UPDATE: Waterford-Tamborine Road & Easterly Street Intersection: Late 2022 – End March 2023 | Signal Project Roadworks
The Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads has posted a project duration update on the Waterford-Tamborine Road and Easterly Street Intersection on their website.
The completion date has been extended until 31 March 2023 as shown here online – https://qldtraffic.qld.gov.au/?id=534650
These major roadworks include:
• Installing new traffic signals.
• Installing advance traffic signal warnings on all approaches.
• On-road bicycle lanes through the intersection.
• Additional guardrail with motorcycle protection and modification of the existing guardrail.
• New giveway signs on both slip lanes.
• Replacement of some street lights and poles.
• Road shoulder widening.
• 60km/h speed zone which will start from south of Cambogan Road for northbound traffic.
Survey work and construction began late last year and early this year, and is proceeding based on weather and construction conditions.
Signalising this intersection will improve road safety and improve traffic flow during peak drop-off and pick-up times.
Please see the original attached letter below and project map above top for the background information.