COVID-Safe: Important College Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are writing to advise that Canterbury has a few active cases of COVID-19 across the College.

We ask that you please carefully monitor the health of your children daily and keep them at home if they show ANY symptoms.

COVID-19 Symptoms: fever, sore throat, heavy coughing, runny nose, shortness of breath, bad headache, heavy fatigue, vomiting or nausea, loss of smell and/or taste, muscle or joint pains, loss of appetite or diarrhoea.

Students who present to the College with symptoms will be referred to Care Central immediately to be collected, and will be provided with a Rapid Antigen Test.

Please see below the official advice from Queensland Health regarding a student’s return to school:

Ending Isolation

If you have COVID-19, most people can end isolation 7 full days after testing positive.

You must not have a fever, sore throat, runny nose, or a cough that is bad or getting worse, on Day 7 of your isolation.

If you do have a fever, sore throat, runny nose, or a cough that is bad or getting worse, on Day 7 of your isolation, you will need to remain in isolation until those symptoms have gone.

You do not need another COVID-19 test to end your isolation period.

Some people still have a mild dry cough, mild fatigue or loss of taste or smell after being sick with COVID-19.

You do not need to stay in isolation if you still have these mild symptoms.

If you are being treated by a Queensland Hospital and Health Service, you will be able to end your isolation when a nurse or medical practitioner from the service tells you to.

The Queensland Government published this information about ending isolation after illness –

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either our:

Junior School Administration: Email –  OR Tel – 07 3299 0847

Secondary School Administration: Email –  OR Tel – 07 3299 0843

Yours faithfully

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Mrs Michelle Leftwich                            Mrs Rebecca Adamson
Head of Junior School                            Head of Secondary School