Canterbury’s 36th Foundation Day Celebrations: Morning Chapel & Cursus Magnus Relay Race | 8:50am – 10:50am, Monday 13 March @ CEC & Athletics Track

What: Canterbury’s 36th Foundation Day Celebrations: Morning Chapel & Cursus Magnus Relay Race.

When: Monday Morning 13 March 2023.

8:50am – Foundation Day Morning Chapel.
9:35am – Walk Across Campus & Prepare For…
9:50am – Cursus Magnus: Annual College Relay Race.
10:50am – Event Concludes.


Morning Chapel – Canterbury Events Centre (CEC).

Cursus Magnus: Annual College Relay Race – Oval 1, Canterbury Athletics Track.

Who: For ALL Junior & Secondary Students | ALL Interested Parents & Carers | ALL Past Students | ALL College Staff.

RSVPs: Not Required.

Dress Code:

Morning Chapel Attendees & Cursus Magnus Spectators: Students – Summer School Uniform / Plus Blazers If On-Stage | Parents & Carers & Past Students – Smart Casual.

Cursus Magnus Relay Runners: Students – Change Into House Sport Uniform | College Staff – Change Into Canterbury Sport/Coach/House/Taipans Polo With Dark Shorts/Leggings | Alumni Team – Predominantly White Top With Dark Shorts/Leggings.

More Information

Canterbury celebrates its 36th Anniversary Foundation Day, by reflecting on how far we’ve come, and looking forward to the ‘milestones and magic’ over the next 36 years, with Morning Chapel in the CEC.

Then Cursus Magnus will see eight teams of eight runners competing in our great annual relay race, cheered on by the Canterbury College community trackside:

  • A Years 5–12 Student Team from each of the six Houses.
  • Plus our Canterbury Alumni Past Students Team.
  • Plus our College Staff Team.

Each runner must complete two laps (800 metres) before passing the baton onto the next runner, until all eight runners have completed their laps, to find the overall winning team.

Best performing House WINS. Who will come out on top?

2021 Cursus Magnus Champions: Becket House.

2022 Cursus Magnus Champions: Ramsey House.

2023 Cursus Magnus Champions: ???

Come and show your House and College spirit as we host one of our big interhouse events for 2023.

Happy Canterbury Foundation Day!

Contact: Secondary School Admin – T: 07 3299 0843 | E:  OR Junior School Admin – T: 07 3299 0847 | E:

Dear Canterbury Alumni,

Please email  to register for our Official Past Students Alumni Team, with a total of EIGHT runners required.

Dress Code: Predominantly white top with dark shorts/leggings. Let’s Go…