AI In The Canterbury Classroom

AI In The Canterbury Classroom

AI is no longer a distant futuristic concept…

It is here and now, expanding exponentially, and easily accessible to everyone.

Schools are no exception and Canterbury is determined to keep pace with this technology and harness the best it has to offer in education to our students and staff.

The Australian Government recently introduced guidelines for AI’s use within schools, recognising its ability to support teaching and learning.

Many exciting developments involving AI are already taking place in our classrooms.

Mr James Jenkins – our Head of AI and Digital Transformation, gives you this easy guide into how we are currently integrating AI into Canterbury College's educational environment.

2024 Year 6 Outdoor Education Camp | Full Photo Gallery

2024 Year 6 Outdoor Education Camp | Full Photo Gallery

Last week, our Year 6 students enjoyed their three-day outdoor adventure at the Noosa Outdoor Education Centre in Cooroibah on the Sunshine Coast.

They immersed themselves in building sunshades and catapults, doing kitchen and fireplace cooking, archery, swimming, hiking, first aid and many other great activities focussed on teamwork, leadership, social inclusion and personal development. ️️

Please visit our Facebook Page for the full photo gallery.



REMINDER: Year 8 Business – Mother’s Day Gifts Pop-Up Market Stalls | Both Breaks, THIS Thursday 9 May @ School Canteen Deck – PLEASE BRING CASH!

REMINDER: Year 8 Business – Mother’s Day Gifts Pop-Up Market Stalls | Both Breaks, THIS Thursday 9 May @ School Canteen Deck – PLEASE BRING CASH!

What: Year 8 Business – Mother’s Day Gifts Pop-Up Market Stalls.

When: Morning Tea AND Lunch Breaks, THIS Thursday 9 May 2024 (Week 4).

Where: Canteen Deck Outside Yalburru Community Café – Canterbury College.

Who: For ALL Junior & Senior School Students & Staff.

Hosts/Vendors: Our Year 8 BEE: Business Economics & Entrepreneurship Students.

Cost: A wide variety of gifts will be on sale priced from just $2 up to $20.

Payments: CASH ONLY on the day!

Our Year 8 BEE students will be selling a wide range of Mother’s Day gifts.

The product ideas, production work, budgeting, pricing, marketing and stall set-ups, have been specially planned and will be delivered by our Year 8 Business Class as part of their assessment.

So treat your mum to something special from our conveniently placed market stalls THIS Thursday!

Contact: Mr Troy Sparkes, Teacher – 

Queensland Ballet Senior Dance Incursion | Event Wrap & Photos

Queensland Ballet Senior Dance Incursion | Event Wrap & Photos

Some of our Year 12 Dance students participated in a specialist workshop with a professional dancer from the Queensland Ballet today.

Students learnt about the history of ballet, were taught repertoire from company, and explored how to relate the work to their own personal style for their Senior Dance Project assessment.

Later this term, the students will visit the theatre to see the work ‘Bespoke’ performed by the Queensland Ballet.

Our Campus Uniform Shop | THIS Upcoming Week 4 Opening Hours: OPEN Wednesday Because CLOSED Monday Public Holiday

Our Campus Uniform Shop | THIS Upcoming Week 4 Opening Hours: OPEN Wednesday Because CLOSED Monday Public Holiday

Term 2, Week 4 Opening Hours

OPEN: 7:30am - 11:30am THIS Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.

CLOSED: QLD Labour Day Monday 6 May Public Holiday.

Our Uniforms Webpage with full information HERE.

NB: Our partner The School Locker’s Superstore over at Loganholme remains CLOSED until late May (exact date TBC), due to urgent building maintenance work announced back on Tuesday 12 March.

They are continuing their offer of FREE shipping for online purchases to apologise for this unexpected lengthy inconvenience.

Online ordering and purchasing QuickLink available 24/7 HERE.

Senior School Cross Country Winning House Revealed & First Teams Jersey Presentations

Senior School Cross Country Winning House Revealed & First Teams Jersey Presentations

Much anticipated news from our School Assembly on Thursday.

Ramsey House was announced as the Senior School Cross Country winners once again, marking an incredible four-year victorious streak.

Congratulations to the Ramsey Raptors!

Also, our various Firsts Team Captains were on-stage to present playing jerseys to their teammates, honouring their training dedication and sporting skill level, to be chosen for our College’s top sporting squads.

Well done to all our firsts team players and ‘Go Taipans’ for your TAS matches to come.


First XI Hockey

Captain: Lilly Rider

Team: Corey Bertsch, Samantha Vivian, Ruby Aitchinson, Phoebe Dyer, Milan Wellington, Hannah Harlen.


First VII Netball

Captain: Kaylee Tamala

Team: Grace McGuiness, Syriarna O’Sullivan, Ainslie-Alyssa Iva, Aaliyah Frescon-Sheppard, Juliana Tamala, Tyana Faimalo, Aroha Tipiwai-Power, Kaitlyn Iva, Lahrey Southon, Tayla Southal, Bridie Stewart.


First XV Rugby

Captain: Ashley Broadbent

Team: Rohan Mendis-Galpin, Tymothy Palupe, Samuel McKee, Harvey Coates, Mach Pukallus, Tadiwa Manangazira, Benjamin Stanley, Joshua Noble, Jake Stewart, Riley Lynch, Ma’afu Takai, Charlie Menzies, Ethan Fox, Joshua Williams, Alex Orbitz, Charlie Newton, Thomas Jenkins, Anthonie Yang.


First IV Tennis

Captain: Alec Dyer

Team: Ryan Dilks, Rhylee Jackson, Mitchell Dixon, Oscar Laredo.


For more photos, please visit our Facebook Page.

Years 8 & 12 Dance Hip Hop Workshop Incursion – Bloodline Dance Company | Event Wrap & Video

Years 8 & 12 Dance Hip Hop Workshop Incursion – Bloodline Dance Company | Event Wrap & Video

Today, our Years 8 and 12 Dance students embarked on an energetic exploration of Hip Hop Dance, guided by Keisha Joy from the Bloodline Dance Company.

The Director of Bloodline, Hillary Stowers, was a foundational member of Australia’s 'Academy of Brothers', representing Australia at esteemed competitions across Australia and the USA.

The teacher, Keisha, brought a wealth of experience and lively movement to the workshop.

This workshop experience aligns with the students commencing their Term 2 study within the ‘Practices and Skills Strand’ of their Dance curriculum.

The ‘Moving To Entertain Unit’ includes exposure to the genre and professional artists, so we are very thankful for Bloodline’s time and infectious enthusiasm this morning.

Year 10 Startup Business Students: Industry Feedback Session | Event Wrap & Video

Year 10 Startup Business Students: Industry Feedback Session | Event Wrap & Video

Last Wednesday, eager students in our two Year 10 Startup Business classes, engaged in a feedback session with real-world industry professionals.

Over the past few weeks, these students have been exploring the foundational aspects of startup culture, resulting in the creation of their very own product-based or service-based businesses.

They centre around their natural areas of interest or they represent products that can genuinely assist people in their daily life.

This special feedback session was filled with a wealth of ideas, advice and suggestions from adults with relevant business and marketing experience.

Guests included: Mr Pete Maynard - CyberMetrix, Mr Alex von Kanel - AutoBros & Shango Technology, Mr Joe Lydeamore - Bendigo Bank, Mr Dan Dempsey - Future Anything, Mr Gabriel Matt - Wilak Media, Ash - Elula Home, Ms Tahlia McCaffrey - From Zion, Mr Tate Ryan: Economic Development Program Leader - Logan City Council, and Father Dan Talbot – our very own College Chaplain.

All were impressed by the level of professionalism and enthusiasm shown by these Year 10s, and the advanced nature and thinking behind the concepts presented on the day.

Students Riley Edwards and Damian Huang facilitated a short panel discussion with our Entrepreneurs In Residence Mr Peter Maynard and Mr Alex von Kanel.

Peter and Alex shared some advice around building resilience, and emphasised that it is okay to face setbacks, and the importance of ‘failing fast’ and learning from those mistakes quickly.

Peter also spoke about the power of bringing consumers and your team along with you, and how important presentation skills are for making strong connections.

A big ‘thank you’ to the industry professionals who generously dedicated their time and ‘worklife wisdom’ to support our young entrepreneurs.

We are looking forward to seeing these students' results when their products and services are officially presented to the wider Canterbury Community on Showcase Day – Wednesday 5 June.

Year 10 BEE Student Breeze Tauroa’s Event Welcome Speech:

Thank you to the industry professionals for giving up your time and for supporting us.

This subject is different from our other school subjects.

It is a practical subject that challenges us to start and manage our own small business.

We are in the beginning stages of this journey and are all looking for advice and feedback on our next steps.

Our first few weeks were spent researching and discussing the fundamentals of startup culture.

We were encouraged to create a business based on a human problem and area of interest.

As teenagers we have many other commitments, so it is important that we are passionate about the problem our business is solving.

We were taught to hold our problem tightly but our solution lightly…

2024 Year 7 UPP: Unleashing Personal Potential – Stronger Connections Wellbeing Day | Event Wrap & Photo Gallery

2024 Year 7 UPP: Unleashing Personal Potential – Stronger Connections Wellbeing Day | Event Wrap & Photo Gallery

Today, all our Year 7 students undertook a very motivational all-day wellbeing workshop in the CEC.

They tackled activities designed to help them step out of their ‘comfort zone’, while promoting positive communication and problem-solving skills.

And each attending student really enjoyed the opportunity to learn, grow and connect with one another.

One particular activity challenged students to verbally guide their partners in guessing shapes or letters.

They then attempted to draw these shapes or letters in the air with their finger, like ‘reverse charades’.

Special thanks to the UPP: Unleashing Personal Potential and Forging Connections agency for facilitating this excellent wellbeing day with us.

UPP is dedicated to teaching students strategies around personal engagement in relevant, challenging, practical and inspiring ways.

They specialise in building growth mindsets, grit, wellbeing, healthy relationship skills and leadership skills.

For more photos, please visit our Facebook Page.

2024 ANZAC Week Canterbury College Commemorations | Representing Our Logan Community

2024 ANZAC Week Canterbury College Commemorations | Representing Our Logan Community

As a proud member of the Logan Community, Canterbury was honoured to commemorate ANZAC Day at five moving ceremonies across Tuesday to Thursday this week.

It was our chance to stop and remember, and salute the incredible sacrifices made by Australia’s and New Zealand’s Armed Services and their families, over two World Wars and many other conflicts around the globe.

A big ‘thank you’ to all the staff, students, parents, carers, families and Logan community members who reflected alongside us, and supported us behind the scenes – and especially to those who worked so hard to help bring these events together with such solemnity and gravitas on the day.


2024 ANZAC Day Interschool Students Commemoration Ceremony – Tuesday Morning @ The Shrine Of Remembrance – ANZAC Square, Brisbane CBD.

Event Story & Photo Gallery Link | Channel 9 NEWS Story Link | Channel 7 NEWS Story Link.

2024 ANZAC Day Canterbury College Commemoration Ceremony – Wednesday Afternoon @ Canterbury Events Centre (CEC).

Event Story & Photo Gallery Link | ANZAC Story Tribute Video – Herbert Crowther Foxton Link | Canterbury Community ANZAC Heroes Link | ANZAC Assembly Ceremony Video Link.

ANZAC Story Tribute Video – Herbert Crowther Foxton: A Special Acknowledgement

A huge ‘thank you’ to Mr James Mitchell, who is a facilitator with the Emu Gully Adventure Education Group, that hosts our annual Outdoor Education Camps for the various year levels.

James has performed years of research, visited the Australian War Memorial and interviewed Herbert’s grandchildren and great grandchildren, to piece together Herbert’s story and proud ANZAC legacy featured in this video.

2024 ANZAC Day Beenleigh Dawn Service – Early Thursday Morning @ Beenleigh War Memorial.

Thank you to our Junior School and Senior School student leaders and College Captains who attended with staff members Ms Fiona Dixon and Mr Arnie Marraiya representing our school.

Please see feature image above - Group Photo (L-R): Brody Huckin, William Flaxman, Elizabeth Barnes, Lilly Rider, Alec Dyer, Lara Mead and Finley Sykes.

2024 ANZAC Day Beenleigh March & Commemorative Service – Thursday Morning @ Beenleigh CBD & War Memorial.

Event Story & Photo Gallery Link | ANZAC March Video Link.

2024 ANZAC Day Palm Lake Resort Retirement Home Service – Thursday Morning @ Palm Lake Resort, Waterford.

Assistant Head of Senior School (Years 10-12) Mr Tory Mills took students Ainslie and James Iva, Josh Fullard and Rose Pincott to the local Palm Lakes Resort ANZAC Day Service close to our campus.

Our students gave a reflection of ANZAC Day from Young Australians and shared a poem.