MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT | Our 2024 Year 12 Student Leadership Team

Today I have great pleasure in announcing our new Year 12 Student Leadership Team for 2024.

These students have been selected after a rigorous nomination, application, interview and shortlisting process during Term 3.

Congratulations to our 2024 School Captains Lilly Rider and Lara Mead.

Joining Lilly and Lara as Prefects of the School are:

House Captains

Becket House Captain: Pippa Nelson

Cranmer House Captain: Tadiwa Manangazira

Goldsworthy House Captain: Ella Furlong

Kime House Captain: Kaylee Tamala

Ramsey House Captain: Lachlan Trent

Temple House Captain: Mach Pukallus

Portfolio Captains

Academic Captain: Angelina Som

Spirituality Captain: Roy McGregor

Social Justice Captain: Ruby Wandschneider

Sports Captain: Ainslie-Alyssa Iva

Performing Arts Captain: Jasmine Wheatley

Our Year 12 Student Leadership Team also contains these Vice-Captains of each House:

House Vice-Captains: Community

Becket: Reini Blackmore

Cranmer: Gabrielle Watson

Goldsworthy: Sumayah Goss

Kime: Joshua Fullard

Ramsey: Saphfire Woods

Temple: Hannah Peddell

House Vice-Captains: Competition

Becket: Alec Dyer

Cranmer: Riley Franklin

Goldsworthy: Blythe Nimmo

Kime: Ashley Broadbent

Ramsey: Lorren Ieli

Temple: Tylah Marshall

Early in Term 4, we will be receiving nominations for Activity Captain positions for each of our Sport, Performing Arts and Thought Sports activities.

These will be announced by Week 4 of Term 4.

We wish all these students the very best as they commence their leadership positions in Term 4.

Our Student Leaders Investiture Ceremony will be held on Tuesday 3 October at 1:30pm in our Canterbury Events Centre (CEC).


Mr Dan Walker
College Principal

NB: Our 2024 Year 12 Student Leadership Team Poster printable PDF.Our 2024 Year 9 Student Leaders Printable PDF.