Prep Science Incursion | Professor Jellybean: Topic ‘Colour Your World’

Today, all our Prep student classes enjoyed an exciting Science incursion with regular visiting educator Professor Jellybean.

This term, the preppies are exploring the scientific topic ‘Colour Your World’, so Professor Jellybean guided them through a hands-on investigation to uncover the colourful world around us.

The students learned about the flow of light energy and discovered how sunlight powers life on Earth.

One highlight was mixing a seaweed solution with calcium water to create colourful ‘worms’, demonstrating a fascinating chemical reaction.

The students were thrilled to watch the natural changes happen right before their eyes.

Our young preppies also studied how changes in nature can occur, as they prepared seed bombs that they will later plant.

These will bloom into vibrant, insect-attracting flowers, connecting them to the natural world.

Through these engaging activities, Professor Jellybean integrated key elements of the Australian Curriculum, making science both fun and interactive for our young learners.

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