Year 10 General Maths Class | With Assistant Head of Mathematics and Commerce Faculty Miss Elizabeth Schluter

Our Year 10 General Mathematics students are currently mastering linear equations, a foundational component of algebra that leads into future STEM-related disciplines.

A linear equation represents a straight line on a graph and has the form: y = mx + c (or y = mx + b in some regions), where m is the slope and c (or b) is the y-intercept.

It’s used to describe relationships with a constant rate of change (slope) between two variables.

Professions in finance, data analysis, engineering and other industries frequently use linear equations to model relationships, predict outcomes and analyse data trends.

Understanding linear equations builds academic problem-solving skills, improves logical thinking, and is essential for tackling more complex mathematics and real-world problems.

Enjoy our video where Miss Elizabeth Schluter simply explains the world of linear equations and their real-world applications.