Junior School Weekly Wrap Up | Term One, Week 5

Dear Parents and Carers,

Week 5 has brought some memorable events to the Junior School campus – our House Choir competition, new student lunches, House Spirit breakfasts and key religious events including Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday.



Canterbury College Junior School students in Years 3 and 5 will participate in the 2023 NAPLAN Online Assessments in Term 1 this year between Wednesday 15 March and Tuesday 21 March.

The testing is being held earlier this year than previous years.

From this year, there will also be changes in the way NAPLAN is marked.

This will allow you to get earlier, simpler, and clearer information about your child’s NAPLAN achievement.

Previously, a ten-band structure was used that aligned with tests that were created in 2008.

As NAPLAN tests are now online and have a very different format to the old style of testing, the bands are no longer consistently aligned.

This year, new proficiency standards with four levels of achievement will be introduced:

  • Exceeding
  • Strong
  • Developing
  • Needs additional support.

Please refer to the Media Release from the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority for more information on this. Link to Media Release

Classroom teachers are currently familiarising students with the NAPLAN online environment through participation in the NAPLAN school practice tests.

Canterbury Canteen

The Canterbury Canteen is cashless, and Junior School students are to only use their My Student Account for purchases at the Canteen.

From next Monday, students in Years 3-6 will need to bring their student card to the Canteen to be served.

Cash, student numbers and bank cards will not be accepted by the Canteen for students in these year levels.

Prep – Year 2 can only use the paper bag system for the Canteen.

If students do not have their ID card (and do not have a packed lunch) they will be able to access a lunch voucher at the Junior School Admin Office.

After School Pick Up

Students are to be picked up from these designated areas each afternoon:

  • Prep – Year 1: Easterly Street Pick Up
  • Years 2-6: High Road Carpark Pick Up

Students are not permitted to meet their parents at the ELC.

There is no staff supervision there at this time, and this area remains out-of-bounds for students unless they have been collected from a pick-up area by their parents/carers and are escorted by their parents/carers.

Under no circumstances are siblings under the age of 18 able to sign ELC students out of the Early Learning Centre.

I also take this opportunity to remind parents/carers not to wait on the verandahs outside classrooms, as this can be very disruptive and inhibit students’ learning.

Mother’s Day Staff

I am seeking expressions of interest from parents/carers to join a volunteer team to plan and coordinate the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Stalls in our Junior School this year.

For any families new to Canterbury, each year parent volunteers purchase, collect, prepare, and sell a range of gift items in the lead up to Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

A market stall day is then held for our students to do their shopping – an event that students really look forward to with anticipation.

This year the Mother’s Day Stall will be held on Friday 12 May.

Volunteering on projects such as this is a wonderful way to meet other parents and really support the school.

There are a range of ways that you can support this project:

  • Volunteer to help manage the project and team of volunteers.
  • Volunteer to be a team member and help prepare and sell the gifts.
  • Donate gift items: food items, personal care items, knick-knacks, craft items etc.

If you are interested in volunteering your time to this team, please contact Katrina Flower on  and we will arrange an on-campus meeting to get the project off the ground.

Further information will come regarding donations of items to sell.

Thank you in advance for your support of the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day stalls for 2023.

International Women’s Day

On Wednesday 8 March we will be recognising and highlighting International Women’s Day here at Canterbury.

This year’s theme is ‘Cracking The Code: Innovation For A Gender Equal Future’.

Students are encouraged to wear a splash of purple with their school uniform e.g. a ribbon, scrunchie, socks, tie, hat, etc – but no t-shirts, skin paint, zinc, wigs etc are permissible.

Students are welcome to, but not pressured to, donate a gold coin which will go towards The Centre For Women & Co., a not-for-profit organisation that exists to educate, support and empower women and their families across the Redlands and Logan region.

Partnership Article: Difference And Diversity


As part of our Wellbeing Programs and Canterbury Values, we teach our students about difference and valuing and accepting others.

It is important that discussions occur in families to support students’ understanding.

The adapted article I am sharing this week provides suggestions for how to talk to your children about difference and diversity. Link to Article

Upcoming Events

Saturday 25 February Junior TAS Round 4 and Cocurricular Photos
Thursday 2 March Prep Hear To Learn Testing
Saturday 4 March Junior TAS Round 5
Monday 6 – Tuesday 7 March Bridge Builders Mediator Training
Monday 6 March APS Sumo Robotics Scrimmage
Monday 6 March Years 5/6 The Sacred Sister and Rock And Water Incursions
Wednesday 8 March International Women’s Day

Yours faithfully

Michelle Leftwich
Head of Junior School