2023 Junior School Class Placements

Dear Parents and Carers,

Our classroom teachers will shortly begin the process of thinking about class placements for next year.

Please appreciate the creation of class lists is a complex process that involves significant thought and effort.

Teachers look at several factors including: friendships, academic levels, working relationships, student personality/teacher personality, learning needs, behaviour management, male/female ratios, requests and sibling’s teachers.

While our teachers are always willing to listen to parents, the class teacher, who has a great knowledge of their colleagues’ teaching styles, as well as the learning needs of the children in their care, is the person best placed to determine the most appropriate teacher for your child.

Please note, that as part of this process, it is not possible to request a particular teacher, nor can we guarantee any requests.

In previous years, historical information has been gathered and will be utilised to inform this year’s process.

It should also be noted, we are still organising teachers and their corresponding year levels, and this may not be finalised until close to the end of the school year.

Subsequently, any specific teacher or classroom requests may be irrelevant.

Any information concerning class placements should be directed to me via email – 

The final date for any information regarding class placements is 5pm Friday 14 October 2022 as this will allow us time to process all the information.

Class placement will be shared with students on our orientation day in late November.

Yours faithfully,

Mrs Michelle Leftwich
Head of Junior School