Goldsworthy House | Form Challenge Cup Presentations: Video Competition!

This afternoon, the Goldsworthy House Griffins presented their form class short films, based around one of our core values: Courage.

Often when we think about courage, we picture great feats – like jumping out of a plane, standing up for what we believe in, or succeeding on the sporting field when we were not given any chance.

Goldsworthy’s form classes were asked to produce a short film highlighting the courage it sometimes takes to achieve academically.

Having the courage to step outside your ‘comfort zone’, and doing something as simple as asking for help, is one form of personal courage that is often overlooked.

For many students it is difficult to take this step, and this is why we chose: Courage To Achieve Academically as the theme for our films.

As the Goldsworthy Head of House, I and our seven fantastic form teachers, were impressed by the work presented.

It certainly made the task of selecting a winner that much more difficult for Mr Mills and Ms Dixon.

There were seven fantastic films, but unfortunately only one winner, and that winner is Goldsworthy 3 – the Tiffany Griffins.

Massive congratulations to all those that worked hard to put this film together and for Ms Wu’s input over the past few weeks.

Tiffany Griffins #1


Mr Warren Musk
Goldsworthy Head of House