Congratulations Class Of 2023 Students With Early University Course Offers

Congratulations Class Of 2023 Students With Early University Course Offers

Congratulations to Canterbury College's Class Of 2023 who have secured early offers from universities for the upcoming year!

Your achievements shine brightly, marking the beginning of a promising academic journey...

Well done!

Griffith University

Bachelor of Animation x 1 Student
Bachelor of Business x 2 Students
Bachelor of Construction Management x 1 Student
Bachelor of Crime and Criminal Justice x 2 Students
Bachelor of Film and Screen Media x 1 Student
Bachelor of Forensic Science x 1 Student
Bachelor of Health Science x 3 Students
Bachelor of Music x 2 Students
Bachelor of Psychological Science x 1 Student
Bachelor of Sport Development x 1 Student
Bachelor of Visual Arts x 1 Student

QUT: Queensland University of Technology

Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) x 1 Student
Bachelor of Built Environment (Interior Design) x 1 Student
Bachelor of Business x 4 Students
Bachelor of Creative Industries x 3 Students
Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) x 1 Student
Bachelor of Engineering x 3 Students
Bachelor of Science x 2 Students
Bachelor of Social Work x 1 Student

UQ: University of Queensland

Bachelor of Music x 1 Student

Bond University

Bachelor of Actuarial Science x 1 Student
Bachelor of Biomedical Science x 1 Student
Bachelor of Business x 1 Student
Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science x 1 Student
Bachelor of Laws x 1 Student
Bachelor of Psychological Science x 1 Student

Southern Cross University

Bachelor of Education x 1 Student
Bachelor of Laws x 1 Student
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy x 1 Student
Bachelor of Psychological Science x 1 Student

University of the Sunshine Coast

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy x 1 Student

NB: Students may not necessarily accept these early course offers, and change their preferences in future offer rounds - this is merely today's snapshot.

2023 Canterbury Year 6 Celebration Evening | Photo Gallery & Reflection

2023 Canterbury Year 6 Celebration Evening | Photo Gallery & Reflection

During the 2023 Canterbury Year 6 Celebration Ceremony last night, we took a moment to reflect on our Year 6 students' journey through the Junior School, before their exciting transition into Secondary School.

As everyone gathered, we shared in the joy of watching nostalgic videos, with a special highlight on those students captured during their time here in Prep.

These videos - featuring interviews about their favourite things, brought smiles and fond memories.

The atmosphere was filled with the exchange of gifts and fragrant flowers.

An array of delectable lamb koftas, nourishing salads, and refreshing beverages added to the festive post-ceremonial ambience.

For a visual journey through the evening, the complete photo gallery is now accessible on our Facebook Page HERE. 

Canterbury's New Professional On-Campus Music Recording Studio

Canterbury's New Professional On-Campus Music Recording Studio

Attention: Music Enthusiasts!

Canterbury College is now home to a state-of-the-art professional music recording studio, and our Rock School students are seizing the opportunity!

Today, Guitar Trio is making some musical magic, and Jasmine is rocking the drums, showcasing that our new facility is the real deal!

Get ready for some chart-topping tunes coming your way! #CanterburyRockSchool

See more music recording studio photos on our Facebook page HERE.

2023 Year 12 Guard Of Honour & Graduation Ceremony | Event Wrap & Photo Gallery

2023 Year 12 Guard Of Honour & Graduation Ceremony | Event Wrap & Photo Gallery

Congratulations and best wishes to our fantastic Year 12 students who graduated this morning!

Their milestone day commenced with a final Form class in their respective Houses, followed by a heartfelt Whole College Farewell Guard Of Honour.

The entire student body lined either side of the main avenue, from Secondary School's Jacaranda Tree to the Canterbury Events Centre, paying tribute to our Class of 2023.

Inside the packed CEC, our Year 12 cohort received their framed graduation certificates following their Final Roll Call, inspiring speeches, and blessings during the Graduation Ceremony in front of emotional family and friends. ‍‍

Explore the complete photo gallery on our Facebook Album HERE for a visual journey through the morning.

Well done, Class of 2023 - now you can join our awesome Alumni Facebook Group HERE!

2023 Year 12 Final Chapel Service | Photo Gallery ️

2023 Year 12 Final Chapel Service | Photo Gallery ️

This morning's Year 12 Final Chapel Service provided an insightful opportunity to reflect on the journey our Class of 2023 undertook during their time at Canterbury.

Father Dan Talbot, our College Chaplain, delivered an uplifting sermon, offering prayers for our soon-to-be graduates, as they approach the next big phase of their lives.

Communion and the spirited singing of the College Hymn by staff and students followed. ️

Each student received a Canterbury bookmark featuring the College Prayer, and a photo capturing the view from Canterbury's gates, symbolising the road and sky ahead in their post-schooling journey.

Accompanying this was a heartfelt prayer, blessing our students for their World Ready futures.

The photos from this event can be found on our Facebook Page HERE.

2023 Canterbury Alumni Network Year 12 Graduation Breakfast | Photo Gallery

2023 Canterbury Alumni Network Year 12 Graduation Breakfast | Photo Gallery

‍‍ Our Class of 2023 Year 12s enjoyed a wholesome breakfast this morning at the 2023 Canterbury Alumni Network's Year 12 Graduation Breakfast. ☕

Notable Past Student, Alumni Committee Member, and Canterbury's Head of Science, Mr Nick Gillin, served as a memorable guest speaker, reflecting on his own experiences at the College. ‍⚗️

Each graduate received a complimentary native seedling gift - a living reminder of their valued tenure here with us.

The FULL gallery can be found on this MyCC News Story:

We warmly encourage ALL Class of 2023 graduates to now join our Canterbury College Official Alumni Network private Facebook Group, to stay in touch with us and each other ahead of future reunions.

The group features frequent photo and event updates, Throwback Thursdays, and provides an easy, engaging platform for meaningful discussions. ‍⌨️️

Year 12s 'Class Of 2023' | FINAL SCHOOL WEEK: Main Events Summary.

2023 Spring Music Festival: Panorama Concert | FULL Photo Gallery Now Available! ☀️

2023 Spring Music Festival: Panorama Concert | FULL Photo Gallery Now Available! ☀️

☀️ The 2023 Spring Music Festival: Panorama Concert last night was a showcase of the gradual musical progress of our Junior School students.

Kudos to all the students who took to the stage and poured their hearts into their performances!

It featured our very talented Year 5 Band, Junior Concert Band, Bravura Strings, Junior School Choir, Junior Flute Choir, A-Rin Kang, Lyvea Boulton and Leah Choi.

Check out the complete gallery of this event on our Facebook page HERE.

Whole School Remembrance Day Ceremony

Whole School Remembrance Day Ceremony

This morning, our Junior and Senior Schools united in a moving Remembrance Day ceremony, surrounded by the poignant fragrance of rosemary.

We were honoured to host Sergeant Benjamin Lawson from the 20th Regiment, Royal Australian Artillery - Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera, as our special guest.In a solemn ceremony, students laid wreaths beneath the flags, and our Year 3 cohort recited the renowned wartime poem In Flanders Fields - which honours the fallen heroes during WWI.

The atmosphere was filled with reverence as our students recited The Ode, and a touching rendition of The Last Post echoed, followed by a minute of silence and The Rouse.

Ahead of Saturday's significant 11/11 Remembrance Day, we commemorate the bravery and sacrifice of those who served in all wars and conflicts.

Photos from this ceremony can be found on our Facebook Page HERE.

Lest We Forget. ️ #RemembranceDay2023

Students Prepare Rosemary Plants For THIS Friday's Whole School Remembrance Day Ceremony

Students Prepare Rosemary Plants For THIS Friday's Whole School Remembrance Day Ceremony

Our Canterbury Kitchen Garden program promotes education and sustainability, so we are creatively reusing the plastic pots from ANZAC Day for Remembrance Day.

This campus-grown rosemary will be displayed at our Whole School Remembrance Day Ceremony THIS Friday at 11:30am. ️

It's heartwarming to see students from all grades coming together to prepare these pots, highlighting our strong sense of community. ✨

Thank you to our Junior School Eco Warriors and gardening guru Mr Penny for leading this endeavour.
More photos from this event can be found on our MyCC News Story HERE.

Junior School Dance Stars Twirl Their Way Through Exams

Junior School Dance Stars Twirl Their Way Through Exams

Today was the big day for our Junior School Dance stars as they had their Southern Federation of Dance exams!

Excitement filled the air in the Dance Studio as they practiced their moves before gearing up for their moment in the spotlight at the Performing Arts Centre.✨

High fives all around to our fantastic dancers.

Check out these happy photos of our very optimistic Dance students.

AND DON'T FORGET: 2024 Canterbury Dance | Full Uniform Guide: Items, Descriptions, Prices & Size Charts - ORDERS OPEN NOW!