Meet Our United Nations Day Event MCs | By Year 12 Student Emerald Kaing

Hello Canterbury Community,

As one of the proud student MCs at our upcoming United Nations Day Multicultural Celebration on Friday 14 June, I’ve asked my fellow student MCs to write a short blurb about themselves.

This way we know a little more about them and how they’ve contributed to our past UN Days…

Starting with me…


Emerald Kaing (Year 12)

1. What is your cultural background?

I am half Cambodian and half Teochew Chinese.

2. What has been your previous involvement with past UN Days?

I’ve always been involved since the very first event in 2020!

I’ve brought food and represented my cultural heritage in traditional dress.

3. What do you love about UN Day?

I love seeing all the amazing cultural attire, as well as the plethora of delicious foods.

Afterall, food is a love language for many cultures.

4. What will you bring to the role of MC?

I like to think my MCing is very ‘go with the flow’ and I love a bit of humour and banter with my fellow MCs and the audience.

But my favourite part about MCing is the opportunity to ensure things are going smoothly and on time!


Tadiwa Manangazira (Year 12)

1. What is your cultural background?

I identify primarily with my Zimbabwean nationality.

2. What has been your previous involvement with past UN Days?

Over the past two years, I’ve been actively involved in the African dance segment, dancing alongside individuals who share a deep cultural connection with me.

3. What do you love about UN Day?

It offers a unique opportunity to celebrate the rich diversity of our backgrounds and embrace the differences that make each of us unique.

4. What will you bring to the role of MC?

I’m a ‘Learner’, so I want to know a piece of information from each and every country participating in this year’s United Nations Day.

I will try not to display any A+ Level Yapping Skills up on stage.


Morwary Kamali (Year 12)

1. What is your cultural background?

Afghan heritage.

2. What has been your previous involvement with past UN Days?

At every UN Day, I have brought food along and helped other countries with distributing their food on the day.

3. What do you love about UN Day?

I love to see how diverse our school is, with the amazing cultures and different foods in our Canterbury community.

Not only is it an eventful day full of performances, but a memorable day that we will always remember after we graduate.

4. What will you bring to the role of MC?

As a passionate public speaker, I will bring enthusiasm, energy and the ability to connect with the audience, making sure everyone stays engaged and entertained.


Ayesha To’o Tufuga (Year 11)

1. What is your cultural background?

Samoan heritage.

2. What has been your previous involvement with past UN Days?

Since the first event in 2020, I have provided food, danced on stage and even been an MC in 2022.

3. What do you love about UN Day?

I love how UN Day gives the students within Canterbury the opportunity to showcase their cultures, dances, foods and practices to the rest of the school.

I also love how it brings students together to collaborate and bond during the planning and rehearsing of the event.

4. What will you bring to the role of MC?

I think that my positive aura enables me to be loud and vibrant when MCing.

I often like to include audience interactions and bring some fun and laughs into the event.

I’m actually really excited for this year’s event!

As a student that has participated in UN Day previously, I know that it gets bigger and better every year.



Emerald Kaing
Year 12 Canterbury Student

Emerald Kaing

2024 United Nations Day – Canterbury College Multicultural Celebration | 10am – 2:15pm, THIS Friday 14 June @ Canterbury Events Centre (CEC)

Event Information & FREE Entry Ticket Booking Link.

Food Stall Requirements, Important Information & Compulsory Short Questionnaire.