Canterbury Taipans Aquatic, Tennis & Athletics Facility | Staffing Update
Canterbury Taipans Aquatic, Tennis & Athletics Facility | Staffing Update
Dear Canterbury Taipans Club Members, Families and College Tennis Participants,
Our College’s Canterbury Taipans Aquatic, Tennis & Athletics Facility is growing rapidly as a joint school and community high performance centre – across Swimming, Learn To Swim, Tennis and Athletics, since opening back in 2020.
This expansion in membership size, staffing, calendar events, weekly classes, café and shop products, along with escalating complexity in bookings, financials and external stakeholder engagement, has created the need for a new fully dedicated senior management role to oversee the entire business and operations – the General Manager – Taipans Sporting Club.
This role has been advertised on Seek during this month of May.
Under this new General Manager role will be the Head Swimming Coach, Head Tennis Coach and Head Athletics Coach.
A full-time Head Tennis Coach position, which links the Taipans Club more closely into the TAS and Junior TAS Tennis Program, has also been advertised.
We genuinely thank Mr James Rapkins for his great pioneering work setting up Canterbury Tennis and the Canterbury Taipans.
We will announce and introduce our new General Manger and Head Tennis Coach to the College and Club community in the coming weeks.
Kind regards
Mrs Meagan King
Deputy Principal
Year 12 Chemistry Excursion Today: Beenleigh Artisan Distillery
Year 12 Chemistry Excursion Today: Beenleigh Artisan Distillery
This morning our Year 12 Chemistry cohort visited the Beenleigh Artisan Distillery, where they toured the facility and learnt about the real-world applications of the organic chemical reactions they've been studying in class.
The term 'Flood Rum' made much more sense after seeing the water height markings on the inside of the distilling building.
After their tour, students were lucky enough to have a Q&A Session with Head Distiller Wayne.
Students were interested to discover: rum's flavour profile is made from a range of organic esters and ethanol; the differences between rum and whiskey; how the liquor ageing process works; and why there are many different types of barrels and vats.
REMINDER: Canterbury's Australian Cancer Council 'Biggest Morning Tea' Bake Sale Fundraiser | First Break, THIS Thursday 25 May @ Canterbury Functions Centre
REMINDER: Canterbury's Australian Cancer Council 'Biggest Morning Tea' Bake Sale Fundraiser | First Break, THIS Thursday 25 May @ Canterbury Functions Centre
Come and join us to help raise much needed funds for the Australian Cancer Council at Canterbury College's Biggest Morning Tea!
What: Canterbury's 'Biggest Morning Tea' Bake Sale Fundraiser.
When: Morning Tea Break: 10:20am - 11:00am, Thursday 25 May 2023.
Where: Canterbury Functions Centre (U02) - Canterbury College.
Who: For ALL Secondary School Students & Staff.
Hosts: Our Year 10 Hospitality Students - Aided By Our Years 11-12 Hospitality Students.
Cost: A range of food items will be available for purchase between $1.00 - $4.00
Contact: Mrs Holly Westphal, Secondary School Teacher -
This bake sale fundraiser will feature morning tea classics such as: muffins, cookies & biscuits, caramel slice, brownies, finger buns and sausage rolls.
A range of dietary needs, such as gluten-free and vegetarian, will also be catered for.
Make sure to get in quick on the day, before all the food sells out!
And it's all for a great cause with the money raised going to the Australian Cancer Council.
2023 Interschool Maths Team Challenge | 10am - 2pm, Tuesday 25 July @ Canterbury Events Centre – Canterbury College
2023 Interschool Maths Team Challenge | 10am - 2pm, Tuesday 25 July @ Canterbury Events Centre – Canterbury College
What: 2023 Interschool Maths Team Challenge - Problem Solving Teams Event For Years 5–12.
When: 10:00am – 2:00pm, Tuesday 25 July 2023.
Where: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) – Canterbury College.
- Entry via High Road Gate, Waterford (Logan City West) with plenty of onsite parking.
Who: For Years 5-6 | Years 7-8 | Years 9-10 | Years 11-12 Student Teams From ANY South-East Queensland Schools.
Host/s: Mr Jason Baber, Secondary Teacher – Mathematics & Commerce Faculty, Canterbury College.
Cost: $25 Per Team + Humanitix Booking Fee | Paid During Online Registration.
RSVPs: Please RSVP your teams by 11:59pm Friday 21 July 2023 via the Humanitix booking weblink supplied to each school’s relevant Teacher, Maths Coordinator, or Head of Mathematics Faculty.
You ONLY need to register the number of teams you have, and their team names, with their respective Year Level divisions.
You DO NOT have to register the name of every student in these teams.
Dress Code: ALL Students – School Uniform.
Contact: Mr Jason Baber, Secondary Teacher, Canterbury College - T: 07 3299 0888 | E:
All teams MUST be clearly sorted and titled with these Year Level divisions included in the Team Name when registering:
- Years 5-6 (+ Adult Team Supervisor)
- Years 7-8 (+ Adult Team Supervisor)
- Years 9-10 (+ Adult Team Supervisor)
- Years 11-12 (+ Adult Team Supervisor)
All teams MUST be composed of students from those Year Levels under these limits:
- Maximum THREE students from the older year level.
- Maximum TWO students from the younger year level.
Example: The Years 5-6 Canterbury Trigonometry Taipans.
- Year Levels division included in the Team Name.
- This could be a five-student strong Years 5-6 team, with up to three Year 6 students and up to two Year 5 students.
Each school can register ANY number of teams in each Year Level division.
*Schools are responsible for officially registering all their teams.*
So let’s get mathematically motivated!
Students: Please get in touch with your school’s relevant Teacher, Maths Coordinator, or Head of Mathematics Faculty.
Teachers: Please discuss with any interested students in your classes.
Then form your mighty ‘Maths Challenge’ teams and have your responsible Teacher or Team Supervisor register them via the Humanitix booking weblink supplied to each school’s relevant Teacher, Maths Coordinator, or Head of Mathematics Faculty.
And see you on Tuesday 25 July…
GREAT NEWS | 2023 Australian Education Awards: TWO Canterbury Excellence Awardees / Finalists!
GREAT NEWS | 2023 Australian Education Awards: TWO Canterbury Excellence Awardees / Finalists!
Canterbury College has been shortlisted in two categories for this year’s 2023 Australian Education Awards, amidst entries from nearly 10,000 schools located right around the country…
Education Rising Star Of The Year | Excellence Awardee & Finalist – Mr Andrew Paltridge.
Best Professional Learning Program – Canterbury’s Early Career Teacher Program | Excellence Awardee & Finalist – Mrs Emma Crooks.
Being a finalist automatically makes them ‘2023 Excellence Awardees’ ahead of the official gala event and awards ceremony on Friday 11 August at The Fullerton Hotel in Sydney.
Education Rising Star Of The Year | Excellence Awardee & Finalist – Mr Andrew Paltridge
Andrew is an extremely effective Assistant Head of Ramsey House, Secondary School Teacher, and successful Football (Soccer) team coach here at Canterbury College.
As a natural leader, he both supports and drives pastoral wellbeing programs, to ensure holistic wellbeing for our students and staff here on campus.
In his teaching role, Andrew plans and develops resources across different faculties – Mathematics and Commerce, English, Wellbeing, Religion and Values – to support both his students and colleagues.
Andrew also champions Canterbury’s Professional Growth Programs, proving himself a supportive colleague – especially to early career teachers.
In all that Andrew does and plans, he has demonstrated his outstanding talent as a rising star in education.
Best Professional Learning Program – Canterbury’s Early Career Teacher Program | Excellence Awardee & Finalist – Mrs Emma Crooks
Canterbury’s Early Career Teacher (ECT) Program is designed to foster the professional growth and development of ECTs here at the College.
As part of our Professional Growth Framework (PGF), the PGF Coordinator is the mentor assigned to ECTs, to support their transition into the College and/or Teaching Profession.
They organise and facilitate regular one-on-one meetings and collaborative and reflection sessions, with all P-12 ECTs as required.
They also offer advice on professional growth opportunities in line with their career stage and Canterbury’s overall strategic direction.
Congratulations to both our Excellence Awardees!
And good luck at August’s Awards Ceremony as we acknowledge the great work you are doing here at Canterbury College!
It's National Road Safety Week: 14-21 May 2023 | Your Full Guide
It's National Road Safety Week: 14-21 May 2023 | Your Full Guide
It's National Road Safety Week: 14-21 May 2023!
This annual initiative was established by the President of the Safer Australian Roads And Highways (SARAH) Group, Mr Peter Frazer, in partnership with road safety organisations and governments.
The QLD Department of Transport & Main Roads is a proud government partner who has supported Yellow Ribbon Road Safety Week since it started in May 2013.
With your help, we can encourage ALL Queenslanders to drive so others survive...
Every year, more than 1,200 people are killed and 44,000 seriously injured on Australian Roads.
National Road Safety Week honours those we have lost and pledges to make the roads safer for everyone.
Take a road safety pledge today: Make every journey safe!
#NRSW2023 #DriveSOS #roadsafety #StreetSmartsQLD
The aim of National Road Safety Week is to:
- Remember the approximately 1,200 people who lose their life, and the 44,000 seriously injured, in road crashes on Australian roads each year.
- Encourage people to take a pledge to #DriveSoOthersSurvive
- Promote the theme: Everyone has the right to get home safe.
- Promote the aim of reducing lives lost and injured on our roads by changing our driver behaviour.
- Encourage communities to get involved, to promote National Road Safety Week, and advocate for safe behaviours on our roads and paths, and in our school carparks.
Daily Themes
Each day during National Road Safety Week the focus will be on a different topic or community group affected by road trauma.
However, the overarching theme for the week remains: Everyone has the right to get home safe.
Sunday 14 May: Remember the 1,200.
Remember the lives lost on Australian roads each year.
Monday 15 May: Take a road safety pledge.
Make every journey safe.
Tuesday 16 May: Road safety for young people.
The younger you are, the longer we all must live with the effects of road trauma.
Road safety starts with me.
Wednesday 17 May: Slow down and give them space.
Protect those who are keeping us safe like road workers, emergency service crews and the police.
Thursday 18 May: How safe is my ride?
Think about safety when choosing a ride and experiencing a ride.
Wear seatbelts, helmets and protective gear.
Friday 19 May: Let's all get home safe!
Be aware of others and Drive So Others Survive (#DriveSOS).
Saturday 20 May: Share the path.
Be safe, give them space: cyclists, pedestrians and personal mobility device users.
Sunday 21 May: Take care on regional roads.
Slow down, be alert, and drive to the conditions.
Pledge to: Drive So Others Survive
We ask communities to come together and make their pledge to ensure the roads are safe for everyone — To Drive So Others Survive #DriveSOS.
Find the National Road Safety Week posts and like, comment, or share to your business/organisation page or from your own personal account.
Sharing a personal experience can help others think about their own behaviour on the road.
Tag your posts with: #NRSW2023 #DriveSOS #roadsafety #StreetSmartsQLD
Sunday 14 May – Remember the 1,200 |
Today we ask you to remember the 1,200 people who lose their lives on Australian roads each year.
Landmarks around the country will be lit yellow in remembrance and to raise awareness of National Road Safety Week (14-21 May 2023). We encourage you to wear a yellow ribbon to show your support. |
Monday 15 May – Take a road safety pledge |
Did you know more than 50,000 people have made a pledge to #DriveSoOthersSurvive?
The pledge is an initiative of National Road Safety Week (14-21 May 2023). Pledging means you will drive as if your loved ones are on the road ahead, driving to protect vulnerable people travelling or working on our roadside, not putting others at risk by speeding, driving while tired or under the influence of alcohol/drugs, and never using a mobile phone while driving. So, take the pledge and make every journey safe. |
Tuesday 16 May – Road safety for young people |
The National Road Safety Week (14-21 May 2023) theme for today is: Road safety for young people.
Getting a licence as a young person comes with great freedom, excitement, and responsibility. Statistics show that when a learner driver first gets their P-plates, their risk of a serious crash is six times higher. With parents being the biggest influence on how young drivers behave on the road, staying involved helps keep your P-plater safe. Let them know you'll still be in the passenger seat from time to time, and always model good driving behaviour if you're behind the wheel. Check out some other tips here. |
Wednesday 17 May – Slow down and give them space |
The National Road Safety Week (14-21 May 2023) theme for today is: Slow down and give them space.
A little courtesy on the road goes a long way to improving safety. Whether you’re on two wheels, four wheels, or more, or on two legs - we are all responsible for keeping each other and ourselves safe on the road. Basic actions such as letting others merge, leaving safe distances around trucks and cyclists, being aware of blind spots, and watching out for bicycle riders, motorcyclists, personal mobility device users, and pedestrians, have a big impact on everyone's safety. For more information on giving way, refreshing your road rules, avoiding tailgating, and sharing the road, please visit here. |
Thursday 18 May – How safe is my ride? |
Today's National Road Safety Week (14-21 May 2023) theme is: How safe is my ride?
Make safety a top priority when purchasing a car. You want the safest model you can afford, so if a car scores less than four stars (out of five stars), don’t take the risk. Search for a safe car here within your budget, by price range or make and model, to compare each vehicle’s safety ratings – either by its Used Car Safety Rating (UCSR) or Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP). Or if you ride a motorcycle, make sure you choose the right gear for your ride, and check out the motorcyclist's maintenance guide and rider’s guide here. |
Friday 19 May – Let's all get home safe |
Today's National Road Safety Week (14-21 May 2023) theme is: Let's all get home safe.
Emergency response workers put their lives at risk every day when working in roadside environments. To keep them safe, laws require motorists to move over and slow down when passing a stationary emergency response vehicle displaying blue, red, magenta, or yellow flashing lights. The penalty for not moving over and slowing down in Queensland is $431 and 3 demerit points. So please drive safely so everyone can get home safely. |
Saturday 20 May – Share the path |
Today's National Road Safety Week (14-21 May 2023) theme is: Share the path.
As pedestrians, we're especially vulnerable to injury. Unlike people in vehicles, we’re not protected by seat belts, airbags, and metal. It’s important to be aware of traffic and surroundings, and to never assume a driver or rider has seen you. If you're walking (or wheeling) on pathways, please pay attention near roads. Stay alert (wearing headphones can reduce your awareness of what’s happening around you), use designated crossings, and if you've been drinking alcohol, plan a way home and take care near the road. If you're driving, please give way to pedestrians entering crossings. In shared zones or slip lanes, reduce your speed at night around entertainment venues, be careful in areas with children (schools and playgrounds), and allow more time for a person with a disability or senior pedestrian to cross the road. We've also got tips for teaching children to become safe pedestrians too. Tell us how you share the path with others? |
Sunday 21 May – Take care on regional roads |
In Australia, less than one third of the population lives in regional and remote areas, but nearly two thirds of all fatal road crashes occur on rural and remote roads.
Today's National Road Safety Week (14-21 May 2023) theme is: Take care on regional roads. So next time you're driving on a regional road, remember to slow down and drive to the conditions. Share the road, buckle up for every trip, and make sure your passengers do too, and never drive tired or when you've been drinking. Check out our other tips for driving on regional roads. |
Canterbury Taipans Swimming Club | Term 2 Official Race Night! ⏱️
Canterbury Taipans Swimming Club | Term 2 Official Race Night! ⏱️
Event held late this afternoon under our new Head Swimming Coach Sarah Scott!
Full Facebook photo gallery HERE.
Canterbury Taipans – Competitive Swimming Program
The Canterbury Taipans Swimming Club aims to be recognised as a leading force in competitive swimming development and performance.
The Canterbury Taipans structure offers swimming lessons and competitive training to ALL members of the Canterbury College community and wider non-college public.
From young swimmers entering the water for their first Learn-To-Swim lesson, to those working to achieve success at the State and/or National level, Canterbury Taipans offers programs for everyone.
Our club program vision is simply: Positive Leadership + Positive Culture = Performance.
The Canterbury Taipans Swimming Club welcomes new members all year round – T: 07 3299 0900 | E:
2023 Logan Fun Run With Schools Challenge | 6:30am - 10:30am, Sunday 21 May @ Griffith University: Logan Campus, Meadowbrook
2023 Logan Fun Run With Schools Challenge | 6:30am - 10:30am, Sunday 21 May @ Griffith University: Logan Campus, Meadowbrook
What: 2023 Logan Fun Run With Schools Challenge.
1KM Junior Dash | 2.5KM | 5KM | 10KM Cross Country Course Options.
When: 6:30am - 10:30am, Sunday 21 May 2023.
Where: Griffith University – Logan Campus: University Drive, Meadowbrook.
Who: For ANY interested Canterbury students, their parents and carers, or staff who wish to run under the College banner.
Our Registered Team Name: Canterbury College Taipans.
We have 8 registered team participants already!
NB: You could also help us win $1,000 for our school.
Hosts: Griffith University Sport Events Team.
Official Event Charity: Ronald McDonald House Charities – South East Queensland.
Cost: This is not an official College event, so any runners will need to handle their own entry fees to support the event charity, and are simply choosing to participate under the Canterbury College Taipans team name – Thank You.
10KM Race (For Ages 12 years +) = $59.95 each.
5KM Race (For Ages 5 years +) = $48.95 each.
2.5KM Race (For Ages 5 years +) = $29.95 each.
1KM Junior Dash (For Ages 3-12 years) = $19.95 each.
College Contact: Canterbury Taipans Sporting Clubs Operations Administrator & Athletics Coordinator Mrs Brooke King -
Official Event Website: 2023 — 2023 Logan Fun Run — Race Roster — Registration, Marketing, Fundraising
We are excited to have Canterbury College taking part in the 2023 Logan Fun Run and Schools Challenge.
Here is the direct link for runners to register as part of the Schools Team -
This link will take them to the registration portal and will pre-populate the team as the Canterbury College Taipans.
Each registrant will just need to fill in their contact details and select one of two options to this question: Is this runner taking part in the Schools Challenge?
Yes – they are an enrolled Canterbury student and Schools Challenge runner.
This is for enrolled Canterbury students, who will receive additional points for the school team based on how they finish on the day.
Yes – they are a member of Canterbury’s wider school community and running as part of the school team.
This is for staff, parents and carers, siblings and friends – anyone who is not an enrolled Canterbury student, who will receive a point for the school by registering as part of the team.
Here is some key team information ahead of the event:
Team Race Pack Collection
Teams with 10 or more runners can arrange for a Team Race Pack Collection – this means one person can collect the pre-packed race packs for the whole team.
This representative would be Canterbury Taipans Sporting Clubs Operations Administrator & Athletics Coordinator Mrs Brooke King -
Deluxe Team Tent
The largest team by Friday 19 May will win the Deluxe Team Tent with its prime location on the finish line, comprising a larger team tent with overflow space, plus snacks and goodies for the team.
If this sounds like something you want, be sure to keep growing your team participants.
If you want to know if you are in the running for the Deluxe Team Tent, please keep an eye on the Facebook Page as we will be announcing a leaderboard soon.
Team Tents
The following teams have already guaranteed themselves a tent on the finish line:
- Berrinba Runners
- Homestead Harriers
- JPC Charity Shield
- The Holy Walkamolies
We still have a few tents left for teams of 10 or more, so get recruiting, and get yourself a team tent.
Would you like to bring your own tent for your team?
Please discuss with your College Contact - Canterbury Taipans Sporting Clubs Operations Administrator & Athletics Coordinator Mrs Brooke King -

REMINDER: Junior School Mother's Day Gifts Stall THIS Friday!
REMINDER: Junior School Mother's Day Gifts Stall THIS Friday!
A final reminder that our Junior School Mother's Day Gifts Stall is on THIS Friday 12 May, ahead of the big day on Sunday…
Our parent volunteers have done an amazing job setting up and preparing a range of thoughtful gifts for our Canterbury Mums, and those other special people in our lives.
Please send your children into school with some cash and a bag to carry their goodies home in.
Our Junior School classes will rotate through the B19 Room Gifts Stall from 9:00am – 2:00pm making their big shopping decisions!
And finally – GOOD LUCK to everyone who entered our Mother’s Day Stall Raffle with the tickets sent home with your children the other day...
Staff Update: Mrs Catherine Krzensk - Director of Sport and Activities | Extended Medical Leave
Staff Update: Mrs Catherine Krzensk - Director of Sport and Activities | Extended Medical Leave
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am writing to inform you that Mrs Catherine Krzensk - our Director of Sport and Activities, has taken extended medical leave for the remainder of the year.
Catherine will be back with us in 2024.
Until this time, I am pleased to inform you that Mr Arnie Marraiya will be Acting Director of Sport and Activities, and Mrs Amanda von Kanel will be Acting Director of Administration.
If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to contact me.
I thank you for your ongoing support.
Kind regards
Meagan King
Deputy Principal