Year 11 Etiquette Lessons | Event Wrap & Photo Gallery

Today, our Year 11 students experienced a last day of Term 3 special Wellbeing class, focused on fine dining manners and social etiquette.

Held in a restaurant setting on campus, our Hospitality students – guided by their teachers, served their peers while creating a fine-dining experience.

Throughout the three course meal, Mrs Lainey Loneragan – Managing Director of Etiquette & Manners Australia, led the students through each stage of formal dining etiquette.

They learned how to use cutlery correctly, identify the right drinking glass, choose the correct bread roll, and navigate a fine-dining environment with confidence.

Beyond the meal, students also explored the etiquette of introductions, phone and communication manners, proper hygiene, handshakes, and dressing for different occasions.

This valuable knowledge will serve them well as they enter the wider world outside Canterbury.

Check out more photos from the event on our Facebook Page HERE.