EduTECH Australia 2024: Featuring Guest Speakers Principal Mr Dan Walker & Deputy Principal Mrs Meagan King

EduTECH Australia 2024: Featuring Guest Speakers Principal Mr Dan Walker & Deputy Principal Mrs Meagan King

With Canterbury College’s drive to have the best teachers educating your children, and constantly upskilling our teaching staff with ongoing Professional Development, our Principal Mr Dan Walker and Deputy Principal Mrs Meagan King are currently attending the EduTECH Australia 2024 Conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

As Australia’s largest education industry event with 350 speakers and 400 exhibitors, EduTECH serves over 10,000 educators and training professionals, who are eager to embrace innovation and foster growth while gaining Professional Development.

Our Principal and Deputy Principal are both there as guest speakers with Mr Walker on the ‘Leading A School Of The Future’ discussion panel and Mrs King on the 'Leading Innovation - Different Together' discussion panel, amongst other thought-provoking seminars and dynamic roundtables led by industry pioneers and experts.

The evolving needs of K-12 schools like ours, the impact and best usage of technology like AI, higher education, vocational education, continued learning, and educational infrastructure are all being debated at this major conference.

National Science Week: Science Factory – 50 Interactive Science & Technology Based Activities | Photo Gallery, Highlights Video & Event Wrap

National Science Week: Science Factory – 50 Interactive Science & Technology Based Activities | Photo Gallery & Event Wrap

Through Tuesday’s challenging and fun learning activities, students were encouraged to obtain the skills needed to analyse and respond through inquiry, imagination and innovation.

Science aims to ensure that students develop a means of expanding their curiosity and willingness to explore, ask questions and speculate on the changing world in which they live.

So 50 interactive science and technology-based activities were set up – from hearing heartbeats with stethoscopes, to animal x-rays and creating wind with a bucket and elastic – every activity featured easy-to-follow instructions, making each session a guided discovery lesson.

Students were able to create, invent and improve their overall thinking skills in a fun and educational way.

The Science ACARA (Australian Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Authority) Curriculum emphasises the development of scientific knowledge, understanding and skills to help students explore and make sense of their world.

This Science Factory ‘expo’ can be related to the Science ACARA Curriculum in several ways:

  1. Growing scientific inquiry skills by encouraging students to ask questions, hypothesise and investigate phenomena.
  2. Fostering a scientific mindset and developing critical thinking skills in students.
  3. Encouraging students to use their scientific knowledge creatively and critically.

For the full photo gallery, please visit our Facebook Page HERE.

National Science Week: Reptile Visit | Photo Gallery, Highlights Video & Event Wrap

National Science Week: Reptile Visit | Photo Gallery, Highlights Video & Event Wrap

During Tuesday’s lunch break, our Senior and Junior School students participated in an educational session as part of National Science Week.

They learned about the eons of reptile evolution, their various survival mechanisms, and the unique biological characteristics of these cold-blooded and scaly creatures firsthand.

Thanks to Sarah from True Blue Reptiles for leading these informative lessons and introducing us to their remarkable reptilian guests, which included turtles, snakes and lizards.

Check out our full photo gallery on our Facebook Page HERE.

Term 3 Loud Lunch Concert With Cranmer House ‘Daffodil Day’ BBQ Fundraiser | Event Wrap, Photo Gallery & Live Music Performance Video

Term 3 Loud Lunch Concert With Cranmer House ‘Daffodil Day’ BBQ Fundraiser | Event Wrap, Photo Gallery & Live Music Performance Video

During today’s lunch break, our Cranmer House Wolf Pack joined the Canterbury Rock School’s Loud Lunch Concert with their BBQ Fundraiser, to raise money and awareness for Cancer Council Australia's national Daffodil Day happening on Thursday 22 August.

If you wish to donate directly to the Cranmer House Daffodil Day Appeal, the Official Online Fundraising Page is HERE.

A big thank you to our Canterbury Rock School Bands for their amazing performances – including a cover of Ocean Alley’s ‘Lemonworld’, and to our staff and students for helping with the food, drink and payment booths.

For the full photo gallery, please visit our Facebook Page HERE.

And just in case you missed our ‘Daffodil Day’ origami extravaganza now showcased in the Senior School Library, please see our video HERE.

The Future Of Education Summit 2024 Testimonials

The Future Of Education Summit 2024 Testimonials

I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to present a future-focused workshop at this inspired event.

The day brought together a diverse and articulate group of innovative educators who share an abiding commitment to providing students with practical, insightful, and enduring ways to navigate an ever-evolving landscape.

Participating in The Future Of Education Summit was uplifting and galvanising!

Nikki Bazaine
Head of Faculty - English | Teacher - Senior School


The Future Of Education Mentorship Breakfast was an incredible opportunity to not only listen to knowledge-rich presenters, but it allowed me to meaningfully connect with leaders across school contexts and states.

The mentors and presenters shared fantastic advice about how to pursue leadership opportunities and personal growth within schools, the digital space and external agencies.

My thinking was challenged and expanded, and I walked away with clear ‘next steps’ for how to build my professional personal brand and network.

The benefits did not stop at the end of the event, as I now have a network of like-minded individuals and mentors to reach out in the future.

Candice Stewart
Teacher - Junior School


The Future Of Education Summit leaves you full of provocations that challenge your thinking of education.

The Future Focused break-out sessions are engaging, giving an insight into projects created and delivered by educational colleagues in a variety of schools settings.

Using the most current research and having full focus on the skills required of the students of the future, you can't help but walk away knowing you've spent a day immersed in high-quality Professional Development, with the added extra of networking.

The Breakfast offers a truly impactful experience.

The careful matching of mentors and mentees, with dedicated time to talk, is the cherry on top of the Summit experience for aspirational leaders.

Meagan and Scott deliver a highly impactful summit which brims with a level of enthusiasm, to match their personalities.

Emma Crooks
Coordinator of Early Career Teacher Program | Teacher - Junior School


The Summit was an invaluable experience, as throughout the event, I was exposed to educational leaders and industry experts – as well as experts from different fields through a panel interview.

I left the Summit feeling very inspired about my future in the educational sector due to the forward-thinking discussions and networking opportunities presented throughout the event.

Courtney Jones
Teacher - Junior School

Talking Taipans Episode 7, 2024

Talking Taipans Episode 7, 2024

Welcome to the first Talking Taipans episode for Term 3!

In this episode, join Mr Marraiya and ‘fill-in’ co-host Mr Glasson, as they cover all our latest Junior TAS and TAS sporting news and updates...

00:10 | New Co-Host Mr Daniel Glasson

00:33 | Junior School JTAS Sport Update

00:58 | JTAS Updated Sport Draws – MyCC

01:50 | TAS Sport Rivalry Round Local Derby vs JPC THIS Saturday!

02:14 | JTAS Sport Locations

02:30 | Special Awards Presentation: 2024 Senior School Interhouse Athletics Carnival Age Champions


REMINDER: Logan’s RNA (Ekka) Show Public / School Holiday Monday 12 August

REMINDER: Logan’s RNA (Ekka) Show Public / School Holiday Monday 12 August

Canterbury College will be CLOSED on Monday 12 August for the annual Logan RNA (Ekka) Show Public / School Holiday.

Our Early Learning Centre AND Canterbury Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) Service AND Canterbury Aquatic, Tennis & Athletics Centre will also NOT be operating.

The following Wednesday 14 August is Brisbane’s RNA (Ekka) Show Public Holiday, and is NOT a Logan Area Public Holiday, so our school will operate as per normal on this Wednesday.

These holidays are based on a school’s physical address in the Logan City Council OR Brisbane City Council Local Government Areas, NOT the home suburbs where our parents and students are coming from, which causes confusion sometimes.

So there is only the ONE public / school holiday for Canterbury College on that Monday 12 August.

Life Education Queensland Visits Canterbury College

Life Education Queensland Visits Canterbury College

Over the past two weeks, our Junior School classes have engaged with trusted long-time health education sessions conducted by Life Education Queensland.

These sessions covered a range of important topics across all year levels, focusing on children's health and wellbeing – including nutrition, cyber safety, bullying, emotional health and relationships.

Since 1987, the same year Canterbury College was founded, this long-standing organisation has empowered over 1.5 million Queensland children and young people with the knowledge to make safer and healthier choices.

Last year alone, more than 201,852 students met Healthy Harold, their beloved giraffe mascot.

For more information on Life Education Queensland, please visit their website –

Congratulations Mr Chris Pollock: Head Of Faculty - Maths & Commerce | 2024 ACELQ Pivotal People Leadership Award Winner

Congratulations Mr Chris Pollock: Head Of Faculty - Maths & Commerce | 2024 ACELQ Pivotal People Leadership Award Winner

Congratulations to Mr Chris Pollock, our Head of Faculty – Mathematics and Commerce and Senior School Teacher, who has been awarded the 2024 Australian Council for Educational Leaders Queensland (ACELQ)’s Pivotal People Leadership Award.

This award recognises:

- His commitment and leadership in implementing the academic strategic direction of the school, which has made a positive impact on student achievements and outcomes.

- His contributions and leadership in our research partnership with the University of Queensland around two of our programs – The Learner's Toolkit and The Canterbury Way.

Awards Link -


About the Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL)

Our vision is to create a dynamic and collaborative learning community, where educators come together to share ideas and work towards our commitment to improve the quality of learning for all.

Our uniqueness is our connectedness with all in the education community, who represent the breadth, depth and diversity of the sector.

As Australia’s premier cross-sector professional association with a focus on leading and leadership at our core, we contribute to and draw from national and global research, practice and learning opportunities.

Interschool Spanish Day: Practicing Spanish Language Skills While Building Connections With Other Spanish Speakers

Interschool Spanish Day: Practicing Spanish Language Skills While Building Connections With Other Spanish Speakers

Today, our senior students who are studying Spanish, gathered at our Canterbury Functions Centre with three other schools for an all-day interschool cultural event.

The occasion provided an opportunity for the 50-odd students to practice their Spanish language skills, build connections and engage in three Spanish-themed activities.

They were required to give speeches that suited their chosen dress-up costumes, solve a written Spanish puzzle, and participate in a short Spanish-themed scavenger hunt.

The students were grouped into three main Spanish speaking countries to inspire some ‘cultural competition’ during the day – Mexico, Argentina and of course – Spain!

As the event concluded, students bid farewell to their newfound interschool ‘amigos’ and teaching staff with a heartfelt ‘adios.’

For more photos of the event, please visit our Facebook Page HERE.