2023 Semester Two Spark Program: For Years 5 & 6 Students | Please Choose Your 3 Subject Preferences THIS WEEKEND

Dear Parents, Carers & Years 5-6 Students,

Please find below our 2023 Semester Two Spark Flyer, outlining the 11 subject choices on offer.

There are some favourites carried over from last semester, and some great new additions too!

Please make some time over this weekend to read through ALL the Spark options carefully.

THIS Monday 17 July, students will submit their top three preferences.

Class teachers will assist with this process.

The hardest decision will be choosing just three… 🙂

THANK YOU and kind regards,

Mrs Joelene Anderson

Coordinator of Community & Leadership (Prep – Year 6)

3D MOVIE ANIMATION | Ms Kristy Blinco

Do you like making movies? Designing characters and stories? Do you love art and design? Then this subject is for you!

In 3D Movie Animation, students will work collaboratively to create their own stop-motion characters, design and create sets and props for their movie, and finally, film and edit their motion picture.

Become a storyteller to make your characters and world come to life through stop-motion animation.


$20 BOSS | Mrs Joelene Anderson

$20 Boss is an immersive program that introduces students to the exciting world of entrepreneurship, and inspires them to become innovators.

Students will work in teams to identify problems, create product or service solutions, and turn their ideas into a real business!

This subject promotes ongoing critical and creative thinking, while embedding financial capability.

It will equip students for their future careers, and empower them to forge their own pathways.

At the Spark Expo, students will set up market stalls and promote their products and services to the community.


MISSION TO MARS | Mrs Sharna Te Hau

Imagine 50 years into the future, and we need to find alternative settlements to cater for our ever-growing population.

Spacefaring organisations seek to establish a settlement on Mars.

Students will need to consider key factors around establishing a Mars settlement – such as getting there (exploring rockets); the complexities of landing on Mars; Mars rovers; daily operations; human factors; and automation.

They will create structural design and settlement infrastructure using Minecraft.

At the Spark Expo, students will unveil their individual and collaborative solutions to challenges, and pitch their designs and ideas to the community.



For centuries, furniture and household accessories were made using a wide variety of wood.

With the introduction of plastics and other synthetic materials, the true art of furniture making has been lost.

It’s time to step back into the ‘good ole days’ and use our hands to make household items and furniture again.

Let’s put on some protective gear and glasses and get our hands dirty.

In this subject, students will design and create useful and purposeful furniture solutions.


MEDIEVAL MADNESS | Ms Juanita Purvis

This unit builds connections between History, Science, Maths and Art.

It involves inquiry-based learning built on students’ curiosity for the past.

This subject allows students to lead an inquiry into medieval history, focusing on what life in a medieval castle was like, why people built castles, and how castles were defended.

Students will learn about medieval architecture, innovations and simple machines via hands-on activities.

They will observe, question, research, measure and draw aerial perspectives.

Students will use their knowledge and skills to design a blueprint and build their very own medieval castle!



This unit will expose students to the endless opportunities that repurposing technology affords society.

Students will work in small teams to solve everyday problems, by building devices that recycle, repurpose and reinvigorate technology.

They will scavenge their required materials from previously used technology to signify the importance of recycling in contemporary society.



Do you love detective stories, watching Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) shows, or dream of being a forensic scientist?

In CSI, students will use crime scene activities and investigations to learn skills in data collection, observation, analysis and problem-solving.

They will work collaboratively to find suspects and culprits via fingerprinting, fibre analysis, chromatography and other investigative strategies.

Students will lead themselves through research, and apply their knowledge of investigation techniques using critical thinking, analysis and communication through clear documentation.

The big question is: Who did it?



This unit will teach students gardening skills and plant propagation techniques to give them a ‘green thumb’.

It will welcome them to the leisurely and productive world of self-sufficiency.

In addition, they will explore how they can make money from these enjoyable pursuits.

Students will produce a variety of plant and gardening products to sell at the Spark Expo.


EPIC ENGINEERING | Mrs Alisha Richardson

This unit focuses on hands-on inquiry-based learning with real-world applications, helping to develop a variety of skill sets.

Students will use Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) to solve problems and come up with new and creative solutions.

They will follow the design process as they identify problems and investigate and research issues.

Students will then use this knowledge to develop their ideas, to plan and create innovative solutions to relevant issues facing our world today.



What and who is pottery for?

In this subject, students will be challenged to make an item that must hold something.

They will select a client to create an item for – considering their needs, purpose (form and function) and aesthetic qualities.

Students will learn the foundations of pottery, and explore techniques for creating sophisticated and artistic sculptures, including wheel-throwing, hand-building and glazing.

Participants will inquire, problem-solve and seek feedback to create a final product that meets their client’s needs.

These will be displayed at the Spark Expo.



Can functional objects be beautiful too?

This subject is an inquiry learning project, where students will design and make their own handmade book, using decision-making processes and reflecting upon their personal interests.

They will study Form vs Function and apply strategies to their creation, while considering how a book can be made aesthetically pleasing – combining traditional bookbinding processes with 21st Century art-making techniques.

Students will experiment with unusual media and subject matter, research ideas from other artists, plus be inspired by stimulus from our own campus environment.

They will develop their own page design ideas based on their intended purpose, while still retaining functionality; develop skills painting and drawing to create an aesthetically pleasing front and back cover; and demonstrate their individual artistic skills and flair.