Orange Sky Australia Community Spirit | The Sudsy Challenge 3-Day Fundraiser ON NOW!

Check out these ‘orange spirit filled’ Junior School students, Secondary School students and Canterbury staff, as they kick-start our campus-wide The Sudsy Challenge fundraiser for Orange Sky Australia‘s homeless services!

They will be wearing their SAME official bright orange Sudsy Challenge t-shirts for the next three days straight – starting from today until the last day of Term 3 on Friday.

The goal is to raise awareness about the plight of homeless people when it comes to needing their clothes washed or having a simple hot shower.

You can contribute directly to the Canterbury College Junior School, Secondary School and Canterbury Staff joint tally by visiting The Sudsy Challenge donations page HERE.

Join us in making a difference as we approach our $30,000 target and beyond!

And don’t forget THIS Thursday’s The Sudsy Challenge Fundraiser & R U OK? Day Awareness Kime House Festival hosted by those Kime House Tigers!