NEW: Canterbury Secondary School Lost + Found Property Room

Canterbury’s new Secondary School Lost + Found Property Room is located inside P Block – the room on the right of P4.

Existing lost property and uniforms are currently in storage boxes and containers.

However, our Facilities Team are working towards installing shelves and clothing racks to keep lost and found property items tidy and in good order – hopefully by the end of July.

Lost + Found Property Room Access

The Lost + Found Property Room will be open for 20 minutes every Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:00am – 8:20am for students to access.

Rina Leapai will supervise the room during this time.

If students need to access the room at any other time, they can contact their Head of House or Rina Leapai at the Secondary Administration Office.

Students can only access the room with staff supervision.

Parents and carers can also contact Rina Leapai at the Secondary Administration Office to arrange a visit –  | 07 3299 0843

Canterbury remains acutely aware that parents and carers spend hard-earned money on school uniforms each year, and hopes this dedicated room will help reunite all lost items with their rightful owners, especially during these tougher economic times…