Term One Week 4 | Junior School Weekly Wrap Up

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have enjoyed another great week in the Junior School.

Our top swimmers participated in the Pacific District Swimming Carnival on Monday, and our Year 6 students from Becket, Goldsworthy, Cranmer and Kime enjoyed a catered breakfast in the Secondary School getting to know their Heads of House.

Temple and Ramsey will head up next Thursday.

Our classrooms were opened up one morning each this week, providing an opportunity for students to show their parents around the space and their learning.

Who Is Who In The Junior School

I hope that parents have had an opportunity to see our new Junior School Leadership Team around campus in the mornings, afternoons, after school and at Junior TAS weekend rounds.

If you are not yet sure who is who, here are the details:



First port of call for parents or carers is always the class teacher, however – if a concern is not resolved at the classroom level, the classroom teacher will refer it to the Leadership Team.

Like myself, these staff are always open to communication from parents and carers.

Homework Club

A reminder that our Homework Club is a service provided to students who require support to complete their homework or assessments.

Staff and Secondary School tutors are available to guide students as they complete their tasks.

Students who do not have any work to complete should not attend.

Our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden

Due to the popularity of this hands-in-the-dirt, real-world program, we are happy to announce that all students from the Early Learning Centre to Year 6 now have the opportunity to engage with our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden, under the instruction of our resident plant whisperer, Mr Paul Penny.

While the bulk of the program is focused on the Years 2, 3 and 4 students, classes from all year levels have now been allocated time in the garden, including a specialised Spark elective for our Years 5 and 6 students.

If you missed it, here is a lovely snapshot of a recent Lilly Pilly harvest, with the products now well on their way to becoming a delicious jam: Link to Video.

Community Of Kindness

We are implementing a whole College theme in 2023, A Community Of Kindness, to encourage our College community to strengthen their sense of togetherness and belonging, and as a way of making our own community a better place for the entire community.

Evidence suggests that real-life acts of kindness really do create a positive ripple that lifts the whole community.

This study has shown that generosity and kindness propagates and spreads.

It shows we feel happier when spending money on others instead of ourselves, and that acts of kindness increase not only the receiver’s, but also the giver’s sense of wellbeing, autonomy and competence.

People not only reciprocated acts of kindness by taking the initiative to find out who had been kind to them, but also paid it forward to others, thereby spreading that feeling of generosity.

There has been work done in classrooms with students and meetings with staff in the first few weeks.

Below is a display in the Junior School Admin Office which has been contributed to by the entire Junior School.


In line with this approach, we would like to extend and encourage our parent/carer members of the College community to join this initiative by performing random acts of kindness too.

Today is actually International Random Acts Of Kindness Day so students and staff have made additional efforts today to be kind to each other.

Community Code Of Conduct

An imperative aspect of a child’s education is the partnership between the parents and carers and the school.

These partnerships include parents and carers with: teachers, support staff, leadership or any other persons employed by the school.

It is accepted by all parties at completion of enrolment, that the student is at the centre of decisions made and their best interests and safety are always considered.

It is also the responsibility of the school to consider the interests and safety of other staff and students in decision-making.

We value the partnership we have with our parents and carers and often with other extended family members.

As a community, Canterbury has worked with and supported families for over 35 years, to successfully see thousands of students graduate.

To ensure continued success in our partnership within our community, we would like to direct you to our Community Code of Conduct: Link to Community Code of Conduct.

Canterbury OSHC Update

Thank you for your patience as we have worked through the process of onboarding the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) registration for our Outside School Hours Care service.

We understand the delay in securing this registration was frustrating for many families.

And we appreciate the efficiency with which most families have ensured that Complying Written Agreements (CWAs) have been consented to for students.

A very important communication has been sent to all OSHC families regarding some changes to the way fees are being charged.

If you have not yet read this communication, please follow the link here: Link to News Item.

‘It Takes A Village’ Partnership Program

We have a Parent Volunteer Induction Session next week on Friday 24 February from 8:45am – 9:15am in the Junior School Library.

This course must be undertaken by parents or other community members every 12 months to ensure currency of understanding.

This is a measure to keep our children safe and we welcome parents coming into the College to assist in our classrooms.

Please follow this link here to register: Link to Register.

Partnership Article: Keeping Your Child Active

Physical activity is so important.

Research has shown that exercise is beneficial for helping your child think, concentrate and solve problems, all of which are essential skills when it comes to learning.

This week’s article is all about ways we can encourage and support our children to be active to develop necessary skills: Link to Article.

Upcoming Events

Saturday 18 February Junior TAS Sport Round 3
Monday 20 February 4THH Open Classroom 8:00am
Tuesday 21 February Year 5 Open Classroom 8:00am
Wednesday 22 February Ash Wednesday
Thursday 23 February Years 6-12 House Breakfast – Temple & Ramsey
Thursday 23 February 1JOW Open Classroom 8:00am
Friday 24 February Prep, Year 1 (not JOW), Year 2 and Year 6 Open Classrooms 8:00am
Friday 24 February Parent Volunteer Induction Session
Saturday 25 February Junior TAS Sport Round 4 and Co-Curricular Photos

I hope all members of our Junior School community enjoy a restful weekend with plenty of active family time.

Yours faithfully

Michelle Leftwitch
Head of Junior School