Year 6 Bridge Builders Program: Student Mediators Training | Video

Today, select Year 6 students participated in our special Bridge Builders Program performing Mediators Training.

They focused on equipping fellow students with the interpersonal skills to resolve conflicts on their own.

This Monday, they will apply these handy skills in the ‘real world’, by teaching younger students how to handle playground disputes themselves – without adult intervention.

Relationships are an essential part of school and life.

Learning how to make healthy friendships and manage difficult relationships are essential life skills for all ages.

Now conflict is a normal part of any community, however, unresolved or poorly resolved conflict, can cause children to feel stressed and separated from others.

It can also reduce their ability to be learners.

Some children are growing up more confident in operating technical devices than dealing with frustration, developing flexible thinking, or problem-solving challenging relationships.

So Canterbury is equipping our students with the tools to deal with everyday conflict and reduce bullying through this program.

The sessions explore the following skills:

• Understanding Choices – the difference between conflict and bullying.

• Responses – the physiological and neural reactions to conflict or bullying.

• Growing Resilience Skills.

• Managing Conflict.

We also invite parents and carers to attend our Empowered For Life: Bridge Builders Program – Parents/Carers Information Session happening THIS Monday afternoon:

What: Empowered For Life: Bridge Builders Program – Parents/Carers Information Session.

When: 4:30pm – 5:30pm, THIS Monday 4 March 2024.

Where: Junior School Library – Canterbury College.

Parking: Available via Junior School Carpark, High Road, Waterford.

Who: For ALL Junior School Parents & Carers: ELC – Year 6.

Hosts: Junior School Admin With Guest Speaker: Jocelyne Chirnside M.Ed. (Hons), Dip. T.

Cost: FREE!

RSVPs: Please RSVP by 11:59pm THIS Sunday 3 March 2024 by CLICKING HERE.

We look forward to seeing you next Monday…