Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program – Aquatic Biology


‘I’ve got a creek in my backyard’ is an aquatic biology unit that focuses on the environmental health of the creek system that flows through Canterbury College.

Students are given the opportunity in small groups to survey a section of the creek and map its environmental diversity.

Once students have completed their survey, they will initiate a plan to improve the creek’s health, making it favourable for long-term species habitation.


Join us for the…

2023 Semester 2 Junior School Spark Learning Expo | 11:30am – 1:30pm, Wednesday 15 November | Canterbury Events Centre (CEC).

We invite you to explore the displays and presentations created by our upper Junior School students throughout Semester 2 this year in their Spark Classes.


What is SPARK?

SPARK is an elective-based ‘hands-on’ curriculum for Years 5 and 6 students that is unique to Canterbury.

Each semester our students choose a special subject to study.

Then students from both year levels are combined into the same classroom and taught by relevant staff.

SPARK is about building curiosity, encouraging students to try something new, and providing an exceptional opportunity for them to embark on their own learning journey, as part of their ‘World Ready’ Canterbury education.

When does SPARK occur?

SPARK happens once per week, with students encouraged to continue their learning beyond the classroom.

How does SPARK link to the curriculum?

SPARK focuses on the Australian Curriculum’s general capabilities, looking at critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding and intercultural understanding.

How can I see my child’s learning?

The Junior School hosts a learning exhibition at the end of each semester, where all students will have something to exhibit based on their SPARK sessions.