IMPORTANT MESSAGE | Compulsory Use Of School Lockers Provided
IMPORTANT MESSAGE | Compulsory Use Of School Lockers Provided
One of our primary concerns is ensuring a safe and secure environment for students and their belongings while on campus.
Students are frequently reminded of this during House and School Assemblies.
We have recently had to take a stronger stance on the proper storage of school bags during school hours, as a great deal of admin time is being spent supporting students to find lost items, not securely stored in their provided lockers.
The practice of collecting unattended school bags left out in the open is being introduced to address several key concerns:
- Preventing Trip Hazards: Bags left outside buildings and classrooms can pose tripping hazards, especially during times of movement between classes, or in emergency situations.
- Enhancing Security: By ensuring students keep their bags in their lockers, we can minimise the risk of students taking the wrong bag and items going missing.
Our 'high IQ' crows also present a problem, pulling items out of bags left on top of lockers - and yes, they have been observed getting into bags with closed zippers. - Reducing Stress: Students and their parents/carers experience stress when their belongings cannot be located, which will be vastly reduced by using the lockers provided.
- Item Longevity: School bags, clothing and other items left outside in the elements deteriorate much faster, meaning more expenses to replace them, while 'cost of living' pressures remain high.
Students are aware of the following:
- Students are required to leave their bags in their lockers between 8:00am and 3:20pm.
- Sports bags should only be taken to PE and fitness lessons, and must be kept in lockers for the remainder of the day.
- All bags should be clearly labelled with the student's full name and House for easy identification.
- Essential items required for each lesson can be carried in the school laptop bag or small, plain black laptop bag for Years 11 and 12 students.
- For students in Years 7-8, phones must be handed into Secondary School Administration each morning.
- For students in Years 9-12, phones must be stored in lockers from 8:00am.
We are now gathering up any unattended bags left on top of lockers or outside school buildings - for example, the Secondary Library or School Canteen.
They are then being stored safely inside the Secondary School Administration Building.
Students can collect their belongings from our office in the first instance, however, a second instance will result in a detention being issued.
We understand this change may require some adjustment, but we believe the benefits around student safety, cost-savings from lost gear, and greater care being taken for belongings, are worth the transition.
So we kindly request your cooperation in encouraging your child to use the locker provided to store their belongings.
Single items are taken to the Lost Property Room which is open Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00am.
Students can also check with Secondary School Administration and their Head of House.
Found 'named items' are passed onto the relevant Head of House.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this implementation, please do not hesitate to contact Secondary School Administration - T: 07 3299 0843 |
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Kind regards
Mrs Rebecca Adamson
Head of Secondary School

URGENT: 2 x Rocket League eSports Players Required ASAP | For Competition NEXT Thursday!
URGENT: 2 x Rocket League eSports Players Required ASAP | For Competition NEXT Thursday!
Hi All,
I urgently need TWO additional Years 5-8 eSports players for a Rocket League competition happening NEXT Thursday!
You will play as a Canterbury duo against teams from other schools.
Plus there are awesome prizes for the winners!
Please let me know ASAP if you are available to fill these spots.
Thanks in advance…
Mr Ben Edwards -
Secondary Teacher & eSports Coordinator
REMINDER: 2023 Canterbury Dance Spectacular + Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ Joint Event! | 4pm - 7:45pm, THIS Friday 1 September @ CEC & Forecourt - BOOK NOW!
REMINDER: 2023 Canterbury Dance Spectacular + Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ Joint Event! | 4pm - 7:45pm, THIS Friday 1 September @ CEC & Forecourt - BOOK NOW!
What: 2023 Canterbury Dance Spectacular + Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ Joint Event!
When: THIS Friday 1 September 2023 | *NB: Student Free Day*
- Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ: 4:00pm – 6:45pm.
- Canterbury Dance Spectacular: 6:00pm – 7:45pm.
Where: Canterbury Events Centre & Forecourt - Canterbury College.
- Use Junior School Gate via High Road, Waterford with plenty of onsite parking.
Who: For ALL Junior School & Secondary School Students & Families – Especially Our Dads!
Dress Code: Students - School Uniform OR Dance Wear | Parents & Carers & Families - Smart Casual.
Canterbury Dance Groups Featured:
Rise Dance Class | Shine Dance Company | Flame Dance Class | Ignite Dance Company | Show Team | Canterbury Dance Company | Hip Hop Varsity | Hip Hop Squad | Little Groovers - Prep | Blaze Crew | Canterbury Dance Troupe | BoyZone.
- Enjoy an early BBQ dinner on us with your whole family.
- Celebrate all our wonderful Dads with the Canterbury Community.
- Watch your children perform on-stage across a wide variety of exciting dance styles.
Our Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ features:
- Cheese Kransky Hot Dogs
- Bratwurst Sausage Hot Dogs
- American Style Hot Dogs
- Beef Burgers
PLUS all the good toppings – grilled onions, lettuce, tomatoes, tasty cheese, and various sauces.
PLUS soft drink, bottled water and lolly bags.
And Happy Canterbury Father’s Day for the Sunday 3 September!
RSVPs: To help guide catering numbers and outdoor seating for the Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ, please RSVP by 11:59pm Wednesday 30 August 2023 using THIS BOOKING WEBLINK HERE – THANK YOU!
See you there and then…
Logan Art Gallery's Artwaves 2023 Exhibition | 3 Canterbury Students' Artworks Chosen For Display!
Logan Art Gallery's Artwaves 2023 Exhibition | 3 Canterbury Students' Artworks Chosen For Display!
A huge shout-out to the following Canterbury Visual Art students who had their amazing artworks selected in the Artwaves Exhibition for 2023!
- Morgan Thomson
- Natarsha Savage
- Joshua Fullard
Artwaves is an annual art exhibition hosted by the Logan Art Gallery, that showcases works from talented high school students, and aims to demonstrate the wealth of imagination and creativity present in the Logan region.
Each art piece on display has been selected by Visual Arts Teachers in conjunction with gallery staff.
Artwaves 2023 will run from Friday 8 September (Opening Night) - Saturday 14 October 2023 at the Logan Art Gallery.
For more information about the exhibition, please see the poster in the attached photos or visit the Logan Art Gallery website.
We look forward to seeing these amazing artworks on display to celebrate our three students' creativity and skill!
Seeking Parent Volunteers For 1 Hour With Business Experience | 2:15pm – 3:15pm, Tuesday 29 August @ F Block Classroom, Secondary Campus
Seeking Parent Volunteers For 1 Hour With Business Experience | 2:15pm – 3:15pm, Tuesday 29 August @ F Block Classroom, Secondary Campus
Our Years 9 and 10 BEE: Business, Economics & Entrepreneurship Start-Up students have been busy creating their very own small businesses.
Now they are seeking feedback from industry professionals with business experience.
This is the beginning stage of creating their business and collecting market research.
So we would like to provide these students with multiple feedback opportunities before they start prototyping...
What: Years 9 & 10 BEE: Business, Economics & Entrepreneurship Start-Up Students | Business Ideas Feedback Session.
When: 2:15pm – 3:15pm, Tuesday 29 August 2023.
Where: F Block Classroom, Secondary Campus (Near Yalburru Community Cafe) – Canterbury College.
Please email Mrs Amanda von Kanel, our Years 9 & 10 Business Start Up Teacher, if you are available to volunteer for this hour to listen to students’ business pitches and provide them with feedback –
Ms Amanda von Kanel
Acting Director of Administration | Secondary Teacher
Canterbury College
Cranmer House 'Loud Lunch’ Concert BBQ Fundraiser | 1:30pm – 2:15pm Lunch Break, THIS Friday 25 August @ Arts Centre Amphitheatre
What: Cranmer House Wolf Pack ‘Loud Lunch’ Concert BBQ Fundraiser!
For Cancer Council Australia’s National Daffodil Day.
When: 1:30pm – 2:15pm Lunch Break, THIS Friday 25 August 2023.
Where: Arts Centre Amphitheatre – Canterbury College.
Who: For ALL Secondary Students & ALL Canterbury Staff.
Hosts: Head of House Mr Alan Lyle & His Cranmer House Wolves.
Cost: With Proceeds Going To Cancer Council Australia.
Sausage Sandwich = $2.50 Each
Soft Drink / Bottled Water = $2 Each
Ice Cream = $3 Each
Pancake = $2 Each
Pancake With Ice Cream & Topping = $5 Each
Payments: EFTPOS or CASH.
Help us raise funds and awareness for Cancer Council Australia’s National Daffodil Day.
While listening to Canterbury’s Rock School Bands blasting their tunes over your BBQ Lunch Break.
See you all there... and Rock On!
Event Contacts: Mr Alan Lyle or Cranmer House Student Leaders.
About The Charity
Daffodil Day is the Cancer Council's most iconic and much-loved fundraising campaign.
It’s a chance for Australians to come together and, for all that cancer takes; to give!
We all have the ability to create change in the lives of people impacted by cancer by funding cancer research.
In 2022, Daffodil Day raised around $2.5 million for lifesaving cancer research.
This year, we’re asking for your essential support once more.
Tragically, with 1 in 2 people being affected by cancer in their lifetimes, we will all be touched by this heartbreaking disease.
That’s why we’re encouraging you to give hope by donating money to the cause.
Daffodil Day falls on Thursday 31 August in 2023, but you can get involved any time throughout the month of August.
2023 Canterbury Dance Spectacular + Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ Joint Event! | 4pm - 7:45pm, Friday 1 September @ CEC & Forecourt - BOOK NOW!
What: 2023 Canterbury Dance Spectacular + Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ Joint Event!
When: Friday Afternoon 1 September 2023 | *NB: Student Free Day*
- Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ: 4:00pm – 6:45pm.
- Canterbury Dance Spectacular: 6:00pm – 7:45pm.
Where: Canterbury Events Centre (CEC) & Forecourt - Canterbury College.
- Use Junior School Gate via High Road, Waterford with plenty of onsite parking.
Who: For ALL Junior School & Secondary School Students & Families – Especially Our Dads!
Dress Code: Students - School Uniform OR Dance Wear | Parents & Carers & Families - Smart Casual.
Canterbury Dance Groups Featured:
Rise Dance Class | Shine Dance Company | Flame Dance Class | Ignite Dance Company | Show Team | Canterbury Dance Company | Hip Hop Varsity | Hip Hop Squad | Little Groovers - Prep | Blaze Crew | Canterbury Dance Troupe | BoyZone.
- Enjoy an early BBQ dinner on us with your whole family.
- Celebrate all our wonderful Dads with the Canterbury Community.
- Watch your children perform on-stage across a wide variety of exciting dance styles.
Our Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ features:
- Cheese Kransky Hot Dogs
- Bratwurst Sausage Hot Dogs
- American Style Hot Dogs
- Beef Burgers
PLUS all the good toppings – grilled onions, lettuce, tomatoes, tasty cheese, and various sauces.
PLUS soft drink, bottled water and lolly bags.
And Happy Canterbury Father’s Day for the Sunday 3 September!
RSVPs: To help guide catering numbers and outdoor seating for the Father’s Day FREE Family BBQ, please RSVP by 11:59pm Wednesday 30 August 2023 using THIS BOOKING WEBLINK HERE – THANK YOU!
See you there and then…
Teacher Mr Luke Harmer Makes Queensland College of Teachers' 2023 TEACHX Shortlist!
Teacher Mr Luke Harmer Makes Queensland College of Teachers' 2023 TEACHX Shortlist!
The 2023 TEACHX Shortlist has been announced by the Queensland College of Teachers!
This year more than 290 nominations were received, and from them, the judges narrowed the entries down to 87 of Queensland's finest...
So congratulations to all the TEACHX Awards 2023 Shortlist members, which includes our very own: Mr Luke Harmer from Canterbury College!
The final 30 TEACHX Award recipients will be announced on Thursday 5 October, ahead of the award presentation ceremony in Brisbane on Friday 27 October - the eve of World Teachers Day celebrations in Queensland.
Good luck Mr Harmer!
Canterbury Wins 2023 Logan Business Distinction Award: Education, Employment & Training Category
Canterbury Wins 2023 Logan Business Distinction Award: Education, Employment & Training Category
Last Friday night, Canterbury College was honoured to win the 2023 Logan Business Distinction Award in the Education, Employment & Training Category.
We were up against fellow (and very worthy) local Logan category finalists…
The Bee All Natural ‘artisan’ family beekeeping, premium raw honey and bee products business with their strong community educational model.
The Workways positive social and economic employment, education, training, small business development, social enterprises and community programs provider.
And the YMCA Vocational School which uses honesty, responsibility, respect and care to create a nurturing learning space, preparing students for a future of engagement, confidence and health.
Our award was sponsored by Mr Cameron Dick MP – State Member for Woodridge, amongst 17 other Logan Industry Awards presented during the gala evening, hosted at the Logan Entertainment Centre by the Logan Chamber of Commerce.
It was a great night with a full house of deserving Logan small, medium and large businesses, industry leaders and local, state and federal politicians.
The only unfortunate coincidence was that the 2023 Australian Education Awards were actually held on the same night down in Sydney, where College Principal Mr Dan Walker was required to attend, so Canterbury's Director of Communications Mr Stephen Buckley accepted the award on his behalf...
Official Canterbury College Thank You:
On behalf of the Canterbury College Anglican School in Waterford, we would like to thank those people who nominated us, and the judges who chose us to win this award.
We also congratulate the other very worthy organisations in our Education Category for being nominated.
And a special ‘shout-out’ to our hard-working Logan Deputy Mayor Laurie Koranski for always supporting our school so strongly – you are brilliant.
So we are very grateful for this award tonight, and passionate about the responsibility we have to make 1,560 Prep to Year 12 kids ‘World Ready’, on behalf of their parents and carers and the wider community.
Our school has changed enormously since 2019 under Principal Dan Walker, and we hope we get the chance to welcome your family to our Canterbury Community too.
Thank you.
Deputy Mayor Laurie Koranski – Logan City Councillor For Division 4:
It was my pleasure to attend (Friday) night’s awards ceremony and to speak on behalf of the city.
It was another fabulous line up of wonderful businesses from many sectors across our city.
We recognised them in style with new categories added again this year.
The calibre of businesses in our city is phenomenal, and last night was a night for them to shine!
Congratulations to all the nominees and award winners for all their success over the past year, and I can’t wait to see what new and exciting things you achieve in the coming year!
Mr Jon Raven – Logan City Councillor For Division 5:
On Friday night the Logan Chamber of Commerce hosted the Business Distinction Awards and were silly enough to ask me to be their MC!
It was an incredible night with both the Munster Services Group and Bee All Natural winning the Business of the Year and Small Business of the Year awards.
Thank you to all the business owners and their staff who work so hard to make the economy in Logan hum.
Not all heroes wear capes!
Logan Chamber Of Commerce:
Well done to all those hard-working Logan business owners recognised for their contribution to Logan City!
Congratulations to all the nominees, finalists, and winners at the 'Business Distinction Awards!
2023 Junior School Father's Day Gifts Stall | 9am - 1pm, Wednesday 30 August @ B19/20: STUDENTS BRING CASH & CARRY BAG PLEASE
2023 Junior School Father's Day Gifts Stall | 9am - 1pm, Wednesday 30 August @ B19/20: STUDENTS BRING CASH & CARRY BAG PLEASE
What: 2023 Junior School Father’s Day Gifts Stall.
When: 9:00am – 1:00pm, Wednesday 30 August 2023.
Where: Rooms B19/20 – Canterbury College.
Who: For ALL ELC – Year 6 Junior School Students.
Classes will rotate through the Gifts Stall during our school day schedule, until all groups in each year level have had their shopping visit.
Parents & Carers: Please supply your child or children with cash and a carry bag with their name on it for their gift shopping on this day – THANK YOU!
Hosts: Our wonderful Volunteer Parents & Junior School Admin.
Cost: Huge range of gifts available from $1 - $10.
Contact: Junior School Administration - T: 07 3299 0847 | E: