2024 South-East Queensland Anglican Schools Student Leaders Symposium | Reflection, Photo Gallery & Video Highlights

2024 South-East Queensland Anglican Schools Student Leaders Symposium | Reflection & Photo Gallery

It was great to have the Anglican Student Leaders Symposium begin its day in our Chapel of the Good Shepherd, having Morning Prayer together.

Student leaders from Anglican schools across South-East Queensland helped to lead the service.

We were all blessed to be guided in our reflection time by the words of Archbishop of Brisbane Jeremy Greaves, who himself drew upon words from Archbishop of Canterbury Michael Ramsay - one of our Patrons here at Canterbury College.

The students heard from Bishop John Roundhill - Bishop of the Southern Region, later in the day too.

It was wonderful for him to be with us for Worship as well.

Fr Dan Talbot
College Chaplain

To see photos from this event, please visit our Facebook Page HERE.

Ash Wednesday Service | Lent Explained & Photo Gallery

Ash Wednesday Service | Lent Explained & Photo Gallery

Yesterday afternoon, our students from Years 1-12 participated in our Ash Wednesday Service, marking the commencement of Lent. ⛪✝️

Lent is 40 days, excluding Sundays, observed in the Christian calendar, dedicated to fasting, prayer, and reflection leading up to Easter Sunday.

It holds significant importance for Christians, especially those in the Anglican tradition, serving as a time of spiritual preparation and self-examination.

During Lent, Anglicans often give up something they enjoy or find challenging, like certain foods or habits, as a form of self-discipline and sacrifice.

This practice aims to redirect focus towards spiritual growth, detachment from material possessions, and strengthening one's relationship with God.

Moreover, Lent encourages increased prayer and contemplation on one's faith journey and connections with others.

Anglicans may engage in special worship services, such as Stations of the Cross or Lenten meditations, to aid in this introspection.

In the Anglican tradition, Lent serves as a vital period of preparation for Easter, the pinnacle of the Christian calendar.

Through observing Lent, Anglicans strive to deepen their spirituality, strengthen their faith, and gain a deeper understanding of Christ's sacrifice and resurrection.

For further insights on Ash Wednesday, you can read Father Dan's MyCC News Story by visiting his Weekly Reflection here: https://mycc.qld.edu.au/news/17652.

To see the photos from yesterday's Ash Wednesday Service event, please visit our Facebook page HERE.

House Spirit Breakfast | Kime & Temple

House Spirit Breakfast | Kime & Temple

And just like that, we've wrapped up the third and final House Spirit Breakfast for 2024!

The previous breakfasts inspired 'one-stop-choc' milk stations, so our Kime House and Temple House students from Years 5 to 12 came in droves, eager for a delicious morning kickstart. ☕

With our bellies full and spirits high, all eyes are now on Friday's epic 2024 House Choir Competition.

For more snapshots from this morning's breakfast, head to our Facebook Page HERE! 

House Spirit Breakfast | Cranmer & Goldsworthy

House Spirit Breakfast | Cranmer & Goldsworthy

Cranmer House and Goldsworthy House students from Years 5-12 jump-started the second House Spirit Breakfast this morning.

The turnout was as sweet as the free iced chocolate and pastries on offer!

With Kime House and Temple House up next for tomorrow's final House Spirit Breakfast for 2024, we're curious to see if they can top today's buzz!

To see more photos from this morning's event, please visit our Facebook Page HERE.

2024 Languages Week: Day 1 Monday - Lion Dances & Music Performances | Event Wrap | Video & Photo Gallery

2024 Languages Week: Day 1 Monday - Lion Dances & Music Performances | Event Wrap | Video & Photo Gallery

Today, our teachers donned red attire in honour of the Lunar New Year, and students and staff were treated to vibrant Lion Dances and music performances - stretching from the Senior School Administration to our Yalburru Community Cafe.

This is a great start for our Global Studies Faculty's first-ever Languages Week celebration. 新年快乐!

The full photo gallery can be found on our Facebook Page HERE.

2024 Year 12 Seniors Soiree | Photo Gallery & Video

2024 Year 12 Seniors Soiree | Photo Gallery & Video

Last Friday we hosted our 2024 Year 12 Seniors Soiree, offering students and their parents/carers a glimpse into the exciting year ahead, while mingling with key leadership staff and teachers. ✨‍

Amidst refreshing beverages, tasty canapes, and engaging conversations, it was a delightful evening for all.

Check out the FULL photo gallery on our Facebook Page HERE for a complete look at the event.

And check out our short event video HERE.

House Spirit Breakfasts | Becket & Ramsey Houses

House Spirit Breakfasts | Becket & Ramsey Houses

Becket House and Ramsey House students from Years 5 to 12 kicked off their day with a delicious breakfast at the Yalburru Community Cafe, gearing up for the exciting 2024 Canterbury Cup journey ahead!

It's always a blast to see students mingling across different year levels, forging new friendships and spreading good vibes.

Don't miss out on the fun – check out the photo gallery from this morning's breakfast on our Facebook Page HERE.

2024 House Choir Competition Rehearsals | Photos

2024 House Choir Competition Rehearsals | Photos

This year's 2024 House Choir competition rehearsals have been a fun experience for our Years 5-12 students.

Each House has chosen to perform a beloved childhood song from cherished movies.

Weekly rehearsals build anticipation for the grand event scheduled for Friday 16 February 2024 at the CEC from 2:00pm (TBC). ‍‍

More photos can be found on our Facebook Page HERE.

Canterbury Class Of 2023 Scholars Ceremony | Full Award-Winners List & Photo Gallery Weblink

Canterbury Class Of 2023 Scholars Ceremony | Full Award-Winners List & Photo Gallery Weblink

This morning, we celebrated our newly graduated Class Of 2023’s ATAR and final Year 12 results, at our annual Scholars Ceremony in the CEC.

Special Alumni guest Ebony Williams - Dux of Canterbury College in 2013, shared some inspiring words for our assembled Years 5-12 students, and the Class of 2023 graduates.

The whole Facebook Album photo gallery can be found at THIS WEBLINK HERE.

Dux of Canterbury College: Caleb Garai 

Proxime Accessit: Chloe Ahern 

 Class Of 2023 Jefferson Fern Medal Recipients 

Named after Mr Jefferson Fern – the first Dux of Canterbury College in 1991, and presented to those students who received an ATAR result of 90.00 or above.

  • Duli Silva
  • Jenny Chum
  • Makayla Lin
  • Kai Yi Keh
  • Alexander Arbuthnot
  • Ashley Dyer
  • Ramneek Randhawa
  • Sophie Jensen
  • Marwa Kamali
  • Grace Monroe
  • Attila Bencsik
  • Samuel Sayer
  • Kate Stone
  • Suhayl Seedat
  • Alecia Simpkins
  • Solene Dyer
  • Sophie Peddell
  • Eloise Stanley
  • Ashlyn Dinsdale
  • Aiden Hartl
  • Soomin Jung

Jefferson Fern Medal and Certificate of Academic Commendation Recipients

The following students were awarded a Jefferson Fern Medal and a Certificate of Academic Commendation.

Certificates of Academic Commendation are awarded to Year 12 graduates who achieve an ‘A’ in six General subjects.

  • Chloe Ahern
  • Caleb Garai
  • Marwa Kamali
  • Makalya Lin
  • Samuel Sayer
  • Duli Silva

 Class Of 2023 First In Subject Award Recipients 

First in Accounting

Duli Silva

First in Agricultural Science

Kristian Bilston

First in Biology (Joint)

Chloe Ahern
Sophie Jensen

First in Business Studies

Pyper McFarlane

First in Chemistry

Caleb Garai

First in Dance

Sienna Wells

First in Design

Ashlyn Dinsdale

First in Economics

Samuel Sayer

First in English

Samuel Sayer

First in Essential English

Lachlan McIntyre

First in Essential Mathematics

Lachlan McIntyre

First in Film, Television and New Media

Pyper McFarlane

First in French

Solene Dyer

First in General Mathematics

Marwa Kamali

First in Geography

Marwa Kamali

First in Health

Lilyana Fawkes

First in Japanese

Alecia Simpkins

First in Legal Studies

Kai Yi Keh

First in Literature

Chloe Ahern

First in Mathematical Methods

Caleb Garai

First in Modern History

Ramneek Randhawa

First in Music

Kate Stone

First in Music Extension (Composition)

Onyx Muscat

First in Music Extension (Performance)

Sophie Peddell

First in Physical Education

Jack Henry

First in Physics

Caleb Garai

First in Psychology

Marwa Kamali

First in Science in Practice

Aiden Hartl

First in Sport and Recreation

Christian Dowling

First in Specialist Mathematics

Caleb Carai

First in Visual Art

Pyper McFarlane

Certificate I in Construction

Jack Addley

Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways

Taj Nason

Certificate III in Fitness

Amy Hardgraves

Certificate III in Hospitality

Isaac Ramsay

Thank you to everyone who attended to celebrate the great achievements of our Class of 2023, then enjoyed morning tea afterwards with their former teachers.

Our Canterbury College's World Ready Report - Class Of 2023 Booklet PDF is attached summarising their final Year 12 achievements.

Canterbury Recognised As Microsoft Surface Lighthouse School

Canterbury Recognised As Microsoft Surface Lighthouse School

Microsoft Surface Lighthouse Schools are part of an exclusive cohort of Australian schools that are using Surface technology in innovative ways, and displaying a truly future-focused commitment to teaching and learning.

At Canterbury, Surface devices are used by all teaching staff and students in Years 4-11 (Years 4-12 from 2025 onwards). ‍‍⌨️️

Microsoft Surface devices, coupled with their versatile and intuitive software ecosystem, have significantly transformed the educational landscape, providing innovative benefits for both students and staff.

The interactive and touch-enabled features of Surface devices facilitate a more engaging and dynamic learning experience.

Students can leverage the touchscreens, digital pens and detachable keyboards to seamlessly transition between note-taking, collaborative projects and traditional assignments - fostering a more interactive and personalized approach to education.

One of the key advantages lies in the integration of Microsoft's educational software suite, such as Microsoft 365 and OneNote, which streamline collaboration, organisation and communication.

Students and educators can collaborate in real-time, share resources, and provide instant feedback, fostering a collaborative and connected learning environment.

Furthermore, Surface devices support innovative teaching methods, allowing educators to create and deliver multimedia-rich content.

The devices' adaptability to various learning styles and scenarios makes them a versatile tool for implementing modern pedagogical approaches.

With the Surface Pen, students can annotate, draw and creatively express themselves, promoting a more immersive and hands-on learning experience.

In essence, the Microsoft Surface devices empower both students and teachers to embrace a more interactive, collaborative and technology-enhanced educational journey.


Please click this link for more information: Microsoft Surface Lighthouse Schools | Microsoft Education

Mr James Jenkins
Head of AI and Digital Transformation