2021 ELC End Of Year Celebration - Photo Gallery

2021 ELC End Of Year Celebration - Photo Gallery

Our youngest College students from the Early Learning Centre celebrated the end of their school year on Thursday 25 November at the Canterbury Events Centre.

Our Elder and special guest Aunty Julie lead the Welcome To Country.

Each of the five classes - Bilin, Booangun, Geira, Mibunn and Kagaru (all Indigenous names for local bird species) - performed songs and dances, with each student also presented with a reading book reward.

This wonderful evening finished with an 'echo song' performance coordinated back and forth between the ELC staff and their students to It's Time To Say Goodbye with added sign language.

The full Facebook Album photo gallery can be found at THIS WEBLINK HERE.

Videos of the song performances for Colours Of Australia and It's Time To Say Goodbye are posted on our Facebook and Instagram accounts already.

2021 ELC End Of Year Celebration - Acknowledgement Of Country Video

2021 ELC End Of Year Celebration - Acknowledgement Of Country Video

A dose of 'cultural cuteness' for your Tuesday! 🥰

Our Early Learning Centre students reciting their own Acknowledgement Of Country with hands actions, for their recent End Of Year Celebration Ceremony video. 😊👏


2021 Spring Music Festival: Poco Kaleidoscope - Photo Gallery

2021 Spring Music Festival: Poco Kaleidoscope - Photo Gallery

The fifth and final concert in our 2021 Spring Music Festival Series: Poco Kaleidoscope - was held on Tuesday night 16 November at our Canterbury Events Centre.

It featured our young talented students from the Junior School in four different ensembles - Year 3 Strings, All Star Strings, Allegro Strings and Junior Singers.

It was certainly great to have 324 parents, carers and family members in the audience to enjoy their on-stage performances.

The full Facebook Album photo gallery can be found at THIS WEBLINK HERE.

Can you find yourself among the images?

Year 7 Science Challenge: Building Wind Powered Cars

Year 7 Science Challenge: Building Wind Powered Cars

Mr Emmanuel Hatzioannou’s Year 7 Science Class completed a wind-powered car construction challenge during this busy final Term 4.

His students formed seven small groups and were allocated two lessons to build a vehicle out of a plastic cup with their choice of wheels, plus various other equipment options like: straws, bags, ice cream sticks, sticky tape, plasticene, plastic sheeting, light wood dowels and paper etc.

Then each group’s student-engineered car was tested on how far it would travel when placed in front of a low pedestal fan on the classroom floor.

AND… we were there to see how their many varied car designs fared in action…

Each vehicle was given three chances to attain the longest distance, with ‘time outs’ between each run to make any emergency engineering improvements - based on the previous performance, while the other groups had their turns.

Here’s some highlights of how they went with the eventual winning group and their vehicle crowned victorious at the end…

Science Learnings: Larger and stiffer mounted wind sails generate more power and distance than smaller and loosely fitted wind sails, or bags that crumple easily loosing surface area and need filling with air before generating any forward motion.

Smaller wheels also seem to enable greater speed than larger and therefore heavier wheels, while obviously the lighter your vehicle’s body components, the further and faster it will travel.

The full Facebook Album photo gallery can be found at THIS WEBLINK HERE.


2021 Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

2021 Year 12 Graduation Ceremony

Congratulations to all our wonderful Year 12 students who graduated on Friday 19 November. 🥳👏

Their day started with a final form class in their respective Houses, followed by our emotional Farewell Guard Of Honour - from the iconic Fig Tree to the Canterbury Events Centre - as the whole College lined up to honour Canterbury's Class Of 2021.

Once inside the CEC, our Senior cohort were presented with their framed graduation certificates after Final Roll Call, speeches and blessings during our inspiring Graduation Ceremony.

The full Facebook Album photo gallery can be found at THIS WEBLINK HERE.

2021 End Of Year Student Farewell

2021 End Of Year Student Farewell

And suddenly our school year was all over under muted rainy skies… 🌧 😕

Happy Holidays everybody and stay safe! 🏖🤩

School is DONE-ski for 2021! 🙅🏻‍♀️🏫🙅🥳


2021 Year 6 Rite Of Passage - Gate Crossing & Secondary Guard Of Honour

2021 Year 6 Rite Of Passage - Gate Crossing & Secondary Guard Of Honour

From Junior School... To Secondary School!

Our six Houses lined up to welcome their newest Secondary campus members during our Year 6 Rite Of Passage this morning. 🦁 🐺 🦅 🐯 🦖 🐎


2021 Year 12 Valedictory Dinner - Photo Gallery

2021 Year 12 Valedictory Dinner - Photo Gallery

Our Year 12 Valedictory Dinner was hosted at our fancily 'spruced up' Canterbury Events Centre on Wednesday night 17 November.

We celebrated and reminisced over the achievements of our graduating cohort with their parents and teachers - with plenty of great photos, highlights and recollections along the way.

Parents of students who progressed through the College all the way from Kindergarten or Prep until Year 12, were also presented with special boxed glassware embossed with our Canterbury logo, to say thanks for being such loyal long-term supporters.

The full Facebook Album photo gallery can be found at THIS WEBLINK HERE.

Mrs Claus Visits Our ELC & Junior School With Her Elves

Mrs Claus Visits Our ELC & Junior School With Her Elves

View our full Facebook photo gallery HERE.


Year 9 Science Challenge: Building & Testing Quake Proof Structures

Year 9 Science Challenge: Building & Testing Quake Proof Structures

Year 9 Science Challenge time with Mr Nield in P18!

Testing earthquake proof structures built by the student groups using paper, tape and straws in class.

The structure that can withstand the longest earthquake simulation (lateral and horizontal movement) without toppling WHILE holding the most lead weights WINS! 🥇

Let's see how they go...

Our full Facebook photo gallery HERE.
