St Stephen’s College 2023 Interschool Spelling Bee | Congratulations To Our Successful Spellers!

Our top Years 3-6 spellers from our own inhouse Canterbury Spelling Bee, competed at the 2023 Interschool Spelling Bee on Wednesday evening at St Stephen’s College on the Gold Coast.

Congratulations to Karas Armanious, Emily Yang, Rayven Penn and Anagha Menon on representing the College!

They competed against students from different South-East Queensland schools, to spell words from a known list and then some unseen words.

These students all prepared for the big day with our Lumina Coordinator, Mr Jonathon Wheatley, in their Lumina coaching sessions.

NB: The Lumina Program supports high performing students in Canterbury’s Junior School.

The competition results are as follows:

  • Year 3 student Karas Armanious progressed to the final rounds where he tied for third place.
  • Year 4 student Emily Yang won her year level division.
  • Year 5 student Rayven Penn competed confidently in 10 rounds of the unseen words component to finish as runner-up.
  • Year 6 student Anagha Menon won her year level division.

As winners of their year level divisions, both Emily and Anagha will have their names engraved on the St Stephen’s College Perpetual Spelling Bee Trophy.

Congratulations and well done to all our students who represented us with pride!