Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | Medieval Madness

Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | Medieval Madness

Semester 2, 2023 Spark Topic | Medieval Madness

This unit builds connections between History, Science, Maths and Art.

It involves inquiry-based learning built on students’ curiosity for the past.

This subject allows students to lead an inquiry into medieval history, focusing on what life in a medieval castle was like, why people built castles, and how castles were defended.

Students learn about medieval architecture, innovations and simple machines via hands-on activities.

They also observe, question, research, measure and draw aerial perspectives.

Students use their knowledge and skills to design a blueprint and build their very own medieval castle!


What is SPARK?

SPARK is an elective-based ‘hands-on’ curriculum for Years 5 and 6 students that is unique to Canterbury.

Each semester our students choose a special subject to study.

Then students from both year levels are combined into the same classroom and taught by relevant staff.

SPARK is about building curiosity, encouraging students to try something new, and providing an exceptional opportunity for them to embark on their own learning journey, as part of their ‘World Ready’ Canterbury education.

When does SPARK occur?

SPARK happens once per week, with students encouraged to continue their learning beyond the classroom.

How does SPARK link to the curriculum?

SPARK focuses on the Australian Curriculum’s general capabilities, looking at critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding and intercultural understanding.

How can I see my child’s learning?

The Junior School hosts a learning exhibition at the end of each semester, where all students will have something to exhibit based on their SPARK sessions.

Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | Epic Engineering

Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | Epic Engineering

Semester 2, 2023 Spark Topic | Epic Engineering

This unit focuses on hands-on inquiry-based learning with real-world applications, helping to develop a variety of skill sets.

Students use Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to solve problems and come up with new and creative solutions.

They follow the design process as they identify problems and investigate and research issues.

Students then use this knowledge to develop their ideas, and to plan and create innovative solutions to relevant issues facing our world today.


What is SPARK?

SPARK is an elective-based ‘hands-on’ curriculum for Years 5 and 6 students that is unique to Canterbury.

Each semester our students choose a special subject to study.

Then students from both year levels are combined into the same classroom and taught by relevant staff.

SPARK is about building curiosity, encouraging students to try something new, and providing an exceptional opportunity for them to embark on their own learning journey, as part of their ‘World Ready’ Canterbury education.

When does SPARK occur?

SPARK happens once per week, with students encouraged to continue their learning beyond the classroom.

How does SPARK link to the curriculum?

SPARK focuses on the Australian Curriculum’s general capabilities, looking at critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding and intercultural understanding.

How can I see my child’s learning?

The Junior School hosts a learning exhibition at the end of each semester, where all students will have something to exhibit based on their SPARK sessions.

Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | The Magic Of Movement

Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | The Magic Of Movement

Semester 1, 2023 Spark Topic | The Magic Of Movement

Moving our bodies!

We do it by ourselves and alongside others.

We do it every day for enjoyment and necessity.

But do we ever think about the countless opportunities we have to move each day, and the physical, mental and emotional effects these different movement types can have?

With this topic, students explore the different ways our bodies move throughout our daily lives, and the direct results these movements have physiologically.

Studying the way we move, and how it can transform us physically and mentally, will help students develop a better understanding of the importance of moving our bodies.


What is SPARK?

SPARK is an elective-based ‘hands-on’ curriculum for Years 5 and 6 students that is unique to Canterbury.

Each semester our students choose a special subject to study.

Then students from both year levels are combined into the same classroom and taught by relevant staff.

SPARK is about building curiosity, encouraging students to try something new, and providing an exceptional opportunity for them to embark on their own learning journey, as part of their ‘World Ready’ Canterbury education.

When does SPARK occur?

SPARK happens once per week, with students encouraged to continue their learning beyond the classroom.

How does SPARK link to the curriculum?

SPARK focuses on the Australian Curriculum’s general capabilities, looking at critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding and intercultural understanding.

How can I see my child’s learning?

The Junior School hosts a learning exhibition at the end of each semester, where all students will have something to exhibit based on their SPARK sessions.

2023 End-Of-Year Chapel Service + 2024 Incoming Sports & Performing Arts Captains Announced + 2023 Canterbury Cup Winning House Declared!

2023 End-Of-Year Chapel Service + 2024 Incoming Sports & Performing Arts Captains Announced + 2023 Canterbury Cup Winning House Declared!

The 2023 End-Of-Year Chapel Service provided a wonderful opportunity for our Junior and Secondary students to reflect on another very busy year.

Our College Chaplain Father Dan Talbot delivered an inspiring sermon - offering prayers for those who generously donated gifts to the St Mark’s Anglican Social Services and the 4 Voices organisation.

To emphasise the true meaning of Christmas as more than just a holiday or December party season, BUT as a celebration of Jesus Christ’s birthday, Father Dan surprised everyone with a giant birthday cake.

So together, the entire school audience joined in singing a joyful Happy Birthday song!

Following the service, we proudly announced the incoming 2024 Sports and Performing Arts Captains listed below in full.

Congratulations to you all and good luck with your teams and ensembles next year!

Finally, the overall Canterbury Cup year-long House competition results were revealed, and we are thrilled to announce that Ramsey House emerged victorious once again!

Congratulations to the Ramsey House Raptors for an impressive four-year winning streak!

This year has certainly passed swiftly, and we extend our gratitude to everyone for their hard work and dedication across four big Terms of Canterbury College school life.

We wish you all a well-deserved, enjoyable and safe holiday season with your family and friends.

And we look forward to seeing you all again in the coming year from Tuesday 23 January 2024!

For more photos from this morning's final Chapel Service and major announcements, please visit our Facebook Page HERE.

Gold Badges

Mckynlee Franklin

Peter Flaherty

Future Anything Grand Final – Runner-Up Prize

Ashutosh Vaitha

Sports Captains

Athletics – Sarah Walker

Basketball Boys – Charlie Newton

Basketball Girls – Tylah Marshall

Cricket – Jazz Webb

Cross Country – Emily Webb

Debating – Morwary Kamali

Football Boys – Riley Franklin

Football Girls – Grace Coy

Hockey – Lilly Rider

Netball – Kaylee Tamala

Rugby – Ashley Broadbent

Rugby 7’s – Lorren Leli

Swimming – Lara Mead

Tennis Boys – Alec Dyer

Tennis Girls – Meeka Morrow

Touch Football – Jorja Lockhart

Volleyball Boy – Jake Stewart

Volleyball Girl – Diya Patel

Performing Arts Captions

Band – Reini Blackmore

Choir – Claire Sanderson

Dance – Gabrielle Watson

String – Jasmine Wheatley

Rock School – Nina Burton

Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | Critical & Creative Thinking

Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | Critical & Creative Thinking

Semester 1, 2023 Spark Topic | Critical & Creative Thinking

Thinking that is productive, purposeful and intentional is at the centre of effective learning.

By practising critical and creative thinking, students can solve problems and devise innovative ideas to do so.

Participants follow the design process as they identify a problem, then investigate and research the issues.

They develop their ideas, then plan and create solutions that will be evaluated and adapted based on testing.

Their critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills are applied to real-world issues that concern them, which may include freshwater access, environmental pollution or sustainable energy.


What is SPARK?

SPARK is an elective-based ‘hands-on’ curriculum for Years 5 and 6 students that is unique to Canterbury.

Each semester our students choose a special subject to study.

Then students from both year levels are combined into the same classroom and taught by relevant staff.

SPARK is about building curiosity, encouraging students to try something new, and providing an exceptional opportunity for them to embark on their own learning journey, as part of their ‘World Ready’ Canterbury education.

When does SPARK occur?

SPARK happens once per week, with students encouraged to continue their learning beyond the classroom.

How does SPARK link to the curriculum?

SPARK focuses on the Australian Curriculum’s general capabilities, looking at critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding and intercultural understanding.

How can I see my child’s learning?

The Junior School hosts a learning exhibition at the end of each semester, where all students will have something to exhibit based on their SPARK sessions.

Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Canterbury’s Years 5-6 Spark Program | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Semester 1, 2023 Spark Topic | CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

Do you love detective stories, watching Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) shows, or dream of being a forensic scientist?

Then this subject is for you!

Using crime scene activities and investigations, students can learn skills in data collection, observation, analysis and problem-solving.

They work collaboratively to find suspects and culprits via fingerprinting, fibre analysis, chromatography and other investigative strategies.

Students lead themselves through research and apply their knowledge of investigation techniques using critical thinking, analysis and communication through clear documentation.

The big question is: Who did it?


What is SPARK?

SPARK is an elective-based ‘hands-on’ curriculum for Years 5 and 6 students that is unique to Canterbury.

Each semester our students choose a special subject to study.

Then students from both year levels are combined into the same classroom and taught by relevant staff.

SPARK is about building curiosity, encouraging students to try something new, and providing an exceptional opportunity for them to embark on their own learning journey, as part of their ‘World Ready’ Canterbury education.

When does SPARK occur?

SPARK happens once per week, with students encouraged to continue their learning beyond the classroom.

How does SPARK link to the curriculum?

SPARK focuses on the Australian Curriculum’s general capabilities, looking at critical and creative thinking, personal and social capability, ethical understanding and intercultural understanding.

How can I see my child’s learning?

The Junior School hosts a learning exhibition at the end of each semester, where all students will have something to exhibit based on their SPARK sessions.

2023 Canterbury Christmas Movie & Carols Karaoke Night Fundraiser | Event Wrap, Photos & Video

2023 Canterbury Christmas Movie & Carols Karaoke Night Fundraiser | Event Wrap, Photos & Video

Yesterday evening, our incoming 2024 Student Leadership Team hosted our annual Canterbury Christmas Movie & Carols Karaoke Night Fundraiser in the CEC.

Despite the poor weather (again - remember last year?!) our amazing families still came together in the true spirit of giving and Christmas - making our 'feel-good' event a success! ✨

Home Alone was the movie of the night and guests enjoyed BBQ dinner, popcorn, lolly bags and soft drinks.

The Christmas Karaoke Carols on stage were fun, but nobody is quitting their day job just yet to pursue a singing career.

We directly supported two charities that we have worked closely with throughout the years:

Orange Sky Australia provides a positive and supportive environment for people who are too often ignored or feel disconnected from their community.

They provide regular laundry and shower services for homeless people.

Our College community has strongly supported this organisation throughout 2023, and the funds raised at the event – via the gold coin entry donations, and food and drink sales, will further support this worthy cause.

Rosies: Friends On The Street is an organisation which aims to offer friendship and unconditional acceptance to those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or are experiencing social isolation.

So each College House brought different items to donate to the Rosies Appeal.

These were placed under the relevant Christmas Tree inside the Canterbury Events Centre.

Thank you to everyone who participated, donated, and shared in the festive joy. 

Together, we've made a difference and brightened the lives of those who need it most. ❤️

The full photo gallery is now available on our Facebook Page.

2023 Junior School End-Of-Year Staff Celebration Dance Video!

2023 Junior School End-Of-Year Staff Celebration Dance Video!

Our Junior School staff synced their steps for an unforgettable dance performance to finish the year in style...

The video was played at the ELC – Year 2 Celebration Ceremony last Friday evening and it was a surefire audience hit!

It’s too good not to share here with our wider Canterbury Community.


2023 ELC – Year 2 End-Of-Year Celebration Ceremony | Photos & Videos Now Available

2023 ELC – Year 2 End-Of-Year Celebration Ceremony | Photos & Videos Now Available

We hosted our 2023 ELC - Year 2 End-Of-Year Celebration Ceremony here at the CEC last Friday evening.

Thank you parents, carers, families and students so much for joining us to celebrate this special 'feel-good' event, which easily attracts our biggest audience of the year!

Everyone was entertained with singing, dancing and a hilarious staff video set to music which featured Junior School staff, and even the Principal and Deputy Principal!

The ELC, Prep, Year 1 and Year 2 performance videos are all posted on MyCC, while the full photo gallery is now available on our Facebook Page BY CLICKING HERE. 


Our Class Of 2023 | Year 12 Guard Of Honour & Graduation Ceremony Highlights Video

Our Class Of 2023 | Year 12 Guard Of Honour & Graduation Ceremony Highlights Video

Here is our highlights video from last Friday’s wonderful whole College Guard Of Honour and Graduation Ceremony.

We wish our Class Of 2023 all the very best with their future endeavours!