Year 1 Excursion: Kingston Butter Factory | Recap & Photo Gallery

Today, our Year 1 students embarked on an enriching educational journey at the Kingston Butter Factory, engaging deeply in subjects such as Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Visual Art.

This marked a particularly special occasion, as it was their first external excursion as Canterbury students.

During this insightful visit, our young learners took part in a variety of hands-on exhibits and activities, including:

  • Exploring the Historical Museum.
  • Discovering digital stories like ‘Our Aunties and Uncles,’ ‘Our Words Our Stories’ and ‘Waijin: The Guardian of Scrubby Creek’ in the First Nations’ Space.
  • Exploring the Progression Playground: BMX Freestyle in Logan exhibit.
  • Examining historical photographs of the Kingston Butter Factory.
  • Creating artwork inspired by Logan’s rich BMX history.

Check out the full gallery on MyCC News HERE for a glimpse into this multifaceted learning excursion.