campus in the mornings, afternoons, after school and at Junior TAS weekend rounds.

If you are not yet sure who is who, here are the details:



First port of call for parents or carers is always the class teacher, however - if a concern is not resolved at the classroom level, the classroom teacher will refer it to the Leadership Team.

Like myself, these staff are always open to communication from parents and carers.

Homework Club

A reminder that our Homework Club is a service provided to students who require support to complete their homework or assessments.

Staff and Secondary School tutors are available to guide students as they complete their tasks.

Students who do not have any work to complete should not attend.

Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Due to the popularity of this hands-in-the-dirt, real-world program, we are happy to announce that all students from the Early Learning Centre to Year 6 now have the opportunity to engage with our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden, under the instruction of our resident plant whisperer, Mr Paul Penny.

While the bulk of the program is focused on the Years 2, 3 and 4 students, classes from all year levels have now been allocated time in the garden, including a specialised Spark elective for our Years 5 and 6 students.

If you missed it, here is a lovely snapshot of a recent Lilly Pilly harvest, with the products now well on their way to becoming a delicious jam: Link to Video.

Community Of Kindness

We are implementing a whole College theme in 2023, A Community Of Kindness, to encourage our College community to strengthen their sense of togetherness and belonging, and as a way of making our own community a better place for the entire community.

Evidence suggests that real-life acts of kindness really do create a positive ripple that lifts the whole community.

This study has shown that generosity and kindness propagates and spreads.

It shows we feel happier when spending money on others instead of ourselves, and that acts of kindness increase not only the receiver's, but also the giver's sense of wellbeing, autonomy and competence.

People not only reciprocated acts of kindness by taking the initiative to find out who had been kind to them, but also paid it forward to others, thereby spreading that feeling of generosity.

There has been work done in classrooms with students and meetings with staff in the first few weeks.

Below is a display in the Junior School Admin Office which has been contributed to by the entire Junior School.


In line with this approach, we would like to extend and encourage our parent/carer members of the College community to join this initiative by performing random acts of kindness too.

Today is actually International Random Acts Of Kindness Day so students and staff have made additional efforts today to be kind to each other.

Community Code Of Conduct

An imperative aspect of a child's education is the partnership between the parents and carers and the school.

These partnerships include parents and carers with: teachers, support staff, leadership or any other persons employed by the school.

It is accepted by all parties at completion of enrolment, that the student is at the centre of decisions made and their best interests and safety are always considered.

It is also the responsibility of the school to consider the interests and safety of other staff and students in decision-making.

We value the partnership we have with our parents and carers and often with other extended family members.

As a community, Canterbury has worked with and supported families for over 35 years, to successfully see thousands of students graduate.

To ensure continued success in our partnership within our community, we would like to direct you to our Community Code of Conduct: Link to Community Code of Conduct.

Canterbury OSHC Update

Thank you for your patience as we have worked through the process of onboarding the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) registration for our Outside School Hours Care service.

We understand the delay in securing this registration was frustrating for many families.

And we appreciate the efficiency with which most families have ensured that Complying Written Agreements (CWAs) have been consented to for students.

A very important communication has been sent to all OSHC families regarding some changes to the way fees are being charged.

If you have not yet read this communication, please follow the link here: Link to News Item.

'It Takes A Village' Partnership Program

We have a Parent Volunteer Induction Session next week on Friday 24 February from 8:45am - 9:15am in the Junior School Library.

This course must be undertaken by parents or other community members every 12 months to ensure currency of understanding.

This is a measure to keep our children safe and we welcome parents coming into the College to assist in our classrooms.

Please follow this link here to register: Link to Register.

Partnership Article: Keeping Your Child Active

Physical activity is so important.

Research has shown that exercise is beneficial for helping your child think, concentrate and solve problems, all of which are essential skills when it comes to learning.

This week’s article is all about ways we can encourage and support our children to be active to develop necessary skills: Link to Article.

Upcoming Events

Saturday 18 February Junior TAS Sport Round 3
Monday 20 February 4THH Open Classroom 8:00am
Tuesday 21 February Year 5 Open Classroom 8:00am
Wednesday 22 February Ash Wednesday
Thursday 23 February Years 6-12 House Breakfast - Temple & Ramsey
Thursday 23 February 1JOW Open Classroom 8:00am
Friday 24 February Prep, Year 1 (not JOW), Year 2 and Year 6 Open Classrooms 8:00am
Friday 24 February Parent Volunteer Induction Session
Saturday 25 February Junior TAS Sport Round 4 and Co-Curricular Photos

I hope all members of our Junior School community enjoy a restful weekend with plenty of active family time.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Leftwitch
Head of Junior School

UPDATE: Waterford-Tamborine Road & Easterly Street Intersection: Late 2022 - End March 2023 | Signal Project Roadworks

UPDATE: Waterford-Tamborine Road & Easterly Street Intersection: Late 2022 - End March 2023 | Signal Project Roadworks

The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads has posted a project duration update on the Waterford-Tamborine Road and Easterly Street Intersection on their website.

The completion date has been extended until 31 March 2023 as shown here online -


These major roadworks include:

• Installing new traffic signals.

• Installing advance traffic signal warnings on all approaches.

• On-road bicycle lanes through the intersection.

• Additional guardrail with motorcycle protection and modification of the existing guardrail.

• New giveway signs on both slip lanes.

• Replacement of some street lights and poles.

• Road shoulder widening.

• 60km/h speed zone which will start from south of Cambogan Road for northbound traffic.

Survey work and construction began late last year and early this year, and is proceeding based on weather and construction conditions.

Signalising this intersection will improve road safety and improve traffic flow during peak drop-off and pick-up times.

Please see the original attached letter below and project map above top for the background information.

Think U Know: Online Safety - Parent Information Session | 5:30pm - 7pm, Wednesday 8 March @ Performing Arts Theatre: RSVP NOW

Think U Know: Online Safety - Parent Information Session | 5:30pm - 7pm, Wednesday 8 March @ Performing Arts Theatre: RSVP NOW

Dear Parents and Carers,

You are warmly invited to our...

What: Think U Know: Online Safety - Parent Information Session.
- Includes Q & A Session on how you can support your son or daughter to engage safely online.

When: 5:30pm - 7:00pm, Wednesday 8 March 2023.

Where: Performing Arts Theatre – Canterbury College.
- Best parking via the Easterly Street Gates with plenty of onsite parking.

Who: For All Parents Of ELC - Year 12 Students.

Hosts: Canterbury College with Senior Constable Mitch Collins from the Edens Landing Police Beat.

Cost: FREE!

RSVP: If you would like to attend this valuable Parent Information Session, please RSVP via Humanitix HERE.

Dress Code: Smart Casual.

Contact: Secondary School Admin - T: 07 3299 0843 | E: 

The Think U Know Online Safety Program was developed by the Australian Federal Police, and will be delivered by Senior Constable Mitch Collins from the Edens Landing Police Beat, who has been working in partnership with Canterbury College.

GREAT NEWS: Logan City Council Upgrading High Rd, Easterly St & Old Logan Village Rd Around Canterbury College

GREAT NEWS: Logan City Council Upgrading High Rd, Easterly St & Old Logan Village Rd Around Canterbury College

Improvement Works

Logan City Council is upgrading sections of High Road, Easterly Street and Old Logan Village Road adjacent to Canterbury College.

This project is jointly funded by both Logan City Council and the Federal Government, which has committed $2.5 million through the Urban Congestion Fund.

Project Details & Benefits

The project is designed to improve safety around the school and reduce congestion during school drop-off and pick-up times.

The project will:

• Widen sections of the roads to introduce dedicated turning lanes into the school to ease congestion.

• Provide formal new on-road car parking bays to ease congestion and reduce verge parking.

• Provide new footpaths and shared paths to support safer active travel for all users, especially students.

• Alter line markings and signage to improve traffic flow.

• Relocate some existing services.

• Install new street lighting to support active transport users.

• Install kerb and channelling (where required) to improve road drainage.

Design Update

The design phase of the project is almost finished with environmental and cultural heritage investigations now complete.

Consultation with key stakeholders, including Canterbury College, is ongoing to finalise the design phase.

The Logan City Council has sent letters to all residents in the area as per their distribution map.


The preliminary overall project plan and detailed plans of the individual work sections, are all displayed in this story for downloading or closer viewing.

You can find these proposed works plans for the project on the Logan City Council website here too -

Project Work Zone

High Road: From Sabre Street to just before the roundabout with Easterly Street.

Easterly Street: From just before the roundabout to Old Logan Village Road.

Old Logan Village Road: From Easterly Street to 157-159 Easterly Street.

Internal campus roadways and carparks are also being upgraded and streamlined – based on advice from professional traffic engineers, with support from the Logan City Council – to further reduce traffic congestion, in response to the changes to entrances and exits along Easterly Street.

Next Steps

Logan City Council will be back in touch with the College and the community, as the project moves into the construction phase, with more details - including timings and what you can expect.

They are still in the final stages of the design phase, but construction is expected to commence in late 2023, pending weather and site conditions.

Joint Canterbury & Logan City Council Activity Idea

Canterbury College and Logan City Council are also investigating a joint activity to provide spaces for native fauna amongst the project.

Some ideas so far have included nest boxes and tree planting, so stay tuned for more news on this front.

Get In Touch

If you have questions or feedback about these planned improvements, please contact the Logan City Council Team - T: 07 3412 4551 | E:

Marty Hailey: Canterbury Rock School's Special Guest THIS Friday!

Marty Hailey: Canterbury Rock School's Special Guest THIS Friday!

During this Friday's 3:30pm - 5:30pm rehearsal, our Canterbury Rock School will host a very special guest - award-winning composer Marty Hailey!

Marty works internationally as a composer, producer and musician, and has performed on West End and Broadway, in Las Vegas, across the UK, Europe, Australia and the South Pacific.

He has over 20 years' experience in the music industry, made over 70 records, produced and engineered countless single sessions, and written and produced soundtracks for broadcast, independent film and the stage.

In 2018, Marty was nominated as Rock Producer Of The Year at the Independent Music Awards in New York City.

Working from his studio over at Edinburgh in Scotland called Metro 13 Music HQ, previous clients have included: BBC TV and Radio, the Discovery Channel, Hopscotch Films, Arpeggio Pictures, Infinite Content, Baille Gifford, Pirate Productions, GNWTV and The Gate Worldwide.

His performance and recording credits feature a diverse range of names in international music, from Jimmy Somerville to Human Nature and James Blunt, and Ireland's Ronan Keating to Senegal's Pape Mbaye.

Marty is the musical director for international cabaret sensation Le Gateau ChocolatThe I Hate Children Children’s Show from San Francisco, and punk cabaret outfit The Little Death Club.

Marty was also musical director for La Clique's return to London's West End in 2019.

This dedicated professional musician plays electric and acoustic guitars, lapsteel and even the mandolin!

Additionally, Marty is a talented arranger and producer for small and large ensembles and recording projects - regularly scoring for brass, string quartets and small chamber groups.

Much closer to home, he actually played some parts in our 2021 Performing Arts Captain Briana Dinsdale's album Beginnings.

On Friday, Marty will be talking about his music industry experience and giving our students the opportunity to ask questions, and get to know more about music as a professional career.

He will also be working with some of our Rock School bands - giving them tips and advice for their upcoming performances.

Welcome to Canterbury Marty Hailey!

More information about Marty can be found on his website HERE.

NB: Big thanks to Canterbury Music supporter Mrs Louise Wheatley for the connection! :-)