UPDATE: Canterbury Craft Collective – 66/100 Hats DONE! | 3:30pm – 4:45pm, Every Tuesday After School: Terms 2–4 @ Senior School Library

What an incredible response from the students regarding our new little Canterbury Craft Collective Club.

With their help, we have already made it to 66 hats/beanies to donate to Rosies: Friends On The Street on our big tally poster goal of 100.

But now our bank of yarn is actually starting to run low…

So if any families have any unwanted balls of wool to donate, that would be much appreciated!

Here is a photo of our tally poster so far, and what my desk looks like at the moment.

We are based in the Senior School Library for any wool drop-offs – thank you!

Ms Anita Pendreigh, Head of Libraries & Information Services, Teacher –

What: Canterbury College Craft Collective!

When: 3:30pm – 4:45pm, Every Tuesday After School: Terms 2–4, 2024.
(Plus some Lunch Breaks for students with sports training clashes).

Where: Senior School Library – Canterbury College.

Who: For ALL Senior School Students: Years 7–12.

Cost: FREE College Activity Club!

Club Coordinator Contacts:

Ms Katrina Moore, Teacher –

Ms Anita Pendreigh, Head of Libraries & Information Services, Teacher –

RSVPs: Simply email the Club Coordinators OR just turn up to the club meetings.


Term 2 Mission:

We want to crochet 100 hats / beanies to donate to Rosies: Friends On The Street.

Plus plenty more practical and community-focussed craft ideas for Terms 3–4.

So come learn some useful skills and share your ‘crafty’ passions as a group with us…