Canterbury ELC Kagaru ‘Bush Kindy’ Class: ‘Community For Creatures’ Banner Project With Australian Conservation Foundation Video

Today the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF) – Brisbane South & Logan Group, along with our local Federal Member for Forde – Mr Bert Van Manen MP, joined our busy ELC Kagaru Class.

As part of a joint ACF – Canterbury ‘Community For Creatures‘ Project, our students collaborated on a 3m display banner featuring iconic Australian animals.

The young students used a variety of art materials, and discussed each animal’s situation, and how they can support environmental conservation in their local Waterford area.

Through this event – and their popular ‘Bush Kindy’ on-campus sessions, our students are gaining a deeper appreciation for the importance of nature and wildlife in our lives.

Well done Mrs Suellen Fawkes and her wonderful Kagaru (Kookaburra) Class!