Canterbury Recognised As Microsoft Surface Lighthouse School

Microsoft Surface Lighthouse Schools are part of an exclusive cohort of Australian schools that are using Surface technology in innovative ways, and displaying a truly future-focused commitment to teaching and learning.

At Canterbury, Surface devices are used by all teaching staff and students in Years 4-11 (Years 4-12 from 2025 onwards). ‍‍⌨️️

Microsoft Surface devices, coupled with their versatile and intuitive software ecosystem, have significantly transformed the educational landscape, providing innovative benefits for both students and staff.

The interactive and touch-enabled features of Surface devices facilitate a more engaging and dynamic learning experience.

Students can leverage the touchscreens, digital pens and detachable keyboards to seamlessly transition between note-taking, collaborative projects and traditional assignments – fostering a more interactive and personalized approach to education.

One of the key advantages lies in the integration of Microsoft’s educational software suite, such as Microsoft 365 and OneNote, which streamline collaboration, organisation and communication.

Students and educators can collaborate in real-time, share resources, and provide instant feedback, fostering a collaborative and connected learning environment.

Furthermore, Surface devices support innovative teaching methods, allowing educators to create and deliver multimedia-rich content.

The devices’ adaptability to various learning styles and scenarios makes them a versatile tool for implementing modern pedagogical approaches.

With the Surface Pen, students can annotate, draw and creatively express themselves, promoting a more immersive and hands-on learning experience.

In essence, the Microsoft Surface devices empower both students and teachers to embrace a more interactive, collaborative and technology-enhanced educational journey.


Please click this link for more information: Microsoft Surface Lighthouse Schools | Microsoft Education

Mr James Jenkins
Head of AI and Digital Transformation